Perseus by Edith Hamilton Reading Guide – Ms. Dester, ELA 9 Directions: As you read Perseus by Edith Hamilton, take notes in the appropriate sections below.

Page Numbers Summary of Events Characters Involved King Acrisius has a daughter, Danae, and finds out Acrisius that his grandson will kill him in the future. He Danae doesn’t kill Danae because he is afraid of the gods, Priest of Delphi but instead, locks her away. Zeus comes down and Zeus Pgs. 214-215 impregnates Danae when she is older, and has a Persues (baby) son. Acrisius becomes scared and puts Danae and her son in a closed chest and puts them in the ocean to drift away and hopefully die.

Pgs. 216-217

Pgs. 218-219

Pgs. 220-222 Archetypes in Perseus

Directions: For each of the 8 archetypes, try to identify as many as you can in the story of Perseus. Draw a picture for each, and explain why this person fits the particular archetype you have selected.

The Hero The Mentor


Threshold Guardian The Herald

______The Shapeshifter The Shadow


The Trickster Allies/Sidekicks

______Perseus – Synthesis Questions

Directions: Use the text to help you answer the following questions. Only answers that are written in complete sentences will receive credit.

1) (a) What prediction does the priestess make to Acrisius? (b) What two actions does Acrisius take to prevent the prediction from coming true? (c) What is revealed about Acrisius’ character through the actions he takes to escape fate?







2) Perseus accepts the help of Hermes and Athena in his pursuit of Medusa, but which heroic qualities of his own does he draw upon to accomplish his goals?






3) (a) How does Perseus manage to kill Medusa? (b) What might have happened to Perseus if he had not received help from the gods? Explain.





4) What does this myth suggest about one’s ability to escape or control fate? Explain.





5) (a) In what ways are Acrisius and Polydectes antagonists of Perseus? (b) How do the actions of the two antagonists make Perseus an even stronger hero?






6) (a) Why is Acrisius’ death a logical outcome? (b) What aspects of his death could not have been predicted?





7) This myth from ancient Greece is thousands of years old. (a) What lesson do you think it taught its first audiences? (b) In what ways is it still relevant today? ______



