Students will need to know:  Positions  Face-Off  Slap shot vs. Wrist Shot  Number of players on the court  Types of violations  Floor Hockey Diagram l SKILLS: Stick Handling (Dribbling): Moving the puck forward out in front of you with short taps or pushes. The blade should be slightly tilted over the puck for better control while keeping the puck in the middle of the blade. Passing: Keep the blade of the stick upright and use a smooth, sweeping motion. Do not raise the stick above your waist in the back swing or follow-through. Pass Receiving: Keep your eye on the puck; tilt the blade of your stick over the puck to trap it in. Cushion the pass by allowing the blade of your stick to “give” at the moment of impact (pretend that you are trying to catch an egg). Wrist shot: The blade of the stick and the puck are in contact before shooting. Forehand: non-hitting shoulder faces the desired target. Backhand: your hitting shoulder faces the target. Snap your wrists and point your stick blade at the target with a follow-through. Slap Shot: Drop your lower hand down the stick a little for better control. Take a back swing and then swing the stick forward quickly and hit through the puck with a follow-through. *(SHOT MUST BE BELOW WAIST LEVEL) STRATEGIES for PLAY: VIOLATIONS: DO NOT DO THE FOLLOWING… Interference – Making contact with another player that does not have possession of the puck. Charging – Check a player by running into him/her. Elbowing – Using the elbow to get away from another player. Cross-Checking or Slashing – Swinging a stick at an opponent. High Sticking – Any stick above the waist; a follow through counts as high sticking. Tripping – Using the stick or body part to make a player fall. Hooking – Using the stick to hold or delay another player. Off-Side - Defenders or Forwards playing over the center line. Unsportsmanlike Conduct – Not obeying the rules.