Elizabeth Brake: Curriculum Vitae

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Elizabeth Brake: Curriculum Vitae

Elizabeth Brake Elizabeth Brake www.elizabethbrake.com Curriculum Vitae August 23, 2017

CONTACT Faculty of Philosophy School of History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies Arizona State University Mail Code 4302 Tempe, AZ 85287 [email protected]

POSITIONS Associate Professor, Arizona State University 2011- Faculty Affiliate, Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics Associate Professor, University of Calgary 2005-2011 Assistant Professor, University of Calgary 2000-2005 Instructor, Philosophy, Auburn University 1998-2000

VISITING Center for Values and Social Policy Visiting Fellow, Sept. 2017 University of Colorado at Boulder Invited guest lecturer, Philosophy, University of Sept. 2015 Umeå, Sweden Visiting Researcher, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Fall 2008 Georgetown University Fellow, Center for Ethics and Public Affairs, 2007-2008 Murphy Institute, Tulane University

EDUCATION Ph. D., Moral Philosophy, University of St. Andrews 1999 M.Litt., Philosophy, with Distinction 1995 University of St. Andrews B. A., Classics and English, First Class 1993 Magdalen College, University of Oxford

INTERESTS AOS: Ethics, Political Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy AOC: Applied Ethics, Bioethics, Kant and Hegel (Ethics and Political Thought), Philosophy and Literature, Philosophy of Sex and Love

PUBLICATIONS Monograph Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law, New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. Under contract to be translated into Japanese for Hakutakusha Press by 2018. Reviews in Ethics, Hypatia, Humana Mente – International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, Philosophy in Review, Reason, Res Publica, Social Theory and Practice, Journal of Applied Philosophy, The Philosopher’s Magazine, Journal of Homosexuality, APhEx Portale Italiano di Filosofia Analitica Giornale di Filosofia.

Edited collections 1. After Marriage: Rethinking Marital Relationships, New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. Reviews in The New York Times Book Review, 4/10/16, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, Hypatia. 2. Philosophical Foundations of Children’s and Family Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1 Elizabeth Brake forthcoming. Co-edited with Lucinda Ferguson (Law Faculty, Oxford University).

Journal articles and book chapters 1. “ Paid and Unpaid Care: Marriage, Equality, and Domestic Workers,” Philosophical Foundations of Children’s and Family Law, ed. E. Brake and L. Ferguson (Oxford University Press, forthcoming). 2. “ Is ‘Loving More’ Better?: The Values of Polyamory,” The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings, 7th edition, ed. Raja Halwani, Sarah Hoffman, and Alan Soble (Rowman and Littlefield, forthcoming). 3. “ Thinking Differently about Philosophical Progress: The Big Questions, Applied Philosophy, and The Profession,” Social Philosophy and Policy, forthcoming. 4. “Love and the Law,” in Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Love, ed. Christopher Gray and Aaron Smuts, forthcoming with Oxford University Press. 5. “Marriage for Everybody: What Is Marriage Equality?” in Desire, Love, and Identity: A Textbook for the Philosophy of Sex and Love, ed. Gary Foster (Toronto: Oxford University Press Canada, 2017), pp. 310-319. 6. “Equality and Non-Hierarchy in Marriage: What Do Feminists Really Want?” In After Marriage, ed. E. Brake (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016). 7. “Fair Care: Eldercare and Distributive Justice,” Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, OnlineFirst 8/31/15: 1-20 (forthcoming in print). 8. “Creation Theory: Do Genetic Ties Matter?” In Permissible Progeny, ed. S. Hannan, S. Brennan, and R. Vernon (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015). 9. “Recognizing Care: The Case for Friendship and Polyamory,” Syracuse Law and Civic Engagement Journal, Issue 1, 2014 (). 10. “Feminism, Family Law, and the Social Bases of Self-Respect.” In Re-reading the Canon Series: Feminist Interpretations of Rawls, ed. Ruth Abbey (University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, 2013), pp. 57-74. 11. “Is Divorce Promise-Breaking?,” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 14:1 (2011): 23-39. 12. “Minimal Marriage: What Political Liberalism Implies for Marriage Law,” Ethics 120:2 (2010): 302-337. 13. “Willing Parents: A Voluntarist Account of Parental Role Obligations.” In Procreation and Parenthood, ed. David Archard and David Benatar (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010): 151-177. 14. “Rethinking Marriage: What Role Should the State Play?,” Res Publica (Australia), Vol. 19, No. 1 (2010): 18-22. 15. “‘You can always come back, but you can’t come back all the way’: freedom and the past in Dylan’s recent work.” In The Political Art of Bob Dylan (2nd ed.), ed. David Boucher and Gary Browning (Exeter: Imprint Academic, 2009): 184-206. 16. “Marriage, Morality, and Institutional Value,” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 10:3 (2007): 243-254. 17. “‘To live outside the law, you must be honest’: freedom in Dylan’s lyrics.” In Dylan and Philosophy, ed. Peter Vernezze and Carl J. Porter (Chicago: Open Court, 2006): 78-89. 18. “Fatherhood and Child Support: Do Men Have a Right to Choose?,” Journal of Applied Philosophy 22:1 (2005): 55-73. 2 Elizabeth Brake 19. “Justice and Virtue in Kant’s Account of Marriage,” Kantian Review 9 (2005): 58-94. 20. “Rawls and Feminism: What Should Feminists Make of Liberal Neutrality?,” Journal of Moral Philosophy 1:3 (2004): 295-312. REPRINTED in The Legacy of John Rawls, ed. Thom Brooks and Fabian Freyenhagen (London: Continuum Press, 2005): 67-84. 21. “Responsibility, Paternity, and the Costs of Rearing Children: Do abortion rights undermine child support obligations?” Beihefte of Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2004): 211-218. 22. “A Liberal Response to Catharine MacKinnon,” Southwest Philosophical Studies 22 (2000): 17-23. 23. “Love’s Paradox: Hegel’s Account of Marriage,” Women’s Philosophy Review 22, Special Issue on Hegel, ed. Stella Sandford and Alison Stone (1999): 80-104. 24. “Marriage, Influence and Deception in Merchant Ivory's Adaptations of The Europeans and The Bostonians.” In Henry James on the Stage and Screen, ed. John Bradley (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000), pp. 143-156. 25. “Personhood and the Family: Hegel’s Account,” Contemporary Political Studies (Proceedings of the Political Studies Association, 1997): 365-371.

In progress and under review 1. “Rebuilding in the Wake of Disaster: The Political Importance of Place.” 2. “I Take Thee, and Thee, and Thee: Polyamorous Weddings and the Making of Meaning.” 3. “ The Expropriation of Caring Labor,” for Caring for Liberalism, ed. Amy Baehr and Asha Bhandary.

Academic blog posts and other media 1. Washington Post interview, July 6, 2017 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/soloish/wp/2017/07/06/what-is-amatonormativity- the-belief-that-youre-always-better-off-in-a-romantic-relationship/? utm_term=.058dd67108bc 2. Appearance on CW’s national morning show “Morning Dose” on the term “Amatonormativity,” July 7, 2017 3. “To Make Families Good for Democracy, Broaden the Notion of Family Itself,” , December 15, 2016. 4. “Freedom and Other Philosophical Themes in Dylan’s Lyrics,” The Daily Nous, , October 14, 2016. 5. “We May Procreate Instead of Adopting,” The Philosophers’ Magazine, forthcoming, October 2016. 6. “Why not privatize disaster response? The political significance of unnatural disasters,” What’s Wrong?, < http://whatswrongcvsp.com/2015/09/28/why-not-privatize-disaster- response-the-political-significance-of-unnatural-disasters/>, 9/28/2015. (REPRINTED, The McGraw-Hill Guide: Writing for College, writing for Life, edited by Roen, forthcoming) 7. Five-part animated lecture series on marriage law, Wireless Philosophy (WiPhi.com). 8. “Why can’t we be (legally recognized) friends?,” theForum (LSE),

3 Elizabeth Brake , September 2015. 9. Contributor, “Philosophers on the Supreme Court’s Gay Marriage Ruling,” Daily Nous, , 6/29/2015. (Viewed directly almost 40,000 times within 24 hours) (REPRINTED, The McGraw-Hill Guide: Writing for College, writing for Life, edited by Roen, forthcoming) 10. “Just Care: What Society Owes the Elderly.” Philosop-her, < https://politicalphilosopher.net/2015/01/11/featured-philosopher-elizabeth-brake/>, 1/16/2015.

Encyclopedia entries 1. “Marriage and Domestic Partnership,” The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edward N. Zalta (ed.), Fall 2009, updated 2012, 2016. 2. “Parenthood and Procreation,” co-authored with Joseph Millum, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edward N. Zalta (ed.), Spring 2012, updated 2016. 3. “Marriage” and “Adultery,” International Encyclopedia of Ethics, ed. Hugh LaFollette, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. 4. “Hegel,” in Sex from Plato to Paglia: A Philosophical Encyclopedia, ed. Alan Soble (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2006): 429-435. 5. “ Kant,” in Sex from Plato to Paglia: A Philosophical Encyclopedia, ed. Alan Soble (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2006): 543-553.

Book reviews 1. Stephen Macedo, Just Married: Same-Sex Couples, Monogamy & the Future of Marriage (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2015), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, forthcoming. 2. Christine Overall, Why Have Children?, in Ethics 123:2, January 2013, pp. 391-396. 3. Tamara Metz, Untying the Knot (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010), in Philosophy in Review, Vol. 30 No. 6, 2010: 418-421. 4. Rebecca Kukla, Mass Hysteria (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 2005), in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, November 2006. 5. Robert Pippin, Henry James and Modern Moral Life (Oxford: OUP, 1999), in The Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 52, No. 208, 2002: 397-398. 6. Joram Haber and Mark Halfon, eds., Essays on the Work of Virginia Held: Norms and Values (Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998), in Hypatia 17.1, 2002: 200-203. 7. Kimberly Curtis, Our Sense of the Real: Aesthetic Experience and Arendtian Politics (Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1999) and Dana Villa, Politics, Philosophy, Terror: Essays on the Thought of Hannah Arendt (Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1999), in The Journal of Politics, Vol. 63 No. 2, 2001: 661-4. 8. Joan Kennedy Taylor, What to Do When You Don’t Want to call the Cops (New York: NYU Press, 1999), in Reason Papers No. 25, 2000: 101-112. 9. Jeffrey Gauthier, Hegel and Feminist Social Criticism (Albany: SUNY Press, 1997), Philosophy in Review, Vol. 18 No. 6, 1998: 421-422.

SELECTED AWARDS 2017 Center for the Study of Economic Liberty research grant ($3000) 2016 Co-applicant, “Philosophical Innovation and Barriers to Inclusion” grant, funded by ASU Provost’s Office ($10,000). 4 Elizabeth Brake 2015-16 ASU Provost’s Humanities Academy Fellowship 2014 Conference Grant, Society for Applied Philosophy, 3500 GBP ($5700) 2014 Honorable Mention, American Philosophical Association Book Prize 2007-2008 Faculty Fellowship, Center for Ethics and Public Affairs, Murphy Institute, Tulane University 2005- 2008 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Standard Research Grant ($44,304 Canadian) 2001 University of Calgary Starter Grant ($7,223 Canadian) 2000 Province of Alberta Research Excellence award ($12,000 Canadian)

SELECTED TALKS 1. “Marriage, Contract, and Care,” American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Invited Symposium, Savannah, GA, scheduled January 2018. 2. “I Take Thee, and Thee, and Thee: Polyamorous Weddings and the Making of Meaning,” the Wedding Conference, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, November 2017. 3. Panelist, “Disaster and Vulnerability,” Public Panel, University of Colorado at Boulder, September 2017. 4. “Disaster Recovery and the Political Importance of Place,” Center for Values and Social Policy, University of Colorado at Boulder, September 2017. 5. “Rebuilding after Disaster: Inequality and the Political Importance of Place,” Society for Applied Philosophy conference, Copenhagen, June 2017. 6. “Minimizing Marriage and Extending Care: The State's Role in Caring Relationships,” University of Utah, Philosophy Department, November 2016. 7. “Childhood Loneliness and the State’s Role in Supporting Caring Relationships,” ISRF Interdisciplinary Research Retreat on Childhood and Adolescent Loneliness, Bath, England, July 2016. 8. “Thinking Differently about Philosophical Progress,” Social Philosophy and Policy conference, Hermosa Beach, CA, May 2016. 9. “The State’s Role in Supporting Relationships: The Case for Friendship and Polyamory,” and debate with Sherif Girgis, Ethics Center, Cal State Sacramento, April 2016. 10. Keynote, Undergraduate Women’s Philosophy Conference, MSU, Denver, CO, April 2016. 11. “Love and the Law: Legal Supports for Diverse Family Forms,” Humanities Center, Lehigh University, PA, April 2016. 12. “Obergefell, Families Outside of Marriage and the Law,” Panel member, West Coast Law and Society Retreat, Irvine, CA, February 2016. 13. “Love and the Law,” Philosophy Department, Fort Lewis College, CO, October 2015. 14. “Minimizing Marriage,” Philosophy Department, Umeå University, Sweden, September 2015. 15. “The right to care,” Beyond the nuclear family: the philosophy of close personal relationships conference, Umeå University, Sweden, September 2015. 16. “Love and the Law,” International Society for Research on the Emotions Annual conference, Geneva, July 2015. 5 Elizabeth Brake 17. “Paid and Unpaid Care Work,” Philosophical Foundations of Children’s and Family Law workshop, Oriel College, Oxford, June 2015. 18. Keynote address, Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, Webster University, St. Louis, March 2015. 19. Author-meets-critics panel on Karen Houle’s Responsibility, Complexity, and Abortion, Western Canadian Philosophical Association, October 2014. 20. “Rebuilding and Reconstruction: A Case for Disaster Rights?,” University of Birmingham, Emergencies and Affected Peoples conference, July, 2014. 21. Author-meets-critics session on Minimizing Marriage, North American Society for Social Philosophy session, Pacific division American Philosophical Association meeting, San Diego, March 2014. 22. Justice and the Family, Philosophy, Politics, and Economics workshop, New Orleans, February 2014. 23. “Changing Marriages in the 21st Century: After the Recent US Supreme Court Rulings” Panel Discussion, Jean Beer Blumenfeld Center for Ethics and Philosophy, Georgia State University, October 2013. 24. “Is Minimal Marriage Small Enough? The Limits of State Involvement in Relationships,” Freedom Center Colloquium Series, University of Arizona, September 2013. 25. “Recognizing Care,” American Political Science Association, Chicago, August 2013. 26. “Procreation and World Creation,” at “Permissible Progeny” workshop, University of Western Ontario, June 2013. 27. “Bachelors, spinsters, and living in sin: will equality for all caring relationships perpetuate harmful stigmas?,” After Equality workshop, McGill University Law School, April 2013. 28. Panel on “The Future of Marriage,” Western Political Science Association, Hollywood, CA, March 2013. 29. “Rebuilding and Recovery in the Aftermath of Disaster,” New Orleans Invitational Seminar in Ethics, March 2013. 30. “Rethinking Marriage,” Clemson University Philosophy Department, October 2012, and Columbia University Law School, Legal Theory Workshop, October 2012. 31. Keynote addresses, Marriage and the Family conference, NOMOS meeting, Barcelona, June 2012. 32. “Rethinking Marriage,” Princeton University, University Center for Human Values, Feminist Political Theory Speaker Series, May 2012. 33. “Replacing (legal) marriage: Justice and legal frameworks for caring relationships,” Society of Applied Philosophy, American Philosophical Association Eastern Division conference, December 2011. 34. “The Limits of Parental Rights: Feminism, Family Law, and Self-Respect,” University of British Columbia Philosophy Department Spring Colloquium, March 2011. 35. “Rereading Rawls on Self-Respect: Feminism, Family Law, and the Social Bases of Self-Respect,” Arizona State University Philosophy Department, January 2011; and The Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference, July 2011, UK; and “Rawls and Feminism” panel at the American Political Science Association conference, 6 Elizabeth Brake Washington, D.C., September 2010. 36. “Special Treatment for Lovers: Law, Sexual Orientation, and ‘Amato- normativity’,” American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division conference, April 2010; and at New Orleans Invitational Seminar on Ethics, March 2010. 37. “Minimal Marriage: What Political Liberalism Implies for Marriage Law,” University of Alberta Philosophy Department, January 2010. 38. “Rethinking Family: Marriage and Amato-Normativity,” The Canadian Society for the Study of Practical Ethics annual conference, May 2009; the North American Society for Social Philosophy Twenty-Sixth International Social Philosophy Conference, July 2009. 39. “Minimal marriage: what does the principle of neutrality imply for marriage law?,” Department of Philosophy, Rochester Institute of Technology, April, 2008; and at the North American Society for Social Philosophy Twenty-Fifth International Social Philosophy Conference, July 2008; and at the First Annual Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, August 2008; and at the Center for Ethics and Public Affairs, Murphy Institute, Tulane University, October 2007. 40. “Is Divorce Promise-Breaking?,” American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division meeting, Baltimore, December 2007; and at Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference, Philosophy and the Family, UK, June 2007. 41. “Marriage, Promises, and Commitments,” Children, Family, and the State International Conference, Center for Research in Ethics at the University of Montreal, May 2007. 42. “A Proposal for Marriage Reform,” Cal Poly Pomona, 12th Annual Ethics Conference, “Marriage and Morals,” April 2007. 43. “Marriage, morality, and institutional value,” Carleton University, January 2006; and at the Canadian Philosophical Association, York University, May 2006; and at the British Society for Ethical Theory, Southhampton, UK, July 2006. 44. “Promising,” Canadian Philosophical Association, York University, June 2006. 45. “Love and Freedom in Dylan’s Early Lyrics,” International Society for Universal Dialogue 6th World Congress, Helsinki, July 2005. 46. “Free Love, Marriage, and Individual Sovereignty: from Stephen Pearl Andrews to Laura Kipnis,” American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division meeting, Molinari Society, December 2004. 47. “Feminism and Hegelian Ethics,” Society for Women in Philosophy Conference, Pacific Division, University of Oregon, October 2004. 48. “Responsibility, Paternity, and the Costs of Rearing Children,” Western Canadian Philosophical Association Conference, University of Lethbridge, October 2003; and at the Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy Conference, University of Western Ontario, October 2003. 49. “Abortion Rights and Child Support Law,” International Association of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR) World Congress, Lund, Sweden, August 2003. 50. “Sexual objectification and Kantian ethics,” American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division meeting, San Francisco, March 2003; and at the 7 Elizabeth Brake University of Saskatchewan, October 2002. 51. “Henry James and the Ethics of Recognition,” Alabama Philosophical Society, Alabama, October 2001. 52. “Justice, Virtue, Sex: Kant’s Contractual Account of Marriage and Contemporary Feminism,” Western Canadian Philosophical Association, October 2000.

COMMENTS 1. On Eric Cave, “Liberalism, Civil Marriage, and Amorous Dyads,” New Orleans Invitational Seminar in Ethics, February 2017. 2. On Thomas Schramme, Unwanted Beneficence, Freedom Center, University of Arizona, March 2016. 3. On Jeff Moriarty, “Is ‘Equal Pay for Equal Work’ Merely a Principle of Nondiscrimination?,” New Orleans Invitational Seminar in Ethics, March 2015. 4. On Daniel Jacobson, “Empirical Ethics and Singer’s Dilemma,” New Orleans Invitational Seminar in Ethics, March 2012. 5. Author-meets-critics on Victoria Costa’s Rawls’ Theory of Justice, the Family and Children's Education, American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Meeting, New York City, December 2009. 6. On Joe Millum, “An Investment Theory of Parenthood,” Western Canadian Philosophical Association, October 2006. 7. On Mike Austin, “A Causal Account of Parental Obligations,” Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference, March 2006. 8. On Sophie Fortin, “Rawls, Family, and the Limits of Political Liberalism,” Society for Analytical Feminism, American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting, April 2006. 9. On Robin S. Dillon, “Arrogance, Respect, and Self-Respect: A Feminist View,” American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division meeting, San Francisco, March 2005. 10. On Ann Levey, “Initial Acquisition and the Right to Private Property,” Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference, April 2002. 11. On Tim Schroeder, “Tourette’s Syndrome and Moral Responsibility,” Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference, Idaho, May 2001. 12. On J. McBain, “Rawlsian Reflective Equilibrium and the Theory-ladenness of Considered Moral Judgments,” Mid-South Philosophy Conference, Memphis, March 2000.

MAJOR RECENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Philosophy, since 2010 Editorial Board, Social Theory and Practice, since 2013 Advisory Board, What’s Wrong? blog (http://whatswrongcvsp.com/), since 2015. Program Committee, American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division conference (2012-2015) Co-organizer, Pacific Society for Women in Philosophy conference, ASU, November 2013. Organizer, Society of Applied Philosophy symposium, “After Marriage,” American Philosophical Association Eastern Division conference, December 2011 Insight Development Grants Committee, Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (reviewed all Canadian IDG grant applications in Humanities, $75,000 per grant), June 2011 Reviewer, research grant applications, Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, 2008-11 8 Elizabeth Brake Referee for Ethics, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Hypatia, Social Theory and Practice, Feminist Theory, Public Affairs Quarterly, Humana Mente, Journal of Philosophical Research, Res Publica, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Journal of Moral Philosophy, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, Kantian Review, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Canadian Journal of Political Science, Dialogue, Social Philosophy Today, Philosophical Quarterly, Topics in Contemporary Philosophy Volume 3 and Volume 5 (MIT Press), Broadview Press, the Canadian Philosophical Association, Western Canadian Philosophical Association, Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy, and Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference conferences. At Arizona State University Co-organizer, “Philosophical Innovation and Barriers to Inclusion” events (fall pedagogy workshop, spring mini-conference), 2016-2017. Organizer, “After Same-Sex Marriage” Public Panel at ASU, funded by ASU and Society for Applied Philosophy, 2015. Faculty advisor, ASU Minorities and Philosophy Chapter, since 2014. Fundraising Committee, Museum of Walking, an ASU Art project, 2016-. Search Committee, Political Philosophy, 2014-2015 Director of Undergraduate Studies, Philosophy, 2014-16. Personnel Committee, SHPRS, 2013- Executive Committee, SHPRS, 2013-2014 Search Committee, Metaphysics and Epistemology position, 2013 Transdisciplinary Council, SHPRS, 2012-2013

TEACHING Graduate students supervised, Arizona State University and University of Calgary Carter Johnson, Ph.D., current Alexander Zhang, M.A., current Bridger Landle, M.A., 2015 Lauren Sweetland, M.A., 2014 Tina Strasbourg, Ph.D., Philosophy, 2010 Rodrigo Morales, M.A., Philosophy, 2006 Ryan Chynces, M.A., Philosophy, 2006 Sean Hughes, M.A., Philosophy, 2004 Victoria Seaville, M.A., Philosophy, 2002 Selected Courses, Arizona State University Introduction to Ethics, PHI 105 Applied Ethics, PHI 306 Philosophy and Literature, PHI 311 Philosophy of Sex and Love, PHI 394 Kant’s Practical Philosophy, PHI 420/591 Marriage and Family Law, PHI 420/591 Ethics and Disaster, PHI 420/591 Selected Courses, University of Calgary Ethics, Philosophy 249 Bioethics, Philosophy 313 Philosophy in Literature, Philosophy 315 Feminist Philosophy, Philosophy 337 Contemporary Moral Problems, Philosophy 347 Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy 453 Humanities 200 (an interdisciplinary team-taught course) 9 Elizabeth Brake Capstone bioethics course, Faculty of Medicine

REFERENCES Professor David Archard School of Politics, International Studies, and Philosophy Queen’s University Belfast 25 University Square Queen’s University Belfast BT7 1PB Email: [email protected]

Professor Roderick Long Department of Philosophy 6080 Haley Center Auburn University Auburn, AL 36849-5210, USA Email: [email protected]

Professor Mary Lyndon Shanley Margaret Stiles Halleck Professor of Political Science Vassar College Poughkeepsie, NY 12604-0315 Email: [email protected]

Professor Laurie Shrage Professor, Department of Philosophy Florida International University University Park, DM 214 Miami, FL 33199, USA Email: [email protected]


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