Phonological Rules for English Allophones
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10. Phonological Rules for English Allophones (a selection) :
The phonological rule Examples:
1. Nasalization [+vowel] [+nasal] before [+nasal] of vowels and, man, ram, camp, sang, tank 2. Fronting of [+velar] more front before front vowels velars geese, get, keg 3. Dentalisation [+alveoral] [+dental] before [+dental] of alveolars tenth [tennθ], in theory [ɪnnθɪǝrɪ], one thing [wʌnnθɪŋ]
4. Unreleased [+stops] unreleased in the word final position or before other oral cap, hat, black, cab, good oral stops stops captain, hatpin, blackboard, obtain, good dog 5. Aspiration of [–voiced] [+aspirated] when syllable initial pit [phit], tie [thaɪ], come stops [+stop] [khʌm];
6. Lack of [–voiced] [– aspirated] after /s/ at the beginning of a syllable spit [spɪt], sty [staɪ], scum aspiration after [+stop] /s/ [skʌm]);
7. Devoicing of [+approximant] [-voiced] after [+aspirated, +stop]] approimants pray [prreɪ], play [plreɪ], crew krru:], clue [klru:], try [trraɪ], twig [twrɪg], tune [tjru:n])
8. Glottal stop [–voiced] [+glottal stop] + [–voiced] when after a vowel and cup [kʰʌʔp], heap [hi:ʔp], bit suport [+stop] [+stop] at the end of a syllable [bɪʔt], beat [bi:ʔt], buck [bʌʔk], oak [ǝʊʔk], felt [feɫʔt])
9. /t/ glottal [–voiced] pit [pɪʔ], belt [beɫʔ], atlas stop [+alveolar] [+glottal stop] [+stop] [æʔlǝs], lightning [laɪʔnɪŋ], pity [pɪʔɪ], bottom [bɒʔǝm]
10. /t/ tap [–voiced] [+voiced] when it is the single consonant between later [leɪɾr], writing [raɪɾɪŋ], [+alveolar] [+tap] two vowels, the second of which is [+stop] unstressed waiter [weɪɾr], divinity [dɪvɪnɪɾɪ], startle [sta:rɾɫ]
11. /d/ tap [+voiced] [+voiced] when it is the single consonant between ladder [leɪɾr], riding [raɪɾɪŋ], [+alveolar] [+tap] two vowels, the second of which is [+stop] unstressed wader [weɪɾr]
12. Devoicing of [+voiced] partially voiced when syllable initial except buy, die, guy, zoo, veal, they consonants [+obstruent] when preceded by a voiced sound 13. Devoicing of [+voiced] partially voiced when syllable final except rib, rid, rig, rise, drive, writhe consonants [+obstruent] when preceded by a voiced sound 14. Shortening of [+vowel] shorter before voiceless sounds in the same syllable vowels cap, back 15. Syllabicity of [+nasal] [+syllabic] when at the end of a word and immediately leaden [lednn̦], chasm [kæsmn̦] nasals after [+obstruent] 16. Syllabicity of [+lateral] [+syllabic] when at the end of a word and immediately kiln [kɪln], film [fɪlm], bottle laterals after another consonant [bɒtl]