Ralph W. Abele Conservation Scholarship Fund Application for the Scholarship Award

Instructions: Complete this Award application and submit it with a transcript of your high school or college grades through the last semester completed. Include a separate one-page, hand written or typed statement of your career goals and why you wish to receive this scholarship award. The committee would also like you to indicate how you would use this award.

Submit the scholarship information to: Mr. Ed Burns, Superintendent 713 Sunbury Street Millerstown, PA 17062

Name: Click here to enter text. Phone: Click here to enter text. Home Address: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Present Address: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Date of Birth: Click here to enter text. Social Security Number: Click here to enter text.

Are you currently a high school senior? Choose an item. Name and address of High School(s) attended: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. H.S. Graduation Date: Click here to enter text. H.S. Grade Point Average: Click here to enter text. High School Rank: Click here to enter text. of Click here to enter text. graduates SAT scores: Click here to enter text. Verbal Click here to enter text. Math

What is your current academic standing at college? Choose an item. Colleges or Universities attended, including present school: Name and Address Major of Study Dates Attended Degree

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The Ralph W. Abele Conservation Scholarship Fund was established following Ralph’s death in June 1990, as a living continuing memorial. Ralph Abele’s life was marked by extraordinary dedication to conservation and education. As a leader of the boys scouts, Ralph taught about the wonders of nature and instilled a conservation ethic in young minds with his message that the land is ours only to nurture and pass on to the future generations. His commitment to education was shown by his membership on the Greenwood School Board. As a leader of government, Ralph showed uncommon tenacity, combined with unmatched integrity, in his efforts to protect, conserve and enhance clean air, pure water, and the natural, science, historic and aesthetic values of the environment.

In 1991, the Ralph W. Abele Conservation Scholarship Fund awarded its first scholarship in memory of one of Pennsylvania’s great conservation leaders. Each year the fund will award an amount not to exceed $2000.00 and not be less than $1000.00. These awards will assist a worthy man or woman in pursuing his or her post secondary education in one of the environmental disciplines, such as fisheries, forestry, ecology, wildlife management or environmental resources. The Scholarship Fund has established the following guidelines for applicants for the Ralph W. Abele Conservation Scholarship:

1. Applicants must be residents of the state of Pennsylvania. 2. First preference in making scholarship awards will be given to high school seniors, or graduates of the Greenwood School District. Preferences will also be given to children of employees of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. 3. Applicants must be high school seniors who have been admitted to an approved institution of higher learning with a stated objective of studying one of the environmental disciplines or students enrolled in an institution of higher learning (graduate or undergraduate) with a major or concentration in one of the environmental disciplines. 4. Applicants must complete the attached application form, along with an official transcript of their grades through the last high school or college term or semester attended, no later than April 30th of each year to:

Ed Burns, Superintendent 713 Sunbury Street Millerstown, PA 17062

Scholarship selection shall be based on an applicant’s academic potential, his or her interest in conservation, and his or her demonstrated commitment to conservation. The decision of the committee is final and binding.