Meeting: Monthly PTA Meeting

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Meeting: Monthly PTA Meeting

Asbury PTA

Meeting: Monthly PTA Meeting Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Time: 6-7:00 PM


Kim Kastrul (Co-President); Heather Gerson (Vice President); Andrew Trexler (Treasurer); Jonathan Schmauder (Parlimentarian); Colleen Nyhus (Room Parents); Vicki Mobus (Hospitality); Kristen Dorighi (BoxTops); Molly Withers (Membership); Kim Miner (Parent Education); Melissa McClung; Kay Trotter (PTA guest lecturer)

Meeting called to order at 6:10pm.

Board Member Introductions

Kim Miner (Parent Education)

Minutes of Last Meeting

Kim Kastrul read them as we didn’t have copies for everyone. She will bring copies or email out beforehand for next meeting. Minutes approved.


A. Principal – Mrs. Theriot is not present because her grandbaby was born today. Vicki Mobus will write a card.

B. Treasurer – Andrew Trexler

a. We paid $659, our portion of the School Counselor. We budgeted for $700.

b. The final Carnival income was $2,665.73. This was almost twice as much as last year. We doubled the prices and had more people attend.

c. Kim Miner can get us free food from Safeway anytime we need it.

d. Andrew made a motion to pay meeting Childcare $20, an extra $5, when we have meetings that last two hours. Colleen Nyhus seconded. Approved.

C. Parent Liaison – Colleen Nyhus

1 4/8/2018 a. We have all the Room Parents and some Co-Reps in place. They meet to go over the handbook and talk with Ms. Terry in the office about school equipment and supplies. Most Reps have meet with their teachers.

b. An issue came up with background checks. We were told in September that Room Parents wouldn’t need them and now it seems we at least need them for ones that work with the kids. This includes other parents. Mrs. Theriot is working on it.

D. Hospitality – Vicki Mobus

a. Sent out a Teacher questionnaire and have gotten most back. Copies will go to Room Parents.

b. Decorated Teacher lounge, planned out the whole year, and working out details for Teacher Conferences.

c. Sent out a volunteer sheet and have gotten some back.

d. Asked to use leftover Carnival chips and extras for Teacher Conferences. Approved.

E. Membership – Molly Withers, Jamie Martinez (absent)

a. This year we have about 67 members so far. Last year we had 37. Andrew Trexler said that new memberships have been consistently rolling in. And Molly feels that 67 is still weak.

b. Jamie is in charge of entering membership info in system and has needed personal time but will get things going.

c. Molly sent out a flier and did get some response.

d. Molly wants to work on prizes and charts in classrooms and the Teacher lounge.

e. Heather Gerson suggested you might do a table at Gym night.

f. Kay Trotter recommended we give membership envelopes to the Teachers to hand out at conferences.

F. Dining Out – Neal Mendel (absent), Jennifer Mezta (absent)

a. Heather Gerson explained the definition and goals of the committee. Neal and Jennifer are working on getting it started.

G. Box Tops – Kristen Dorighi

a. Sent letters out. Holding a weekly drawing for little prizes. Another flier going home in November.

2 4/8/2018 b. Earned $320 in 08-09 and already seem to have 2/3 of that amount this fall.

c. Put a collection box at Safeway.

d. Telling groups and recommends that to everyone. We can make more if we talk to restaurants and businesses that use BoxTop items and collect.

H. Enrichment – Shelley Popke (absent), Heather Gerson

a. Heather reported that the committee met and decided on a number of categories. We have parents who will be teaching Science classes in the spring. Harvard Gulch is interested in bringing classes to us.

I. Fundraising –

a. We need a Chair who can manage store and website fundraisers.

b. Heather Gerson reported that we earned $208 with the Safeway receipts 10% Back-To-School promotion. Colleen Nyhus said we have a second account and probably earned twice that amount.

J. Parent Education – Kim Miner

a. Kim has set up a PTA lecture/workshop for this evening about Teacher Conferences. She is trying to set up Safe 2 Tell for next month. Kim Kastrul heard the presentation at the Colorado PTA meeting and thought is was very useful.

b. Kim is also hoping to set up “Taking Charge of your TV/Media” with PTA in the future.

Old Business - Jonathan Schmauder announced that this category should be labeled “Unfinished Business.” Kim Kastrul agreed to begin doing so next month.

A. Kim Kastrul brought up that we want a Coffee Cart at the Craft Fair to handle all warm drinks so that we don’t need to gather the supplies or volunteers to do so. Heather Gerson made the motion to pay $60 to the Funky Brewster. The company will give us back 50 cents a cup after 150 sold. Vicki Mobus seconded. Approved.

B. Kim Kastrul said we need to replace Salvucci’s mallet, damaged at the Carnival at a cost of up to $15. Heather Gerson made the motion, Jonathan Schmauder seconded. Approved.

C. We haven’t heard back from Courtney Roupp about the yard signs for PTA meetings. Colleen Nyhus said she would make them and put them up for the next meeting.

3 4/8/2018 New Business

A. Melissa McClung suggested we email the minutes of the PTA meetings to everyone in the school. The school office will also be posting them and they are on the website.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:05pm.

PTA meetings will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. The next PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 17th at 6pm.

Minutes recorded by Heather Gerson

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