2013-2014 Elementary Domain Improvement Plan

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2013-2014 Elementary Domain Improvement Plan


Person(s) Weigh % GOA Strategies Used to DOMAIN Correc Responsibl Metrics t L Achieve Goal t e Literary 84% 86%  Small Group Teacher  Thinkgate Comprehension Guided Reading Benchmark 3r lessons Scores d  Use of Study  Study Island R Island online data e 45% software  Student Work a  Use of Coach Samples di Book lessons  STAR n  Use of Direct Benchmark g Vocabulary Data Instruction (DVI) Reading for 65% 68% See above See above See above Information 35% Reading Skills 85% 87% See above See above See above and Vocabulary 20% Acquisition 3r Person(s) Weigh % GOA Strategies Used to d DOMAIN Correc Responsibl Metrics t L Achieve Goal E t e L Grammar and 76% 78%  Daily Language Teacher  Thinkgate A Sentence Review (DLR) Benchmark Construction  Use of Study Scores Island online  Study Island 60% software data  Use of Coach  Student Work Book lessons Samples

Research and 80% 82%  Implementatio Teacher  Thinkgate Writing Process n of and Media Benchmark Acceleration Specialist Scores projects  Study Island  Daily 6+1 data Traits of  Student Work 40% Writing Samples Instruction  Library lessons on the research process 3r Person(s) Weigh % GOA Strategies Used to d DOMAIN Correc Responsibl Metrics t L Achieve Goal M t e at Number and 50% 79% 81%  Small Group, Teacher  Thinkgate h Operations Skill-Specific Benchmark lessons Scores  Use of Study  Study Island Island online data software  Student Work  Use of Coach Samples Book lessons  Performance  Implementation Tasks of Georgia  STAR CCGPS Benchmark Mathematics Data Frameworks  Use of manipulatives as needed  Use of Direct Vocabulary Instruction (DVI) Measurement 76% 78% See above See above See above and Data 30% Analysis Geometry 10% 82% 84% See above See above See above Algebra 10% 84% 86% See above See above See above 3r Person(s) Weigh % GOA Strategies Used to d DOMAIN Correc Responsibl Metrics t L Achieve Goal S t e ci Earth Science 58% 60%  Use of Study Teacher  Thinkgate e Island online Benchmark n software Scores c  Acceleration  Study Island e projects data  Use of Direct  Projects 34% Vocabulary  Student Work Instruction (DVI) Samples  Use of Georgia  Performance Frameworks Tasks  Use of Science Lab Life Science 33% 69% 71% See above See above See above Physical 76% 78% See above See above See above Science 33% r 3 % Person(s) d Weigh GOA Strategies Used to DOMAIN Correc Responsibl Metrics t L Achieve Goal S t e o History   ci 30% 76% 78% Use of Study Teacher Thinkgate al Island online Benchmark St software Scores u  Acceleration  Study Island di projects data es  Use of Direct  Projects Vocabulary  Student Work Instruction (DVI) Samples  Performance 2013-2014 ELEMENTARY DOMAIN IMPROVEMENT PLAN ROCKY PLAINS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Tasks Geography 20% 71% 73% See above See above See above Government/Ci 63% 65% See above See above See above vics 30% Economics 20% 76% 78% See above See above See above

4t Person(s) Weigh % GOA Strategies Used to h DOMAIN Correc Responsibl Metrics t L Achieve Goal R t e e Literary 84 86  Small Group  Teacher  2014 GCRCT a Comprehension Guided Reading data di lessons  Thinkgate n  Use of Study Benchmark g Island online Scores software  Study Island 42%  Use of Coach data Book lessons  Student Work  Use of Direct Samples Vocabulary  STAR Instruction (DVI) Benchmark Data Information & 73 75 See Above See Above See Above Media Literacy 38% Reading Skills 87 89 See Above See Above See Above and Vocabulary 20% Acquisition 4t Person(s) Weigh % GOA Strategies Used to h DOMAIN Correc Responsibl Metrics t L Achieve Goal E t e L Grammar  Daily Language  Teacher  2014 GCRCT A and 81 Review (DLR) data Sentence  Use of Study  Thinkgate Construction Island online Benchmark software Scores 50% 79  Use of Coach  Study Island Book lessons data  Student Work Samples Georgia Fifth Grade Writing Assessment Research 50% 80  Implementatio  Teacher  2014 GCRCT and Writing 82 n of And Media data Process Acceleration Specialist  Thinkgate projects Benchmark  Daily 6+1 Scores Traits of  Study Island Writing data Instruction  Student Work Samples  Library lessons on the research process 4t Person(s) Weigh % GOA Strategies Used to h DOMAIN Correc Responsibl Metrics t L Achieve Goal M t e at Number and 77 79  Small Group,  Teacher  2014 GCRCT h Operations Skill-Specific data lessons  Thinkgate  Use of Study Benchmark Island online Scores software  Study Island  Use of Coach data Book lessons  Student Work  Implementation Samples 50% of Georgia  Performance CCGPS Tasks Mathematics  STAR Frameworks Benchmark  Use of Data manipulatives as needed  Use of Direct Vocabulary Instruction (DVI) Measurement 65 67 See Above See Above See Above and Data 24% Analysis Geometry 16% 71 73 See Above See Above See Above Algebra 10% 82 84 See Above See Above See Above 4t Person(s) Weigh % GOA Strategies Used to h DOMAIN Correc Responsibl Metrics t L Achieve Goal S t e ci Earth 69 71  Use of Study  Teacher  2014 GCRCT e Science Island online data n software  Thinkgate c  Acceleration Benchmark e projects Scores  Use of Direct  Study Island 40% Vocabulary data Instruction (DVI)  Projects  Use of Georgia  Student Work Frameworks Samples  Use of Science  Performance Lab Tasks Life Science 30% 78 80 See Above See Above See Above Physical 69 71 See Above See Above See Above Science 30% 4t DOMAIN Weigh % GOA Strategies Used to Person(s) Metrics h t Correc L Achieve Goal Responsibl 2013-2014 ELEMENTARY DOMAIN IMPROVEMENT PLAN ROCKY PLAINS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

S t e o History 60 62  Use of Study  Teacher  2014 GCRCT ci Island online data al software  Thinkgate St  Acceleration Benchmark u projects Scores di  Use of Direct  Study Island 50% e Vocabulary data s Instruction (DVI)  Projects  Student Work Samples  Performance Tasks Geography 15% 67 69 See Above See Above See Above Government/Ci 75 77 See Above See Above See Above vics 20% Economics 15% 68 70 See Above See Above See Above 5t Person(s) Weigh % GOA Strategies Used to h DOMAIN Correc Responsibl Metrics t L Achieve Goal R t e e Literary 73 75  Small Group  Teacher  2014 GCRCT a Comprehension Guided Reading data di lessons  Thinkgate n  Use of Study Benchmark g Island online Scores software  Study Island 40%  Use of Coach data Book lessons  Student Work  Use of Direct Samples Vocabulary  STAR Instruction (DVI) Benchmark Data Information & 69 71 See Above See Above See Above Media Literacy 40% Reading Skills 87 90 See Above See Above See Above and Vocabulary 20% Acquisition 5t Person(s) Weigh % GOA Strategies Used to h DOMAIN Correc Responsibl Metrics t L Achieve Goal E t e L Literary 50% 81 83  Daily Language  Teacher  2014 GCRCT A Comprehension Review (DLR) data  Use of Study  Thinkgate Island online Benchmark software Scores  Use of Coach  Study Island Book lessons data  Student Work Samples  Georgia Fifth Grade Writing Assessment Reading for 80 82  Implementatio  Teache  2014 GCRCT Information n of r and data Acceleration Media  Thinkgate projects Speciali Benchmark  Daily 6+1 st Scores Traits of  Study Island 50% Writing data Instruction  Student Work Samples  Library lessons Georgia Fifth on the Grade Writing research Assessment process 5t Person(s) Weigh % GOA Strategies Used to h DOMAIN Correc Responsibl Metrics t L Achieve Goal G t e ra Number and 75 77  Small Group,  Teacher  2014 GCRCT d Operations Skill-Specific data e lessons  Thinkgate M  Use of Study Benchmark at Island online Scores h software  Study Island  Use of Coach data Book lessons  Student Work  Implementation Samples 50% of Georgia  Performance CCGPS Tasks Mathematics  STAR Frameworks Benchmark  Use of Data manipulatives as needed  Use of Direct Vocabulary Instruction (DVI) Measurement 70 72 See Above See Above See Above and Data 25% Analysis Geometry 15% 73 75 See Above See Above See Above Algebra 10% 79 81 See Above See Above See Above 5t Person(s) Weigh % GOA Strategies Used to h DOMAIN Correc Responsibl Metrics t L Achieve Goal S t e ci Earth 30% 60 62  Use of Study  Teacher  2014 GCRCT e Science Island online data n software  Thinkgate c  Acceleration Benchmark e projects Scores 2013-2014 ELEMENTARY DOMAIN IMPROVEMENT PLAN ROCKY PLAINS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

 Use of Direct  Study Island Vocabulary data Instruction (DVI)  Projects  Use of Georgia  Student Work Frameworks Samples  Use of Science  Performance Lab Tasks Life Science 40% 77 79 See Above See Above See Above Physical 66 68 See Above See Above See Above Science 30% 5t Person(s) Weigh % GOA Strategies Used to h DOMAIN Correc Responsibl Metrics t L Achieve Goal S t e o History 69 71  Use of Study  Teacher  2014 GCRCT ci Island online data al software  Thinkgate St  Acceleration Benchmark u projects Scores di  Use of Direct  Study Island 53% e Vocabulary data s Instruction (DVI)  Projects  Student Work Samples  Performance Tasks Geography 27% 67 69 See Above See Above See Above Government/Ci 60 62 See Above See Above See Above vics 20% Economics 69 71 See Above See Above See Above

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