To the Chairman and Members of The s1

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To the Chairman and Members of The s1


Minutes of a meeting of Ottery St Mary Town Council Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber on Monday 30th November 2015

Present: Chairman: Councillor Holmes. Councillors: Dobson, Giles, Gori, Edwards, Bartlett, Talbot, Bailey and Carter together with the Deputy Clerk.

1. P/15/11/20 To receive Apologies Apologies were received from Councillors, Harding, Hall, Pratt, Mitchell and Pang

2. P/15/11/21 Declarations of Interest and requests for new DPI dispensations for items on the Agenda The Committee members all declared a Personal Interest in Application 15/2507/FUL as the applicant is a fellow councillor

3. P/15/11/22 Reports, Correspondence and Items referred to the Committee The Agenda for the DMC Committee had been received. This is for the meeting on Tuesday 8th December and applications 15/1694/FUL – Land Adjacent Greytops, 15/2090/OUT – West Hayes, West Hill Road - 151991/MRES – Former Gerway Nurseries is on the agenda. Councillor Giles hoped that a member of the Planning Committee would be attending this meeting. Duly noted. P/15/11/23 Appeal Decision received APP/U1105/W/15/3035940 – Land at Badgers Bend, Lower Broad Oak Road, West Hill, EX11 1UD. The Appeal is allowed. P/15/11/24 Correspondence sent to Hugo Swire MP and subsequent reply to the Chairman of the Gerway Action Group. Noted. P/15/11/25 Email correspondence from Simon Steele-Perkins from Waddeton Park Ltd regarding the proposed care home at the site at Island farm, Barrack Road, Ottery St Mary. Duly noted.

Mayor’s initials …………………….. -58-

4. P/15/11/26 Planning Decisions Received 15/1663/MOUT Land Adj to Slade Farm, Slade Road, Ottery St Mary Refusal 15/2254/TRE Malmvall, 1 Birch Grove, West Hill, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1XP Split Decision 15/1398/VAR Corner Croft & Wrenswood, Lower Broad Oak Rd, West Hill Approved 15/2236/FUL – Robinsmede, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1PN Granted 15/2412/FUL – 58 Mill Street, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1AF Approved ** 15/2266/TRE – 10 Heather Grange, West Hill, Ottery, EX11 1XZ Withdrawn 15/1808/FUL – Woodcote Cottage, Gosford Rd, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1NU Granted 15/2263/VAR – Site of Former Engineering Factory, Ottery St Mary. Granted 15/1622/ADV – The Coleridge Medical Centre, Ottery St Mary Granted Decision applications with ** do not agree with the EDDC recommendation

P/15/11/27 Before the start of Item 5 the Chairman sought and obtained permission to bring forward the Application 15/1974/FUL ( Cardarroch (land adjacent) Ottery St Mary, EX11 1PN) to allow members of the public present to speak on that application. This was agreed.

P/15/11/28 5. To consider and determine observations on the following Planning Applications

1) 15/2507/FUL Pang Conversion of outbuilding to provide additional ancillary accommodation including extension, dormer window & external alterations 10 Yonder Street, Ottery , EX11 1HD The Planning Committee supported this application but would like the ancillary accommodation not to become a separate dwelling from the house

2) 15/2550/FUL Davis Erection of a general purpose Agricultural building Land off Summer Land, Alfington Ottery St Mary, EX11 1UB The Planning Committee supported this application subject to satisfactory drainage provision being made

Mayor’s initials …………………….. -59-

15/1974/FUL - Members of the public spoke on this application and concerns raised are as follows:  Proposal to further reduce the width of the Sidmouth Road for provision of a footpath adds to already serious safety issues as there is a significant hazard to traffic in both directions. Driveway entrances used as passing places where pedestrians could be.  It was felt the outline application should never have been approved by EDDC without provision of a satisfactory footpath and is felt to be a fundamental flaw from the outset  2 cars can barely pass and cars using the driveway to Sunnyland and Fieldfayre approaching from the south will not have enough road width to turn into the driveway in one manoeuvre.  A resident to the East side of Sidmouth Road stated that she would have to do a three point turn to exit her drive to go South.  No provision for stopping children from getting into the road and access for pushchairs and people with disabilities would be very difficult at many places

3) 15/1974/FUL David Wilson Homes A M E N D E D P L A N S Submission of road safety audit for proposed footpath Cardarroch (land adjacent) Ottery St Mary, EX11 1PN The Planning Committee unanimously does not support this highly flawed application:  This is the 3rd attempt to find an acceptable solution to allow pedestrian access to the proposed former Gerway Nurseries site, application 15/1991/MRES  This has been recommended for refusal by Devon County Highways.  The Sidmouth Road narrows at this point and further narrowing will cause further problems.  The proposed footpath at its narrowest point is only 1.2 metres (4 feet) which is totally unacceptable for a footpath to serve 45 houses with children and possibly elderly residents.  The safety of pedestrians especially children as there is a steep slope heading down towards the road and scooters, bikes etc. could easily run unimpeded out of control straight into the road with disastrous results.  The heavy volume of traffic on the Sidmouth Road including HGV’s, PCV’s and large farm vehicles which have a width of up to 3M (10 Feet) on a 4.8M road with no passing places.  There has been concerns by Devon and Cornwall Police Architectural Liaison Officer of the internal site layout and safety.  Concerns of the residents of Hew Harcourt concerning their privacy and the exit from their property interfacing with pedestrians from the proposed development.  Concerns from the residents of the houses opposite the proposed footpath that any reduction in road width would cause severe difficulties in exiting their properties.  The safety of increased amount of pedestrians exiting from the site having to cross the Sidmouth Road/Longdogs Lane/Winters lane junction on the brow of Tip Hill as this would be the only route to the Town and Primary School.  THIS COMMITTEE WOULD STRONGLY RECOMMEND A DMC SITE VISIT TO THE LOCATION.

Mayor’s initials …………………….. -60-

4) 15/2569/FUL Jones Change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden linked to No 1 The The Cottages, Fenny Bridges Land To The Rear Of Fenny Bridges 1 The Cottages, Fenny Bridges, Honiton, EX14 3BJ The Planning Committee does not support this application  There is no justification for loss of this agricultural land in the open countryside

5) 15/2525/FUL Hill Construction of new barn & access track Land East of Cawleys Farm, Wiggaton Road, Wiggaton The Planning Committee supports this application subject to appropriate screening and materials on the track

P/15/11/29 There was a concern about why so many trees were removed at this property and it was agreed that Councillor Bailey would write to the EDDC Tree Officer regarding this 6) 15/2597/FUL Strange Formation of new vehicular access & driveway Higher Keverall, West Hill Road, West Hill, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1UZ The Planning Committee supported this application

A M E N D E D P L A N S 7) 15/2018/FUL Lin/Chen Additional information (received on 1st September 2015, but not circulated in error by EDDC) Barnside, West Hill Road, West Hill, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1TU The Planning Committee reiterates previous comments:  does not support this application as this is on a dangerous bend

8) 15/2607/FUL Rowlands Construction of side/rear extension Trenell, Lower Broad Oak Rd, West Hill. Ottery St Mary, EX11 1XQ The Planning Committee has no objection to this application

9) 15/2579/TRE Young T4, Oak – remove 3 low branches. S1, Cherry – remove 2 branches. S2, Cherry Fell

Mayor’s initials …………………….. -61-

Oak Lodge, Barton Orchard, Tipton St John, Sidmouth, EX10 OAN The Planning Committee has no objection to leaving the management of these trees to the EDDC Tree Officer

10) 15/2644/TRE Faircloth T1, Oak: Reduce entire crown by 2.3m 4 Hayne Close, Tipton St John, EX10 OBA The Planning Committee has no objection to this application subject to the recommendations of the Tree Officer

11) 15/2572/TRE Clarke T1, Cupressus Macrocarpa – Fell Harewood, West Hill Road, West Hill, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1TU The Planning Committee has no objection but would refer this application to the recommendations of the EDDC Tree Officer

P/15/11/30 6. To Receive Councillors’ Questions relating to Planning Matters There were none

The meeting closed at 8.38pm

Mayor’s Signature………………………………………..Date…………………………..

The date of the next Planning Meeting will Monday 14 th December 2015 at the Council Offices, The Old Convent, Ottery St Mary, EX11 1BZ

Mayor’s initials ……………………..

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