Program for Comparing Classes from Other Schools

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Program for Comparing Classes from Other Schools

Agenda Fall Retreat Department of Special Education August 29, 2012

Attendees: Casey, Katy; Collet-Klingenberg, Lana; Gordon, David: Gwalla-Ogisi, Nomsa; Jewell, Kelly; Kolb, Sharon; Lindahl, Lynn; Murphy, Monica; Robinson, Rowand; Schultz, Tia; Stevens Griffith, Amy; Stuart, Shannon; Toms, Ozalle; Troemel, Eileen

8:30 – 9:00 Coffee Hour 9:00 – 9:15 Introductions & announcements  Program for comparing classes from other schools  First department meeting will be new faculty orientation o 2nd & 4th Wednesday for department meetings o 2 purple books – Katy and Shannon o New faculty will have consultation in January o Search will be this year – will have replacement. We are still waiting to hear on the second position  Enrollment caps o Larger classes than C&I o 35 is too many for some classes (486 & 487) o Rowand will allow 1 more than cap but then talk to the instructor o Get checklist of spring classes and see where we need to have class caps o Have to balance between quality of education vs meeting needs of students for the classes  Committee work & Search Committee o Shannon is the chair; Ozalle Toms, Lana Collet-Klingenberg, Amy Stevens Griffith. The committee can decide whether to pull in from the outside. We might want to include a grad student. It might be a good idea to add a student. o Admin Council – Rowand o International – Sharon o Universal Design committee – has an opening; meets 1 Friday a month; covers physical accessibility – first Friday at 10:00 o Assessment committee – o Constituents Standards – Lana o Curriculum – Brooke o Dean’s advisory board – Amy Hatch o Dean’s Advisory Council – o Email the choices to me and I’ll compile a list  704 – Shannon o 2nd Independent study (702 is 1st) – students work with advisor to create an action paper o Heather Marten – Kelly Jewell will mentor o Shannon Byrnes – Shannon Stuart will email the faculty with her project to get an advisor  Syllabi – must supply these to the group that asked for them. o Need syllabi for all classes SP12 & F12 o Send to Eileen in Word and identify class name, number, section, semester 9:15 – 10:30 HLC – Higher Learning Commissions  Looking at everything from Division 1 down to tech schools  Our university tapped 4 and it had to have a grad program  Lana, Shannon, Katy, and Rowand are on the committee  Over the summer looked at 8 syllabi to see how it matched specialized knowledge and applied knowledge skills – associate’s level, 2 levels of bachelors (90+ credits), grad students  Interview and survey faculty and survey o Lana took the lead on developing the survey o Problem – language is really vague but trying to stick to their language for translation later o Have one for students at each level o Katy piloted with undergrad and a grad o Feel free to give feedback on questions in the survey o Will dedicate a department meeting to this somewhat early in the semester o Different levels have different questions with the bachelor’s level being more in depth (more intense as the survey goes to the higher levels) o Email for students concerning the evaluations o There are incentives for each of the levels of evaluations o Faculty may have to ask students to participate o Would like to use one class for Monica’s class o Taking written assignments from classes and turn in those assignments for evaluation o This will make audit and review and accreditation easier o Writing assignment . 458 Student Accommodation Plan . 700 . 324 Philosophy 10:30 – 10:45 Break 10:45 – 11:45 Advising – Rowand, Eileen  Procedures and checklists were handed out  Using Course Recommendations – offers a place for the student to access the information  Amy uses the notes section on the plan 11:45 – 12:00 Administrative –  TER forms, - Eileen  copier/printer, - Eileen  Web Site - Eileen  FP&M – Eileen  Contact information for all faculty - Eileen 12:00 – 12:45 lunch 12:45 – 1:15 Undergrad – renumbering of sophomore level courses  426, 466, 325  May have a problem with going to 200 level but could put them at 300 level courses rather than 400 level  Change 426 to 326 and 466 to 327 (if those numbers are available) o Shannon will do the change  We would have to look at what courses numbers would be available  458 might be possible to change to 488  205 general elective course – all we need to do is change the name Intro to Spec Ed o Lana will do this one o Put through to change name o Then put through to make a general 1:15 – 1:30 ABA Certificate discussion  Lana, Tia, and Shannon get calls for ABA and BCBA o Get a committee started for this o We can figure out what 15 credits would fit into this certificate o Need to meet with John Stone about this o Could pull in Autism credits to crossover o Might need a grant o People want to start immediately rather than wait till summer o This should be online as there would be people all over the country interested in the certificate o 15 credits count towards the BCBA o BCBA is 15 applied credit with hours of experience which could be a practicum o BCBA could be online and could get practicum where they are o They take their exam online o Create an advisory committee with outside people to assist and helps us set up for a grant o ABA is easier to get where the BCBA is more difficult to get started. We could potentially start this summer for ABA. o Courses that could be used for ABA - Speced 640 (tweak to be BCBA ready), two of the autism, o ABA / BCBA would not be for just Special Education teachers o Committee – Lana, Tia, and Shannon – they will talk to psych to see who would be involved. Will go from planning committee to an advisory committee  Diagnostician type certificate  Assistive technology certificate 1:30 – 1:45 Grad Program – brief overview – set up for discussion in the fall – Shannon  Two masters programs CC & PD and two certificates o Very diverse student population for very different reasons o It seems like our completers are not being counted properly especially when they are taking a masters and certificates o What are the next steps we need to take to get the grad program where it needs to be? o We’re being undercut because there are credit hours that are much less expensive out there and still accredited. o Financial aid only applies to a master’s program not the certificates o Can we get grants to help grad students with finances? o Can we get an exemption from the 9 credits being full time and have it be only 6 credits? o In PD MSE we need to revise the coursework . Need a committee – Katy, Sharon, Shannon, Lana, Nomsa o Grad classes are weak in behavior management – come back to this 1:45 – 2:00 grants – Nomsa  Opportunity to work with alternative programs (corrections particularly) to collaborate o Create a certificate program using our EBD program and adding the corrections program o Incorporate transition o Propose grants – EBD, Transition, and technology o Technology grants would be implementation in a public school like Janesville to implement the technology for these learners o This would pull in the correction teachers to come to us for the certificate o Department of Corrections may have grants available o We are reaching out to the region to work with regional people to help them improve o They want us to develop the coursework – professional development o Juvenile correctional certificate (for non-teachers and for teachers) . This would be a grad certificate for the teachers o Committee – Nomsa, Kelly, Lynn, Katy, Ozalle, Rowand  Field Work Form announcement (385/485: background check form) – Eileen o These are no longer being used o Background check is done in pre-block o No background check for 385 / 485 o Do we want to do this as an admission to the program o We need to connect with admissions to professional ed to see if we can add this to the requirements o Talk to Tracy Arneson Baker about adding it to admission to prof ed o Determine how frequently o Make it the student responsibility for the student to report any events that would affect the background check o Can we ask a student who came from a different program why they were released from their previous program?  Student teaching changes – Nomsa o We still have a lot of student teachers who haven’t taken their Praxis II. There were ten from last semester. We need to encourage them to take it early and take it often. o Is there a way we can say there are X number of spots available for student teaching. These will be filled by those that have met the ALL the requirements. o We could require students to pass the Praxis II before admitting to the program – on the grad level o Could we link it to a landmark course? o The rule is we have to pass it 18 months prior to signing up for the student teaching. o Janet would like to have the placements done at the end a year earlier o What can we do to help our students pass the Praxis II test . We need to work with the tutoring center . Book is good . Seminars would be useful and helpful . Should we talk to Tracy about the Praxis II? Yes . We could make the seminars required if the Praxis II is failed once. . Set up a meeting with Janet, Tracy, and Nomsa . Table for a different meeting 2:00 – 3:00 Potential 2nd Spec Ed class for elem ed – Amy  Revamp the C&I elem ed program o Might be coming – discussion about 2nd special ed class as a requirement . It would be nice to have a class on Focus on speced law, RTI, PBIS, referral process – we might need to revise 324 / 360  edTPA (Education Teacher Performance Assessment) – Kelly o Four key task areas that will be evaluated o Two types of assessment books . Students are graded on a one to five scale – three is considered passing (need a three to pass the TPA) . Can be used for National Boards . In great need for evaluators for Wisconsin . If we keep in house we can audit our students and our program . Pearson writes this and the federal government has a skeleton guideline . This will replace Phase 4 . We can’t do anything once they are working on this – no coaching 3:00 – 3:15 Any other topics? Questions?  Lynn – Wilmot 205 program o They have a longer semester so it had to be reformatted o They are sharing a D2L o Lynn is going to Wilmot to present D2L o She has the old copy of the Exceptional Learner book (11th edition) o Someone will always be assisting the teacher to ensure that it is truly a college level class o

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