We Are Always Very Polite to Tourists. If You Want, You Can Sit Down

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We Are Always Very Polite to Tourists. If You Want, You Can Sit Down


To sit down oturmak

We are always very polite to tourists. If you want, you can sit down.

To stand up ayağa kalkmak

When the teacher comes in we stand up.

To look at bakmak

I was looking at the map when you came in.

To look for aramak

What are you looking for?

To put on giymek

I will put on my new coat.

To take a bus otobüse binmek

I don’t take a bus in the morning. I go there on foot. 2

To go to bed yatağa gitmek

What time do you usually go to bed?

To get up kalkmak yataktan

I get up at seven o’clock every morning.

All right pekala,kabul,uygun,tamam

All right, ı will come with you.

I think zannedersem,kanaatimce,bence,galiba

I think we are late for school.

To catch a bus bir otobüse (trene, vapura) yetişmek (train, boat...)

I have to catch the first bus every morning.

To get back dönmek, geriye gelmek

When did you get back from school? 3

To get on (bir vasıtaya) binmek

She got on the train.

To get off (bir vasıtadan) inmek

They get off the train at this station.

To get ready hazırlamak,hazır olmak, hazırlanmak

Get ready soon, ı am waiting.

Come on haydi

Come on! I can’t wait all day.

At first ilk önce, önce

At first ı couldn’t understand him.

Little by little azar azar, yavaş yavaş

You can pay your dept little by little. 4

To wait for (birisini) beklemek

I am waiting for john.

How much kaç para, ne fiyata

How much did you pay for your car.

To go to sleep uyumak

Some people go to sleep in a bus.

Of course kuşkusuz, tabii, elbette

Of course he is a good teacher.

To take off çıkarmak

Robert took off his hat.

At all hiç, katiyen

I am not tired at all. 5

To come to an end bitmek, sona ermek

The story came to an end.

At last nihayet, sonunda

He understood at last.

For weeks(days, years..) Haftalardır (günler, yıllar...)

They have been living here for years.

By myself kendi kendime(kendine, kendilerine, vs.) (yourself, themselves etc.)

Can he go there by himself?

To get out (kapalı bir yerden) çıkmak, defolmak, çıkarmak

I shall get out if you don’t want me. 6

To catch cold soğuk almak, üşütmek

I cought cold.

By mistake yanlışlıkla, bilmeden

I took your glass by mistake.

To came from (bir yer)....li olmak

Where do you come from?

One by one birer birer (ikişer ikişer...) (two by two...)

You can eat them one by one.

To have a walk, yürüyüş yapmak, To go for a walk gezinti yapmak

We will have a walk.

Going to niyetinde olmak, kararında olmak, hazırlığında olmak

I am going to see him soon. 7

I hope umarım, inşallah

I hope you will get better soon.

To go on devam etmek

Go on, ı am listening.

On foot yaya olarak, yürüyerek

We went there on foot.

All day long bütün gün

He studies english all day long.

By hand elden, elle

These glass plates are all painted by hand.

Hand-made elde yapılmış, el işi, el yapısı

I prefer hand-made shoes. 8

İn pencil kurşun kalemle

You can’t write your composition in pencil.

All the time mütemadiyen, hep, devamlı olarak

You are thinking of something else all the time.

To get better iyileşmek, sağlığına kavuşmak, düzelmek

I hope you’ll soon get better.

Because of yüzünden, sebebiyle, ...... den dolayı

We put off the match because of the snow.

Just now şimdi, az önce

We got of the bus just now.

To have got malik olmak, sahip olmak

I have a book. 9

To make a fire ateş yakmak

They made a fire tıto boil some water.

To be afraid (of) (...den) korkmak, çekinmek

Women are afraid of mice.

To be angry with kızmak, birisine darılmak

Will you be angry with me ıf ı go now?

To have a talk konuşma yapmak, görüşmek

We will have a talk in the morning.

Necessary gerekirse, icap ederse

I can come earlier if necessary.

To make money para kazanmak, para yapmak

He made a lot of money in canada. 10

İn ink mürekkeple

This form should be filled up in ink.

What’s the matter? Ne var? Ne oluyor? Ne oldu?

Why he is so angry? What is the matter?

To make friends arkadaş olmak

I can’t make friends easily.

To ask for istemek, talep etmek

What did you ask for?

At once derhal, hemen

You must answer my questions at once?

To be used to alışık olmak

She is used to cold weather. 11

Every other day gün aşırı, iki günde bir

A women comes to clean the house every other day.

To go for a picnic pikniğe çıkmak, piknik yapmak

All the children have gone for a picnic.

For ever ebediyen, ilelebet

I shall remember him for ever.

To catch fire ateş almak, tutuşmak

The house caught fire.

To look after bakmak, ihtimam göstermek

Who will look after the old man?

Right away derhal, hemen

He will go there right away 12

Do you mind? Sizce bir sakıncası var mı? Mahzuru var mı?

Do you mind if ı open the window?

To fall asleep uyumak, uyuyakalmak

The baby cried for a long time, and then fell asleep.

To shut up sesini kesmek, susmak

Shut up, boys. Your father is sleeping.

Right here tam burada(o zaman, şimdi) (then, now)

She was right here.

To take a picture resim çekmek, fotoğraf çekmek (photo)

Can you take good pictures? 13

To take a look at bakmak, bir bakıvermek

Let us take a look at their flowers.

To take a place vuku bulmak, olmak

When did the accident take place?

To turn off kapamak, durdurmak

Turn off the radio.

To turn on açmak(radyoyu, musluğu vs.) Başlatmak

I will turn on the light.

To shake hands el sıkmak, el sıkışmak

I don’t like shaking hands.

To make room for yer açmak

Please make room for the newcomers. 14

At present şimdilik, şu anda

The baby isn’t crying at present.

To take a seat bir yere (bir oturma yerine) oturmak

I took aseat near the driver.

To take care of ihtimam göstermek, bakmak, alakadar olmak

I will take care of your children.

Run away kaçmak

The boy run away from school.

To fall in love with aşık olmak

I fell in love with that girl.

More or less aşağı yukarı

He is more or less the same age as you. 15

To get used to alışmak

They will soon get used to the climate.

By night (by day) geceleyin, geceleri (gündüzleri)

She likes travelling by night.

From time to time zaman zaman, arada sırada

We play tennis from time to time.

To catch an illness bir hastalığa yakalanmak, hastalanmak

She caught one illness after another.

To take part in iştirak etmek, katılmak

I don’t want to take part in this conversation. 16

Oh dear! Aman allahım, aman yarabbi!

Oh dear! It is raining again.

To be tired of bıkmak,gına getirmek,canına tak demek

We are tired of the old films on tv.

To get ill hasta (iyi,yorgun, vs.) Olmak (well, tired, wet etc.)

You will get well.

That’s why bu yüzden, bu sebepten

She isn’t here yet. That’s why we can’t begin.

İn general umumiyetle, genellikle

Englishmen, in general, can’ t learn foreign languages. 17

To go shopping alışverişe gitmek

My mother went shopping.

Upside down baş aşağı

The picture is upside down on the wall.

To give up vazgeçmek, bırakmak

She will give up going to tea parties.

To get away kaçmak, uzaklaşmak

They locked the door but he got away.

One after another birbirinin peşinden, birbirinin arkasından (one after the other)

The fishes learned to swim one after another.

About to üzere olmak

The train is about to leave the station. 18

On one’s way (to) bir yere giderken, oraya giderken

I always do my shopping on my way home.

To fall ill hastalanmak, hasyalığa yakalanmak

Many people fall ill in winter.

To send for çağırmak, haber salmak

The patient is getting worse: send for the doctor.

It’s time (gitme, çalışma, başlama...) Vaktidir (to go, to work, to start..)

We had a very long break. It’s time to work.

To think of düşünmek, aklından geçirmek

I am thinking of you. 19

On business iş sebebiyle, iş için, görevle

He went to paris on business.

By accident kazara, istemeyerek, yanlışlıkla

I took your bag by accident.

Just a minute bir dakika, bir saniye (lütfen)

Can ı speak to you just a minute?

Why not? Niçin, niye olmasın, niçin olmuyormuş?

Why not write him a letter?

At least en az, en aşağı

I must sleep atlest eight hours.

To take an sınava girmek, imtihan olmak 20


They will take the examination in june.

Now and then arada bir

We like going to the theatre now and then.

To make use of kullanmak, istifade etmek, yararlanmak

You can make use of my office.

To leave for bir yere doğru yola çıkmak, bir yere gitmek için ayrımak

We are leaving for the motel on sunday.

What about...? Ne haber? .....hususunda ne dersiniz?

Ten of the students came, but what about the others. 21

Any longer artık, daha uzun süre

He doesn’t smoke any longer.

See you later sonra görüşürüz, şimdilik hoşça kal

I must go now. See you later.

It is very good çok iyisiniz, çok lütufkarsınız. (kind) of you.

It’s very good of you to visit me.

Face to face yüz yüze, karşı karşıya

I want to talk with him face to face.

Let (me, her, him...) (bana, ona...) İzin verin, müsaade edin, bırakın

Let him come with you.

It ill be alright ziyanı yok, zararı yok

She can go out tonight. It will be alright. 22

As soon as possible mümkün olduğu kadar çabuk

Please answer my letter as soon as possible.

To go with ... Le gitmek, uymak

A green hat goes well with a brown suit.

İn other words başka bir tabirle, başka bir deyimle

He lives below the ground floor, in other words, in the basement.

Day by day günden güne

The traffic is getting worse day by day.

To break down bozulmak

The bus break down at pendik. 23

To be back geri gelmak, dönmek

What time will you be back?

By the side of yanında, yakınında, yanıbaşında

she walked by the side of her mother.

To believe in inanmak, itikat etmek

Some people believe in ghosts.

To grow old yaşlanmak, ihtiyarlamak

When he grew old, he lived with his children.

As a rule ekseriyetle, genellikle, kural olarak

We go to the sea side as a rule in summer. 24

On the whole genel olarak, herşey dikkate alınırsa

On the whole, he is a reliable man.

Side by side yan yana

Almaost all the horses ran side by side.

To make way yol açmak, yol vermek

Please make way. I am late.

Out of order bozuk, çalışmaz durumda

The lift is out of order.

To go bad bozulmak, fena olmak, çürümek

Food in a refrigerator doesn’t go bad.

To find out bulmak, keşfetmek, öğrenmek

I will find out the truth soon. 25

The other day geçen gün, geçenlerde

We were there the other day.

Here and there şurada burada

There were books here and there on the floor.

To be in love(with) aşık olmak

He is in love with mary.

Over there orada, o tarafta, o tarafa

The new building is over there.

As soon as derhal, gelir gelmez, olur olmaz

I shall come back as soon as possible.

To look out dikkatli olmak, dikkat etmek

Look out! A truck is coming. 26

By the pound paund’la (kiloyla,metreyle, litreyle...) (kilo, metre, litre...)

We buy sugar by the kilo.

To give one’s word söz vermek

I give you my word, ı will never come home late again.

According to ...a göre

According to the newspaper it will rain today.

For nothing bedava, karşılığını vermeden

You can’ get anything for nothing.

To do without ...siz yapmak, yokluğuna katlanmak

To go without

In the war some people had to do without sugar. 27

To put a stop to durdurma, son vermek

You must put a stop to his rudeness.

Straight on dosdoğru, sapmadan

If you walk straight on, you will see them.

To run over üstünden geçmek, ezmek, çiğnemek Be careful; you will run over the flowers.

About the same hemen hemen aynı

Their ages are about the same.

To pay a call ziyaret etmek, ziyaret yapmak

To pay a visit

He paid a call here last week. 28

Far away uzakta

The new school isn’t far away.

To get married evlenmek

Ercan and neşe will get married this weekend.

To be on fire yanıyor olmak, yanmakta olmak, tutuşmak

Your coat is on fire.

To like...better daha fazla sevmek, tercih etmek

She likes american cars better than german cars.

İn peace barış içinde, rahat, huzurlu

Go away and leave me in peace.

On the way to ...e giderken

I met him on the way to school. 29

Good for nothing işe yaramaz,haylaz

Your son is a good-for-nothing boy.

Next door bitişik,yanıbaşındaki,komşu

A new family lives next door now.

To take someone by the (hand,arm...) Bir kimseyi (elinden,kolundan tutmak)

He took me by the hand and welcomed me warmly.

To know how to fikri olmak

Do you know how to cook fish?

To wake up uyanmak

She wakes up early. 30

To do one’s best elinden geleni yapmak

I will do my best.

As well keza,de,da

Yes i want an axe as well.

By heart ezbere

Henry knows this poem by heart.

To look like benzemek,andırmak

He looks like his father.

Second-hand kullanılmış,müstamel

He bought a second-hand car.

To be over sona ermek

This lesson is over. 31

To live on ile beslenmek – yiyerek yaşamak

What do birds live on?

To go out dışarı çıkmak – gitmek – sönmek

I don’t go out after dinner.

To throw away ( lüzumu kalmadığı için ) atmak

Do you throw away your old clothes.

Out of date modası geçmiş – demode

Her dresses are out of date.

Up to date modern – zamana ait

Your ideas are not up to date. 32

To catch by the arm (hand,leg) (kolundan bacağından ) yakalamak

Dont catch the dog by its tail.

İn addition ilavaten,ek olarak

They gave me a book in addition.

Off duty izinli,vazife başında değil

You can smoke of duty.

On duty vazife başında,görevli

Are you the doctor on duty?

Hand in hand elele,beraber,birlikte

We must work hand in hand.

To come across rastlamak - tesadüf etmek

John came across an old book in the library. 33

Step by step adım adım – yavaş yavaş

He was promoted step by step.

Any more bir daha – artık – daha fazla

I don’t want any more cakes.

To hear from ...... den haber almak

When did you hear from his last?

This (that) will do işe yaramak – işini görmek

Will this room do for the being

To be sure of ....den emin olmak – güvenmek

Can you be sure of him ?

İn question söz konusu – adı geçen

Where is the report in question? 34

To hear of işitmişliği olmak – bilgisi olmak

I have never heard such a thing.

To be in a hurry acelesi olmak

They were in a hurry.

To have nothing to do with ile ilgisi olmak

they have nothing to do with our plan.

Once upon a time evvel zaman içinde – vaktiyle

Once upon a time there was a famous magician.

To get lost kaybolmak – yolunu kaybetmek

If you get lost , ask a policeman.

To keep in mind hatırda tutmak – unutmamak

Keep my name in mind for that job. 35

To be sorry for (somebody) bir kimseye üzülmek - acımak

I am sorry for you.

Far off uzaklarda – uzaklara

I can’t teach there.ıt’s so far off.

To change one’s mind fikrini değiştirmek

He changed his mind again last night.

To lie down yatmak – uzanmak

I am tired.ı will lie down for an hour.

To hurry up acele etmek – hızlandırmak

Hurry up, our teacher is coming.

On purpose kasten – isteyerek

Did the driver kill the dog on purpose? 36

On time tam zamanında

We were at the station on time.

In time vaktinden önce – gecikmeden – vakitlice

We were at the station in time.

To make (one’s) living (birinin, insanın) hayatını kazanması

I make my living by selling books.

Sooner or later er geç – eninde sonunda

He will accept our offer sooner or later.

On one’s side tarafında olmak

We can rely on him.he is on our side 37

As to hususunda – konusunda

As to his ability, we are sure that he can do the job.

For instance mesela – örneğin

You can learn a language, for instance english.

Out of the way sapa yerde – uzakta

Is his house out of the way?

A great deal bir hayli – bir çok

They talk a great deal, but they do nothing.

To slow down yavaşlamak

Slow down when you reach the crossroads.

To be familiar aşina olmak – haberdar olmak

We aren’t familiar with new achines. 38

To keep one’s word sözünü tutmak

We can believe him.he keeps his word.

Tired out yorgun – bitkin

My father is tired out.

To be fast asleep derin uykuda olmak

She fell fast asleep in the bus.

To set out yola çıkmak – yola koyulmak

We will set out at six o’clock.

To turn over baş aşağı etmek – dönmek

The car turned over.

To make one’s mind karar vermek

I made up my mind. 39

For good daimi – devamlı olarak – temelli

She has gone to england for good.

These days bugünlerde – şu sıra

But these days the stars seen out of reach.

To pick out seçmek

I will pick you out a shirt for you.

Help your self buyurun – afiyet olsun

Please help your self to the drinks.

Out of doors. Açık havada – dışarıda

They give concerts out of doors in summer.

To be one’s turn ( birinin ) sırası olmak

It is my turn to read now. 40

Pretty epey – oldukça

He has a pretty small car.

As well as keza – dahi – kadar

I can swim as well as she can.

To get in içeri girmek – sığmak

You can get in the house through the window.

To come true (rüya, hayal) gerçekleşmek

Your hopes will never come true.

To be in charge of idare etmek – bakmak – yükümlüsü olmak

Who is in charge of this apartment.

To manage to idare edebilmek – becerebilmek

We managed to cook on a sprit stove. 41

Who cares kimin umurunda – kime ne

Who cares if it’s raining?

İt makes no difference fark etmez – hepsi bir – nasıl olsa olur

I can drink my beer outside.it makes no difference.

To get in touch with ...le temasa geçmek - ...le temas etmek

I couldn’t get in touch with the director.

So and so falan falan - falanca

One begins a letter.”Dear so and so.”

To set fire to ateşe vermek – tutuşturmak

He set fire to his own house. 42

To call on ziyaret etmek

My friends called on me.

to call out seslenmek – yüksek sesle söylemek

They called out “ help! Help!”

To call at kısa ziyarette bulunmak – uğramak

I am so glad you called at my house.

To call up telefon etmek – telefonla aramak

Will you call me up?

To call for beraberce başka bir yere gitmek için bir şahsa uğramak,alıp götürmek

When will you call for me?

To leave alone yalnız bırakmak – dokunmamak

Levae me alone , i am tired. 43

After all netice itibariyle – ne de olsa – herşeye rağmen

After all he is the champion.

İnside out ters – içi dışında

Henry turned his pockets inside out.

To be just going to bir şeyi yapmak üzere olmak

I was just going to ask the same question.

To take after (aileden birine) çekmek, benzemek

I take after my father.

To put in touch with bağlantı sağlamak- görüştürmek

I can put you in touch with mr.durusel. 44

İt can’t be helped çaresiz – elde değil

We’ll arrive late but it can’t be helped.

To be proud of ...ile iftihar etmek

He is proud of his sons.

To let alone yalnız bırakmak – kendi haline bırakmak

You must let her alone, she wants to sleep.

Over again tekrar

I like that popular record. Play it over again.

To take a break teneffüs yapmak, ara vermek

It’s about time we took a break.

To pick up tutup almak – tutup kaldırmak

Pick up your pencil. 45

As usual her zaman olduğu gibi

As usual he didn’t answer my letter.

To be intrested in ilgi duymak – zevk almak

He is intrested in boxing

To know by sight uzaktan tanımak

I know him by sight but they have not yet introduced him to me.

To get rid of ....den kurtulmak

She wants to get rid of us.

On the other hand buna karşılık – diğer tarafta

Oranges are still green and expensive.on the other hand apples are ripe and cheap. 46

İn need of ihtiyacında olmak – muhtaç olmak

Are you in need of money?

For a change değişiklik için – değişiklik olsun diye

Instead of grammar we’ll read a story for a change.

The same as before daha önce olduğu gibi

You are not the same person as before.

Once in a while arada bir

Once in a while we played football together.

To keep out – off – away yaklaşmamak – uzak durmak

Keep out – off – away. 47

From now on bundan böyle – artık

Where will they live from now on?

All of a sudden birdenbire – aniden

All o a sudden he met his wife.

To let someone know bildirmek – haber vermek

Please let me know when he comes.

Can’t help elinde olmamak – olmadan edememek – istemiyerek yapmak

some peole can’t help bitting their nails.

Never mind önemi yok – ziyanı yok

Never mind, they will wash the table-cloth

To put on weight şişmanlamak – kilo almak

I am putting on weight. 48

To get along well iyi geçinmek

He gets along well with his workers.

I’m afraid korkarım,maalesef

I’m afraid they’re not at home.

So far şimdiye kadar – şu ana kadar

So far she has answered all the questions correctly.

To book a ticket (a seat) bilet almak - yer ayırtmak

She booked a ticket for the opera.

So so şöyle – böyle

She is good at hisytory, but only so – so at biology.

For want of yokuluğu nedeniyle – olmadığından

For want of a better radio, we keep this old one. 49

To (go) get on with devam etmek – kesmemek

Shall i go on with my reading?

To hand in teslim etmek – vermek

When the report is ready, please hand it in to the manager.

To run into rastlamak – tesadüf etmek

I ran into an old friend yesterday.

Not only .... But also sadece ...değil ...da

She is not only clever but also preety.

To get ...going devam etmek – durmamak

Get going.you are late for work.

To take hold of tutmak

I took hold of the door knob. 50

To sit up yatmamak – uyumamak

They sat up until midnight.

To see about alakadar olmak – ...için uğraşmak

She will see about this matter.

In charge vazifeli – görevli

Who is in charge in this apartment.

Here you are işte – işte bak

Here you are, this is your bus stop.

To point out işaret etmek – göstermek

She pointed out the historical places.

Up and down aşağı yukarı

People were walking up and down in the park. 51

To be off paydos etmek – işi bırakmak

The nurses are off at five o’clock.

To be mad about çok hevesli olmak – bayılmak

Go to your mother if you are so mad about her meals.

To set off(out) yola çıkmak – yola koyulmak

They set off a at six o’clock.

In sight görünürde – meydanda

There wasn’t a house in sight.

That is (to say) yani – o demek ki

I like the sea, that is, i like swimming.

To make clear açıklamak – belirtmek – aydınlatmak

He didn’t make the matter clear to us. 52

An hour’s (day’s – week’s) wait bir saatlik (günlük, haftalık) bekleyiş

The train arrived after an hour’s wait.

To feel like canı istemek – arzusunda olmak

I feel like dancing with you.

To run off kaçıp gitmek – sıvışmak

They opened the gate and ran off.

To fill out (bir liste veya müracat fişi) doldurmak

You must fill out this form.

To stand still kımıldamadan durmak

Stand still or i can’t take yoru picture.

And so on ve saire, ve böyle

There are peaches and apricots and so on. 53

Out of sight gözden uzak

James , you are out of sight.

To be tired out bitkin olmak - çok yorgun olmak

They were tired out after the party.

To set free bırakmak – salmak – serbest bırakmak

After the trial, the judge set the man free.

To take seriously ciddiye almak

Why don’t you take my advices seriously.

To put out söndürmek

I will put out the fire.

Used to fiillerin önüne gelerek o fiilin geçmişte tekrarlandığını ifade eder.

I used to smoke. 54

To put off tehir etmek – sonraya bırakmak

They will put off the meeting.


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