Parish Administrator Fr. Frank Macias

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Parish Administrator Fr. Frank Macias


Parish Administrator Fr. Frank Macias MIGHTY LIONS

School Principal Mrs. Carol Johnson Athletic Director Mr. Jesse Duron Jr.

School Office (210) 532-3166 After School Care (210) 532-3166 Ext. 505 Athletic Department (210) 532-3166 Ext. 524 Church Rectory (210) 533-9108

Revised August 2016


Dear Parents/Guardians and Student Athletes:

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in our Athletic Program for the upcoming school year. St. Leo the Great Catholic School is eager to start its athletic program. Our coaches and athletes await the competition in sports. We pride ourselves on good sportsmanship and teamwork. We ask you to enter into our Athletic Program with a spirit of fair play, respect for everyone who plays in the game, coaches the game, and our spectators.

Some of the many sports that we offer include volleyball, six man tackle football, basketball, and track & field. We also have an outstanding and exciting Cheer Squad for younger girls.

God has gifted each human being with talent to succeed in life. He asks us to keep our bodies healthy, strong, and to remember that they are the temples of the Holy Spirit. We ask God to bless each one of our athletes this year with His abundant Grace. Also, we ask Him to keep each player safe, both our players and the opposing team players, throughout all sporting events. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to the Athletic Director and he will be happy to assist you. May God bless us with a safe & winning season, and especially with love of the games we choose to participate in this year.

Sincerely in Christ,

Mrs. Carol Johnson Mr. Jesse Duron, Jr. Principal Athletic Director


Mission Statement of the School The Mission of the St. Leo the Great School is to provide a Rigorous, Dual Language Academic Program rooted in Gospel Values.

ATHLETIC CORE VALUES Spiritual Growth Inspiration Dedication Loyalty Team Work Respect Confidence Perseverance Power Achievement Personal Growth Self Control

Philosophy of the School St. Leo the Great Catholic School primarily exists as an extension of the Roman Catholic Church, whose mission is the evangelization of the Good News of Jesus Christ. The school recognizes the parents as the primary educators of their children in Catholic values, morals, and academics. The School functions as an extension of that educational process and strives to aid in that education with attention to spiritual growth, academic excellence and physical development. Students are encouraged to share in Christ’s love, and to respect others as individuals, regardless of race, religion, or intellectual and physical abilities. A Catholic education and spiritual growth are seen as the keys to self-improvement, and the students are challenged to pursue excellence according to their abilities, needs and interests. The school is in partnership with the Church, parents, and community to foster civic and moral responsibility, and to instill a firm belief that we are called by God to work for peace and justice for the people of the world.

Philosophy of Athletics The philosophy of the Athletic Program is to prepare each student athlete for the next level of competition (High School). By enhancing their skills & techniques and using them to the best of their ability, the student athletes are role models and must demonstrate good sportsmanship at all

Page 4 MIGHTY LIONS times. The school is a member of the Archdiocesan Interscholastic Athletic League and abides by all league rules and regulations.

Membership in Athletic Programs A student enrolled in St. Leo the Great Catholic School between grades 6 through 8 (grade 5 may be able to participate, if there is a lack of upper grade student athletes), and who is in good academic and behavioral standing, is permitted to participate in any AIAL league contest that they are eligible to play. However, a student may not be a member of any other team for the sport that they are playing at St. Leo the Great School. The student must pass a physical exam, plus he/she and their parent/guardian must sign a “Sports Contract.”

Non-discriminatory Policy The schools of the Archdiocese admit students of any race or national origin to programs and activities with all rights and privileges. Equal opportunity and access is provided to students without regard to race, national origin or gender.

Procedure for Registration Student needs to obtain the following paper work and return it back to the Athletic Director, completed and signed by the due date. 1* Physical form. 2* Student Athlete Contract. 3* Athletic/Registration Fee.

Fees Every student interested in joining the school’s athletic program must pay a registration fee. The fees will assist in paying the school’s membership into the AIAL (Archdiocesan Interscholastic Athletic League), as well as assist in the purchasing of new equipment and uniforms as well as other sports expenses. The fees will be announced at the first team meeting.

Refund Policy A student athlete will be entitled to a refund if: 4* He/She changes his/her mind and has only practiced for a week, and had not yet played a game. 5* He/She is not able to participate for the rest of the season due to an illness or injury, and has not yet played a game.

A student athlete will not be entitled for a refund if: 6* He/She quits the team; and has practiced for more then a week and/or has played in a


game. 7* He/She transfers out. 8* He/She is ineligible due to a failure or low grade point average and can not continue to play for the rest of the season. 9* He/She has been expelled.

Athletic Booster Club Parents of athletes as well as any interested individual or business are invited to become involved in the Athletic Booster Club. The Athletic Booster Club exists to enhance the Athletic Department of the St. Leo the Great Catholic School. The school, and as such, will operate in compliance with all Policies and Regulations, and will be under the direction of the Athletic Director and the Principal.

Awards According to the rules of the AIAL, every sport that St. Leo the Great School participates in will have at least one All District Athlete. The All District Award is the only award that is recognized by the AIAL, and school. The award recipient will be chosen by the Athletic Director in dialog with the principal. The philosophy of St. Leo the Great Catholic School is such that focus is put on the teamwork of the team and not on one player’s performance. Thus, there will not be an award for MVP. The end of the year award ceremony will consist of each student athlete receiving one trophy and a certificate. A meal may be served if the Athletic Booster Club has raised the funds to do so. If a meal is served, the Booster Club, in conjunction with the Athletic Director, will determine what will be served and whether or not the parents will have to pay for their meals. If there are not sufficient funds for a meal for the athletes, a dessert will be provided after the awards ceremony. The Athletic Awards Ceremony will always take place in the school gym.

The Bearing of the School Name The name, mascot and school logo of St. Leo the Great Catholic School is the sole property of school. Organizations who are interested in using the school name must have permission to use the name on any apparel, signs, banners, equipment, etc. Special school apparel will be ordered through the schools designated retailers.

Banners In order to show gratitude towards our sponsors, the Athletic Department will have sponsorship banners manufactured according to the schools specifications and through its designated

Page 6 MIGHTY LIONS retailers. Major sponsors will be allowed to donate their own banners to the school. The school administration will determine which sponsors are considered major sponsors.

Display Banners The intention of any/all display banners is to show gratitude towards the student athletes and their coaches for all their hard work and dedication. The design of the banner will consist of the following items:

•League Name •District Number •Class (Only A-Teams) Boys or Girls •In the center a picture of a ball which corresponds to the sport, and the year(s) on both side of the picture of the ball. •The title in which the district recognizes the team for: DISTRICT RUNNER-UP, DISTRICT CHAMPS and LEAGUE CHAMPS •Student athlete’s names according to grade. (Eighth grade athletes will be listed first and so on) •Coaches names and the Athletic Directors Name


•The banner will not accommodate the team’s record, nor the title of Capt. /Co-Capt.

Bus St. Leo the Great Catholic School is blessed to have a school bus. A bus fee will be collected in the beginning of each season. If a student athlete goes to the game on the bus, he/she must return to school on the bus. Exception would be if the student’s parent takes him/her to the game.

Communication Communication is very important. If a team member must miss a practice, game, or team meeting, prior notice must be given to the Athletic Director by personal contact, telephone call, or a written notice from the parent or guardian. Failure to communicate to the coach may result in the student not being eligible to play. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Athletic Director at the school office.

Conduct of Parents, Coaches and Students


St. Leo the Great School expects the same type of conduct from all parents, coaches, and student athletes. All must have respect towards one another, the opposing team, and officials. The school will not tolerate improper conduct from any individual or group. What you may judge to be a poor call or un-sportsmanlike conduct by an opponent is no justification for our community to exhibit poor sportsmanship. Poor sportsmanship on the part of a student, parent, or guest may result in expulsion from the gym, field, or school.

Criminal Background Check/Sexual Misconduct Workshop Participants who are interested in being an assistant coach or a parent volunteer must pass a Criminal Background Check, and attend a Sexual Misconduct Workshop provided by the school.

Disciplinary Policies Disciplinary Procedures for students participating in any of St. Leo the Great Catholic School athletic activities include the following: 10* A student athlete receiving a detention for any infraction will suit-up, however; will not play one game following the infraction. 11* A student athlete receiving an In-School Suspension will attend practices and will suit-up, but will not participate in two games following the infraction. 12* A student athlete receiving an Out-of-School Suspension will suit-up, but will not participate for three games following the infraction, and is subject to removal from the team at the principal’s discretion. 13* Any tournament (no matter how many actual games are played in the tournament), will count as one benched game. 14* If there are not enough games left in the season for an athlete to serve out his/her benches, the student athlete will serve 4 hours of community service for each game he/she was unable to be benched. 15* If ever, the # of players that are benched would result in the forfeiture of a game, the principal reserves the right to allow the game to be played with consequences given at a later date.

Excessive Tardies or Absences Please see Parent/Student Handbook for the Excessive Tardies or Absences.

Drugs and Alcohol No student shall possess, use, or attempt to possess, use, or be under the influence of any of the following substances on or off school premises during any school term or off school premises at a school-related activity, function, or event: 16* Any controlled substance or dangerous drug as defined by law, including but not limited to marijuana, any narcotic drug, hallucinogen, stimulant, depressant, amphetamine, or barbiturate. 17* Alcohol or any alcohol beverages.


18* Any abuse able glues, aerosol paints, or any other volatile chemical substance for inhalation. 19* Any other intoxicants or mood-changing, mind-altering, or behavior-altering drugs.

Equipment Any equipment issued out to a student athlete must be returned back in the proper condition. Student athletes will be charged for any equipment not returned or any equipment returned damaged. Some items for athletes may be rented during the year for a nominal fee.

Facilities All home games, unless otherwise noted, will be played at St. Leo the Great School Gym or Field. Student athletes must stay after every home game to assist in cleaning up the school gym or the field.

Grading Policy for Athletes One failing grade in a core subject on the progress report or report cards, and the student athlete will be placed on Athletic Probation for three (3) weeks in order to bring up the failing grade. The student will be allowed to practice and play during the 3 week period. However, if the grade is not brought up to 70 within the three week period, then the student will be benched until the next reporting period. A student athlete may not be failing more than one subject nor receive less than a 70% overall grade point average at the end of any progress reporting period or regular report card period. An ineligibility caused by failure or low-grade point average lasts until the deficiency is removed as indicated by the progress report or regular report card.

Grievance Procedure Please see Parent/Student Handbook for the Grievance Procedure.

Health/Physical Requirements A physical examination of each student athlete is required to be on file at the beginning of his/her school participation in any sport and, thereafter, prior to renewed participation following an injury or serious illness.

Evidence of Student Insurability The AIAL (Archdiocesan Interscholastic Athletic League) requires that all athletic parents show evidence of student health insurance. Parents may purchase secondary health insurance through the school for a set price.

Playing Time Every student athlete will be given the opportunity to play as much as possible if: 20* They show up to every practice.


21* They practice and play to their best of their ability. 22* They are respectful to their coaches, teammates, opponent, and officials. 23* The 8th grade graduating class athletes will be given priority playing time, if they meet the above guidelines. 24* Student athletes who miss practice, games, and tournaments; may not be eligible to play on game day.

Playing Up A student athlete may be given the opportunity to play up with the upper division. If the student athlete agrees, the student athlete must remain in the upper division for the remainder of the season of that particular sport.

Practices All team members of each sport will attend all scheduled practices, games and meetings. If a team member must miss a practice, game, or team meeting, prior notice must be given to the Athletic Director by personal contact, a telephone call, or a written notice from a parent or guardian. The reason for missing the practice, game or team meeting must be valid (e.g. death in the family, illness, family emergency). It is the Athletic Director’s decision to determine whether the reason is valid. If the Athletic Director determines that the excuse is invalid, the student athlete may be suspended for a period of time determined by the Athletic Director and Principal. Excessive absences from team practices may subject the player to dismissal from the team.

Quitting the Team Team sports require a commitment to the team, loyalty, dedication, and teamwork. When a student athlete joins a team at St. Leo the Great School, the expectation is that they are committed to the entire sports season for whatever sport they are engaged. If a student athlete quits a team during any sport season, he/she will not be allowed back on any team until he/she has served the following consequences: Student athlete must apologize to the coaches and the team players. The athlete must suit up, show up for all practices, and will be benched for three games or be benched two games, and he/she will not be a starter for two additional games. Any tournament (no matter how many actual games are played in the tournament), will count as one benched game. The student will not be eligible for the All District Award for that particular sport that he/she quit. If the student athlete receives additional detentions, suspensions, from classroom teachers, then additional consequences will be given. At all times, the Principal and Athletic Director, reserve the right to give additional consequences, if they deem it appropriate. If a student quits two school teams in one school year, they will be ineligible to sign up for any other sport for the remainder of the school year.

Safety Safety is the No. 1 priority in all sport programs. Student athletes must bring, and wear, their

Page 10 MIGHTY LIONS proper gear when practicing and playing. Parents/Guardians are reminded to please, keep their children, and/or relatives, and/or friends inside school gym during game time. No “In and Out.”

Service Hours The family of each student athlete must complete 15 service hours per season. Service hours may be done by volunteering: in the concession stand, as a score keeper, in setting up the gym for the game, and/or to clean up the gym after the game. In addition, if a parent donates $15.00 worth of needed concession stand items, (these must be what the Athletic Director needs in the concession stand), this will equal one service hour. Receipts for the Concession items must be provided in order to receive one service hour. Incomplete hours will be charged to tuition accounts at the rate of $15.00 per hour. If a family does not show up for the scheduled service hours that they have been signed up for, they will be fined an additional two service hours that must be served. If the family chooses the option to pay rather than do service hours, it must be done at the beginning of the season.

Selection Process If there is overwhelming interest in a particular sport, all interested student athletes will go through a selection process. The selection process will be determined by the Athletic Director and the Assistant Coaches, in consultation with the Principal.

Sports Opportunities St. Leo the Great School offers a variety of sport opportunities to their student athletes. The following sports activities may be offered: 25* Cross-Country 26* Six Man Tackle Football 27* Volleyball 28* Flag Football 29* Soccer 30* Basketball 31* Baseball 32* Softball 33* Golf 34* Tennis 35* Track and Field 36* Cheerleading and Pep Squad

Supervision of Students Student athletes are to wait in the Extended Day Program until their practice begins, unless they have been picked up to go home. It is preferable that athletes be picked up immediately after practice. When playing an away game, all student athletes must stay together with their coach at

Page 11 MIGHTY LIONS all times, unless told otherwise by their coach.

Team Selection Process Some sports will consist of two teams “A-Team, B-Team.” Student athletes in the 8th grade are automatically selected for the A-Team. Student athletes in the 6th and 7th grade will be selected for the “A” or “B” Team.

Tournaments In order to enhance the student athlete’s skill and technique, the student athlete will be enrolled in several school tournaments. Each school tournament has a registration fee, which is included in Registration Fee. The dates are to be announced.

Uniforms Currently some athletic uniforms are not available. If uniforms do become available, every student athlete will be issued a uniform for the sport they participant in. The uniform must be kept in good condition. If the uniform is damaged the school will charge the family. If the uniform is lost the student athlete will be charged for a new uniform. The student athlete will not be issued a second uniform, or a uniform for another sport, until the fee is paid.

Weather Policy Postponement of outdoor games due to bad weather is permissible when agreed upon by the coaches, or the official determines to postpone, or the Administration postpones the game. If lightning is imminent, the game shall be temporarily suspended and postponed if necessary. The game will be rescheduled at the earliest possible date by the Athletic Director. In the event of bad weather causing a significant safety concern for out of town or away games, the Principal may cancel, forfeit, or otherwise reschedule the game for a later date; whichever is deemed necessary.

WARNING A school may be disciplined for the offensive behavior of its fans or participants. Such an offense could impose a penalty on the entire athletic program of St. Leo the Great School. Students and parents are asked to solicit the cooperation of the spectators in order to protect the reputation of the school. What you may judge to be a poor call or un-sportsmanlike conduct by an opponent, is no justification for the schools community to exhibit poor sportsmanship. Poor sportsmanship on the part of a student, parent, or guest will result in expulsion from the gym or field.

ATHLETIC CONCERNS AND ISSUES The procedure for voicing any concerns or issues about the athletic program is as follows:

 First, speak to the Athletic Director


 If you feel your concern has not been responded to, then make an appointment with the Principal.

Statement on Student/Parent Handbook Policy At all times, the policies in the Parent/Student Handbook shall be in effect and will supersede any policy in this Athletic Handbook, as deemed necessary by the Principal. The Principal reserves the right to amend these and any and all policies relating to any/all activities, events, etc. at St. Leo the Great Catholic School at any time.


Parent-Student Athlete Contract

I, (Please Print) will read the Athletic Handbook of (Parent/Gurdian) St. Leo the Great Catholic School in a timely manner, and I agree to cooperate in fulfilling any and all of its requirements. I will also discuss its content with my child(ren).


Being a student athlete at St. Leo the Great Catholic School demands a high standard of behavior. My years of fair play, loyalty, commitment, dedication and good sportsmanship will lay an excellent foundation for future sports activities.

1. I will read this handbook in a timely manner. 2. I promise to follow its guidelines, and I will cooperate fully with its requirements.






I, request that my PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME

Son/daughter, participate in one of STUDENT ATHLETE NAME following sports:

(Please circle one sport per season)

Cross Country Volleyball Soccer Basketball

Baseball Flag Football Softball

Golf Track & Field Tennis

Six Man Tackle Football Spirit Squad (Pep-Squad, Cheerleading)

I will see that my child receives a physical exam and proof of the exam is sent to school. I am also aware that my child will be practicing and playing in predictable/unpredictable environments. I agree to allow my

Page 15 MIGHTY LIONS child to stay after school for practice, and I also agree for my child to ride the school bus for away games. I understand if my child rides the school bus to an away game, my child must then ride back to school in the school bus. I as a parent/guardian will provide transportation to all games and tournaments when the school bus is not available.

Parent Signature Date


Student Athlete(s) Name:

Team and Individual Sports and Spirit Squad

(Please place an X in the box of your choice)

I agree to pay an Athletic Fee of $85.00 per student for the first sport. There will be an additional $60.00 per student for every addition sport.

I agree to pay an Athletic Fee of $85.00 per student for the first


sport. There will be an additional $60.00 per student for every addition sport. I also agree to pay an additional fee of $200.00 for one child and for every sibling an additional fee of $75.00 with the understanding that this covers my service hours for the whole school year; however, it does not take away my fundraising responsibility.

 I understand that my child will not play nor practice until the athletic fee is paid.

______Parent Signature Date


I, , PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME , hereby request and consent to any emergency RELATIONSHIP TO STUDENT ATHLETE medical or dental treatment for my child , by any STUDENT ATHLETE NAME licensed physician or dentist and for transportation of my child to and from the source of emergency treatment, while under the care of the coach and his assistants, and the staff of St. Leo the Great Catholic School. This care may include examinations and any test which, in the opinion of the physician or dentist, are deemed necessary or advisable.


This does not include the right to perform surgical operations without my further consent, except in the case of an emergency and after all reasonable efforts to reach or locate me have been made to no avail.



Contact Name & Valid Contact Number:

Evidence of Student Insurability:

Health Insurance Company

Policy Number

Other Insurance Information SERVICE HOURS

Athlete’s Name Year Sport

The family of each student athlete must complete 15 service hours per season. Service hours may be done by volunteering: in the concession stand, as a score keeper, in setting up the gym

Page 18 MIGHTY LIONS for the game, and/or to clean up the gym after the game. In addition, if a parent donates $15.00 worth of needed concession stand items, (these must be what the Athletic Director needs in the concession stand), this will equal one service hour. Receipts for the Concession items must be provided in order to receive one service hour. Incomplete hours will be charged to tuition accounts at the rate of $15.00 per hour. If a family does not show up for the scheduled service hours that they have been signed up for, they will be fined an additional two service hours that must be served. If the family chooses the option to pay rather than do service hours, it must be done at the beginning of the season.


Parent Signature Date

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