Sample Course Statement

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Sample Course Statement

Ms. Jenna Serafini English 3-4 Availability: See Teachers Room 206 EOP: 8:25-8:55

Greetings! Welcome to our classroom. My name is Jenna Serafini and I will be your student’s English teacher for the 2013-2014 school year. I look forward to working with you and your student, and know it will be a rewarding year for us all. I am very eager to share my passion for learning with your student, as I have a strong commitment to the belief that every student can achieve, excel, and maintain high standards in our class. I look forward to a busy and challenging year, and know that many positive learning experiences will take place inside our classroom. In order to remain informed of your student’s learning opportunities and progress please familiarize yourself with the Parent Portal. Login and password can be obtained in the front office. I will make our best possible attempt to keep grades updated, as well as late or missing assignments. Following your student’s academic progress closely is a great way to keep track of their learning. Also, each student has received a class syllabus, which clearly lays out this semester’s major assignments with a percentage breakdown, and my class rules and procedures. Please make sure to review the syllabus with your student. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to schedule an appointment with me before or after school, call my classroom at 623-915-8110, or email me at [email protected].


Ms. Jenna Serafini

Course Description English 3-4 is required for all sophomore level students. By the end of the course the students will be able to: understand and practice various components of writing, read and analyze different components of literature, actively participate and contribute to discussions, comprehend and apply proper grammar usage, pre-write, draft, revise, and edit pieces of their own writing.

Required Materials  1 folder with pockets  1 spiral bound notebook Blue and black ink pens (all final essays must be written in ink)  Pencils (rough drafts are encouraged to be written in pencil)  1 red pen  1 highlighter

IMPORTANT TESTING DATES: *Reading Diagnostic Test- October 22, 2013 *District CRT (Timed Writing & Multiple Choice Test) - December 9-11, 2013 *AIMS Writing Test- February 24, 2014 *AIMS Reading Test- February 25, 2014 *District PBA Test- April 14-23, 2014

MAJOR COURSE ASSIGNMENTS: Students will complete the following major outcomes by the end of the course: . Literary Analysis – study and application of literary elements . Persuasive Essay (District Assessment) – an essay incorporating a variety of persuasive techniques . Personal Narrative – an essay reflecting a personal event . Literary Response – written response to a piece of literature . Letter of Complaint- provides business world experience . Expository Essay – a 5-paragraph essay on a given topic . Research Report – an essay which integrates information from factual articles . Novel (Short Story) Experience – the reading and completion of assignments from a novel and/or various short stories . AIMS Test Preparation – preparation for the AIMS test

Grading Scale Grade Based on % Grade Based on % 1st Semester 2nd Semester 100-90 A DAP folder TBA amongst the English 3-4 89-80 B requirements/Writing 40% team of teachers 79-70 C 69-60 D Class work, homework, 59-0 F participation, bell work: 20%

Tests and Quizzes: 10% I DO NOT ROUND UP. Literature: 30% You get what you earn. Work Hard.

Student Expectations/Rules R: Respect yourself, others, and the environment O: Only speak when called upon by the teacher C: Come to class prepared with all supplies K: Keep food and drinks outside the classroom EXCEPT for WATER E: Everyone in the classroom when the bell rings, ready to participate T: Turn off and put away ALL electronic devices during school hours S: Speak using appropriate language

Behavior Plan I expect responsible and respectful behavior in our classroom. If, for some reason, students decide to break a rule or act inappropriately, the following consequences will be administered: 1. Conference with Student 2. Detention with Teacher 3. Phone call to Parent 4. Referral to Dean 5. Parent Conference with administration 6. Loss of Credit/Dropped from Class *All class infractions will be kept on record for parent notification. The teachers also reserve the right to skip to a more severe consequence when the situation warrants such action.

Policies 1. Attendance/Tardies  A student’s grade is determined by in-class work and participation as well as assignments. Classroom activities and participation may not be able to be made up due to the nature of the lesson; therefore, attendance is vitally linked to grades earned. Examples are: bell work, pop quizzes, library research, and outside activities.  It is expected that every student arrive on time to class; tardiness will not be tolerated. The MVHS Sweeps Policy will be enforced!  A combination of 13 absences and/or tardies will result in loss of academic credit. This will result in referral to alternative placement.

2. Missing Work  It is the responsibility of the student to make up all work within 2 weeks of the assignment date. However, as days go on, the amount of points that the assignment can receive will decrease. After two weeks, the student will receive a zero except for special circumstances. It is the student’s responsibility to see the teachers and/or read the assignment folder immediately to determine the work to be completed.

3. Make-up Work  2 days for every EXCUSED absence. (See handbook)  Please see District Policy I-7261 regarding make-up work due to the application of pesticides.

4. Dress Code  Hats are not to be worn indoors  Clothing that is distracting, disruptive, indecent, or disrespectful will not be tolerated. (See school dress code for details.) Any problems will result in an immediate referral to the office. 5. Passes Do not expect to use the restroom daily. Do not ask to use the restroom daily. Restroom passes will not be given while instruction is being given .I understand that emergencies do arise; I will take those certain situations into consideration and send you to the nurse.

 Students will be given 3 bathroom/drink passes per semester.  You will NOT be able to use the bathroom pass the first 15 minutes and last 15 minutes of the class period.  YOU MUST log in and out on the bathroom/tardy paper which will be held by a clipboard in the back of the room. This is a school-wide policy.  YOU MUST take the red plastic hall pass with you and make sure to bring it back. This is also a school-wide policy.

Extra Credit Extra credit opportunities may be offered throughout the semester per my discretion. No late or partially completed extra credit will be accepted. However, I do provide extra credit points to students during the first two weeks of school if they bring either a box of Kleenex or a bottle of hand sanitizer.

Availability I plan to be in the classroom before school, during EOP, and after school. However, since I have duties that take me beyond the limits of the classroom, please let me know ahead of time when you wish to come in for additional help.

8 th Hour 8th hour is a program used at Moon Valley to help ensure that our sophomores are successful. If you have missing assignments or are failing any classes, you will be enrolled in this mandatory, after school program from 2:45-3:30. In order to be removed from this program you need to have turned in all missing assignments for any classes, AND be passing the class with a C. After reading through this syllabus, please tear on the dotted line. You must return this lower half portion back with yours and your parent/guardian’s signatures agreeing that you have read and reviewed the syllabus, rules, policies and procedures!


I ______( student name) have read and understand the syllabus, rules, policies, and procedures that are expected of me for the duration of this school year. Furthermore, I am fully aware of the consequences of my actions.


Student Signature Date


Parent Signature Date

Parent Contact Phone Number (s) ______

Parent e-mail ______

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