Queensland Industrial Relations Commission s11
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Workplace Relations Act 1997, s.25
Buderim Ginger Limited
The Federated Storemen and Packers Union of Employees of Australia (Queensland Branch)
The Automotive Metals, Engineering, Printing & Kindred Industries Union of Employees, Queensland.
(No CA 415 of 1998)
THIS AGREEMENT, made in pursuance of the Workplace Relations Act 1997, this nineteenth day of August 1998, between Buderim Ginger Limited and The Federated Storemen and Packers' Union of Employees of Australia (Queensland Branch) and The Automotive Metals, Engineering, Printing & Kindred Industries Union of Employees, Queensland witnesseth that it is hereby mutually agreed as follows:-
Certified Agreement No. CA 384 of 1996 is hereby cancelled.
PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1.1 Title 1.2 Award Coverage 1.3 Date and Period of Operation 1.4 Certified Agreement Posting 1.5 National Standards
PART 2 - ENTERPRISE BARGAINING 2.1 Single Bargaining Unit 2.2 Joint Consultative Committee 2.2.1 Review of Workplace Organisation 2.2.2 Monitoring and Measuring of Productivity
PART 3 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT 3.1 Aims and Objectives of the Agreement 3.2 Improvements in Communication 3.3 Contract of Employment 3.4 Recognition of Unions 3.5 Training 3.6 Union Representatives 3.7 Time and Wages Records 3.8 Payment of Wages 3.9 Deduction - Union Dues 3.10 Dispute Settlement 3.11 Termination of Employment 3.12 Redundancy 3.13 Uniform Provisions 2
3.14 Promotion to Permanent Employment
PART 4 - DEFINITIONS, WAGES, ALLOWANCE 4.1 Classification Definitions 4.2 Definitions 4.3 Wages 4.4 Allowances 4.5 Occupational Superannuation 4.6 Classification/Reclassification
PART 5 - HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME 5.1 Rest Pauses 5.2 Hours of Work 5.3 Shift Work 5.4 Overtime 5.5 Meal Breaks 5.6 Part-Time Employment
PART 6 - LEAVE ENTITLEMENTS 6.1 Annual Leave 6.1.1 Special Leave 6.1.2 Annual Shutdown 6.2 Public Holidays 6.3 Sick Leave 6.4 Long Service Leave 6.4.1 Permanent Staff 6.4.2 Casual Staff 6.5 Bereavement Leave 6.6 Parental/Maternity Leave 6.6.1 Eligibility 6.6.2 Required Notice 6.6.3 Special Maternity Leave 6.6.4 Sick Leave During Pregnancy 6.6.5 Transfer to a Safe Job 6.6.6 Termination of Employment during Pregnancy 6.6.7 Return to Work 6.6.8 Continuity of Service 6.7 Jury Service
PART 7 – IMPROVEMENTS IN STANDARD OPERATIONS 7.1 Workplace Organisation 7.2 Work Teams 7.3 Total Quality Management 7.4 Health & Safety 7.5 Part-time Work and Job Sharing 7.6 Workplace Rehabilitation Program 7.7 Personnel Policies 7.8 Employee Assistance Program
1.1 Title
This Agreement shall be known as the Buderim Ginger Limited Certified Agreement 1998. This agreement incorporates 3 a Buderim Ginger Limited Award which overrides both the Engineering Award - State and the Jam, Preserved Fruit and Vegetable Processing Award - Southern Division (Eastern District). If there are any inconsistencies between this agreement and the awards listed in clause 1.2 Award Coverage, this agreement will prevail.
1.2 Award Coverage
This Agreement shall apply to employees and be binding on Buderim Ginger Limited (the "company") and the Federated Storemen and Packers Union of Employees of Australia (Queensland Branch) and The Union of Employees, Queensland.
This Agreement is comprised of a Buderim Ginger Limited Award which shall apply to Buderim Ginger Limited and employees of Buderim Ginger Limited previously covered by the following Awards and Agreements:
Buderim Ginger Limited Certified Agreement 1996. Buderim Ginger Limited Certified Agreement 1995. Jam, Preserved Fruit and Vegetable Processing Award - Southern Division (Eastern District) Engineering Award - State Buderim Ginger Limited Certified Agreement 1993 Memorandum of Agreement Between The Federated Storeman and Packers Union of Employees of Australia, Qld Branch and Buderim Ginger Limited - Yandina 38 Hour Week, 19 Day Month, 1990
1.3 Date and Period of Operation
This Agreement shall operate from the beginning of the first pay period to commence on or after the 31st July 1998 and shall remain in force until the 31 December, 1999.
The parties agree to commence negotiations for a new Certified Agreement at least one month prior to the expiry of this agreement and to bargain in good faith.
1.4 Certified Agreement Posting
A copy of this Certified Agreement shall be exhibited in a conspicuous and convenient place on the premises of the employer so as to be easily read by employees.
1.5 National Standards
This agreement shall not operate so as to cause an employee to suffer a reduction in ordinary time earnings or in National Standards such as standard hours of work, annual leave or long service leave.
2.1 Single Bargaining Unit
Negotiation of this Certified Agreement was facilitated through the Single Bargaining Unit consisting of employee representatives from The Federated Storeman and Packers Union of Employees of Australia (Queensland Branch) and The Automotive Metals, Engineering, Printing & Kindred Industries Union of Employees, Queensland and representatives from Management.
2.2 Joint Consultative Committee
The Joint Consultative Committee shall consist of equal members of employees elected from The Federated Storemen and Packers Union of Employees of Australia (Queensland Branch) and The Automotive Metals, Engineering, Printing & Kindred Industries Union of Employees, Queensland and representatives from Management. Refer to Appendix 1 - Joint Consultative Committee Constitution.
2.2.1 Review of Workplace Organisation
The Joint Consultative Committee shall conduct a review of workplace organisation and recommend changes as required. This review shall consist of but not be restricted to the following: 4
(a) Identification of inefficient work practices; (b) Improvement in quality of service; (c) Reduction in absenteeism; (d) Reduction in staff turnover; (e) Flexibility of hours; (f) Job rotation; (g) Redeployment and redundancy; (h) Work organisation, e.g. work teams; (i) Job re-design (j) Training and skills development; (k) Introduction of technology; (l) Equal Employment Opportunity; (m) Job sharing.
2.2.2 Monitoring and Measuring of Productivity
Although not part of this agreement the Joint Consultative Committee and SBU may investigate new performance improvement indicators to measure gains in productivity, efficiency and flexibility so that improvements resulting from employee effort can be shared with the employees through future wage increases.
3.1 Aims and Objectives of the Agreement
(1) Improvements in wages and conditions though important are not the principle function of this agreement. The overriding aim is to improve productivity, efficiency and flexibility of Buderim Ginger Limited through the effective implementation of agreed measures which will significantly increase the company's competitiveness in industry and offer secure and worthwhile employment for its employees whilst enabling better wages and conditions to be granted without compromising enterprise viability.
(2) To maintain the consultative and participative approach to implement increased and sustained productivity across all areas of operations.
(3) To continue to develop an environment of continuous improvement which is conducive to a flexible work organisation able to respond to changing demands in industry.
(4) To reduce the level of disputation between employees and management by ensuring that procedures for resolving grievances and disputes are followed.
(5) To maintain and improve the consultative mechanism whereby all changes and proposals that may affect the operations of the enterprise are discussed and evaluated by management, the employees and the Unions. (6) To provide the environment for employees to develop a broader range of skills, thereby maximising job satisfaction and rewards.
3.2 Improvements in Communication
(1) All parties agree to participate constructively in regular team communication discussions which shall be used as a starting point for the development and allocation of tasks which need to be done to achieve the efficiency objectives.
Special attention will be paid to communication with employees and supervisory staff to ensure that all are:
(i) Familiar with the contents of this agreement and any subsequent agreements; (ii) Informed of changes which will affect individual employees and ensure that such changes are handled sensitively.
(2) The Joint Consultative Committee, SBU and Team Leader Committee are seen as key parts of the framework for implementing any workplace change. The discussions required regarding The Introduction of Changes as detailed below, will be facilitated through these committees.
Introduction of Changes
(a) Employers Duty to Notify and Discuss Change
(i) Where a change of operations eg shift change is discussed with staff a member of the SBU must be present.
(ii) Where Buderim Ginger Limited has made a definite decision to introduce major changes in production, program, organisation, structure or technology that are likely to have significant effects on employees, Buderim Ginger Limited will notify and discuss these changes with employees who may be affected by the proposed changes and with their Industrial Organisation or Industrial Organisations.
These discussions will evolve around the effects that changes are likely to have on employees as well as any possible measures which may be taken to avert or mitigate the adverse effects of such changes on employees.
(iii) "Significant effects" include termination of employment, major changes in the composition, operation or size of the Buderim Ginger Limited's workforce or in the skills required; the elimination or diminution of job opportunities or job tenure; the alteration of hours of work.
(iv) The discussions shall commence as early as practicable after a definite decision has been made by Buderim Ginger Limited to make the changes referred to in provision (ii) and (iii) hereof.
(v) For the purpose of such discussion, Buderim Ginger Limited will provide in writing to the employees concerned and their Industrial Organisation or Industrial Organisations, all relevant information about the changes including the nature of the changes proposed, the expected effects of the changes on employees, and any other matters likely to affect employees, provided that Buderim Ginger Limited will not be required to disclose confidential information, the disclosure of which would be harmful to his/her interests, e.g. personal details, classification level etc.
3.3 Contract of Employment
(1) Except as provided in clauses regarding Casual Employment and Termination of Employment, Introduction of Changes, Redundancy, employment shall be by the week.
(2) (a) Buderim Ginger Limited may direct an employee to carry out such duties as are within the limits of the employee's skill, competence and training consistent with the classification structure of this Agreement provided that such duties are not designed to promote deskilling.
(b) Buderim Ginger Limited may direct an employee to carry out such duties and use such tools and equipment as may be required provided that the employee has been properly trained in the use of such tools and equipment.
(c) Any direction issued by Buderim Ginger Limited pursuant to provisions (a) and (b) shall be consistent with the Employer's responsibilities to provide a safe and healthy working environment.
(3) Casual employees continuously employed by Buderim Ginger Limited for twelve months will have their status reviewed in consultation with an employee representative to determine future prospects of permanent employment. 6
(4) The onus is on the employee to inform the Workplace Health & Safety officer of any prescribed medication being consumed during working hours. Employees suffering from illnesses such as epilepsy, diabetes etc are required to advise the WH&S Officer of such illnesses. No alcohol/drugs are to be consumed during an employees working hours.
3.4 Recognition of Unions
(1) Buderim Ginger Limited recognises the rights of employees to join a union and will continue to provide facilities to the relevant unions as have been provided in the past.
(2) There is no intention to introduce Queensland Workplace Agreements or any other form of individual contract to employees covered by this agreement and this will not occur during the life of this agreement.
3.5 Training
(1) A comprehensive education, training and skills development program will continue to be developed to ensure that employees have the opportunity to achieve their potential and meet the changing needs of the enterprise. This program will include the conduct of skills analysis required for a re-designed workplace and the skills currently held by employees. The program will also include workplace assessment for recognition of prior learning towards the National Food Industry Certificate.
(2) Training will be in accordance with standards and accreditation established by the National Training Board, to provide a career path for employees at Buderim Ginger Limited and to meet the specific needs of the enterprise.
(3) In addition to job specific skills, an emphasis will be placed on improving the numeracy and literacy skills of employees.
(4) All employees will be committed to the training and reskilling associated with the introduction of new technology and subsequent restructuring of the workforce.
(5) Whilst in attendance at training events, employees will be paid at ordinary basic rates consistent with a normal working day, excluding provisions for overtime, unless a separate certified agreement covering pay rates has been established for specific training, and unless an agreement has been made with employees to participate in training in their own time.
(6) Union representatives will be allowed up to five days training leave per annum for trade union related training in consultation with Buderim Ginger Limited Management to ensure operations will not be adversely affected.
3.6 Union Representatives
Employees appointed as Union Delegates in Buderim Ginger Limited will be allowed reasonable time during work hours to carry out union business providing they notify and obtain the agreement of their supervisor; such agreement will not be unreasonably withheld.
3.7 Time and Wages Book
(1) Buderim Ginger Limited will keep and have available a record showing classification, wage rate and starting and ceasing times of all employees, subject to this Agreement.
(2) Such records will be available for inspection during working hours by an industrial inspector or by an officer of an Industrial Union of Employees having preference under this Agreement and authorised under the Workplace Relations Act 1997.
3.8 Payment of Wages 7
(1) (a) When an employee is discharged or leaves the employment in accordance with the Termination and Redundancy clauses in this Agreement, the employee shall be paid all monies due as soon as practicable and, in any case, within twenty-four hours, excepting where a Sunday or statutory holiday intervenes, in which case the employee shall be paid such monies not later than noon on the next succeeding working day.
(b) If the employee is not so paid the employee shall, for such time as shall elapse between discharge or leaving employment as stated in (a) and being paid, be paid at the ordinary rate of wages.
(2) (a) Where mutually agreed upon between Buderim Ginger Limited and a majority of employees, wages may be paid weekly or fortnightly.
(b) All pays are to be by electronic funds transfer directly into the employee's account in any financial institution nominated, which has that facility available.
3.9 Deduction - Union Dues
Buderim Ginger Limited, on written authorisation from an employee, will deduct out of the money due to any such employee in respect of wages, the periodical contribution of such employee as a member of an Industrial Organisation, or the entrance fee on becoming a member, and pay such contribution to the particular Industrial Organisation on a monthly basis.
3.10 Dispute Settlement
(1) The following procedure shall be observed for handling grievances and settling disputes. This procedure will not restrict an employer or a duly authorised union official from making representations to each other.
The Union and Buderim Ginger Limited shall notify each other in writing of the names and titles of duly accredited representatives.
Step 1. In the first instance the employee, with the accredited union representative if they wish, shall explain and discuss the problem with their immediate supervisor.
Step 2. If the matter is not resolved, then the union representative (if relevant) and the supervisor shall discuss the problem with the Manufacturing Manager.
These discussions should take place within 24 hours or such other period, as is agreed with the accredited union representative.
Step 3. If the matter has still not been resolved, then it should be referred to the local union official (if relevant).
Step 4 If the matter is still not settled, it shall be submitted for a formal exchange between the Manufacturing Manager and the authorised union official (if relevant) and employee/s.
Step 5 Without prejudice to either party and except where a bona fide safety issue is involved, work shall continue in accordance with the award and this Agreement while matters in dispute are being negotiated in good faith. Where a bona fide safety issue is involved an attempt should be made to notify the appropriate safety authority.
Step 6 At any stage of the procedure the parties may seek the assistance of a member of the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission.
Step 7 The status quo is to apply until the dispute has been settled.
(2) Where an employee has substantially breached their work contract and the disputes procedure has been followed the company may issue a warning to the employee and counsel them with regard to the breach of duty.
An employee shall receive no less than 3 warnings for "misconduct" in a 12 months period before they are dismissed and on each occasion of being issued with a warning, they shall be given reasonable explanation of this breach and afforded a reasonable opportunity to rectify the breach.
The 3 warnings will take the form of:
First Warning - A verbal reprimand Second Warning - A formal warning in writing with reference to the previous reprimand/s Third Warning - A final warning in writing is issued advising the employee that if there are any further breaches of company standards or policies, Management will seriously consider his/her future employment with Buderim Ginger Limited.
An employee who is guilty of "serious misconduct" will receive a written final warning and any further acts of serious misconduct in the ensuing 12 month period will result in dismissal.
This shall not in any way prevent the company from "summarily dismissing" any employee for a serious breach of their employment contract.
Types of Misconduct
Examples of "Misconduct" as defined in Part 4, 4.2 (15) may include but not be limited to: - Excessive Absenteeism - Bad Language - Work Performance - Failure to adhere to work instructions or standards - Smoking in the workplace - Temporary Absence from place of work without Authority - Failure to observe safe working practices.
Examples of "Serious Misconduct" as defined in Part 4, 4.2 (16) may include but not be limited to: - Sexual Harassment - Offensive Behaviour - Refusal of Duty - Abusive Language
Examples of "Summary Dismissal" as defined in Part 4, 4.2 (17) may include but not be limited to: - Stealing - Fighting on the Job - Assault
All of the above forms of misconduct will be handled via the warning system detailed above.
3.11 Termination of Employment
(1) 50% of all accrued sick leave will be paid on termination of an employee.
(2) Termination of Employment
(a) Except where a distinction, exclusion or preference is based on the inherent requirements of a particular position, race, colour, sex, marital status, family responsibilities, pregnancy, religion, political opinion, national extraction and social origin, termination of employment based on any of those factors may form the basis for a finding by the Commission that the dismissal was harsh, unjust or unreasonable.
(b) Statement of Employment - Buderim Ginger Limited will, in the event of termination of employment, provide upon request to the employee who has been terminated a written statement specifying the period of employment and the classification or type of work performed by the employee.
(c) Termination by Buderim Ginger Limited -
(i) In order to terminate the employment of an employee the Employer shall give one week's notice or such other notice as may be required by the Workplace Relations Act 1997.
(ii) Payment in lieu of notice shall be made if the appropriate notice is not given:
Provided that employment may be terminated by part of the period of notice specified and part payment in lieu thereof.
(iii) In calculating any payment in lieu of notice the ordinary time rate of pay for the employee concerned shall be used.
(iv) Provided that any employee who has been engaged for a specific period of time or for a specific task or tasks, shall be given one weeks' notice, or in lieu of such notice, one weeks' wages shall be paid or deducted.
(v) The period of notice in this subclause shall not apply to casual employees nor in the case of dismissal for mis-conduct or other grounds that justified instant dismissal.
(d) Notice of Termination by employee - The notice of termination required to be given by an employee shall be the same as that required of the Employer.
If an employee fails to give notice Buderim Ginger Limited shall have the right to withhold monies due to the employee with a maximum amount equal to the ordinary time rate for the period of notice.
(3) Introduction of Changes, Termination of Employment in Cases of Redundancy.
The Employer and employees to whom this Agreement applies shall observe the terms and conditions of the Statement of Policy of Termination of Employment, Introduction of Changes, Redundancy contained in the decision of the Full Bench of the Commission dated 16 June 1987, and published in the Queensland Government Industrial Gazette Vol. 125, Folios 1119-1121, as amended by 125 QGIG 1377 and 126 QGIG 188;
Provided that the provisions of clause A (Termination of Employment) contained in the aforesaid Statement of Policy shall not have application under this Agreement, except in circumstances resulting from introduction of changes and/or redundancy as set out in clauses B and C respectively of that Statement of Policy.
The Employer shall display a copy of the aforementioned decision of the Full Bench of the Commission in such a position as to be easily read by the employees.
3.12 Redundancy
(1) In the case of redundancy the employer shall give the following notice:
Period of Continuous Service Period of Notice 3 years or less 2 weeks 3 years and up to the completion of 5 years 3 weeks 5 years and over 4 weeks
(2) In addition to the notice in (1) above, employees over 45 years of age and with not less than two years continuous service shall be entitled to an additional week's notice.
(3) Payment in lieu of notice shall be made if the appropriate notice is not given.
(4) Severance Pay - In addition to the period of notice prescribed above an employee shall be entitled to the following amounts of severance pay:
Period of Continuous Service Severance Pay 1 year or less Nil 10
1 year and up to the completion of 2 years 4 weeks pay 2 years and up to the completion of 3 years 6 weeks pay 3 years and up to the completion of 4 years 7 weeks pay 4 years and over 2 weeks pay per year of service
(5) In all above cases "week's pay" means the ordinary time rate of pay for the employee concerned.
(6) On redundancy pro-rata long service leave will be paid to employees with 7.5 years service or longer.
(7) If Buderim Ginger Limited makes a decision to terminate the employment of 15 or more permanent employees for reasons of economic, technological, structural or similar nature, Buderim Ginger Limited will, as soon as practicable after deciding:-
1. Notify the Centrelink Employment Service in writing of the intended terminations. This notice will set out:- (i) the reasons for the terminations; and (ii) the number and categories of employees likely to be affected; and (iii) the time when, or the period over which, the employer intends to carry out the terminations.
2. Give each union an opportunity to consult with Buderim Ginger Limited in measures to avert the terminations or mitigate the adverse effects of the terminations.
(8) Employees with Less Than One Years' Service - This clause shall not apply to employees with less than one years' continuous service and the general obligation on Buderim Ginger Limited should be no more than to give relevant employees an indication of the impending redundancy at the first reasonable opportunity, and to take such steps as may be reasonable to facilitate the obtaining by the employees of suitable alternative employment.
(9) Employees Exempted - This clause shall not apply:-
(i) where employment is terminated as a consequence of misconduct on the part of the employee; (ii) to employees engaged for a specific period of time or for a specified task or tasks; or (iii) to casual employees.
(10) Incapacity to Pay - Buderim Ginger Limited in a particular redundancy case may make application to the Commission to have the general severance pay prescription varied on the basis of the company's incapacity to pay.
(11) When faced with redundancy, retention will be based on the needs of the company taking into account such factors as required skill levels and voluntary redundancies.
The concept of "last on first off" will not apply to any section of this Redundancy package.
(12) Introduction of Changes, Termination of Employment in Cases of Redundancy
The Employer and employees to whom this Agreement applies shall observe the terms and conditions of the Statement of Policy of Termination of Employment, Introduction of Changes, Redundancy contained in the decision of the Full Bench of the Commission dated 16 June 1987, and published in the Queensland Government Industrial Gazette Vol. 125, Folios 1119-1121, as amended by 125 QGIG 1377 and 126 QGIG 188;
Provided that the provisions of clause A (Termination of Employment) contained in the aforesaid Statement of Policy shall not have application under this Agreement, except in circumstances resulting from introduction of changes and/or redundancy as set out in clauses B and C respectively of that Statement of Policy.
The Employer shall display a copy of the aforementioned decision of the Full Bench of the Commission in such a position as to be easily read by the employees.
The application of the Statement of Policy of Termination of Employment, Introduction of Changes, Redundancy, in relation to redundancies, will be negotiated between Employer and Union should redundancies occur during the life of this agreement.
3.13 Uniform Provisions
Employees shall be supplied with suitable protective clothing, hats, rubber boots and gloves. The issue of new uniforms will be in May each year and will be supplied as follows per year:
(1) Men will receive - (i) three shirts, long sleeve or short sleeve or polo shirts (ii) three pairs of shorts or trousers (iii) one pullover (every 2nd year) (iv) three pair of overalls can be substituted for (i) and (ii) above.
(2) Women will receive - (i) Two polo shirts, plus two shorts or slacks, or two dresses (or a combination thereof). (ii) two popovers (iii) one pullover (every 2nd year)
Extra uniform requirements may be purchased at cost to the employees. The timing of these orders shall be co- ordinated by the supervisor.
All items of uniform will bear the company logo.
All employees in receipt of work clothing shall wear such clothing while working on company premises.
3.14 Promotion to Permanent Employment
The parties to this agreement are committed to reviewing the levels of full time employment and providing opportunities for casual employees to convert to full time employment at Buderim Ginger Limited. To achieve this goal, the parties will consult and reach agreement in relation to the number of permanent and casuals employed.
4.1 Classification Definitions
Classification Definitions are contained in the Classification Matrices, Appendix 2.
4.2 Definitions
(1) "Time and a-half" shall mean wages at the rate of 1.5 times the ordinary rate payable.
(2) "Double time" shall mean wages at the rate of 2.0 times the ordinary rate payable.
(3) "Supervisor" shall mean an employee appointed to supervise or direct other employees.
(4) "Casual" shall mean any person engaged by the hour who may be put off or leave Buderim Ginger Limited's services at any moment without notice.
(5) "Trainer/Team Leader" shall mean an employee appointed to train a team of workers and to co-ordinate the activities of the team.
(6) "Seasonal worker" shall mean a casual trained in duties specific to seasonal operations.
(7) "Afternoon Shift Work" means any shift finishing after 6.00 p.m. and at or before midnight or where the majority of hours fall between those hours.
(8) "Night Shift Work" means any shift finishing subsequent to midnight and at or before 8.00 a.m. or where the 12
majority of hours fall between those hours.
(9) "Continuous Shift Work" shall mean work that is continuous for twenty-four hours per day for an unbroken period of at least twenty-eight days, except in the case of floods or breakdown or shutting down for holidays.
(10) "Shift Work" shall mean work done by separate relays of employees working recognised hours, preceding, during or following the ordinary working hours.
(11) "Job Sharing" is a voluntary arrangement in which two or more people share one-full time job, each working part-time on a regular on-going basis. Two employees can jointly share the responsibilities of one full-time job or two employees can jointly share one full-time position and divide responsibilities.
(12) "Permanent Part-time Work" means work performed for less than full ordinary working hours for a week, but on a permanent basis, having continuity of employment and accruing cumulative benefits on a proportionate basis.
(13) "Workplace Rehabilitation" means the combined and coordinated use of medical, psychological, social, educational, and vocational measures to restore function or achieve the highest possible level of function of persons at work following injury or illness.
(14) "Injury/Illness" means any injury or illness which hampers an employee's ability to perform his/her normal duties, whether caused by work or non-work factors.
(15) "Misconduct" means conduct or performance resulting in non-adherence to either work instructions, work standards or company policy.
(16) "Serious Misconduct" means behaviour which by current and generally accepted moral standards of the community would be regarded as reprehensible and deserving of censure.
(17) "Summary Dismissal" means dismissal without notice where "an employee is guilty of serious misconduct, that is, misconduct of a kind such that it would be unreasonable to require Buderim Ginger Limited to continue the employment during the notice period".
(18) "Earnings" means ordinary time earnings which includes holiday pay and sick pay but excludes overtime, allowances, leave loading and absenteeism.
4.3 Wages
(1) All employees in the Automotive Metals, Engineering, Printing & Kindred Industries Union of Employees, Queensland will work under the Classification Levels detailed in the Engineering Award State. All percentage wage increases and productivity increases detailed in this agreement are applicable to employees of The Automotive Metals, Engineering, Printing & Kindred Industries Union of Employees, Queensland.
(2) Prior to the 30th September 1998 both the employees and management agree to develop and implement a classification structure for metal trades personnel based upon accepted competency standards.
(3) Reference should be made to the Buderim Ginger Limited Training Manual, Classification Matrices and Guidelines (Appendix 2) for appropriate Job and Task Definitions and Classification Criteria.
Buderim Ginger Limited Levels Per Week BG Level 1 $395.95 BG Level 1A $404.97 BG Level 2 $412.61 BG Level 2A $426.23 BG Level 3 $439.88 BG Level 3A $452.47 BG Level 4 $465.08 BG Level 4A $474.12 BG Level 5 $483.19 BG Level 5A $493.26 13
BG Level 6 (Maintenance C10) $503.34
All week wage rates applicable to BG Levels above are prior to the percentage wage increases in clause 5 (a).
(4) Casual Employees shall be paid 19 percent extra per hour in addition to the rates as defined above i.e. $12.40 per hour.
(5) (a) A wage increase of 1.5% shall be payable the first pay period commencing after the 31st March 1998.
(b) A wage increase of 1.5% shall be payable from the first pay period commencing after the 31st December 1998.
(c) A wage increase of 1.5% shall be payable from the first pay period commencing after the 30th June 1999.
(d) As part of the overall pay package Buderim Ginger Limited will provide income protection insurance (Option B) through Labour Union Insurance (Brokers) Pty Ltd for all employees under this agreement.
(e) There will be no further wage increases for the life of this agreement except for increases arising from reclassification based on the recognition of existing skills and prior learning using the appropriate vocational competency standards and subject to position availability.
4.4 Allowances
Allowances shall not be taken into consideration in the computation of overtime, payment for annual leave, sick leave, statutory holidays, week-end work etc.
(1) Tool Allowance - A tool allowance of $10.80 per working week shall be paid to tradepersons who are required to supply and use their own tools.
(2) Crib Allowance - A thirty minutes paid crib break should be taken after two hours overtime has been worked past the normal finishing time, or payment for 30 minutes in lieu of the break should be made to the employee. This allowance is paid at the appropriate overtime rate. Reference should also be made to clause 3 (a) under Meal Breaks.
(3) Meal Allowance - An employee required to continue work after the usual ceasing time shall be paid a meal allowance of $7.50 after more than 2 hours overtime. If the employee continues to work overtime the employee shall after the completion of a further four hours' overtime worked be paid an additional $7.50 meal allowance. Reference should also be made to clause (3) under Meal Breaks.
(4) Call Back Allowance - An employee recalled to work, after leaving the worksite, shall be paid overtime for a minimum of four hours, at the appropriate overtime rate. Overtime worked on call back will not be regarded as overtime for the purpose of clause 5.4 (3) (a), where the actual time worked is less than 3 hours.
(5) Shift Allowance - see 5.3 Shift Work
4.5 Occupational Superannuation
Buderim Ginger Limited will pay the required employer contribution into an approved and agreed superannuation scheme. The parties to this agreement, may review the choice of the Superannuation Fund during the life of this agreement. Any changes must be agreed upon by the majority.
4.6 Classification/Reclassification
In order to assist the classification or reclassification of employees the following arrangements shall apply and be read in conjunction with the Classification Transition Arrangements - Appendix 3 :-
(1) All parties concerned shall undertake appropriate consultation.
(2) Any disputes in relation to classification or reclassification shall be handled in accordance with the Grievance Procedures defined in this Agreement.
(3) In the event that there is a claim for reclassification by an existing employee to a higher level, workplace assessment is to be used to verify the level of skill and knowledge gained through on and off-the-job experience and training.
5.1 Rest Pauses
(a) Where practicable every employee covered by this Agreement shall be entitled to a paid rest pause of ten minutes duration in the company's time in the first and second half of the working day. Such rest pauses shall be taken at such times as will not interfere with the continuity of work where continuity is necessary:
Provided that where there is agreement between Buderim Ginger Limited and the majority of employees concerned, the rest pauses may be combined in such a way that the ordinary working day is broken up into three approximately equal working periods. Consent to alter the rest pauses will not be unreasonably withheld by either party.
(b) Rest pauses during overtime - When working overtime for more than two hours, employees shall be entitled to a rest pause of 10 minutes duration in the company's time after each two hours: Provided that this shall not apply at times when employees are entitled to a break of 30 minutes or more. Changes in rest pauses can be made with the mutual agreement of the employees concerned and management.
5.2 Hours of Work
(1) (a) The ordinary hours of work shall be an average of 38 per week, to be worked on one of the following basis:
(i) 38 hours within a work cycle not exceeding seven consecutive days; or (ii) 76 hours within a work cycle not exceeding fourteen consecutive days; or (iii) 114 hours within a work cycle not exceeding twenty-one consecutive days; or (iv) 152 hours within a work cycle not exceeding twenty-eight consecutive days.
(b) The ordinary hours of work prescribed may be worked on up to five consecutive days in the week, Monday to Sunday inclusive subject to the following:
(i) Ordinary hours worked on a Saturday or Sunday shall be paid at the appropriate weekend overtime rate specified in clause 5.4.
(ii) Any roster or arrangement of hours which includes a Saturday as ordinary hours will be agreed to by both the company and the majority of employees concerned, (also refer to clause 3.2.2).
(iii) Any separate shift arrangement agreed to be employees (refer to Clause 5.3.2) will not be subject to this provision.
(c) The ordinary hours of work prescribed herein shall be worked continuously, except for meal breaks and rest pauses, between 6.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. The spread of hours prescribed herein may be altered as to all or a section of employees provided there is agreement between Buderim Ginger Limited and the majority of employees concerned:
Provided further that work done outside the hours of 6.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. shall be paid at overtime rates and will be deemed to be part of the ordinary hours of work for the purposes of this subclause.
Where requested by employees and agreed to by management, starting and/or finishing times can be worked outside the spread of hours of 6.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. at ordinary rates of pay. 15
(d) The ordinary starting and finishing times of various groups of employees or individual employees, may be staggered, provided that there is agreement between Buderim Ginger Limited and the majority of employees concerned.
(e) The ordinary hours of work prescribed herein except for meal breaks and rest pauses shall not exceed 10 hours on any day:
Provided that where the ordinary working hours are to exceed 8 on any one day, the arrangement of hours shall be subject to the agreement of Buderim Ginger Limited and the majority of employees concerned.
(f) Employees are required to observe the nominated starting and finishing times for the work days, including designated breaks to maximise available working time. Preparation for work and cleaning up of the employee's person shall be in the employee's time.
(2) Not less than thirty minutes and not more than one hour shall be allowed for the midday meal on each day from Monday to Friday and such meal break shall be between the 4th and the 6th hour after commencement of work as may be arranged between Buderim Ginger Limited and the majority of employees concerned.
(3) Except in cases of emergency, no employee will be required to work more than six hours without a break for a meal of the prescribed duration. All work done past this six hour period will be paid at double time until a meal break has commenced.
(4) Except in cases of emergency or with the agreement of the majority of employees concerned one week's notice will be given by the company to the employee on the intention to alter the meal break.
(5) (i) Rostered days off will be taken at a time mutually agreeable by both employer and employee. Scheduled RDO's may be subject to change based upon production requirements and wherever possible, reasonable notice will be provided.
(ii) Rostered days off during the ginger early harvest period will be accrued. The accrued days are to be taken during periods of less demand subject to mutual agreement between management and the employees.
5.3 Shift Work
(1) The ordinary working hours of continuous shift workers and shift workers whose work is connected with or incidental to any continuous process shall not exceed an average of 38 per week, in a work cycle.
Not more than 8 hours shall be worked on any one shift at ordinary rates except where there is agreement. Subject to this agreement, the method of working 8 hour shifts by shift workers shall be as mutually agreed upon between the Employer and the employee's representative and/or the Industrial Organisation.
(2) On the seasonal continuous 7 day shift operation of the dryers, fifteen per cent more than ordinary rates will be paid for all shifts.
(3) In recognition of the additional skills and responsibilities required the afternoon shift (2-10 p.m.) in the green ginger section and maintenance, will be paid twenty percent more than ordinary rates. This additional rate will be paid as an average of 10% each week for those employees rotating weekly from day and afternoon shift.
(4) For any afternoon or night shift not defined under (2) or (3) above fifteen per cent more than ordinary rates shall be paid. This extra rate shall not apply to shift work performed at overtime rates.
(5) Where more than one shift of workers is employed they shall be changed if possible in weekly alternation or rotation.
(6) The number of ordinary working hours for afternoon or night shift workers shall be the same as provided in this Agreement for day workers. 16
(7) A shift shall consist of not more than 8 hours inclusive of crib time:
Provided that by agreement between the company, the Industrial Organisation or Industrial Organisation's concerned and the majority of employees, ordinary hours not exceeding twelve on any day may be worked subject to:-
(a) the company and the employee concerned being guided by the occupational health and safety provisions of the ACTU Code of Conduct on 12 Hours Shifts;
(b) proper health monitoring procedures being introduced;
(c) suitable roster arrangements being made; and
(d) proper supervision being provided.
5.4 Overtime
(1) (a) All time worked in excess of that provided for in this Agreement under Hours of Work or before the ordinary starting time or after the ordinary ceasing time shall be deemed overtime. Each day to stand by itself when overtime is being computed, except where an employee commences overtime on one day and continues to work such overtime into the next day.
(b) Any employee called upon to work two consecutive shifts shall be paid at overtime rates for the second of such shifts.
(2) (a) All overtime, except as hereinafter provided, shall be paid for at one and a-half times the ordinary rate for the first three hours, after which double time shall be paid until the ordinary starting time next morning. Overtime rates shall be paid where employees work overtime between 6.00 a.m. and the usual starting time.
(b) If employees are called upon to work overtime commencing on Saturday they shall be paid at one and a-half times the ordinary rate for the first three hours and double time thereafter with a minimum period of three hours' work or payment therefor.
(c) All overtime worked by any employee on Sunday shall be paid for at the rate of double time, with a minimum payment of three hours at such overtime rate:
Provided that such minimum payment shall not apply where the overtime immediately precedes or follows ordinary working hours.
(d) Where employees are required to report for work between midnight and 6.00 a.m. they shall be paid at the rate of double time for all overtime so worked up to the ordinary starting time Monday to Saturday.
(3) (a) An employee who works so much overtime between the termination of the ordinary work on one day and the commencement of the ordinary work on the next day that the employee has not had at least ten consecutive hours off duty between those times shall, subject to this subclause be released after completion of such overtime until the employee has had ten consecutive hours off duty without loss of pay for ordinary working time occurring during such absence. If on the instruction of the company such an employee resumes or continues work without having had such ten consecutive hours off duty, then the employee shall be paid double rates until released from duty for such period and shall then be entitled to be absent until the employee has had ten consecutive hours off duty without loss of pay for ordinary working time occurring during such absence.
(b) The provisions of this subclause shall apply in the case of shift workers who rotate from one shift to another as if eight hours were substituted for ten hours when overtime is worked -
(i) for the purpose of changing shift rosters; or (ii) where a shift worker does not report for duty; or 17
(iii) where a shift is worked by arrangement between the employees themselves.
(4) As a condition of employment, all employees are required to work a reasonable amount of overtime when so needed due to production requirements. Sufficient employees will be trained so that the burden of extra work is fairly apportioned amongst employees.
(5) The assignment of overtime by the company to an employee shall be based on specific work requirements. It is the responsibility of supervisors to allocate overtime to specific work groups. Team leaders will be responsible for fairly apportioning overtime amongst members of their work group.
(6) (a) When an employee clocks in 14 minutes or less before their scheduled start time, the start time will be rounded forward to their scheduled start time. Any employee who clocks in more than 14 minutes early will be paid overtime from the next 15 minute interval, provided this overtime is approved. Any employee who clocks in 1 minute or more after the schedule start-time will be paid from the next 15 minute interval
(b) Any employee who clocks out more than 1 minute before their scheduled finish time will be deducted time and paid from the previous 15 minute interval. Any employee who clocks out up to 14 minutes late will be rounded back to their scheduled end time. Any employee who clocks out more than 14 minutes after their scheduled finish time will be paid overtime to the nearest 15 minute interval from their scheduled finish time, provided this overtime is approved.
Changes to the timeclock software to vary the above mentioned rounds and graces are to be negotiated through the Joint Consultative Committee.
(7) All overtime work performed by shift workers shall be paid for at the rate of double time.
5.5 Meal Breaks
(1) (a) Employees shall be entitled to a meal break of a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of 60 minutes to be taken not later than six hours from normal commencement time:
Provided this shall not apply to employees required by reason of their certificate of competency to remain in charge of an engine or boiler.
(b) Shift workers, shall be allowed 30 minutes for meal breaks/crib during each shift of 8 hours to be taken by the employee at such time and in such manner as will not interfere with continuity of work where continuity is necessary. No deduction shall be made from the wages of any employee for meal breaks/crib.
(2) Except in cases of emergency, no employee shall be required to work more than six hours without a break for a meal of the prescribed duration. All work done past this six hour period will be paid at double time until a meal break has commenced. Provided that this provision shall not apply to employees who are required by legislation to maintain constant vigil over plant or equipment when no relief is available.
Employees may take their meal break after six hours of work if they desire to structure their working day according.
(3) (a) Employees who are required to continue work after their usual ceasing time shall be entitled to a thirty minute paid crib break after two hours. After each further period of four hours the employee shall be allowed forty-five minutes for crib. No deduction of pay shall be made in respect of any such crib breaks. Forty-five minutes pay can be made in lieu of this break.
(b) An employee who is required to return to work to perform overtime between 12.01 a.m. Monday and midnight Friday (other than on statutory holidays), which work does not continue after the ordinary ceasing time, shall be entitled to a thirty minute crib break after the completion of each four hours of overtime worked and no deduction of pay shall be made in respect thereof:
Provided that an employee who is required to report back to work to perform overtime of more than two hours, but less than four hours prior to the ordinary starting time shall be allowed thirty 18
minutes crib break at the ordinary starting time for which the employee shall be paid at ordinary rates.
(c) An employee who is required to work overtime on any Saturday, Sunday or Statutory Holiday, which overtime is outside the scope of that covered by provisions (a) and (b) of this subclause, shall, if required to continue to work overtime for more than nine hours, be allowed thirty minutes for a crib after nine hours worked.
After each further four hours of overtime worked, the employee shall be allowed forty-five minutes for a crib.
No deduction of pay shall be made in respect of any crib break referred to herein.
A Meal Allowance will be applicable in addition to each thirty minute crib break stated in 3 (a), (b) and (c).
(4) Meal periods may be staggered to allow continuity of production providing that the meal break is taken no later than 6 hours from the commencement of duty.
5.6 Part-time Employment
Part-time employees may be engaged on the following terms:-
(1) A part-time employee means a weekly employee who is engaged to work on pre-determined days of the week for a regular number of hours, being more than ten but less than 38 hours per week.
(2) Part-time employees shall be paid an hourly rate equal to one thirty-eighth (1/38) of the weekly rate prescribed by this Award for the classification under which they are engaged.
(3) A part-time employee who works in excess of the ordinary daily or weekly hours prescribed in the contract of employment shall be paid overtime in accordance with the overtime clauses in this agreement.
(4) Part-time employees shall be entitled to receive pro-rata entitlements to annual leave, public holidays, sick leave, bereavement leave and long service leave, in accordance with the relevant provisions contained in this agreement.
(5) A part-time employee shall be entitled to the full provisions prescribed for permanent employees under the Termination of Employment and Redundancy clauses of this agreement.
6.1 Annual Leave
Employees (other than casuals) shall be entitled to not less than four weeks annual leave on full pay.
Payment of annual leave is in advance immediately prior to the leave being taken and is paid at the employee's ordinary rate of pay. A further amount representing leave loading of 17.5% of annual leave will be paid along with annual leave.
Such annual leave shall be exclusive of any statutory holidays.
Annual Leave may be taken at any time during the year providing the work load in the area from where the leave is being taken is not affected. Leave applications for the following calendar year will be taken in October and November of each year.
Where too many people apply for leave during the same period, it shall be the responsibility of the appropriate Supervisor to fairly apportion the available leave.
Buderim Ginger Limited's annual leave policy states that a maximum of eight weeks leave per employee is to be carried as an accrual at any one time unless prior arrangements are made with management.
The intention is to carry forward the absolute minimum of leave from year to year whilst maintaining the necessary 19 level of productivity.
All annual leave remaining accrued at the time of termination (plus the appropriate amount of leave loading), will be paid to the employee at the employee's ordinary rate of pay, exclusive of any monies owed to the company for shares, loans or purchases.
6.1.1 Special Leave
People with special circumstances may apply to take extra leave than the annual entitlement. If an accrued entitlement is not available, under annual or sick leave, this leave may be arranged at no pay, or advanced leave pay under unique circumstances.
Under special circumstances, leave can be deferred on application.
6.1.2 Annual Shutdown
When Buderim Ginger Limited shuts the plant down for the purpose of annual maintenance overhaul of plant and equipment, employees will be required to take annual leave, or accrued RDO's during this shutdown period as arranged in conjunction with Union delegates.
6.2 Public Holidays
All work done by any employee on Good Friday, Christmas Day, the twenty-fifth day of April (Anzac Day), the first day of January, the twenty-sixth day of January, Easter Saturday (the day after Good Friday), Easter Monday, the Birthday of the Sovereign, and Boxing Day or any day appointed under the Holidays Act 1983-1989, to be kept in place of any such holiday, shall be paid for at the rate of double time and a-half with a minimum of four hours.
Buderim Ginger Limited will, except under unforeseen circumstances, and by mutual agreement, give employees not less than two clear days' notice as to whether a holiday is to be observed or worked.
Where there is agreement between the majority of employees concerned and Buderim Ginger Limited, and subject to statutory limitations, other ordinary working days may be substituted for the statutory holidays specified in this clause:
Provided that, where an employee is subsequently required to work on such substituted day, the employee shall be paid the rate applicable for the holiday that has been substituted.
6.3 Sick Leave
(1) Employees are entitled to 8 ordinary days (64 hours) of sick leave for each completed year of service. An employee shall become entitled to one ordinary days sick leave for each 6 weeks of such period Medical Certificates are required for illness or injury which results in more than two days absence from the workplace.
Sick leave is cumulative, 50 % of unpaid sick leave to be paid on termination.
Sick leave entitlement can be used for the illness of employee's immediate family.
Continuity of employment of an employee for sick leave accumulation purposes, shall be deemed to be not broken by absence from work on leave granted by Buderim Ginger Limited.
(2) Employees will not be entitled to paid sick leave unless:-
(a) the illness is genuine;
(b) the company has been promptly notified (i.e. within 30 minutes of normal starting time) of the inability to attend work and the approximate duration of the absence.
(c) if the illness results in more than two days absence of work, a certificate of a duly qualified medical practitioner is provided specifying the nature of illness (where appropriate) and the approximate period of the absence from work.
(d) if the employee has shown a regular pattern of sick leave absences over a period of time without production of Medical Certificates or Statutory Declarations then the following procedures may be implemented:-
(i) the employee will be advised that the company has noted the regularity of their sick leave absences;
(ii) that for a period of six months after such advice from the company has occurred, any sick leave absences will require the production of a Statutory Declaration or a Certificate of a duly qualified medical practitioner, stating the reason upon which the employee was unable to attend for duty on account of personal illness or on account of injury or accident;
(iii) after the 6 month period has elapsed, the company shall review the provisions as outlined in (ii). If no such regularity of sick leave absences has continued, then the employee will meet the requirements as outlined in (c) of this clause.
(iv) if the regularity of sick leave absences has continued then the provisions as outlined in (ii) may apply for a further 6 month period.
6.4 Long Service Leave
Continuity of service will be calculated exclusive of absenteeism associated with leave of absence which exceeds the normal sick leave entitlement and which does not qualify as special leave under clause 6.1.1, or which is defined under 6.3.2 of the sick leave provision of this agreement.
6.4.1 Permanent staff
Employees are entitled to 13 weeks Long Service Leave after 15 years of continuous service. Pro-rata Long Service Leave can be taken after 10 years of service on request, subject to provisions under 6.1 of this agreement being met.
6.4.2 Casual staff
The service of casuals will be recognised as continuous for the purpose of calculating Long Service Leave entitlements, as from 30 March 1994, provided a break in service by a casual of more than 3 months does not occur.
Time and wage records will be maintained while employees are engaged on a casual basis for the purpose of accumulating hours worked (other than overtime).
6.5 Bereavement Leave
(1) An employee shall on the death of a spouse including defacto, parent, step parent, parent in law, sibling, child, or step child, grand parent or grandchild, be entitled on notice to leave up to and including the day of the funeral of such relation, and such leave shall be without deduction of pay for a period not exceeding the number of hours worked by the employee in two ordinary days of work.
Proof of such death shall be furnished by the employee to the satisfaction of Buderim Ginger Limited.
Please refer to "Special Leave" Clause 6.1.1 for leave required in relation to the death of other relations.
6.6 Parental/Maternity Leave
All employees are entitled to take up to 52 weeks unpaid leave on a shared basis to care for their newborn child.
An employee can take other leave - for example, annual leave - in conjunction with parental leave: but this will reduce parental leave available so that the period away from work is not more than 52 weeks.
6.6.1 Eligibility
To be entitled to parental or maternity leave, an employee must:
* have twelve months minimum length of service by the expected date of leave
* provide information and documentation about the expected date of birth
* sign a statutory declaration stating that he/she will be the child's primary care-giver: and stating that he/she will not do other work inconsistent with her employment.
* provide the employer with a minimum period of notice of intent to take leave.
Except for a period of one week at the time of birth, an employee and his or her spouse must take parental leave at different times.
6.6.2 Required Notice
An employee who wishes to take parental or maternity leave, must give Buderim Ginger Limited at least one month's written notice (if a mother) and ten weeks notice (if a father) of intention to take leave, and must give Buderim Ginger Limited at least one month's notice of intention to return to work on the agreed date.
Notice is not needed to be given by the employee if a change is unforeseen e.g. premature birth.
6.6.3 Special Maternity Leave
An employee is entitled to SPECIAL MATERNITY LEAVE if the pregnancy terminates after 28 weeks other than by the birth of a child on certification by a medical practitioner. This is unpaid leave for the period specified by the medical certificate.
6.6.4 Sick Leave During Pregnancy
If a pregnant employee suffers illness related to her pregnancy, she may take paid sick leave if available and such further unpaid sick leave as a medical practitioner certifies as necessary before her return to work - provided the aggregate of paid sick, unpaid sick, special and maternity leave does not exceed the period to which the employee is entitled under eligible maternity leave i.e. 52 weeks.
6.6.5 Transfer to a Safe Job
Where, in the opinion of a registered medical practitioner, illness or risks arising out of the pregnancy or hazards connected with the work assigned to the employee make it unadvisable for the employee to continue at her present work, the employee shall, if Buderim Ginger Limited deems it practicable, be transferred to a safe job at the rate and on the conditions attached to that job until the commencement of maternity leave.
If transfer to a safe job is not practicable, the employee may, or Buderim Ginger Limited may require the employee to take leave for such period as is certified necessary by a register medical practitioner. Such leave shall be treated as maternity leave.
Buderim Ginger Limited, by not less than 14 days notice in writing to the employee, may require her to commence maternity leave at any time within the six weeks immediately prior to her presumed date of confinement."
6.6.6 Termination of Employment during Pregnancy
An employee on maternity/paternity leave may terminate his/her employment at any time during the period of leave by notice given in accordance with the required notice mentioned above in this clause.
6.6.7 Return to Work 22
An employee who takes parental or maternity leave, is in most circumstances, entitled to return to the position which he/she held before the leave was taken. If transferred to a different or part-time job because of pregnancy, the employee is entitled to return to the earlier position. Where such a position no longer exists but there are other positions available which the employee is qualified for and is capable of performing, she shall be entitled to a position as nearly comparable in status and pay to that of her former position.
6.6.8 Continuity of Service
Parental/maternity leave does not break the continuity of service.
Access to unpaid leave of the same nature is available in the case of adoption.
Casual or seasonal workers are not entitled to maternity leave.
6.7 Jury Service
An employee who is summoned for Jury Service will be paid the difference between the ordinary pay and jury pay for the time lost upon presentation to the company of evidence of jury payment. If this evidence is not presented to the company, there is no obligation by the company to pay the employee for the day absent.
7.1 Workplace Organisation
The Joint Consultative Committee will examine the option of improving productivity, efficiency and quality, and ensuring production demands are met through the introduction of a 9.5 hour day, 4 day roster when required. The potential for increased permanent employees resulting from this change will be determined.
No decision or implementation will be undertaken without prior consultation with officials of the relevant Unions to discuss the safeguard of and variations to wages and conditions.
7.2 Work Teams
A change in work organisation has been evolving in Buderim Ginger Limited which will ensure much greater participation of all employees in the decision making process. The success of this evolution requires that:-
(a) employees be actively encouraged to initiate and participate in small problem solving groups to assist the company in maintaining continuous improvement
(b) employees be given greater responsibility for making decisions relating to their own work, once appropriate consultation has taken place.
(c) employees be given the appropriate on-the-job and off-the-job training in the skills and knowledge necessary to fully support their work team as a highly productive team member.
Teams will ultimately take on responsibility for the effectiveness of their work areas.
The philosophy of teams involves both award covered and management employees working together to achieve common goals. This may on occasions necessitate employees carrying out tasks traditionally carried out by others, but providing the employees are qualified or trained to carry out the task and the work is temporary there will be no objections by any party.
Any long term changes to traditional roles will be negotiated through the J.C.C.
7.3 Total Quality Management
Quality is of critical importance to the success of Buderim Ginger Limited and all employees will be committed to 23 maintaining the standards required by ISO9001, HACCP and Foodsafe principles.
All employees will be committed to and abide by company quality policies and improving standards of hygiene and housekeeping.
7.4 Health & Safety
Buderim Ginger Limited and its employees recognise that the nature of its operations require the highest standard of health, safety and hygiene awareness and compliance with procedures. Buderim Ginger Limited is committed to the fullest observance of all its legal and statutory obligations in respect of health and safety as defined in the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995, Codes of Practice approved under the Act and the Workplace Health and Safety Regulations.
All employees will be expected to participate in the following: - the maintenance of a clean and safe plant; - health and safety training initiatives, on or off site; - health and safety audits; - the completion of appropriate reports and notifications.
These objectives to be driven by the activities of the Health and Safety Committee.
7.5 Part-time Work and Job Sharing
The Joint Consultative Committee will consider the possible integration of Permanent Part-time Employment and/or Job Sharing Employment and the transfer between part-time and full-time work in either direction when there is a vacancy for a job, to ensure the maximum utilisation of individual employee's skills for the benefit of both the employee and the company and to cater for the varying needs of both the workforce and the company.
Eligibility for Part-time Work or Job Sharing Work can be assessed using the following criteria:
(i) family responsibilities, for example - to enable employees to combine work with caring responsibilities for children, elderly relatives or other family members - reduction in working hours before or after full maternity leave - following parental leave
(ii) phased retirement
(iii) study needs
(iv) medical reason
Written consent from an employee to be transferred from permanent full-time to permanent part-time work, must be obtained prior to a re-classification.
Any such arrangement for job sharing shall be documented and this documentation shall be signed by the Manufacturing Manager and the employee concerned. The relevant employee representative may be consulted prior to signing if the employee so desires.
In the event of one person wishing to end a job sharing arrangement, depending on the job being shared, a suitable replacement may need to be found by the company and may be required to work in two or more different teams if the replacement is a full time employee.
7.6 Workplace Rehabilitation Program
The stated aim of this program is to promote an early return to the workforce for employees recovering from injury or illness with as little disruption as possible to the normal routine of both the employee and the Company.
All employees will be committed to ensuring the success of the Buderim Ginger Limited's Workplace Rehabilitation 24
Program by:
(1) acknowledging rehabilitation to be a normal course of action following injury or illness;
(2) notifying the workplace rehabilitation co-ordinator as soon as an injury or illness has been incurred;
(3) processing all workers compensation paperwork at the workplace, in conjunction with the workplace rehabilitation co-ordinator as soon as practical after an injury at work;
(4) maintaining regular contact with the workplace rehabilitation co-ordinator during absence from work associated with an injury or illness;
(5) willingly participating in an early return to meaningful and productive work, utilising selected suitable duties in conjunction with the treating Doctor's approval;
(6) giving all available assistance where appropriate, to fellow employees who are working under the workplace rehabilitation program.
(7) immediately reporting to the team leader, supervisor or workplace rehabilitation officer, any aggravation to injury or illness to enable appropriate action to be taken.
7.7 Personnel Policies
Buderim Ginger Limited abides by all legislative requirements and has documented company policies covering areas such as affirmative action, sexual harassment, anti-discrimination and employment conditions. All personnel are required to abide by these requirements. Any complaints arising through these policies should be settled with reference to the dispute settlement procedure Clause 3.10.
7.8 Employee Assistance Program
As a continued commitment to the welfare of all employees Buderim Ginger Limited has established and will maintain an Employee Assistance Program. Through this program an independent, confidential, professional, general counselling service will be accessible to all employees and their immediate families, to assist with any problems, difficulties or concerns which may be affecting their work or personal lives.
This agreement will take effect and have the force of law as from
And this Commission further orders that any of the parties are to be at liberty to apply to this Commission as they may be advised.
Signed for and on behalf of Buderim Ginger Limited ) G. W. TUER
In the presence of ) P. J. ROBINSON
Signed for and on behalf of The Federated Storemen ) and Packers Union of Employees of Australia ) (Queensland Branch) ) P. STAFFORD
In the presence of ) D. SHANAHAN
Signed for and on behalf of The Automotive Metals, ) Engineering, Printing & Kindred Industries Union of ) Employees, Queensland. ) D. H. HARRISON
In the presence of ) S. CUMISKEY 25
NAME/TITLE The name of the Committee shall be Buderim Ginger Limited Joint Consultative Committee.
OBJECTIVES Short Term = Develop an effective communication system within the organisation. = Develop performance measurements and indicators. = Educate all staff in enterprise bargaining.
Long Term = All J.C.C. Members will work constructively together to maintain the viability of Buderim Ginger Limited. = The J.C.C. will strive to enhance job security and job satisfaction through effective work organisation.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Chairperson and Secretary will hold office for an initial period of 4 months throughout the duration of the first certified agreement. For future agreements, officers will be elected at 6 monthly intervals and all of the committee are eligible. In the absence of the Chairperson or Secretary a proxy will be elected to take over the meeting.
MEMBERSHIP OF THE J.C.C. COMMITTEE The J.C.C. will consist of a membership of 5 management people, 5 unionised people and 5 proxy unionised people with a quorum of 7. Three union delegates will remain on the committee for the duration of the agreement. Other union members will rotate with proxies on a monthly basis unless holding the position of Chairperson or Secretary.
The election of the Unionised people will be carried out at the same time as the union elections.
ROLE The Joint Consultative Committee shall conduct a review of workplace organisation and recommend changes as required. This review shall consist of but not be restricted to the following:
(a) Identification of inefficient work practices; (b) Improvement in quality of service; (c) Reduction in absenteeism; (d) Reduction in staff turnover; (e) Flexibility of hours; (f) Job rotation; (g) Redeployment and redundancy; (h) Work organisation; e.g. workteams (i) Job re-design (j) Training and skills development; (k) Introduction of technology; (l) Equal Employment Opportunity Program; (m) Job sharing.
Monitoring and Measuring of Productivity
(a) The Joint Consultative Committee shall establish performance indicators to measure gains in productivity, efficiency and flexibility so that improvements resulting from employee effort can be shared with the employees through future wage increases. 26
(b) These indicators will consist of but not be restricted to the following areas -
(i) Cost; (ii) Quality; (iii) Innovation; (iv) Reduction of Waste; (v) Timeliness.
(c) Areas for initial consideration should be as follows:
(i) Reduction in wastage costs - ginger - sugar - water - effluent (ii) Reduction in the cost of labour inefficiencies; (iii) Safety Performances; (iv) Absenteeism; (v) Increases in flexibility and skills; (vi) Effects of work re-organisation; (vii) Assessment of costs of quality in accordance with Australian and International Standards; (viii) Related Performance Indicators - customer satisfaction - employee satisfaction - support and delivery cycles.
CONSULTATION / COMMUNICATION - A full draft of the minutes will be made available within 4 days after the meeting and a finished copy within 7 days.
- Communication will be by newsletters, sectional meetings and minutes of meetings on the notice board.
- A reasonable access to all information will be made available.
- Any recommendations made by the J.C.C. will have to be endorsed by the relevant parties.
FREQUENCY AND TIME OF MEETINGS Meetings are to be held as often as the need arises at the discretion of the Chairperson. Meetings will normally be held at 2pm.
SUPPORT SERVICES Management has agreed to supply necessary support to the committee in dealing with the typing up of notes of meetings etc. 27
4 60 35 50 50 60 50 50 45 50 50 60 40
3 60 35 35 40 40 50 55 40 45 40 45 50 45
2 50 45 30 40 30 50 30 50 50 50 40 40 30 40 40
1 30 35 50 40 40 40 45 40 45 40 45 30 40 30 40
TOTAL 200 115 150 170 160 200 180 180 185 180 85 70 165 180 165
STAGE GREEN GINGER GINGER INTAKE BULK PACKING & CRYSTALLISING (IN) CRYSTALLISING DICING (OUT) 4 Robosorter Preparation (ASF3) Tipping and Draining Roverna Trouble Shooting Trouble Shooting (ASF3) Robosorter Operation (ASF3) (ASF2) (ASF3) Documentation (ASF3) Robosorter Clean (ASF3) Dicer Documentation Roverna Documentation Robosorter Test (ASF2) (ASF2) (ASF3) Prepare Cooking Tanks (ASF3) Stocktake (ASF2) Trouble Shooting (ASF3) 3 Elbiscan Preparation (ASF3) Emptying Skip (ASF2) Trouble Shoot Bulk Roverna Setup (ASF3) Syrup Making (ASF2) Elbiscan Operation (ASF3) First and Second Packing (ASF2) Roverna Operation (ASF3) Pasteurising (ASF2) Elbiscan Clean (ASF3) Harvest (ASF2) Trouble Shoot Dicing Cleaning (ASF2) Elbiscan Test (ASF2) (ASF2) Forklift General Duties (ASF3) Prepare, Tie, Lid Drums (ASF1) 2 CC Slicer (ASF2) Bin Receival (ASF2) Bulk Packing Bulk Trouble Shooting Drying Tunnel (ASF1) OV Slicer (ASF2) Intake Start Up (ASF2) Documentation (ASF2) (ASF2) Sander Operation (ASF1) GK Slicer (ASF2) Unloading Trucks Setup Pulper (ASF2) Bulk Documentation (ASF2) Mini Cut in Water (ASF2) (ASF2) Operate Pulper (ASF2) Roverna Sorting (ASF1) Stage 2 Peeler (ASF2) Recording Weights Roverna Packing (ASF1) Trimline Clean (ASF1) (ASF2) Roverna Housekeeping (ASF2) 1 Trimline (ASF1) Sampling (ASF1) Setup Dicer (ASF2) Trolley Packing (ASF1) Prepare Plant (ASF1) Trimline Housekeeping (ASF1) Recording Bins (ASF2) Operate Dicer (ASF2) Sieving (ASF2) Clean Plant (ASF2) Salt Brine (ASF1) Dump Tank (ASF1) Inspecting Product Sorting (ASF1) Sieving (ASF1) WH&S Module Washing Bins (ASF1) (ASF1) Bulk Packing (ASF2) Housekeeping (ASF1) WH&S Module Bulk Packing (ASF2) Housekeeping (ASF1) WH&S Module Cleaning (ASF2) WH&S Module WH&S Module
STAGE QUALITY CONTROL SYRUPING BRINING JAM PROCESSING DESPATCH 4 Position 4 (ASF3) Deck 5 Production Syrup, Drum Brine Preparation Documentation (ASF3) Orders for Offsite Storage (ASF3) Cooking Ginger (ASF2) Syrup (ASF3) (ASF3) Trouble Shooting (ASF3) Documentation (ASF3) In Process Inspection (ASF2) Recipes (ASF3) Setting Up Equipment (ASF2) Good Inwards Inspect (ASF2) Fast Syruping (ASF3) Pulper (ASF2) Video Jet Coder (ASF2) Metal Detector (ASF2) Green Ginger Preparation (ASF2) House Keeping (ASF2) 3 Sample Requisition (ASF3) Syrup Making (ASF3) Ginger in Vats Make Product (ASF3) Monthly Stocktake (ASF2) Position 3 (ASF3) Night Mixes (ASF3) Early Harvest Operate Jam Kettle (ASF2) Goods Despatched (ASF3) Flow on Mixes (ASF3) (ASF3) Weigh Ingredients (ASF2) Pasteurising (ASF3) Stephan Bowl Cutter (ASF2) Pasteurising Alternative (ASF3) Sugar Up (ASF3) Baling (ASF2) 2 Position 1 (ASF2) Transfer Syrup (ASF2) Ginger in Vats Labelling (ASF2) Weekly Stocktake (ASF2) Additional Requirements Shifting Hoses (ASF2) (ASF3) Vacuum Sealing (ASF2) Drums Off Site (ASF2) (ASF3) Prepare Cooking Tanks (ASF1) Operating Pumps Ginger Puree (ASF2) Incoming Goods (ASF2) Calibrations (ASF2) Floor Documentation (ASF2) (ASF3) Pickles Sachets (ASF2) Sugar In (ASF2) Position 2 (ASF3) Cleaning (ASF1) Clean Vats 1 & 2 Tubs Process (ASF2) Dried Ginger (ASF3) Citric & Sodas (ASF2) (ASF2) Ginger Beer (ASF2) Shredded Pails/Drums (ASF2) 1 Sample Preparation (ASF2) Recondition Drums (ASF2) De Rooter Palletising (ASF1) Drum Movements (ASF2) Daily Taste Panel (ASF2) VDF Operation (ASF2) Operations (ASF2) Operate Holding Tank (ASF1) Cleaning (ASF1) Elbiscan Test (ASF2) VDF Trouble Shooting (ASF2) Shift Digging Quality Checks (ASF1) Wrapping (ASF1) Robosorter Test (ASF2) Packing Product (ASF1) Machine (ASF2) Lids On (ASF1) Stencilling (ASF2) WH&S Module Documentation (ASF2) Cleaning & Bottle Washing (ASF1) WH&S Module Preparing Drums (ASF1) Housekeeping Bottle Filling (ASF1) Fitting Lids (ASF1) (ASF1) Packing Finished Product (ASF2) Housekeeping and Cleaning WH&S Module Glace Ginger (ASF1) (ASF1) WH&S Module WH&S Module 30
STAGE GRINDER DRYER OFFICE TEAM LEADER TRAINING ASSISTANT 4 Intake Documentation Writing Task Instructions Co-ordinate off the job (ASF3) (ASF4) training (ASF4) Problem Solving (ASF4) Group Presentation/Training Sessions (ASF4) Co-ordination of Production (ASF4) 3 Compiling Resume (ASF3) Identify on the job training Update Training Manual Data Entry Export (ASF3) needs (ASF3) Instructions (ASF3) Plan on the job instructions Writing Task Instructions (ASF3) (ASF4) On the job task assessment (ASF2) 2 Documentation (ASF2) Dryer Operation (ASF2) Elbiscan Data (ASF2) Conduct Team Meetings Identifying on the job Trouble Shooting (ASF2) Dryer Setup (ASF2) Drum Stock Movements (ASF4) training needs (ASF3) Kibbler Operation (ASF2) Plant Clean (ASF2) (ASF2) Identifying quality Co-ordination use of Grinder Operation (ASF2) problems (ASF2) training facilities (ASF3) Packing (ASF1) On the job coaching Co-ordinating training (ASF3) statistics, classification points and assessments (ASF3) 1 Preparation Grinder (ASF2) Packing Product (ASF2) Contract Packing (ASF2) On the job instruction On the job assessment General Preparation (ASF2) Preparation (ASF2) Data Entry Domestic (ASF2) (ASF2) Hammer Mill Cleaning (ASF1) Housekeeping (ASF1) (ASF2) On the job instruction Machine Cleaning (ASF1) WH&S Module WH&S Module (ASF2) WH&S Module 32
1. Years of Service (1 point for every year of service)
2. Walkbehind forklift licence 10 (one to apply only) 3. Forklift licence 20
4. First Aid Certificate - Nominated Person 20
5. Union Delegate 10
6. Union Co-delegate 5
7. Committee member 1
8. Cleaning (for doing duties such as teas, toilets, lunchroom, 20 offices etc.)
9. Grading 25
10. Workplace Health & Safety Officer - Stage 1 30 - Stage 2 30 - Stage 3 10
11. Rehabilitation Course 30
12. Train the Trainer (5 days) 30
13. Train the Trainer (3 days) 15
14. Assessing Competency Course 30
15. Quality Auditing Course (3 days) 15
16. Quality Auditing Implementation 15
17. Computer Skills Course - Basic 5 - Advanced 5
18. Forklift Assessor Accreditation 30
19. Supervisory Skills Course 30
20. Steam Generator Startup and Close 10
21. Concentrator Operation 25
22. Education - Primary School 5
Every Year of Education after Grade 7 up to Grade 12 1 33
23. National Food Certificate - Stage 1 60 - Stage 2 60 - Stage 3 60
24. Relevant Tertiary Qualification e.g. Food Service 200 Associate Diploma in Engineering
25. Completion and pass for each year of relevant external 75 tertiary qualification (NOTE: Points will be given for each relevant tertiary qualification or the completion and pass for each year of relevant tertiary qualifications but not for both).
NOTE: Points will be given for the off the job components when the RELEVANT CERTIFICATE of competency is presented.
PAY LEVEL POINTS 1 Casual 1A 1-50 2 51-175 2A 176-200 3 201-275 3A 276-300 4 301-375 4A 376-400 5 401-475 5A 476-550 6 551+
Level 1-2: The person is competent in all tasks of Stage 1 for a line.
Level 2A-3: The person meets the criteria of previous level and is competent in all tasks in all stages for one line and also has some task competence in other lines. The person is a permanent member of a team and will be able to train on the job.
Level 3A-4: The person meets the criteria of previous levels and is competent in all tasks of all stages in one line or more. The person demonstrates commitment to training by achieving certification in recognised courses, has good team skills and above average communication skills.
Level 4A-5: The person meets the criteria of previous levels and has a highly developed knowledge of a section - has highly developed skills in leadership, teamwork, co-ordination and communication. Active participant improving and maintaining quality standards in their section. Ensures all employees entering section are trained. Is committed to training and achieving certification. Ensure all training documents and personal training records are up to date. Regular assessment and appraisals are carried out.
Level 5A-6: The person meets the criteria of previous levels and will administer and co-ordinate personnel and production. Oversee performance of all employees, health, safety and quality. Trouble shoot complex production situations.
1. The allocation of tasks to each stage has been based upon:
1.1 Buderim Ginger Limited staff feedback/surveys. 1.2 The accepted order of teaching people new tasks. 1.3 The skill level required for each task dependent on manual dexterity, complexity, problem solving and Australian Standard Framework (ASF Level).
2. The WH & S Module in each job for Stage 1 refers to the WH&S module requirements as listed in the training manual. These requirements should be consistently demonstrated by people in the workplace.
3. In the Crystallising section both inside and outside tasks have been listed. During this agreement people may complete all tasks for either inside or outside sections.
4. To gain points for each stage a person must achieve competence for each task in that stage, i.e. must achieve the training objectives consistently.
5. People who are in a Trainer/Team Leader or Training Assistant role gain points recognition for these specialised function over 4 stages. The points for these stages are added to the person's appropriate task competencies to determine points and pay levels.
6. Given that the classification structure is based on skills acquired, an employee will undertake lower skill level tasks when needed but will be paid at their normal rate of pay - providing that skills, time and safety conditions are met. This will apply for as long as the employee remains prepared to utilise those higher level skills.
7. Tasks undertaken by employees will only be limited by the acquisition of skills through training, Workplace Health & Safety Act, the company's Rehabilitation Program and legislative regulations.
8. An employee can move down the classification structure if he/she desires to do so and immediately be paid at the lower rate of pay. In such cases, the employee will nominate which task(s) they no longer wish to perform. The company will provide counselling to such people prior to the arrangement being put in place.
9. Buderim Ginger Limited is committed to the development and implementation of a training program designed to provide the acquisition of skills and knowledge relevant to the classification level criteria. Employees will be encouraged to undertake training to increase their skills.
10. In order to maintain competence, staff should rotate through all areas in which they are skilled and for which they are paid, once in each 24 month period.
11. Refresher training will be required for skills update on any task an employee is credited with, if:
* the operation has changed in any manner since the employee was assessed as competent in that operation;
* a period of 24 months has expired since the employee has undertaken that operation;
* the operator expressed the need for such training prior to performing the operation.
12. No employee can move to a higher classification level until all relevant training and competency tests up to that level have been successfully completed. This will include all process (on-the-job) and theoretical (off-the- job) training required for each operation.
13. It will be possible for employees to train in different areas of the plant. However, the training committee and management will take into account the usefulness of the requested training combination to the company, the 36
practicalities of job rotation through those operations, and the individual's training needs with respect to their classification level.
14. The trainee will be assessed when he/she believes that he/she is competent by:
* the team leader/trainer * the production coordinator * the Assessment Committee (comprised of the Manufacturing Manager, Production Co-ordinator, Union Delegate and Trainer or Training Assistant).
Disagreements relating to training and competency assessment will be referred to the Assessment Committee or Training Committee.
15. If, after a reasonable amount of training (as pre-determined by the trainer and trainee together) has been given on a particular task, it becomes evident that the trainee is unlikely to achieve competence in those skills, the training arrangement will be terminated and the trainee will return to tasks in which they are already competent.
16. Training and assessment will be competency based, i.e. skills demonstrated and assessed, not time spent in training.
17. To move from one pay level to another, people must be assessed as competent and will need to have enough points for the next level. Their points will be a combination of both the on the job task points allocation and the off the job points allocation. The additional criteria noted will also need to be met.
18. Classifications will be reviewed twice per year in January and July. If through any circumstance the review is delayed and the employee is shown to have been competent at the scheduled review date then the employee will be backpaid to that date.
19. Any skills not assessed with documentary evidence will not be recognised. The company will continue to make provision for employees to update skills within a 2 year period to retain classification levels.
20. Any grievance relating to the classification system should proceed along the grievance path outlined in the agreement (Clause 3.10).
21. No present employee will suffer involuntary loss of employment due to the introduction of this classification structure for the life of this agreement.
This Agreement is certified under the Workplace Relations Act 1997, Chapter 2, Part 1.
A L BLOOMFIELD, Commissioner.
This Certified Agreement was filed in my office on the eleventh day of September 1998, was certified by the Commission and was registered No CA415 of 1998, in the Register of Certified Agreements kept by me. 37
Dated this twenty-eighth day of September 1998.
E C EWALD, Industrial Registrar.
Operative Date: 31 July 1998 Certified Agreement – Buderim Ginger Limited