Wastewater State Revolving Fund
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APPLICATION FORM Wastewater State Revolving Fund Loan Program (WWSRF) Return completed form and an additional copy to: WWSRF Administrator 100 North Senate Avenue, Rm. 1275 Indianapolis, IN 46204 www.srf.in.gov
A. Applicant name (political subdivision):
B. Name of Project: ______
C. Type of Applicant (check one): □ City □ Regional Water, Waste, Sewer District □ County □ Conservancy District □ Town □ Sanitary District □ Township □ Other ______
D. Location of the Proposed Project: City / Town: ______County (ies): ______(If project lies in multiple towns/cities, please specify percentage of project being constructed in each town or city; should equal 100%)
E. Civil Township(s) : ______USGS Quadrangle Map Name (s) , Township (s) , Range (s), Section(s) : ______
F1. State Representative District: ______F2. State Senate District: ______F3. Congressional District: ______
G. Indicate the Watershed in which the Project is located: ______(see Appendix A, B)
H. Service Area Population (use most recent census data)1: ______
I. Median Household Income for Service Area (use most recent census data): ______
J. Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU): (current) ______(proposed) ______
K. Number of Connections: (current) ______(post project) ______
L. Current User Rate/4,000 gallons: ______Estimated Post User Rate/4,000 gallons: ______
M. Current User Rate/5,000 gallons: ______Estimated Post User Rate/5,000 gallons: ______
N. Wastewater Treatment Provider: Current ______Proposed: ______
O. Treatment Facility Name: ______Address: ______
P. Outfall GPS location: Latitude: ______longitude: ______
Q. If community does not or will not have a treatment plant is there an inter-local agreement in place? Yes______No______
1 Census data is available at http://www.stats.indiana.edu/c2k/c2kframe.html
Page 1 of 7 Authorized Signatory (An official of the Community or Consulting Engineer wastewater system that is authorized to contractually obligate Contact: ______the applicant with respect to the proposed project. ): Firm: ______Name: ______Address: ______Title: ______City, State, Zip Code ______Telephone # (include area code): ______Telephone # (include area code): ______Address: ______Fax: ______City, State, Zip Code ______E-mail Address: ______E-mail: ______
Applicant Staff Contact (Community Representative to be Bond Counsel contacted directly for information if different from authorized Contact: ______signatory): Firm: ______Name: ______Address: ______Title: ______City, State, Zip Code ______Telephone # (include area code): ______Telephone # (include area code): ______Address: ______Fax: ______City, State, Zip Code ______E-mail: ______E-mail: ______Financial Advisor Certified Operator: Contact: ______Name: ______Firm: ______Telephone # (include area code): ______Address: ______E-mail: ______City, State, Zip Code ______Telephone # (include area code): ______Grant Administrator (if applicable) Fax: ______Contact: ______E-mail Address: ______Firm: ______Address: ______Local Counsel City, State, Zip Code ______Contact: ______Telephone # (include area code): ______Firm: ______Fax: ______Address: ______E-mail Address: ______City, State, Zip Code ______Telephone # (include area code): ______Fax: ______E-mail: ______
Page 2 of 7 A. Project Need: Complete as many of the following categories that apply to your project. Provide a brief description of the needs/problems associated with each. Descriptions can be found in Appendix C. Please attach additional sheets if necessary.
I. Secondary Treatment: ______
II. Advanced Treatment: ______
III. Infiltration/Inflow Correction and/or Major Sewer System Rehabilitation: ______
IV. New collection and/or Interceptor Sewers: ______
V. Combined Sewer Overflows: ______
VI. Storm Water Control: ______
VII. Nonpoint Source: ______
B. Proposed Project: Describe the scope of the proposed project and how it will address the applicant’s needs as enumerated above. Please provide a map showing proposed work areas providing quadrangle names, and township, range, and section numbers of work areas, if possible. Please attach additional sheets if necessary.
C. Environmental Benefits 1. Public Health / National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Violation / Agreed Order Will this project achieve compliance? Yes: _____ No: ____ Maintain compliance? Yes: ___ No: ____
2. Sewer Ban / Early Warning Notice Will this action remove the community from the SB or EWN action? Yes: _____ No: ______
D. Will any part of the project be constructed on previously undisturbed land? Yes ____ No ____
E. If NO, would it be accurate to describe your entire project as rehabilitation to an existing system? Yes ____ No ____ If NO, please explain: ______
F. Permit Information
1. Please provide the current NPDES permit number of your facility or the facility where you wastewater is treated: ______
The Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology’s definition of “undisturbed land” is “any land, including agricultural land (row-crop farmland, orchards, pasture, fallow farmland, or land that was previously farmland but is now grass or other vegetation), that has not been substantially disturbed by recent soil disturbing activities.”
Page 3 of 7 2. What is the expiration date of the permit? ______
3. Will the NPDES permit be revised as part of this project? Yes: ______No: ______
4. Have you requested a renewal for your permit? Yes: ______No: ______
5. If the plant will increase its treatment capacity, have you requested a Wasteload Allocation from IDEM’s Office of Water Quality Modeling Section? Yes: ____ No: ___
G. List any water quality concerns this project will address: ______
H. Does any part of the proposed project address:
a. Elements of the CSO Long Term Control Plan? Yes ___ No ___
b. Stormwater Rule 13 Best Management Practices? Yes ___ No ___
I. What are the anticipated environmental benefits of this project? ______
J. Does the community have a contingency plan for wastewater treatment emergencies? Yes __ No ___
K. Does the community have back-up power in case of emergency? Yes: _____ No: _____
L. Do you have a Watershed Management Plan? Yes ___ No ___
M. What receiving stream(s) does the wastewater treatment plant discharge (if any)? ______
N. What receiving stream will your CSO project(s) discharge (if any)? ______
O. Does the project incorporate Sustainable Infrastructure/Green Initiatives (SI/GI) categories/components?
Yes___ No___; for the SRF SI/GI Resource Document and SRF SI/GI Fact Sheet, please see www.SRF.IN.gov.
A. Important Anticipated Dates Preliminary Engineering Report Submittal: ______Contract Award: ______SRF Financial Due Diligence: ______SRF Loan Closing: ______Construction Start: ______Construction Complete: ______Note: if the project will be constructed in separate phases, please attach a separate page.
B. Please identify any other funding sources being considered, the amount requested and the anticipated funding time frame: Application Submittal Amount Requested Amount Awarded Date $$$ (if applicable) Office of Community and Rural Affairs CDBG Grant * U.S. Dept. of Commerce Economic Development Administration U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Rural Development IDEM Watershed Management Grant Local Funds Other:
E. Project Cost Estimate: Include estimates for ALL projects identified in the Project Information, Section III, A. Indicate estimates for each project. Please attach additional sheets if necessary.
Estimated Construction Costs:
Page 4 of 7 (I)Secondary Treatment $______(II)Advanced Treatment $______(IIIA)Inflow / Infiltration Correction $______(IIIB) Major Sewer System Rehabilitation $______(IV-A) New Collection Sewers $______(IV-B) New Interceptor Sewers $______(V) Combined Sewer Overflow Correction $______(VI) Storm Water Control $______(VII-A-K) Nonpoint Source Needs $______
Contingencies $______TOTAL CONSTRUCTION: $______
Estimated Non-Construction Costs:
Financial $______Legal $______Engineering Planning $______Engineering Design $______Other Engineering Services $______(Describe: ______) Other Non-construction Costs $______(Describe: ______) Land/Easement Acquisition Ineligible $______Land/Easement Acquisition Eligible $______TOTAL NON-CONSTRUCTION: $______
TOTAL PROJECT COST (Estimated): $______
C. Anticipated SRF Loan Amount (after other funding) ______D. Will this project proceed if other funding sources are not in place? Yes______No______
I certify that I am legally authorized by the legislative body to sign this application. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the foregoing information is true and correct.
______Signature of Authorized Signatory (Community Official)
______Printed or Typed Name
______Title of Authorized Signatory
Ineligible cost unless an integral part of the treatment system: defined as: spray irrigation, mound system, constructed wetlands, etc.
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