Year 1: the Classroom Environment

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Year 1: the Classroom Environment

Year 1: The Classroom Environment

Red Clay Consolidated School District’s Comprehensive Induction Program Nurses 2014-2015

Year 1 (formerly cycles 1 and 2)

Required Workshops:

August 11-14- New Teacher Orientation

September 22-Kickoff, check on mentor/mentee match ups, Q & A

September 17 - Health Accounting/Eschool training -Lead mentors, building level

October 21- Time/Office Management - building level – Lead Mentor

November 18th – Parent Communication – Lead Mentor – Building level

February - Difficult Personalities - Lead Mentors, building level

March 3-Wrap up, end of year items. Year 1: The Classroom Environment

Classroom Environment Check-out Form

New Nurse: ______Mentor: ______School: ______

Submit copies ONLY of ALL forms. New nurse keeps originals. DUE DECEMBER 15th 2014

Activity Documents Lead M en to r Ini tia ls Initial Phase o New Nurse DPAS II Training Certificate or signature of X administrator X______

o School and District Resource Form (2 pages) Discussion o Mentor Formative Observation 1-Health Suite Environment X One: Form o Copy of Discussion Log 1-Health Suite Environment Health Suite o New Nurse Observation of Experienced Nurse Environment Discussion o Mentor Formative Observation 2- Health Suite Environment X Two: Form o Copy of Discussion Log 2-Health Suite Environment Health Suite o Level of Performance Rubric (Component Two) Environment highlighted one time to reflect Health Suite Environment

Workshops o September-kickoff X o Office management o Parent communication Form o Health Accounting/Eschool Training o Time/office Management o Difficult Personalities o Wrap up workshop Verification of o New Nurse Verification Form – Health Suite Environment X Services Forms Year 1: The Classroom Environment

One-to-one o 15 hour Contact Log ______hours for Health Suite X Discussions Environment (Health Suite Environment +P&P, Instruction =30)

New Nurse School and District Resource Record (page 1 of 2)

New nurse: ______Mentor: ______

Building: ______Date: ______

Directions: It is important to know the people and resources provided by your school and district. Identify the following information with your mentor.



______Building Lead Mentor ______Reading Specialist

______Bilingual Resource Teacher ______School Nurse

______Secretary ______School Counselor

______Speech/Language Resource ______Association Rep.

______Librarian ______Paraprofessional(s)

______Special Education Teacher ______Custodian

______RTI Support ______Other


List any before, during, or after school support for your students

______Conflict Resolution ______Home Help

______Health Services ______Tutoring Services

______After School Programs ______Other


______Computer Lab ______Title 1 Resources Year 1: The Classroom Environment

______Library Resources ______Teacher Standards

______Student Standards ______Curriculum Guides

______Supplies/Materials ______Internet Resources

______Procedural Manuals ______RTI/Other

PROCEDURES (page 2 of 2)

Who do I contact to get a substitute when I need to be out and what is the process for sub plans?

Data Service: Laura Panunto:

Sub Folder:

What do I need to learn about when a class goes on a fieldtrip?


Mentor Site Coordinator: Veronica Everett Phone: 552-3793 email: [email protected]

Payroll and Benefits: Sue Carpenter Phone: 552-3734 email: [email protected]

Licensure/Certification: Debra Davenport Phone: 552-3784 email: [email protected]


Education Associate in charge of Mentoring and Induction: Jon Neubauer [email protected]

After reviewing your list of contacts and resources, consider what resource personnel, programs, and facilities that you will need to access in the next few weeks.

I want to contact For what purpose By when Year 1: The Classroom Environment Year 1: The Classroom Environment


DATE ITEM COMPONENT/ CRITERIA Tour of building 1a. Health Room Set up 1a. DFS Mandatory Reporting 3b. Chaperone law 4b. Confidentiality 4b. Faculty/staff handbook: review drug/alcohol and no smoking 1b. policies, emergency procedures Faculty/staff emergency cards 4b. Calendar for school year 1d. Resources: Delaware School Nursing Technical Assistance Manual; 1d. School Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice Communication devices: Phone usage, walkie talkie, personal cell 1b. phones Accessing Email, Internet 1b. IMS, PDMS, DEEDS 1b. Eschool documentation: review listing in left column 4b. Hard Copy charts 4b. School Entry Requirements New Registrations (immunizations, 2d. physical, TB, Lead) Student Withdrawal 2d. Sports Physicals 2d. Health Office Management 2d. Clinical practice skills 2d. Emergency procedures and care; safety issues 2d. Emergency Care Plans (ECP) 3b. Collaboration with peers 3a.

*To be done immediately after hire/before start of school year (Reference the “Framework for Specialists” chart for a list of the components and criteria)

All items for Orientation I have been completed:

Mentor Signature______Date______Year 1: The Classroom Environment


COMPONENT/ DATE ITEM CRITERIA Medication on Field trips 2c. Staff training: PDMS Meds on Field Trip 3b. Care/Monitoring students w/chronic health problems 2d. IHP 4b. DFS annual in-service: PDMS 4a. Crisis Intervention Plan 3a. Health Promotion: bulletin boards, newsletters, etc. 4a. Responsibilities in caring for staff 2b. Workman’s Comp 2b. Ordering supplies 1a.

*To be done within two (2) weeks after Orientation I. (Reference the “Framework for Specialists” chart for a list of the components and criteria)

All items for Orientation II have been completed:

Mentor Signature______Date______

Mentee Signature______Date______Year 1: The Classroom Environment


COMPONENT DATE ITEM /CRITERIA Screening schedule 1a. Screening, screening referral and follow-up 3c. Accommodation to student population/demographics 1c. Free/reduced lunch program 1d. Resources: vision, hearing, dental programs, Nemours Link, 1d. Medicaid, etc. DPAS II and Component V 4d. 5 year Professional Growth Plan 4c. 504 and IEP 3b. FERPA/HIPPA 3d. Individual health education: students, staff, parents 3b. Group health education: students, staff, parents 3b. School Wellness Plan, community partnerships, school events 3b. School Wellness Center (if applicable) 3a. DOE Desk Audit, immunization audit if applicable 4b. Archiving or transferring health records 4b. Professional Organizations: NASN, ASHA, ANA, DSNA, NEA 4c. Current resources: texts, internet, articles, journals 1d.

*To be done within two (2) weeks after Orientation II. (Reference the “Framework for Specialists” chart for a list of the components and criteria)

All items for Orientation III have been completed:

Mentor Signature______Date______

Mentee Signature______Date______Year 1: The Classroom Environment

Technology and Related Resources for School Nurses ME1

Directions: With your mentor and others, complete this chart for your personal file. Technology is a major tool for accessing information about professional standards, health regulations, your professional profile, student demographics, and more. It is important to know how to locate such information when planning and maintaining your personal information as well as accessing information about your students, school, and district.

State/School/District Technology Needed Location/URL Contact person/number Or email

Professional profile

Technical Assistance Manual

Student Demographics

Student Health Record Keeping System

Mentoring Information

Human Resources Year 1: The Classroom Environment

A FRAMEWORK FOR SPECIALISTS COMPONENTS Component 1 Component 2 Planning and Preparation Professional Practice and Delivery of Service

1a. Designing Coherent Programs or Services Aligned with State and National Standards • Establishes goals for the program based on National 2a. Creating an Environment to Support Standards/Model Student or Client Needs • Plans services or activities • Selects instructional resources that support the services/activities • Interacts with students and stakeholders • Identifies the needs to the group to be served • Students interact with other students and clients 1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Best Practice and/or Models 2b. Demonstrating Flexibility and of Delivery • Knowledge of program content and structure Responsiveness • Knowledge of content and how to apply it within settings • Responds to the needs of the students 1c. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students and/or Clients • Responds to events within and beyond the school • Knowledge of child and adolescent development and district Knowledge of adult learners • • Responds to the needs of the stakeholders • Knowledge of the learning process • Knowledge of cultural diversity 2c. Communicating Clearly and Accurately • Establishes the importance of the program 1d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources • Use of written and oral language • Resources, both within and beyond the school and district • Directions and procedure • Knowledge of how to access resources needed within and beyond the district 2d. Delivery of Services to Students or Clients • Knowledge of what resources will extend understanding of the • Organizes physical space to support delivery program • Manages routines and procedures • Establishes standards of conduct 1e. Demonstrating Knowledge of How to Design or Use Student Assessments • Focuses on implementation of the program based on • Selects appropriate assessment tools National Standards/Model • Uses assessment information in planning Year 1: The Classroom Environment

Component 3 Component 4 Consultation and Collaboration Professional Responsibilities 3a. Collaborating with Others • Participates in school or district meetings to identify 4a. Communicating with Families/Clients needs of students and/or clients • Provides information about the program • Shares expertise within and beyond the school/district setting • Provides information about students, as appropriate 3b. Serving as a Consultant to the School Community under the program’s National Standards • Locates resources to support the needs of • Engages the family in the program, as applicable students/stakeholders 4b. Recording Data in a Student Record • Evaluates student/client and program needs as outlined System by National Standards/Model • Maintains accurate records Uses appropriate interventions for student/clients as • • Provides records in a timely manner outlined by National Standards/Model • Maintains confidentiality as required • Provides training related to the program 3c. Providing Resources and Access 4c. Growing and Developing Professionally • Provides resources to enhance the program’s • Enhances knowledge of the program through effectiveness professional development opportunities • Is accessible to others and assures access to services for • Participates in the professional community stakeholders • Participates in state/national organization(s) 3d. Maintaining Professional Standards 4d. Reflecting on Professional Practice • Applies professional standards when working with others • Accuracy • Follows appropriate guidelines and procedures • Use in future planning 3e. Using Assessment Data in Planning and Delivery of Services • Monitors student status • Provides feedback to students and Year 1: The Classroom Environment

Mentor Formative Observation 1: Health Room Environment As you observe the health room, remember that you are collecting only what is seen and heard during the specified period of time. You will provide one copy of your notes to the new nurse and keep one copy as a reference for the conference between the two of you.

A. Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

A. Establishing a Culture for Acceptance and Active Participation

B. Managing Health Room Procedures

C. Managing Student Behavior

D. Organizing Physical Space for Privacy Needs

E. Protecting Confidentiality Year 1: The Classroom Environment

DISCUSSION LOG: Formative Observation 1, Health Room Environment

New School Nurse: ______Mentor ______Date ______This form is to be completed by the mentor during the follow-up discussion after Observation #1.

What is going well for you in the area of What challenges and/or concerns do you face in health room environment and school nurse this area? practice?

What will be your area of focus for Do you need support and/or resources in this observation and study? area? Would you like your mentor to help with these resources in some way? Year 1: The Classroom Environment

New Nurse Induction Program New Nurse Self Reflection

New Nurse: ______Date: ______

1. How can I improve the way I manage my office?


3. Name three areas that I would like to focus and improve on. What are some solutions?


4. How would you rate yourself on the Frameworks Rubric? Why? What evidence do I have?


5. What successes did I have today, and how did I achieve them? Year 1: The Classroom Environment


6. List two questions that I will follow up with your mentor. ______

Mentor Formative Observation 2: School Health Practice

In this observation you are collecting evidence of only the component (example, vision screening) identified by the new school nurse as a focus. Record only what is seen and heard. You record nurse and student evidence. Provide one copy of your notes to the new nurse and keep one copy as a reference for your formative conference.

New School Nurse: ______Date: ______

Targeted Area of Practice: ______

Nurse Interactions and Instructions Student/parent/faculty responses Year 1: The Classroom Environment

Additional information that might be helpful to the new school nurse:

Discussion Log: Formative Observation 2: School Health Practice

New School Nurse: ______Mentor: ______Date ______

This form should be completed by the mentor during the discussion and review of the new nurse’s area of practice. Year 1: The Classroom Environment

Reflecting on the area of practice, do you feel What challenges and/or concerns do you still more comfortable with your delivery of service? have about this area?

What further support and/or resources would What are the successes you noted about this you like from your mentor in this area? area of focus? Year 1: The Classroom Environment

New Nurse Induction Program Observation of Experienced Nurse

Protégé ______Experienced Nurse ______Date______School ______

Read each statement carefully. During your observation record a time when you observed the characteristic in action and how the Nurse demonstrated the nursing practices.

1. Describe the nurses’ efficient use of time for triaging, planning and documenting. ______

2. Describe how the nurse triaged and delivered services in response to the needs of every student.


3. How did the nurse used creative and innovative approaches to solve office issues?


4. Successful nurses are enthusiastic about their student population. This has a profound effect on the lives of students. What did you notice?


5. Name one strategy that you will try to implement in your office. Year 1: The Classroom Environment



New Nurse’s Name: ______Mentor’s Name ______

Please choose two students whom you have concerns about in regards to conferencing and/or communications. Complete the Student Profile and Challenges/Concerns sections below. Bring this document with you to the Parent Communication Workshop. STUDENT PROFILE CHALLENGES/CONCERNS

Challenges presented: Identified Area(s) of Concern:


Concerns about student: Behavioral (to include work ethic):

Social/Emotional: Concerns about parent/guardian:

Notes during role play: Notes during role play: Year 1: The Classroom Environment Year 1: The Classroom Environment

Verification of Services Form

New Nurse – Health Suite Environment

The purpose of this document is to assure that you were provided with the services for all aspects of Health Suite Environment. Please be honest when initialing the areas indicated below. Please keep a copy of this document for your files and send or give the second copy to Veronica Everett at District Office by December 13th, 2014.

New Nurse: ______School: ______

Mentor: ______School: ______

____ _1. My mentor helped me to become familiar with the building and complete the School and District Resource Record. I was provided assistance with DPAS II training.

_____2.My mentor and I met to establish what would be expected of me and to develop a timeline for completion.

_____3. I was observed two times in the health suite by my mentor. We completed the discussion logs and identified my area of focus. I marked my current level of performance on the Framework Rubric for Component Two.

_____4. I attended the new nurse workshops offered by the district new nurse mentor program. I have my Data Service Transcript as proof of attendance.

_____5. I observed a colleague and completed a reflection form.

IMPORTANT: If you feel that you did not receive all of these services from your mentor or that the match is not working, please contact the district site coordinator, Veronica Everett.

New Nurse signature: ______Date: ______Year 1: The Classroom Environment

New Nurse ______Mentor ______Building ______

One-on-One Conversations Mentor/New Nurse Log (Minimum: Classroom Environment+ P&P, Instruction = 30 Hours)

Date Hours/ Discussion Topics

Mentor Signature: ______New Nurse Signature: ______Date: ______Date: ______

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