2017 Public Library STEM Survey Responses

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2017 Public Library STEM Survey Responses

Office of Commonwealth Libraries Public Library STEM Survey 2017 Survey Responses

Public Library STEM Programs, Equipment, or Services 1. In the past 12 months, has your library offered any STEM programs, equipment or services for youth or adults? Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Yes - for youth and adults 39.9% 122 Yes - for youth only 55.2% 169 Yes - for adults only 0.0% 0 No. We don't offer any STEM programs, equipment or 3.9% 12 services I don’t know 1.0% 3 Answered question 306 Skipped question 0

Library – School STEM Collaboration 2. In the past 12 months, has someone at your library worked with your local school district to develop STEM programs for youth? Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Yes 25.4% 71 No 71.1% 199 I don’t know 3.6% 10 Answered question 280 Skipped question 26

Survey Conducted March 2017 1 3. Who develops STEM programs at your library? Check all that apply. Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Library staff 96.3% 258 Local school district STEM instructor 2.6% 7 Library volunteer who is not a school district STEM 15.3% 41 instructor I don’t know 0.4% 1 Other (please specify) 13.8% 37 Answered question 268 Skipped question 38 4. Who leads or provides STEM programs at your library? Check all that apply. Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Library staff 96.3% 258 Local school district STEM instructor 2.2% 6 Library volunteer who is not a school district STEM 20.1% 54 instructor I don’t know 0.0% 0 Other (please specify) 17.5% 47 Answered question 268 Skipped question 38

PA Academic Standards Programs 5. Are your STEM programs for youth based on Pennsylvania's State Academic Standards? Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Yes, 50% or more are based on Pennsylvania State 34.3% 96 Academic Standards. Yes, less than 50% are based on Pennsylvania State 15.0% 42 Academic Standards. No, none of them are based on Pennsylvania State 15.4% 43 Academic Standards. I don’t know 35.4% 99 Answered question 280 Skipped question 26 STEM Program Areas 6. In which topic areas are your STEM programs focused? Check all that apply. Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Science - for example astronomy, biology, chemistry, 67.5% 181 ecology, etc.

Technology - for example 3D printers, robotics, digital 69.4% 186 literacy, devices, etc.

Engineering - for example building blocks, Keva 92.5% 248 planks, Legos, construction tools, etc. Mathematics - for example computational thinking, 45.1% 121 coding, fractals, etc. I don’t know 0.0% 0 Other (please specify) 8.6% 23 Answered question 268 Skipped question 38

Frequency of STEM Programs 7. How frequently do you offer STEM programs at your library? Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Very frequently (more than once a month) 42.5% 114 Monthly 31.0% 83 Occasionally (less than monthly) 25.0% 67 Summertime only 1.5% 4 I don’t know 0.0% 0 Answered question 268 Skipped question 38

STEM Program Target Ages 8. What age levels do you target with STEM programs? Check all that apply. Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Pre-kindergarten 72.0% 193 Elementary school students (grades K-5) 93.7% 251 Middle school students (grades 6-8) 58.2% 156 Survey Conducted March 2017 3 Response Response Answer Options Percent Count High school students (grades 9-12) 31.7% 85 18 to 29 years of age 19.0% 51 30 to 65 years of age 25.0% 67 66 years of age or older 23.5% 63 I don’t know 0.0% 0 Answered question 268 Skipped question 38

STEM Equipment, Toys, etc. 9. In the past 12 months, has your library made any STEM equipment, toys, etc. available for public use? Check all that apply. Response Response Answer Options Percent Count 3D printers 13.6% 36 Astronomy equipment or toys, etc. (e.g. telescopes, 9.1% 24 etc.) Biology equipment or toys, etc. (e.g. microscopes, 15.8% 42 anatomy, bacteria kits, plant kits, etc.) Chemistry equipment or toys, etc. 12.5% 33 Computer programming hardware or software (e.g. 20.8% 55 Arduino, Raspberry pi, etc.) Construction equipment or toys, etc. (e.g. building 85.3% 226 blocks, Keva planks, Legos, Clics, K’nex, etc.) Digital production equipment (such as videos, sound 15.8% 42 recording, etc.) Drone equipment or toys, etc. 1.1% 3 Electronic circuitry equipment or toys, etc.(e.g. Makey Makey, Squishy Circuits, littleBits, Cubelets, Snap 42.6% 113 Circuits, etc.) E-Textile equipment or toys, etc. 7.9% 21 Forensics equipment or toys, etc. 4.5% 12 Hand tools (e.g. thermal leak detectors, electricity 6.8% 18 usage meters, voltmeters, laser levels, etc.) Laser cutter and etcher/engraver 0.4% 1 Physics equipment or toys, etc. (catapults, wrecking 18.9% 50 Response Response Answer Options Percent Count balls, etc.) Robotics equipment or toys, etc. 32.8% 87 Sewing machines 6.8% 18 Tablets loaded with STEM apps 30.2% 80 No. We do not have any STEM equipment or toys, 6.4% 17 etc.for public use. I don’t know 0.4% 1 Other (please specify) 8.7% 23 Answered question 265 Skipped question 41 10. What age levels do you target with your STEM equipment? Check all that apply. Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Pre-kindergarten 78.6% 195 Elementary school students (grades K-5) 93.5% 232 Middle school students (grades 6-8) 58.1% 144 High school students (grades 9-12) 33.5% 83 18 to 29 years of age 14.5% 36 30 to 65 years of age 14.5% 36 66 years of age or older 14.9% 37 I don’t know 0.0% 0 Answered question 248 Skipped question 58

STEM MakerSpaces 11. Does your library have any special spaces available to the public for STEM activities? Check all that apply. Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Digital production or creation lab (place to create 3.0% 8 videos or sound recordings) Gaming design lab (place to create board or computer 0.8% 2 games) Makerspace (place to collaborate and share tools or 12.9% 34

Survey Conducted March 2017 5 Response Response Answer Options Percent Count supplies such as 3D printers, software, electronics, craft and hardware supplies, tools,etc.) STEM exhibit space 10.6% 28 No. We do not have any of these types of STEM 65.2% 172 spaces for the public. I don’t know 0.8% 2 Other (please specify) 21.2% 56 Answered question 264 Skipped question 42 12. What age levels do you target with your public STEM space? Check all that apply. Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Pre-kindergarten 71.1% 64 Elementary school students 93.3% 84 Middle school students 77.8% 70 High school students 46.7% 42 18 to 29 years of age 27.8% 25 30 to 65 years of age 31.1% 28 66 years of age or older 26.7% 24 I don’t know 3.3% 3 Answered question 90 Skipped question 216 13. Is your library’s STEM space: Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Dedicated space. 23.3% 21 Flex-space that is used as needed for STEM activities 81.1% 73 (such as a multi-purpose meeting room) I don’t know 0.0% 0 Other (please specify) 12.2% 11 Answered question 90 Skipped question 216 14. How often is your library’s STEM space open? Response Response Answer Options Percent Count All or nearly all weekly operating hours 46.7% 42 50% or more of weekly operating hours 7.8% 7 Less than 50% of weekly operating hours 41.1% 37 I don’t know 4.4% 4 Answered question 90 Skipped question 216 15. What staffing does your STEM space have: Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Staff or trained volunteers whose primary duty is to 25.6% 23 help people when they use the STEM space. Limited staff or trained volunteers to help people use 57.8% 52 the STEM space. No library staff or trained volunteers to help people 4.4% 4 use the STEM space. I don’t know 0.0% 0 Other (please specify) 12.2% 11 Answered question 90 Skipped question 216

Problems Offering STEM Programs 16. What problems do you have in offering STEM-related programs and services? Check all that apply. Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Lack of public interest 14.9% 41 Lack of funds 64.9% 179 Lack of knowledge 29.7% 82 Lack of STEM equipment, tools or toys 51.4% 142 Lack of ideas 8.3% 23 Lack of confidence 19.2% 53 Lack of time 48.2% 133 Lack of staff 64.9% 179 We do not have any problems offering STEM-related 5.8% 16

Survey Conducted March 2017 7 Response Response Answer Options Percent Count services I don’t know 0.7% 2 Other (please specify) 18.1% 50 Answered question 276 Skipped question 30

Staff Training Needs 17. Do you or your library staff need more training about STEM programs, equipment or services? Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Yes 76.4% 211 No 14.1% 39 I don’t know 9.4% 26 Answered question 276 Skipped question 30 18. In which topic area is training needed? Check all that apply. Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Science programs (astronomy, biology, chemistry, 75.8% 160 ecology, etc.) Technology programs (robotics, digital literacy, 85.8% 181 devices, etc.) Engineering programs (construction, 3D printers, etc.) 78.2% 165 Mathematics programs (coding, computational 83.4% 176 thinking, fractals, etc.) Other (please specify) 5.2% 11 Answered question 211 Skipped question 95 19. How should STEM training be provided? Check the methods that would be best for you or your staff. Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Printed how-to instructions 61.6% 130 Online idea banks of activities and techniques 70.1% 148 Online webinars 67.3% 142 Training at your system headquarters 35.1% 74 Training at your district library center 67.3% 142 Training at your school district 10.9% 23 Training at your intermediate unit 16.1% 34 Training at a state library association conference 20.9% 44 I don't know 1.4% 3 Helped in some other way 7.1% 15 Answered question 211 Skipped question 95 20. If STEM training was offered, would your staff be able to leave the library to attend training? Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Yes 45.5% 96 Yes, but not everyone who needs the training can 48.3% 102 leave the library building No 1.9% 4 I don’t know 4.3% 9 Answered question 211 Skipped question 95

Survey Conducted March 2017 9

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