Uploading Files to Your Unix Account Using FTP

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Uploading Files to Your Unix Account Using FTP

Uploading Files to your Unix Account Using FTP

To submit your CS 445 assignments, you will need to copy several files into a Unix directory. All electronic materials must have been submitted to the appropriate directory on the submission site by the scheduled beginning of class time on the due date specified for the assignment. These materials include:

1) All Java source files (every file for a given assignment, usually .java). We should be able to compile your programs from these and have it run correctly. 2) All compiled Java files (every file that has a .class extension that appears after you successfully compile a program. 3) A filled out assignment information sheet, either in .html or .txt form. Sending your files to the submission Unix directory using FTP You can use Internet Explorer to transfer your files to the Pitt Unixs system. In the address bar enter the address ftp:// [email protected], where username is your logon name. After you hit enter telling Internet Explorer to load the page, you will see this screen:

You can enter your password and you will see your Unix account in a graphical form. It will basically look like your Windows My Computer, see below:

You can now copy files into your directory as if it were any folder on your computer’s hard drive. Once your files have been uploaded to your unixs account, you will need to copy them into the submission directory. The files will be submitted into the Computer Science Department’s Incoming directory: /afs/cs.pitt.edu/public/incoming/CS445. In this directory will be subdirectories for each recitation section. Each recitation section will then have a directory for each of the students registered for that section. Each student will in turn have a directory for each assignment. For example, consider everyone’s favorite student, Joe Schmoe, who is in the Monday 11:30 am recitation. Suppose Joe was handing in assignment 1 and that assig1.java was his only file. You can log into the Pitt Unix system from windows by selecting Run from the start menu and entering the command: telnet unixs.cis.pitt.edu Joe would issue this command from the unixs prompt: prompt>cp assig1.java afs/cs.pitt.edu/public/incoming/CS445/mon11:30am/schmoej/ Remember, you must submit each file that you have created as stated above. Just so that you can double check that your work is where it is supposed to be, you can issue this command: prompt>ls /afs/cs.pitt.edu/public/incoming/CS445/recitation/name/assignment So, Joe would issue the command (for assignment 1): prompt>ls /afs/cs.pitt.edu/public/incoming/CS445/ mon11:30am/schmoej/assig1

You may also anonymously log onto the CS department’s FTP site, bypassing the need to upload your files to the unix system and copy them to the submission directory. In Internet Explorer you would enter the address: ftp://ftp.cs.pitt.edu. You may see a popup dialog looking like the one above asking for a password. You can take out your username and click the anonymous checkbox. Be sure to enter your email address, including the @ as your password. Logging into the CS department ftp site will automatically place you into the public directory (/afs/cs.pitt.edu/public). You can then navigate to the proper submission directory and copy in your files as if this were My Computer.

You may also use WS FTP to submit your files. WS FTP is available on all CIS machines. WS FTP may be found in the Internet Tools submenu of the Start Menu. WS FTP works a bit differently than Internet Explorer. Once you open WS FTP, you will an initial screen that will open an ftp connection to Pitt Unixs: You may upload files to your unix account with this setup, just input your username and password. You will see two white boxes (below):

The left side is the folder which you are sending your files from. This could be the machine’s hard drive, floppy drive, etc. The right side is the destination. This could be any folder in your Unix Account. You can also change the destination to the submission site for CS 445. Click on the ChgDir button on the right hand side of the dialog. You should enter this directory: /afs/cs.pitt.edu/public/incoming/CS445/. You should then follow the folders on the right until the proper submission folder for the assignment you are submitting is found. Select the file(s) to send by highlighting them on the left white box and clicking the Right Arrow (->) in the center of the dialog. You may also log in anonymously by entering this address: ftp.cs.pitt.edu in the Host Name/Address area above and select the Anonymous checkbox on the right. You may still check that your files have been uploaded properly by issuing the ls command that was listed above.

Remember, if you have any questions regarding submitting your files, contact your TA or as soon as possible!

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