The Job Hunting Process

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The Job Hunting Process


THE JOB HUNTING PROCESS Looking for a position that is well suited to your own personal interests and talents is an involved and time- consuming process that requires much thought and research. We have compiled this guide in an effort to help you in your search.

We have done our best to compile a user-friendly collection of writings on career guidance. These guides will help you:

 Create an effective resume  Research the job market  Create a contact network  Hone your interviewing skills  Negotiate to get the offer you deserve Creating an Effective Resume

Resume Purpose

The first, and most critical, point for creating an effective resume is self-assessment. An accurate portrayal of your career interests can only be conveyed after identifying those skills, abilities, and values you want to find in your next job. The other half of resume preparation is a review of all the educational and occupational experiences you have had. Only when you have both of these elements solidly in mind and feel a focus towards your next position…begin writing your resume.

Understand the relative importance of a resume to your job search. A resume will not result in a job. Rather, it is a key marketing tool that will help you land an interview. It will be up to you to do the rest. We will cover more of that later in this guide.

If written well, a resume should generate enough interest to make an employer want to meet you. For those jobs in which written communication skills are essential, your resume and cover letter may be your most important marketing tools. Did you know that the first time an average employer reviews a resume, they spend less than 60 seconds on it? You must catch them in that time period and make them want to look at it again.

A resume is as important in creating a first impression with a potential employer as are over-the-phone and face-to-face contacts.


This needs to be the first step you take in looking for a job. When looking for a job, you are actually functioning as a salesperson, and the product is YOU. In order to be an effective Salesperson, you MUST be familiar with the product. You may think you know the product it is worth taking the time to do some self-evaluation. You may be surprised by how much more clearly you will see not only yourself, but also your image of the perfect job.

It is important to know what kind of person you are and which work environments are most suited to your own unique combination of skills, goals and areas of interest. Jobs that combine your best in these areas are the jobs in which you will have the best chance for success and where you will feel the strongest sense of job satisfaction.

Remember when you were a child and you wanted to be an astronaut or a firefighter or President? Nothing is set in stone; our dreams, goals and expectations tend to change as we grow and it is important to remain open to change. Put aside the expectations or successes of others. The fact that your parents worked successfully in private industry doesn’t mean that you would not be happier working for a government agency or a non-profit organization. Does the fact that your mother is a lawyer mean you have practice law as well?

To help ascertain which work environments and job types are best for you, it is worth taking the time to complete the following questionnaire. Find a quiet place where you can work uninterrupted. Don’t feel you have to complete this all at once. Work on it for a while and come back to it. Also, if you get stuck, brainstorm, or ask others for input. Self-Assessment Questionnaire

When trying to discover and define your personal interest areas, think about the newspaper and magazine articles you turn to first. Are you more interested in the business section or the front page? Make a list of the news items, which have grabbed your attention over the last six months. Also, consider your favorite leisure activities- do they translate into job skills? For example, someone who enjoys entertaining may prove to be a good event coordinator.

Look at experiences from any point in your past.

1. List two tasks or projects you worked on that you found engaging and rewarding. Why did you like them? (another way to look at this question is… Describe one accomplishment or achievement in your life that your were proud of and that you found satisfying and enjoyable). The experience need not be limited to a work-related accomplishment. ______

2. For which tasks have people repeatedly come to you for assistance? ______

3. Describe a time when you were able to persuade a person or group to do something they had been hesitant about. ______

4. Describe a time when you faced a number of obstacles in trying to achieve a goal. What did you do to overcome them? ______

5. List two tasks or projects which you found to be tedious or uninspiring. Why did you not like them? ______

6. What could have been done to make those tasks more enjoyable? ______

7. Think of a time when you were working under an unreasonable deadline. How did you handle the situation? ______

8. Who was one of your favorite people to work with and why? ______9. Who was one of your least favorite people to work with and why? ______

10. Describe a time when you had trouble seeing eye-to-eye with a peer. How did you handle the situation? ______

11. What characteristics would you appreciate in a boss? ______

12. Give an example of a time when you used teamwork to complete a project. ______

13. Describe a time when you were forced to make an important decision without all of the necessary information. ______

14. Describe a situation that motivated you. ______

15. Describe an incident when your work was criticized. ______

16. Describe an incident when your work was praised. ______

17. How do you spend your time when you are not working (hobbies, special activities, interest groups, etc.)? What are some of your life-long interests? ______

Consider the jobs of acquaintances

1. Who do you know who has a job you envy? Why do you envy it? ______

2. Who do you know whose job seems unbearable? Why is it so bad? ______

3. Where do you see yourself in five years? ______

Ask your family and acquaintances about yourself; look to past letters of recommendation and reviews to find others’ opinions of you:

1. What are your strengths (be specific, just don’t say creative, explain creative.)? ______

2. What are your weaknesses? ______

Now, ask yourself:

3. What are your strengths? ______

4. What are your weaknesses? ______

To help you define what it is you expect from a job, rank the following list according to what it is that you want the most in your work environment and overall career:

Working with a team ___ Task variety ___ Working independently ___ Room for Creativity ___ Making a contribution ___ Job security ___ Mental challenge ___ Professional status ___ Pleasant surroundings ___ Ability to advance ___ Interesting co-workers ___ Financial rewards ___

Composing Accomplishment Statements Each of us has past accomplishments which were important to the organizations for which we worked, be it volunteer or paid work. We often fail to mention in our resumes the added value or benefit which our employers or co-workers gained from these accomplishments. However, it is precisely these accomplishments which best illustrate our individual talents and problem-solving abilities. They are immediate and concrete evidence that you can work effectively and use your skills to the best possible advantage.

Thus, it is critical that you prepare an extensive list of accomplishments, which exemplify your talents and previous responsibilities. A well thought out accomplishment statement will:  Help you identify the skills and traits that make you a valuable and attractive employee.  Become the basis of a strong resume.  Give you a better knowledge of your strengths which will help you further clarify your career path  Help you prepare for interviews.

Try the following exercise to help you prepare your accomplishment statements. Use the P-A-R sequence…

P-identify a PROBLEM you faced A-what is the ACTION you took to improve the situation? R-what RESULTS were you able to achieve?

Here are some typical actions and results mentioned in accomplishment statements:

Improved quality Improved productivity and Teamwork Increased Sales Reduced operating time Reduced costs Achieved technological breakthrough Increased profits Established an administrative process Improved employee relations Created a program

You may also want to refer to the action verbs listed under “Useful Expressions and Keywords” to help you effectively describe your accomplishments.

Now, pick out four of your past accomplishments which stand out most in your mind and complete the following exercises for each accomplishment:

1. What was the Problem? ______

2. What Action did you take to solve the problem? ______

3. What were the Results achieved through your actions? ______

Use this information to build your own set of accomplishment statements combining the PAR’s into 1 concise statement. Take a look at the following examples:

 Improved productivity 15% by introducing new procedures and equipment.  Developed and implemented marketing campaign for new sales territory. Built new relationships in the Baltimore and Washington, DC areas generating additional sales of $10 million in 2 years.  Created and conducted interviewer training program for managers and supervisors, which reduced candidate selection ration from 1:15 to 1:5.  Consistently exceeded sales goals, winning numerous sales contests.  Provided engineering and start-up assistance, including technical training for companies in the power generation and pollution control industries. On-site assignments included: Mexico, Korea, and Japan in addition to several locations in the US.

What follows are Useful Expressions & Keywords that should help you in completing these exercises. They can also be used to create a resume that clearly describes your Knowledge, Skills and Abilities.

Describing Your Individual Characteristics

Accurate Confident Good Attitude Leadership Self-Assured Adventurous Creative Hard Worker Oriented Self-Controlled Artistic Curious High Standards Original Self-Started Assertive Dedicated Imaginative People Oriented Sense of Humor Challenging Dependable Independent Personable Sensitive Civic Minded Diligent Inquisitive Perfectionist Sociable Committed Efficient Intelligent Persuasive Stable Competent Energetic Intuitive Practical Tolerant Concise Entertaining Kind Productive Trustworthy Excellent Communicator Enthusiastic Level-Headed Rational Compassionate Expressive Loyal Responsible

Can you think of any others?

Expressing Skill Levels

Advanced Detailed knowledge of High degree of Relentless in pursuit of Knowledge of Proficiency in Adept in Expert in Great with Skilled at Background in Fluent in Successful with Effective in Good at Keen awareness of

Action Verbs for Accomplishment Statements

Accelerated Demonstrated Innovated Purchased Systematized Accomplished Designed Installed Recommended Terminated Achieved Directed Instituted Recruited Traced Administered Divided Integrated Redesigned Tracked Advised Documented Interpreted Redirected Traded Aided Doubled Introduced Reduced Trained Allocated Earned Invented Reorganized Transformed Analyzed Economized Launched Researched Translated Approved Edited Led Revised Trimmed Budgeted Eliminated Maintained Scheduled Tripled Built Established Managed Set Uncovered Chaired Evaluated Modified Simplified Unearthed Classified Examined Motivated Sold Unified Collaborated Executed Negotiated Sparked Utilized Complied Expanded Operated Staffed Vacated Completed Expedited Organized Started Verified Conducted Followed up Performed Streamlined Widened Consolidated Forecast Planned Strengthened Withdrew Consulted Founded Presented Stressed Won Controlled Generated Processed Stretched Wrote Converted Headed Programmed Structured Worked Coordinated Identified Promoted Succeeded Created Implemented Proposed Summarized Cut Improved Provided Supervised Delegated Improvised Publicized Supplemented Delivered Increased Published Surveyed

These exercises are designed to make you think. Now that you have completed them, you should begin to see a pattern emerging of your likes and dislikes. If you need more assistance, there are numerous sources, including: The Internet Career Counselors The Department of Labor The Library

At the end of this manual we will further define a number of these sources. Resume Content

Now that you have completed the exercises and have a good idea of your next career move, the logical step in the job search process is writing a resume. In the majority of cases, resumes are the only documents a potential employer receives in determining whether or not to offer you an interview.

The content of a resume includes only that information that an employer needs to know about you to make a hiring decision. The essential components of a resume are:

Contact Information Name Address Phone Number (include message number if you do not have an answering machine) Email address (only include this if you check your email on a regular basis)

Summary Statement/Qualifications Key knowledge areas i.e. industries, functions, regions Highlight of relevant technical/specialized skills (marketing, strategic planning, advertising, etc.) Complementary proficiencies (language study, computer skills, special interests as they relate to the position you are applying for) Personal traits (i.e. teamwork, flexibility as they relate to the position you are applying for)

Employment History (Chronological or Functional format) List your positions in reverse order (most recent first) Highlight key accomplishments (cost savings, improved efficiencies, and special interests. Remember your Accomplishment Statements) Minimize “lack of experience” indicators such as…..

Chronological Resumes A chronological resume presents your work experience within the time frames you spent in each job. This is the most traditional and a good choice for individuals with steady and increasing responsible work experience and for job hunters whose recent employment is relevant to the job for which they are applying now. Refer to the chronological resumes at the end of this section.

Functional Resumes Functional resumes are really a combination of functional and chronological. This combination style provides for a skills section, allowing you to group similar skills and accomplishments from throughout your paid and unpaid work history.

Although many employers prefer the more traditional chronological resume, it is not always the best style for those whose career paths have been somewhat erratic, for those looking to change careers, or for those whose recent work does not support their career interests. A functional resume focuses on what you have done rather than where you have been. Job titles, names of organizations and dates are not listed in the skills section, so volunteer jobs and gaps in employment can not be identified as easy as with the chronological style. Examples of this style can be found at the end of this section.

Education College/university degree- list degrees in reverse chronological order with the highest degree first. Certification courses Specialized training

Other Relevant information (only as it relates to the position) Organizational affiliations Professional Memberships Honors/Awards Civic/volunteer activities Credentials, licenses and special skills Publications (include unpublished as well IF it relates to your job target) General Do’s and Don’ts of Resume Writing

Content Do’s  Present yourself accurately and positively  Include only enough information to encourage an employer to find out more. List your most recent positions or areas of expertise first, then work backwards.  Include brief descriptions (where appropriate) of the companies where you worked: size, sales, volume, products, etc.  Stress accomplishments. Include figures and brief examples to substantiate claims.  Leave out data that might result in discrimination (i.e. race, marital status, religion).  Put education near the end unless there is a special reason to put it up front (i.e. teaching position).  Use strong, succinct action words (i.e. “designed vs. worked on formulation of).  Make the resume attractive to the eye, and make sure it has absolutely NO errors. Wherever possible, avoid underlining and using more than one font.  Use the language of your future work. Make sure your resume is related to an employers need.  Have several others proofread and critique your resume for accuracy and impact.

Content Don’ts  Don’t have someone else write your resume (ask for advice and input, but you know yourself best and will have to defend the content).  Make sure you do not come across as arrogant or overly confident.  Don’t exaggerate your strengths and talents.  Don’t use pronouns, abbreviations, jargon or buzzwords unless the terms are widely know and accepted or are industry/company specific.  Don’t crowd the margins or use excessively small type.  Don’t include references. Reference requests are made when there is an actual hiring interest, not before. At the end of your resume you may state, “ references available upon request,” or since this is normally assumed, the phrase may be omitted. As a matter of courtesy and to ensure that potential employers receive favorable references, always contact your references in advance.  Avoid humor and vagueness.  Don’t include personal information (weight, height, marital status, children, etc.)

Format Considerations

The appearance of your resume should invite further reading and ultimately assist in getting you in the door for an interview. Other things to consider include:

 Using a laser printer on good quality bond paper.  Keep it between one and two pages in length.  Make it easy to read. The size of the print should be comfortable (no smaller than 10-11) and the amount of information that is bold or underlines should enhance rather than overwhelm the reader. Allow plenty of white space on the page.  Provide at least a one-inch margin on the left and right for the body of the document.  Your resume must be flawless- no spelling errors, typos or grammatically incorrect phrases, incorrect dates of employment, correct phone numbers, etc. Scannable Resumes More and more companies are using scanning equipment to store resumes in databases. Resumes area searched for keywords before being selected for review. If your resume is not in scannable form, there is a chance it will be discarded. To avoid this, adhere to the following guidelines:

 No two-sided resumes  Print in black ink on plain white paper- even a light off-white can reduce scannability.  Format your resume as simply as possible: Avoid columns No fancy fonts, small fonts, underlining (avoid where possible) or italics Use boldface for headings Replace bullets with characters like dashes (-), carrots (>) or asterisks (*) No graphics or symbols Use a font between 10 and 14 points and don’t crowd the letters  When you mail your resume, do not use staples and do not fold (when possible). Be sure to send an original rather than a copy. Scanning equipment often has difficulty with copies (the same goes with faxed versions, so try mailing the original, unless you have the capability of faxing directly from your computer.  When sending your resume as an email, protocol differs by company. Sometimes hiring managers want the resume in the body of the email, others as an attachment. Unless instructed otherwise, send your resume as a Word attachment.  Most resumes today are scanned into an electronic database. Keyword searches are then done by the recruiter, for example, choosing only resumes that contain the word “management”.  If possible, do not fold your resume and cover letter, but rather send it in a stiff 9x12 envelope. This allows for more complete scanning.  Be sure to send an original rather than a copy, because scanning equipment often has difficulty with scanned resumes.

Critique your resume

When you believe your resume is complete, ask yourself the following questions:

 Have I selected the most appropriate resume style for my background/career objective?  Have I de-emphasized the interruptions in my career?  Have I highlighted benefits for a potential employer and are my relevant qualifications obvious?  Have I put the most important information near the top and left side of my resume?  Have I stressed accomplishments rather than only job duties?  Have I used natural and understandable language?  Have I left off irrelevant personal information?  Is my resume brief, to the point, and clear?  Have I been consistent in my use of underlining or bold typeface, capitals, spacing and margins?  Is my original copy clean, clear and of good contrast?  Have I chosen high quality bond paper on which to reproduce my resume? SAMPLE RESUMES

Resume #1 is an example of the Chronological resume. This most common of the resume types accounts for 90-95% of all business resumes used today.

Resume #2 is an example of the Functional/Combination resume. These tend to be used by people whose work histories are better showcased by listing their abilities rather than the more traditional list of job titles. Resume #1 JANE SMITH

1234 First Street · Smithtown, WA · 99099 H·(800) 555-1212 W ·(800) 555-1213 [email protected]


Progressive Human Resources management experience in recruiting, training, compensation & benefits, employee relations, orientation and safety compliance.


KPMG, CHICAGO, IL International Professional Services Firm (formerly KPMG Peat Marwick)

12/97 – present HUMAN RESOURCES BUSINESS MANAGER Assurance Services – Midwest Business Unit

Provide consultative services in employee relations, training and development, performance management and human resources policies. Responsible for 6 Midwest business offices and 6 financial services practices. Manage support staff.

 Partner and deliver strategic human resources value to the Midwest Assurance and Specialty Financial practices.

 Provide guidance to Business Unit Partners, Office Managing Partners and Human Resources Partners on all human resource issues, including salary/performance decisions.

 Resolve employee relations issues, conduct investigations as necessary.

 Conduct exit interviews and strategize retention plans.

 Assess population needs and deliver training programs.

 Liaison to Recruiting and advise as needed.

 Write effective Affirmative Action plans and implement corrective actions.

REGIONAL ORGAN BANK OF ILLINOIS, CHICAGO, IL The nation's leading organ procurement organization dedicated to transplantation.

3/92 - 11/97 MANAGER of HUMAN RESOURCES -promoted from Human Resources Administrator- Sole responsibility for setting up organization’s Human Resources Department. Jane Smith page 2

Accomplishments included:

 Designed and implemented salary/performance appraisal program. Created new compensation and performance appraisal program.

 Managed and directed all recruiting activities. Reduced clinical staff turnover from 80% to less than 30% netting an $85,000 savings to the company.

 Implemented an Employee Assistance Program, created annual employee benefit statements.

 Created the first company wide policy/procedure manual and employee handbook.


General Human Resource activities included recruiting for four regional offices, designing and conducting a new employee orientation program, and supervising secretarial and reception staff functions.

ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY, CHICAGO, IL. The state's largest medical malpractice insurer.


Assisted Human Resources Director with all department activities, including payroll and related functions.


Bachelor of Arts in political science with an emphasis in communications and a minor in French from Illinois State University, 1988. Certified Human Resources Professional (PHR), 1993. Certified Zengler-Miller Professional Trainer, 1998.


Member, Society of Human Resource Professionals and the Society for Human Resource Management. Chairperson, "Attrition Study," United Network of Organ Sharing, 1995. Speaker, Association of Organ Procurement Organizations, “Recruitment & Retention”, 1996. Speaker, Association of Organ Procurement Organizations, “Benefits & Compensation”, 1997. HR Consultant, “The Exceptional Requester”, United Network of Organ Sharing, 1999 Resume #2 John Doe 122 First Street Thevillage, HI 90009 (800) 555-1212 [email protected]

PROFESSIONAL PROFILE A seasoned, resourceful Human Resource Executive with an extensive, diverse background gained from over 25 years of progressively responsible HR positions. Experienced in creative sourcing, recruiting and hiring personnel

PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Employment/Recruiting Recruited Management, IT, Financial, Sales, Engineering, Scientific, Office, Graphics and Manufacturing Personnel  Recruited Chemical Engineers and Chemists from “Big 10 Universities”  Conducted career forums and open house recruitment over a two-week period resulting in the hiring of 40 professionals  Complete staffing (120 employees in two years) of start-up manufacturing company  Recruited expatriates for domestic and foreign assignments  Utilized creative sourcing of candidates for executive and out of the ordinary positions

Employee Relations Advised and counseled employees: coached/mentored supervision and management personnel. Planned and conducted employee events. Resolved disputes and complaints. Developed and implemented Human Resource policies.  Conducted and evaluated employee satisfaction surveys  Reviewed and revised HR policies, bringing them into compliance with Federal and State laws  Designed and implemented union avoidance program result in a union free facility

Compensation Managed wage/salary programs including merit increase policies, bonus/incentive plans, executive compensation, customized compensation surveys.  Compensation wage/salary ranges reviewed and revised per latest survey data  Developed point-factor compensation programs ensuring internal pay equality for clients  Developed and implemented budget driven performance based salary increase matrix

Benefits Managed employee benefits programs including health, dental, disability insurance, life insurance, workers compensation, pension, 401(k) and other plans.  Implemented self-insured dental and medical plans  Negotiated and implemented new benefit package where resultant savings provided enhancements to dental and vision care benefits with no increase in premiums  Conducted discrimination testing of benefit plans, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations

HR Strategic Planning Active participant integrating human resource planning in business strategic plans.  Developed recruiting strategies to staff a new facility  Identified high potential employees and customized developmental training for their future assignments  Developed comprehensive disaster recovery plan for company  Developed and implemented career pathing and succession planning for company

Regulatory Compliance Monitored and ensured compliance to Federal and State laws and regulations  Established and met EEO affirmative action plans. Participated in comprehensive compliance reviews with EEO and OFCCP Compliance officers resulting in contracts being awarded  Instituted OSHA Hazards Communications Program meeting governmental regulations and deadlines  Revised HR policies and procedures to conform to ADA  EEO litigation; handled workers comp, unemployment comp, liens and garnishments

CAREER EXPERIENCE LJ KLEMM & ASSOCIATES Human Resources Consultant 1995 – Present

HEARTLAND CONSULTING GROUP (Affiliated with the Illinois Credit Union System) Human Resources Consultant 1991 – 1995

ILLINOIS CREDIT UNION SYSTEM & AFFILIATES Director, HR & Administration 1987 – 1991

DURACO PRODUCTS, INC. Director, Industrial Relations/Personnel 1984 – 1986

FLENDER CORPORATION Manager, Industrial Relations/Personnel 1981 – 1984

PROCON INC. (Subsidiary of UOP) Employment Supervisor 1977 – 1981

QUAKER OATS (R&D Laboratories) Personnel Supervisor 1973 – 1977



COMPUTER SKILLS Microsoft Office 2000 (Word, Excel & PowerPoint) – WordPerfect Office 2000 (WordPerfect & QuattroPro) – ADP Payroll system & ABRA – HRIS Program – Internet Additional Career Assessment Assistance

The Internet The Internet is fast becoming the number one source for job search assistance. It is also full of site that will help you further define your next career move. Several good sites are: Monsterboard is one of the oldest job search sites on the internet. A must for all job seekers. They also have a number of links to career assessment advice, testing, etc. In November 2000, they are merging with as of this printing it is unknown what the new site name will be, but typing either of the above sites will bring you there. get job tips and benefits info. as well as a great site to search for jobs. general job search site with a lot of good career information. Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams’ favorite site (so says Has a book section where you can order from a number of solid career assistance books. this is the Department of Labor’s website. Not a very exciting site to look at, but more and more companies are starting to post their positions directly on the net, not in their local DOL office. American Marketing Association site job search site with links to career marketing information. supposedly this is the only site on the Internet that is purely for DBA’s search jobs. Read articles from the IT industry. Society for Human Resources Management. Great articles and links even if you’re not a member. American Society for Training and Development. Society of Women Engineers biotech careers. This is a global site with a good career section. It is possible to search for jobs in specific companies. Articles that will help you keep up on the industry as well. for $100k plus executives. This is a paid site. job hunting tips, search available jobs, research employers and training. Internet Career Connections. A compilation of job information available on the web. Individuals post their business at this site. One focus of this site is career information and guidance, though they do have job listings. companies are divided by industry in the “company gallery.” personal search agent where you select the parameters and they email appropriate jobs to you. this site provides job hunting tips, electronic resume posting as well as San Diego employer links. the Riley Guide helps with on-line search tactics and good links.

The list is endless. But these are some good starting points. Make sure you also check out the local sites for your city, such as,,, the local Yahoo page, etc.

Career Counselors

Department of Labor

The Library As with Internet sites, there are an overwhelming number of books available on the job search process. Here are a number you may find interesting. For more, check with you librarian or on the Internet. Talk with your friends and family to see which ones they would recommend (remember, what works for them may or may not work for you).

What Color is Your Parachute?, Richard Bowles The king of the category -- and still as vital in the 90s as it was in the 70s. Includes a lot of material related more to career counseling than selling yourself, but Bolles covers all the bases and does it very well. The classic dismissal of resumes as a way of finding work. [

The New Relocating Spouses Guide to Employment, Frances Bastress

Cover Letters That Will Get You the Job You Want by Stanley Wynett (1993). Wynett's a former advertising copywriter, and his letters have a flow and style that you won't find in most cover letter guides. Over 100 sample letters, with some excellent ideas scattered throughout that you could bring to your own letters

Sweaty Palms by H. Anthony Medley (1992). A perennial bestseller (first published in the 70s), and still very useful. Covers a wide range of topics from preparation to presentation to negotiation.

The Everything Get-A-Job Book, by Stephen Graber…gives you the competitive edge, with a fun and non-intimidating approach to looking for your first job or just plain trying to find a better job. Jammed with tons of tips, strategies, and advice from the trenches, this comprehensive book will be indispensable to anyone hoping to land a great job. Although we have not read this book the reviews on are promising. Researching the Job Market

Developing Your Job Search Tools

Having the right tools to perform an effective search makes all the difference in the world. This section will provide you with several of those tools.

1. Understanding the job market- How it is organized and what are the likely results from various job finding techniques- is essential in developing your job search strategies. 2. Researching- a crucial tool that helps you identify target companies, develop your approach and shine in the interview. 3. Developing your contacts and learning how to get information, advice and the right introductions that should lead to a job offer.

When you begin to put together your job search strategy, it is extremely important that you are open to all avenues of employment. Do not focus solely on the public or private sectors or only the biotech industry. For the most part, the same or very similar skill sets are required for jobs in most sectors. And remember, skills are transferable from one industry to the next. Many individuals are surprised to find a job well suited to their individual needs where they least expect to find one. If you explore ALL of your possibilities, you will open yourself up to greater opportunities.

1. Understanding the Job Market…

How to find out what’s out there

There are many sources available for finding a job. They tend to fall into two major categories.

Published Openings: These openings have been “publicly declared.” They might be found in the newspaper, on-line, in company job posting lists.

Unpublished Openings: These openings have not been advertised to the general public. Sometimes these openings may be nothing more than a vague intention, which is until a manager meets someone who triggers his or her interest. They can also be communicated by word of mouth or through networking. These can often be the best jobs, so you need to learn, or polish, the skills it takes to find them.

Locating Published Openings The Internet In today’s fast-paced world, this is an excellent place to find employment information. For industry research, current and future trends and employment statistics, try these sites.

 The US Bureau of Labor Statistics-  State Occupational Projections-  State Occupational Information Coordinating Committee-  The Wall Street Journal’s National Business Employment Weekly-  Lexis Nexus provides, for a fee, an excellent source of industry information, as well as information written about a specific company but not by that company, leading to a more objective article.

When you are ready to research specific companies, agencies or organizations, it is essential to check out their websites. Every major company should have a website with information about their long-term goals and employment practices. If they don’t have one, or it seems poorly maintained, keep that in mind when making employment decisions. In the previous section we listed a number of websites that can help you locate specific jobs, but they are also helpful for industry information, trends, links to company websites, etc.

The Classifieds

Keep in mind that many papers now offer their classified sections online.

Benefits of using the classifieds:  Gives a good idea of the skills and experience required by a specific industry or position in that particular region of the country.  Responding to these ads gives you practice with writing cover letters and marketing letters, as well as learning how to tailor your resume to specific companies and positions.  Your response might lead to an interview.

Drawbacks of using the classifieds:  Many of today’s jobs are no longer listed in the classified section of the newspaper, so you may be missing out on opportunities if this is your only source of position openings.  There are usually a high number of applicants per job advertisement, which leads to a low rate of placement.  Some organizations and placement agencies run ads strictly to collect resumes.

Search Firms and Temporary Agencies

There are many placement agencies in the US, and numerous specialize in particular field (a good handbook to take a look at is The Directory of Executive Recruiters). However, it is important to remember that it is not their aim to help you figure out what it is you want to do. To get the largest benefit of working with a recruiting firm, you must go to them with a clear picture of the type of position you are looking for.


Company and Industry Research

Once you have an idea of what the current job market has to offer, it is time to do research on the various industries and companies in which you may be interested. This section will give you some tips on how to proceed with this research. We will explain a number of tools and how to use them for the best results.

Research provides a crucial foundation for your entire job search process. Consider it to be the means by which you get answers to your career questions. Without this research to back up your candidacy for a specific position, you may appear vague, unmotivated or uninterested in the job you are being considered for. Those who do adequate research (and this does not mean you need to spend and exorbitant amount of time on it) will stand out from the rest of the applicants in a pool of candidates.


Reading Periodicals

Recommended publications