Plymouth-Canton Civitan Newsletter
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PLYMOUTH-CANTON CIVITAN NEWSLETTER November 2016 Website: The next business meeting is on November 10th, and the Club’s Christmas party is scheduled for December 8th.
Contact Vivian at 810-227-7991 or Cheryl at 313-460- 3194 if you can help out in any way or know of anyone that would like to be a part of this new and energetic club!
Still striving to get this club chartered by the end of this year to celebrate in the Civitan centennial year! November Dinner Meeting-November 17 th 6 PM Our dinner meeting will be held at Richard’s Restaurant Special Needs Halloween Dance/Photo Booth located at 39301 Plymouth Rd., Livonia. Fellowship Report: starts at 6 PM. Pastor Carrie Wood of the Plymouth Thanks to Gary and Bill for rounding up club members: United Methodist Church will speak on human Kathy, Happy, Bonnie, Al, Claudia, Donald, Susan H., trafficking. Maureen and Diana S. who helped with the taking of the pictures and assembling them. Great job Business Meeting January 5 th : everyone! Check out the pictures on the Club’s Business meeting will be held on January 5th at 6:30 website: PM at the Salvation Army. Focus Hope Eleanor’s Walk: Restoration Fund for Civitan International It was a beautiful day and everyone had a great time Headquarters helping the kids with the various projects. Thanks to Since September 2015 the Club has collected/donated Gary, Kathy, Hal, Cheryl and Mary for helping out. $1, 057.92 towards the Restoration Fund campaign for Check the Club’s website: the restoration of the Civitan International for pictures. Headquarters building in Birmingham, AL. Vivian will continue to bring the container for the Restoration Focus Hope Food Box Build Report: Fund to each meeting so members can contribute their Wow, the new record of building the food boxes now loose change and paper money too. Collection will stands at 1,292! After all of that hard work the group continue to the end of the year (December). went to Polonia’s Restaurant for lunch and fellowship. After lunch a number of individuals visited the bakery and came back with delicious goodies. Thanks to all of Vivian and Cheryl are spearheading the building of a the club members, friends and family for helping with new club: “The Kensington Valley Civitan Club”, which this worthwhile project! Mark your calendars for the our Club will be sponsoring. The club will involve next food box build-April 8th, 2017. South Lyon, Lyon Township, New Hudson, Green Oaks, Northfield, and Salem Townships. Carson’s Community Days November 9 th -12 th : There’s still time to get your coupon books from Carol nd The Club’s business meeting is now the 2 Thursday of S. for the upcoming sale. This is one of the Club’s the month at the Lyon Township Fire Station largest fundraisers, so take a few coupon books to sell Community Room at 58800 Grand River Ave, New to friends and family. Contact Carol S., if you need Hudson 48165. Still only have nine charter members, some coupon books to sell to friends and family but need at least 20 to officially charter the Club and members (248-924-3202). REMEMBER, THIS IS make it a reality. THE CLUB’S LARGEST FUNDRAISER. PLEASE HELP The 4th Thursday of the month is now the dinner TO SELL THOSE COUPON BOOKS! th meeting. On October 27 the group met at the Senate Dixboro General Store Fundraiser-11/18 th -20 th : Coney Island in S. Lyon to enjoy fellowship and guest Mark your calendars and plan on doing some holiday speaker Radha Kshirsagar, Youth Assistance board shopping. The store has all sorts of unique gift items president. The group’s next community event is Shop and even furniture. This is a fundraiser for the Club with a Hero, in which they’ll wrap the Christmas for which we receive 15% of the sale amount if the presents that the kids and Hero’s shopped for. The coupon is presented at time of sale. A coupon is group is currently collecting nonperishable items to enclosed with this newsletter and also will be available donate to a local food pantry. PLYMOUTH-CANTON CIVITAN NEWSLETTER November 2016 Website: on the Club’s website. So, copy the coupon and pass Friday December 2nd to be transported to the Pontiac them out to family and friends and start your holiday International Airport for disbursement all over the shopping on November 18th to the 20th. The store is state. located at 5206 Plymouth Rd. Ann Arbor, 48105. Cheryl can be contacted at 313-460-3194. Thanksgiving & Christmas Baskets: Members can donate non-perishable food items and Birthdays for November/December personal care items for the Cooke School family the Club will be adopting for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Bill McCarville 11/8 Rosemary Garbarino 12/12 Mary will be collecting donations at the November Sam Detrich 11/9 -Corinne Collins 12/14 dinner meeting and Christmas party. Monetary Gail Blucher 11/19 Carol Chanter 12/20 donations can also be made. Vivian Van Vliet 11/27
Fruitcake Fundraiser: Member News: The fruitcakes have arrived! Contact Gary (734-459- We bid a fond adieu to Linda Raleigh in her new 1896) if interested in buying some fruitcake, cost is $5 married life in Kalamazoo. Wishing her all of the for one pound or three pounds for $14. Light or dark happiness in the world and the Club will miss her are available. presence.
Club Dates Salvation Army Bell Ringing-November th th 26 th : 11/9 -12 Carson’s Community Days Event We will be ringing bells at the Kroger’s store at 15455 11/17 Dinner Meeting-Richard’s Restaurant 6 PM th th Haggerty Rd. at Five Mile Rd on Saturday, November 11/18 -20 Dixboro Fundraiser th 26th. Contact Gary (734-459-1896) or Bill (734-347- 11/28 Operation Good Cheer Gifts due at Cheryl’s rd 0020) if you’re able to sign up for a shift (bell ringing 12/3 Club Christmas Party at Carol Chanter’s th is from 10 AM to 8 PM). 1/5 Business Meeting Salvation Army
Club Christmas Party: Note from Membership Chair: The Club’s Christmas party will be held at Carol C.’s house (39714 Hillary Dr. Canton, MI 48187) on Honesty, integrity and treating people as you want to Saturday December 3rd at 6 PM. It will be a Polish be treated - those are things instilled in me at an early dinner and members can contact Carol at 734-454- age. I have followed through with that belief my whole 4054 to sign up for a dish to pass life.
Civitan Celebrating 100 Years of Service: There is no finish line for excellence. That's why the ‘Celebrating our centennial anniversary leading to the quest for quality is never ending. culmination of our centennial year with the 2017 International convention in Birmingham, AL.’ Knowing how much Civitan means to you, you are This is a great celebration year for Civitan. Clubs are building hope, transforming lives through our service being asked to come up with unique ways to celebrate projects, and sponsoring new members. the centennial year. Mary has come up with one way. She’ll have a container of chocolate candy at all of the That's why you are a Civitan! Club’s functions to sell for $1 each. The goal is to sell $100 in honor of the centennial. It’ll be decided later where the money raised will be used. So far $25 has Vivian Van Vliet been collected. Membership Chairperson
Operation Good Cheer The Club has adopted 103 kids thanks to friends and family members. Thanks to all who have volunteered to help out in this endeavor so that children in foster care can receive presents at Christmas time.
All wrapped gifts are due back to Cheryl by Monday November 28th. The truck will arrive at Cheryl’s on PLYMOUTH-CANTON CIVITAN NEWSLETTER November 2016 Website: Print or copy the coupon so the Plymouth- Print or copy the coupon so the Plymouth- Canton Civitan Club receives credit for your Canton Civitan Club receives credit for your purchases. purchases.
“Dixboro Charity Weekends”. “Dixboro Charity Weekends”. Dixboro General Store Dixboro General Store 5206 Plymouth Rd, 5206 Plymouth Rd, Ann Arbor 48105 Ann Arbor 48105 M-S: 10-6, Sunday: 11-5 M-S: 10-6, Sunday: 11-5 For: Plymouth-Canton Civitan Club For: Plymouth-Canton Civitan Club
Dates:Weekend of Dates:Weekend of November 18-20, 2016 November 18-20, 2016
Fifteen percent (15%) of your purchase during Fifteen percent (15%) of your purchase during this designated period will be donated to the this designated period will be donated to the Plymouth-Canton Civitan organization. Plymouth-Canton Civitan organization.
Valid only on merchandise purchased on Valid only on merchandise purchased on scheduled days. scheduled days.
Total Sale $______Total Sale $______
Print or copy the coupon so the Plymouth- Print or copy the coupon so the Plymouth- Canton Civitan Club receives credit for your Canton Civitan Club receives credit for your purchases. purchases.
“Dixboro Charity Weekends”. “Dixboro Charity Weekends”. Dixboro General Store Dixboro General Store 5206 Plymouth Rd, 5206 Plymouth Rd, Ann Arbor 48105 Ann Arbor 48105 M-S: 10-6, Sunday: 11-5 M-S: 10-6, Sunday: 11-5 For: Plymouth-Canton Civitan Club For: Plymouth-Canton Civitan Club
Dates:Weekend of Dates:Weekend of November 18-20, 2016 November 18-20, 2016
Fifteen percent (15%) of your purchase during Fifteen percent (15%) of your purchase during this designated period will be donated to the this designated period will be donated to the Plymouth-Canton Civitan organization. Plymouth-Canton Civitan organization.
Valid only on merchandise purchased on Valid only on merchandise purchased on scheduled days. scheduled days.
Total Sale $______Total Sale $______