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Check this lying hospitality and lying affection. Live no longer to the expectation of these deceived and deceiving people with whom we converse. Say to them … I have lived with you after appearances. Henceforward I am the truth’s … I must be myself. I cannot break myself any longer for you, or you. If you can love me for what I am, we shall be the happier. If you cannot, I will still seek to deserve that you should. I will not hide my tastes or aversions … I cannot sell my liberty and my power, to save [your] sensibility. - Ralph Waldo Emerson “Self Reliance”


Osho says that “the ego is not a very intelligent thing; all egos are idiotic.” In that four out of five people feed their Ego’s foolhardy demands before feeding their souls, a large segment of the population fall into the category of unintelligent idiots who often find themselves stuck in the pain or glory of the past; holding on to outdated ideologies; entertaining insane ideas; and, believing in unexamined assumptions. The old Aramaic, in which some of the Bible was written, translates the original meaning of the word “Satan” as “crazy thoughts.” Indeed, the Ego is insane; it vibrates at a low level of consciousness, thrives off of low vibrational foods and beverages, addictive, self defeating behaviors like wreckless, irresponsible or casual sex; dead, processed, junk food; drugs; jarring, inharmonious music that is out of sync with the human heartbeat, (like heavy metal music or some types of rock music) and alcohol (aka “spirits” because alcohol opens up a dimension for entities to attach themselves to the aura). Unsuspecting hosts end up unwittingly treading hamster wheels of self defeating behaviors they may truly desire to break free of but cannot because they are being driven by the incessant, insatiable and insane demands of their egos.

The kingdom of heaven can only be revealed to individuals at their own levels of awareness or consciousness. Moreover, an over growth of millions of parasites, such as fungi, can cause cellular DNA to mutate into enemies of mental illness, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Naturally, an overgrowth of this magnitude can also interfere with an individual’s access to higher frequencies along with their ability to maintain higher states of consciousness. Moreover, operating from a limited paradigm of disbelief, poverty, or victimhood unwittingly cuts one off from the very frequencies vibrating at a higher level that can liberate them from self imposed prisons.

An analogy of the old telegraph machine best illustrates the problem. Without a telegraph operator on the other end to receive the message and transcribe it, the message is lost, not because it was not transmitted, but because there is no one in the telegraph office to receive the message, transcribe it and deliver it. The Ego removes the operator from the telegraph office by keeping him/her in caught up in busy making. It is only when one is quiet that one is able to plug into the quiet, gentle commands of the

1 July PIMPED BY PARASITES PARTHENIA ONASSIS GRANT 6, 2010 higher self. Today’s fast paced lifestyle leaves little space for the necessary quiet time to access direct broadcasts from Source energy.

Blessed are the few who set aside regular quiet time each day to tap into the unending stream of well being that is constantly flowing from Source Energy. It is easy to overlook the importance of creating a quiet space to empty the mind of negative thoughts or energy, letting them pass through the mind’s eye without judgment, reaction or rejection; simply observing them and knowing that they belong to the Collective Unconscious (as Carl Jung so aptly named it) of humanity. It is important to choose, instead, to focus on everyday blessings like loving family and friends; a job or hobby that one loves; the beauty of rhythmic sunrises and sunsets; the crashing of waves on the ocean; a gentle breeze on the face, or a big breeze that blows away smog and clears the skies; a luxurious bubble bath or refreshing shower; relaxing, uplifting music; the burst of flavor in the bite of a ripe mango, peach, plum or fig; the majestic splendor and diversity in nature walks; the list is endless.

The point is, focusing on love and gratitude opens the soul to attunement and connection with “The Presence.” Some call “The Presence” God, The Divine, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, The Universe or Source Energy. It matters not what name one chooses to give this energy that opens up and expands the heart, connecting it to all there is which is all there ever was. This transcendent rain bath of pure peace, love and light washes the spirit clean of mundane cares, concerns, and worries, filling the soul with a feeling that everything is right as rain. The illusions of The Matrix and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave serve to separate humanity from this place of stillness and peace that lies present in the hearts of humanity, waiting to be tapped into.


According to Dr. Daniel Amin, the frontal lobe of the brain is responsible for higher functions such as spirituality, love, compassion, critical thinking, etc. Thus, poor or impaired frontal lobe activity is associated with weakened ability to reason, poor socialization skills, difficulty communicating and getting along with others, erratic behavior, violence, chaos, moodiness, depression, and a host of undesirable traits that render the world an unsafe and stressful place to inhabit (Amin). Impaired frontal lobe function is also directly associated with alcohol and drug addiction, cigarette smoking, brain injuries, poor or deficient diets, fluoride and chlorine toxicity, all of which create perfect breeding grounds for parasites, bacteria and fungi who use heavy metals from these toxic substances to build biofilms around themselves to avoid detection by the immune system and to evade antibiotics.

The unknown truth is that 80% of mental illnesses are caused by parasites in the brain. Nexus Magazine ran an article titled MICRO-ORGANISMS AND MENTAL ILLNESS by Frank Strick in its June-July 2004 issue, Volume 11, Number 4 revealing that “many mental illnesses seem to involve an associated infection by bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites, but can be relieved when these invaders are properly identified and eliminated.” That information is probably the best case I can offer for doing regular colon, parasite and Candida cleanses. Herbs such as black walnut, pau d’ arco, and cloves are natural, safe herbal remedies that have been used for thousands of years. Traditional medical doctors in South America use pau d’ arc to successfully treat cancer patients. (See Alphabetical Index to Health).

Dr. Hawkins’ work reveals that the brains of those vibrating below 200 operate in a linear fashion that inhibits them from grasping non-linear concepts like quantum physics or some metaphysical concepts.


Thus, the foregoing, life sustaining information tends to get dismissed, ridiculed, or invalidated by those with diminished frontal lobe activity. It also explains why quantum physics, the non-linear realm of infinite possibilities, is difficult for those in the 78 percentile (who are below the level of courage and integrity) to grasp.

Dan Brown in his book The Symbol, points out that while in meditative states, the “brain scans of yogis” reveal that they “physically create a wax like substance from the pineal gland. This brain secretion is unlike anything else in the body. It has an incredible healing effect, can literally regenerate cells, and may be one of the reasons yogis live so long.” He adds that this “substance has inconceivable properties and can be created only by a mind that is highly tuned to a deeply focused state.” Naturally, Dan Brown’s The Symbol, deals heavily with symbology, thus, Brown explains that “temple is code for body. Heaven is code for mind. Jacob’s ladder is your spine. And manna is this rare brain secretion.” According to Brown, manna could “heal the body, create no waste, heal the sick, provide everlasting life, and cause no waste in those who consumed it.” In that the bible says that manna “fell from heaven” while also telling us that “the kingdom of heaven is within,” Brown’s conclusion is plausible upon considering that the pineal gland is also the spiritual center of the brain. Moreover, altered states of consciousness that tap into the pineal gland produce what many label miracles.

This biblical metaphor or code word for manna as the life sustaining substance produced by the pineal gland, indicates that “the ancients already knew many of the scientific truths we’re now rediscovering. Within a matter of years, modern man will be forced to accept what is now unthinkable: our minds can generate energy capable of transforming physical matter. Particles react to our thoughts, which means our thoughts have the power to change the world,” according to Brown. This revelation provides essential inspiration for those who are still wandering in the wilderness looking for enlightenment, not only to turn inward, but to set a resolve to do the practical work of purifying their body temples, physically and mentally in order to raise their levels of consciousness beyond the control of the Ego. The Ego cannot exist in a mind that is quiet, at peace and fully attuned to the present moment, which is the only time that exists.


Even though there are those who incarnated in integrity (i.e. the level of courage), they, too, benefit from cleansing their body temples of heavy metals, toxins, yeast, mold, fungus and parasites. The expression “cleanliness is next to godliness” includes cleansing and detoxifying the inner temple as well as bathing the outer body. Modifying the body’s inner terrain so that it is no longer hospitable to hosts that feed off of fear, doubt, uncertainty and crazy making is a win-win for the physical vehicle and the higher self, who will no longer continue to be pimped by parasites and forced to serve as unwitting hosts to uninvited guests that turn the inner terrain of the body into a virtual wasteland. Detoxification and a diet that takes one back to nature, are just plain old common sense. Yeah, I know: common sense is not so very common in much the same manner that those already at or above the level of integrity are uncommon in a world caught in the clutches of the ego. The direct path to integrity is simple, yet difficult for those who lack discipline because it requires daily discipline and sacrifice (in the sense that those who are in integrity will walk away from people and situations that would compromise their self respect or dignity; integrity involves being true to one’s self. This is difficult for Egoists who are being led in 10 different directions at the same time by the insane demands of their egos.



There is an often over looked connection, not only between food and mood, but between a parasitic, heavy metal laden, vitamin and mineral deficient body temple and the ability to move into the pivotal level of integrity, not to mention higher realms of consciousness, along with problems implementing and/or following through with plans, goals and ideas that one clearly “knows” is in the best interest of the higher self. That is why those who are quick to say “I know” don’t know that they don’t really know because if they really KNEW what they THOUGHT THEY KNEW, they would be able to implement it in a meaningful way that adds value, purpose and positive change to their lives.

I made the connection years ahead of the crowd, when writing my dissertation, between personality disordered behavior and vitamin or mineral deficient diets and high levels of toxicity in the body and brain. Later, I discovered that my findings coincided with the low levels of consciousness described in Dr. David Hawkins’ books Power vs. Force and Transcending the Levels of Consciousness as well as Dr. Daniel Amin’s book Change Your Brain, Change Your Life. Based on Dr. Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness below, everything below Courage (200) serves the ego and is destructive to the individual, others and society and resides in the “Heart of Darkness,” that is hidden from the sunshine of higher vibrations. Detoxification and rejuvenation of the body temple is a necessary part of the curriculum on the path to enlightenment. In fact, getting rid of the brain fog, confusion, and depression caused by Candida parasite infections also goes a long way in enabling individuals to focus on attaining higher ground physically, mentally and spiritually and the clarity to maintain it.


GOD VIEW LIFE VIEW LEVEL LOG EMOTION PROCESS Self Is Enlightenment 700+ Indescribable Pure Consciousness All Being Perfect Peace 600 Bliss Illumination One Complete Joy 540 Serenity Transfiguration Loving Benevolent Love 500 Reverence Revelation Wise Meaningful Reason 400 Understanding Abstraction Merciful Harmonious Acceptance 350 Forgiveness Transcendence Inspiring Hopeful Willingness 310 Optimism Intention Enabling Satisfactory Neutrality 250 Trust Release Permitting Feasible Courage 200 Affirmation Empowerment Indifferent Demanding Pride 175 Scorn Inflation Vengeful Antagonistic Anger 150 Hate Aggression Denying Disappointing Desire 125 Craving Enslavement Punitive Frightening Fear 100 Anxiety Withdrawal Disdainful Tragic Grief 75 Regret Despondency Condemning Hopeless Apathy 50 Despair Abdication Vindictive Evil Guilt 30 Blame Destruction Despising Miserable Shame 20 Humiliation Elimination

According to Dr. Hawkins, 78% of the world is vibrating below the pivotal level of courage (200) where truth, honesty and integrity reside. Those struggling with getting into integrity find themselves caught in

4 July PIMPED BY PARASITES PARTHENIA ONASSIS GRANT 6, 2010 a Catch 22 because the mental clarity necessary to maintain and hold higher levels of vibration consistently is a challenge at best in an acidic body laden with heavy metals, Candida, parasites and toxic blockages in the colon which generate brain fog, aches and pain, irritability and moodiness. Although common sense is the single best reason to detoxify the body and re-embrace natural, live foods, Matt Amsden, founder of the raw food restaurant in Santa Monica, CA Euphoria Loves Rawvolution and author of the cookbook Rawvolution elegantly outlines even more important yet intangible benefits of detoxifying the body temple:

When your body and mind are free of pollutants, you become a clear channel for receiving information from the universe … Your body is your temple. Once your temple is clean and pure, there is space for divinity, insight, and virtue to reside. A temple so full of waste is unreceptive to the subtleties of the body’s divine wisdom, and is therefore unreceptive to the subtleties of existence itself. Cleanliness is next to godliness, and the control of one’s appetite is a true hallmark of enlightenment and immortality (Amsden).

Due to the addictive nature of dead food and drugs (prescription and illicit) a change of diet is a definite challenge for the 78% of the population vibrating below 200, where shame, apathy, fear, desire, anger and pride reside (Hawkins). Without a doubt, reaching the point where one finds the courage to be true to oneself and break free of cultural and social conditioning and expectation, is crucial for bringing joy and peace into one’s life. Thus, Light Workers, therapists and teachers might want to keep in mind the importance of focusing their energy on helping those who are already awake, conscious of the need to get into integrity, and are actively seeking assistance in getting there. Such individuals require little more than guidance, information and encouragement; they are much lower maintenance than those who are still caught up in the drama of addiction and are not ready to commit to the work of breaking free. Moreover, focusing on putting as much energy as possible into helping those who are close to getting into integrity will serve to increase the Tipping Point that will generate a quicker jump into the 100th Monkey Principle. Moreover, we need more people vibrating at 200 and above because it is critical for those vibrating below 200 to be around those who are in integrity to model what it looks like.

Emerson’s essay on “Self Reliance” beautifully emphasizes the absolute necessity of getting into integrity (which is the level of Courage on Hawkins’s chart) by directly and cogently pointing out that “God will not have his work made manifest by cowards.“ Neither should we be “cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers, and benefactors … advancing on Chaos and Dark [in that] nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world” (Emerson). Albert Einstein states that “great minds encounter violent opposition from mediocre minds.” Both Emerson and Einstein model the necessity of individuation (becoming one’s own unique, individual self, free from “group think” and cultural demands and conditioning) and freedom from societal mass hypnosis. Emerson says that:

Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members. Society is a joint-stock company, in which the members agree, for the better securing of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater. The virtue in most request is conformity. Self reliance is its aversion … Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist.

Interestingly enough, an individual below the level of courage, honesty, integrity, and truth will not, as Emerson says, “absolve you to yourself.” In fact, they will flee from the pain, the unknown and the

5 July PIMPED BY PARASITES PARTHENIA ONASSIS GRANT 6, 2010 uncertainty of the “Dark Night of the Soul” unaware that claiming the God given gift of freedom is worth walking courageously through pain and darkness to claim the privilege of living in love, peace, and joy. Emerson says that “The secret of fortune is joy in our hands” and that “as soon as the man is at one with God, he will not beg. He will then see prayer in all action.” It is only after reaching the pivotal level of courage, however, that one is able to boldly explore uncharted frontiers that the fear based Ego cannot traverse like being holographic images of the divine and actually doing some of the things Christ did that he said mankind would also be able to do.

Am I saying that one will automatically become enlightened upon detoxing and eating foods that are alive with amino acids and vitamins and minerals? No. People are born at different levels of consciousness in the same way that they are born with different set points for happiness. That does not mean, however, that the set point for happiness cannot be raised (i.e. see Marci Schimoff’s book Happy for No Reason) any more than it means that one cannot raise one’s level of consciousness (see Dr. David Hawkins’ book Transcending the Levels of Consciousness to discover how). What I am saying is that we are at a most auspicious point in human evolution in that we work and play in a quantum field of infinite possibilities where many of the things humanity believed were impossible 100 years ago are nothing short of miraculous today (i.e. cell phones, computers, artificial intelligence, etc.). Moreover, because of the internet, anything we want to know is available at our fingertips. Thus, the last frontier for the masses to master is the dark dismal, deceitful and illusory realm of the ego.

Ultimately, we are all in this together; there is much work to be done; and there are not yet enough volunteers. Thus, those of like mind must join together to serve the world in the areas where they are most gifted or talented. It is life affirming to connect with those contributing their unique abilities to serve what Dr. Carl Calleman, in his book The Mayan Calendar, calls “the evolution of human consciousness.” Unfortunately, for many individuals, things have to get bad enough or hurt bad enough for them to summon the motivation to do something about the pain or discomfort. Anthony Robbins was right when he said that, “Devastation will either destroy you or give you the drive to pull yourself out of it.” Moreover, one of our great American philosophers reminds us that “life breaks everybody,” but what matters is “how you heal in the broken places.”

Experience has cautioned me not to take away the self imposed suffering of adults (although I will guide those who ask for help) because the sooner people realize that they are both the cause and the cure of what ails them, the sooner an end to their suffering can come. I realized that when I ceased preventing people from “crashing and burning,” the sooner they learned their lessons and the quicker healing began to take place in the broken places. The alternative was unwittingly contributing to those around me taking out permanent membership in the land of the “walking wounded,” not to mention parading battle scars in exchange for pity, victimhood, or the company of fools.

Quantum physics teaches that everything is connected and affected by everything else; that we are in a field of unlimited potential; and that simply observing the field changes it. Moreover, Dr. Hawkins explains that certain spiritual truths are transformational within themselves. Thus, while individuals must be committed to truth at all costs, they must also remain aware that their level of truth and ability to absorb higher truths will expand according to their level of awareness and consciousness. Therein is the meaning of not casting pearls to swine, which is why it is important not to share sacred information unless it is requested. It prevents those who are still plugged into “The Matrix” from attacking ideas that threaten their ego or their limited, linear belief systems.


Nevertheless, it is imperative for those who want to raise their levels of consciousness to gravitate toward the 22% vibrating above 200 because, according to Hawkins, “one individual at level 700 counter-balances 70 million individuals below level 200.” On the lower end of the scale, one individual who reaches a level of 300 “counterbalances 90,000 individuals who are below the level of 200.” Overall, even though “only [22%] percent of the world’s population is above the critical consciousness level of 200, the collective power of that [22%] percent has the weight to counterbalance the negativity of the remaining 78% of the world’s people” (Hawkins). Note that the numbers in brackets changed from 15% to 22% in Hawkins’ new book; that is because consciousness is continuing to evolve. Hawkins reminds us that “were it not for these counterbalances, mankind would self-destruct out of the sheer mass of its unopposed negativity.” Thus, “even a few loving thoughts during the course of the day more than counterbalance all of our negative thoughts” (Hawkins 283). Hawkins clarifies that it is “important to remember that the calibration figures do not represent an arithmetic, but a logarithmic progression. Thus, level 300 is not twice the amplitude of 150; it is 10 to the 300 th power. An increase of even a few points represents a major advance in power; thus, the increase in power as we move up the scale is enormous.

Detoxing one’s body inside and out can further lay the foundation for freedom from destructive relationships and enslavement to addictions, which contribute to various forms of depression, anxiety, physical and mental illness, addictive/compulsive behavior, self-destructiveness, as well as taking two steps forward and one step backwards. The foregoing serve egotistical drives that rip through the social fabric of society, leaving the world battle worn and fatigued from fighting inter-personal conflicts and social clashes. Those reading this book have answered the call of self mastery and are choosing NOT to continue being pimped by parasites, yeast, mold and fungi that secrete substances that compel the individual to go against the dictates of common sense and good health.


In that the brain is the operating system that jump-starts and manages the functioning of the entire body, those in control of their right minds would not consciously persist in sabotaging or overriding their internal programming. Yet that is exactly what billions of people around the planet are doing unconsciously everyday as they puff on cigarettes, take drugs (prescription and illicit) or overdose on coffee and dead food. This dilemma is a clear indicator that parasitic, prehistoric creatures are holding the masses hostage to addictions of one form or another. In that addictions are unconscious, addicts cannot help themselves (the definition of an addiction is something you cannot help doing or cannot control). On the other hand, those who are consciously trying to kick their addictions often find that they lack adequate, practical or accurate information in order to successfully do so.

Education is essential to a successful lifestyle change as are support systems of conscious individuals modeling a new lifestyle. Moreover, it is also necessary to make living foods as ubiquitous and as convenient as junk food in that knowing better and not being able to do better because living foods are so inaccessible is a problem that requires strategic planning and preparation to be able to commit to it. The foregoing are all critical elements in alleviating the unmitigated and unnecessary suffering of the masses who do not know that they do not know.


The good news is that once awareness is created through wide dissemination of information, the consciousness will automatically rise to the place where a tipping point is created. I am pleased to see that we are definitely moving in that direction. This book is a part of creating that awareness.


The good news is that the brain has the ability to create new neuropath ways once an individual stops damaging it with drugs, alcohol and dead food. What are the foods and habits that promote proper brain function and the rewiring of new neuro-networks in damaged brains? Answer: fresh blueberries, walnuts, avocadoes, spinach, oranges, omega 3 oils, SAM-E, (a natural amino acid compound that enhances neurotransmitter levels and increases serotonin input to the brain); at least 5 hours of rest a night; engaging in simple exercise like walking and taking the stairs and new learning that challenges the brain (Amin). I would add to Dr. Daniel Amin’s suggestions in his book Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, the importance of ayurvedic or holistic herbs for brain function and detoxification such as sheliajit, bacopa, macuna, holy basis (i.e. tulsi); prebiotics such as inulin; natural antibiotics like grapefruit extract, oregano oil, or colloidal silver; detoxification suppositories such as EDTA magnesium, which is a form of chelation therapy; Endosterol and Glytamin suppositories for Candida yeast, parasites, detoxification of the liver, kidneys and the colon (See Chapter 4) all of which lead to higher cognitive brain functioning by clearing out the debris that cause brain fog and slow cognitive processing.


As quiet as it is kept, all one has to do is observe what a person eats or drinks and the activities that person engages in regularly to get an idea of how functional that individual’s brain is or the range of that person’s emotional, spiritual or Intellectual IQ. It would be inane to expect someone whose idea of a great evening is watching mindless, superficial television programs while gorging on sugary and/or processed junk food, meat and carbs, or drugs to offer much in the way of meaningful intellectual, spiritual, or emotional stimulation. Even those born at a high level of consciousness, who are damaging their brains and bodies with dead or toxic substances, will not be able to apply in their own lives the higher level of insights they may offer others. Any insights they are able to offer will be sporadic, incomplete, fractured from the whole, inconsistent or questionable at best. Moreover, do not expect those with pineal glands shrunken from the size of a walnut to a pea (that would be most of the masses) from fluoride and chlorine, to be consistently tapped in and tuned into their higher selves. Sure, anything is possible and can happen, but toxic individuals are not clear channels for the Divine to follow through at consistently high levels of frequency. The worst part is that relationships with them tend to be disastrous in that they tend to swim in an “ocean of knowledge without an ounce of wisdom,” as Benjamin Steward reminds viewers in his film Kymatica.


Indeed, doing my part to assist in the awakening of diverse groups of college students, who hail from around the globe, is a joy and an amazing journey even among resistance from the old guard whose egos cannot embrace the wisdom of Emerson’s admonition that: “Envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till.” Unfortunately, instead of Ego driven individuals focusing on

8 July PIMPED BY PARASITES PARTHENIA ONASSIS GRANT 6, 2010 becoming better at what they do, they seek to harm the object of their envy through maliciousness, lies or deceit, unable to see that, in the quantum field, anything that harms another, eventually boomerangs back to harm the self because we are all aspects of the Divine and each other.


Like Emerson, “I am ashamed to think how easily [others] capitulate to badges … and dead institutions.” In spite of envy driven character assignations by Egoists, not only on the campus where I teach, but on campuses throughout the U.S., I have never been able to capitulate to “badges or dead institutions.” I understand that “freedom ain’t free.” And I have never had a problem paying the price for freedom of thought and expression: being ostracized, ridiculed or rejected. I quit being an “approval junkie” in elementary school after it dawned on me that the snooty, mean spirited new girl on campus that everyone wanted to be friends with (myself included) had nothing of worth to bring into my life. Most people want to be a part of the “in crowd” (I learned to create my own crowd), crave acceptance and more often than not choose to go along to get along, forgetting the ancient wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus: “Poor wretch, know ye not that ye are gods?” They are poor wretches, indeed, due to ignorance and being misled by their Egos into believing that they are not divine. Sai Baba clearly points out the problem: “Man - Ego = God. The fact that humans are the image of God is a sacred truth masters have taught for thousands of years.


Dr. David Hawkins predicts that all institutions that are out of integrity will fail. Integrity entails the courage to be trustworthy by keeping one’s word as well as being honest, dependable and truthful. Dan Brown states in his book The Symbol that “truth has power. And if we all gravitate toward similar ideas, maybe we do so because those ideas are true … written deep within us. And when we hear the truth, even if we don’t understand it, we feel that truth resonate within us … vibrating with our unconscious wisdom. Perhaps the truth is not learned by us, but rather the truth is re-called … re-remembered …re- cognized … as that which is already inside us.”

Gandhi brought down the British Empire because he stood on the principle of truth that all people have the right to govern themselves; he represented real power. The British Empire represented force, domination and hegemony. Dr. Hawkins points out that when real power comes up against force, eventually force is defeated. This was clearly evidenced by Gandhi abolishing colonialism. Of course, Colonialism got replaced by Imperialism and Imperialism by Globalism. History proves that all forms of government that fail to serve the greater good of humanity eventually fall. Even though it takes time, when things get bad enough, the masses do revolt. The revolution this time, however, will be a revolution of consciousness. Once enough people reach a critical level of awareness, a tipping point naturally ensues, bringing about widespread change; it happens automatically and unconsciously, spreading like an airborne virus. Indeed, the egoic rule of oppression and coercion through “might makes right” will ultimately make room for a new egalitarian rule of Love and The Law of One.

Yes, to be sure, we are headed toward a New World Order, but not the one at President Bush and the Illuminati envision. This one will be a world without control, free of Ego driven inequities, prisons for the mind, and manmade boundaries. Sam Cooke in “A Change Gonna Come” and John Lennon in “Imagine” saw this transformation on the distant horizon. Both were way ahead of their times and both

9 July PIMPED BY PARASITES PARTHENIA ONASSIS GRANT 6, 2010 were gunned down. When Lennon wrote the lyrics to “Imagine,” he was well aware that most would view him as “just a dreamer,” but he also knew that he wasn’t “the only one.” His wish was that “someday” we would join him “and the world [would] live as one.” Each semester, I continue to take the pulse of college students in my critical thinking classes. What I see is more and more of them taking on Lennon’s challenge. They are beginning to dream a different dream for the planet. I think Lennon and Cooke would be pleased that their idea of a New Earth operating on the principles of love, equity, and brotherhood are being tapped into generations later and that their dreams did not die with their untimely deaths.

When one takes into consideration that so called “progress” has not increased humanity’s lifespan nor improved its health, even with all of the amazing inventions of the industrial revolution and the age of technology, change is long overdue and greatly needed. Granted, better sanitation and the use of antibiotics are responsible for the rise in mortality rates from contagious diseases that used to wipe out millions. On the other hand, use of manmade antibiotics kill only 85% of their intended target, the other 15% end up mutating into antibiotic resistant strands, while the antibiotics kill the friendly bacteria in the gut (which is the secondary immune system), setting the foundation for fungal based diseases (see the following chapter) to destroy vital organs like the heart, kidney and pancreas resulting in deadly diseases like heart disease, lupus, and diabetes. So much for the technological revolution which can also be credited with creating every kind of physical, material, mental and emotional addiction imaginable.


It is pointless, however, to attempt to disseminate the basic, common sense information put forth in this book to those who are asleep. It is best to honor the wisdom in the old adage “let sleeping dogs lie,” which is why Morpheus, in The Matrix movie, warns Neo that the people still plugged into the Matrix are dangerous; they will fight to the death to defend the very system that is exploiting and using them for energy. It serves the self and others to focus on self mastery and understanding versus trying to wake people up who would rather be asleep; everyone wakes up on their own. When they do wake up and see the new found light shining through, they cannot help but ask “how did you do it?” That is the appropriate time to offer advice, information or assistance. When people ask for help, they are open to receiving and accepting it. Moreover, those who think they already know everything or who believe that superficial knowledge alone is sufficient, tend to be quick to blurt out: “I know that” when offered simple, pragmatic or practical information that could easily relieve their pain and suffering. I just love Anthony Robbins’ response: He says that they don’t know anything until they have taken what they “think” they know and applied it in a meaningful way to improve their lives. Wisdom is the application of knowledge. An obvious example of this delusional mentality would be the millions of people wanting to lose weight who already know that all it takes is reducing their intake of empty calories. Still, they continue over eating and under exerting themselves unaware that they are being pimped by parasites.

Honoring the body temple is a singular path. The decision to embark on this “magnificent journey” to physical, emotional and spiritual freedom requires focusing on that within the self which is most detrimental to one’s personal growth and mastery, then moving on to the next impediment. The freedom of one individual from attachments and addictions positively impacts everyone in the quantum field of that individual through precept and example. Gandhi said that the way to save the world is to begin by saving yourself. The wisdom of this adage is the fact that Dr. David Hawkins’ work, along with examples of individuals like Gandhi and Dr. King, whose high levels of consciousness inspired and

10 July PIMPED BY PARASITES PARTHENIA ONASSIS GRANT 6, 2010 automatically raised the level of consciousness of the whole world, attests to the fact that the work one person does to raise his/her level of consciousness can and does make a difference in the quantum field. People in the East have always understood this fact as attested to by them taking care of those who dedicate their lives to meditation with the intention of reaching enlightenment. The East has always been aware that one person who reaches enlightenment benefits everyone as attested by Dr. David Hawkins’ work in his book Power vs. Force.



 It is difficult to rise above the level of addiction to bad food, drugs, alcohol, drama, etc. while depriving the body of essential amino acids or vitamins and minerals that aid in brain function (found in fresh fruits, raw nuts, whole grains, and vegetables) while eating processed food with chemicals and additives or dead foods that have no live nutritional content from being cooked, baked or fried at temperatures above 118ºF.

 It is also difficult to move to higher levels of consciousness in a polluted body full of Candida yeast fungus, parasites, heavy metals, intestinal plaque, or intestinal blockages which points to the importance of internal cleansing with herbal detoxes and colonics.

 Damaged or impaired frontal lobe brain function is associated with weakened ability to reason, poor socialization skills, difficulty communicating and getting along with others, erratic behavior, violence, chaos, moodiness, and depression. Moreover, frontal lobe damage is linked to alcohol and drug addiction and deficient diets. SAM-e and liquid amino acids, along with a live food diet help boost serotonin levels and restore neurotransmitter function in the brain.

 Read Dr. David Hawkins’ books Transcending the Levels of Consciousness and Power vs. Force for detailed information on how to move beyond fear, addiction and reliance on force (all calibrated below 200 on Dr. Hawkins Map of Consciousness on a scale of 0-1000) into the realm of real power which resides at levels above 200 (the level of courage, honesty and integrity).

 Everything that vibrates below 200 on the Map of Consciousness is harmful to the individual, those around him/her and to the planet. Levels below 200 (shame, apathy, fear, desire, anger, pride) serve the ego. Levels above 200 serve society and lead to real power.

 There is much undoing that needs to be done in the mind and body that begins with simultaneous internal physical and mental cleansing of the “unbeliefs” or programs that have been wired into the collective consciousness of humanity by the Ego. The task of undoing the damage can be daunting unless it is viewed as a necessary act of love and liberation that will serve the dual duty of freeing the self as well as those we love.

 Rumi’s Four Essential Practices are: Eating Lightly and fasting; Breathing Deeply during meditation; Moving Freely (Ecstatic Dancing like the Twirling Dervishes); Gazing Raptly into the eyes of the Beloved.


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