Class Days & Times: Daily 9-10 A.M. Or 11-Noon

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Class Days & Times: Daily 9-10 A.M. Or 11-Noon


12401 SE 320th St. Auburn, WA 98002-3699

Location: TC120 Quarter: Winter 2012 Class Days & Times: Daily 9-10 a.m. or 11-noon Office/Office Hours Daily 8-9 a.m. HSA 43 Course Number/Credit:CS &141 / 5 credits Instructor: Janet Ash [email protected]

"To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer." (Paul Ehrlich)

Textbook  Reges/Stepp, Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach (2nd Edition). ISBN 0136091814. Required.(can be purchased from GRCC bookstore, online (e.g., or as a digital download $46.00). The book was written specifically for this course by its instructors at the UW. The lectures do not provide enough time to cover all material, so you are expected to read the textbook to supplement lectures and clarify concepts. The book contains practice problems you can use to study for your exams. Also, the exams in this course will be open-book, so it may be advantageous to own the book to bring as a reference during exams.

A couple great resources for learning about Java is: Also check out the Angel links under the Resources tab.

Required Materials: I recommend getting a USB drive for this class. You will need some sort of computer-program storage device.

Course Description: The programming language Java is used to illustrate concepts in computer science. Students in this class will be introduced to problem solving methods and algorithm development and object-oriented design. Students will design, implement, document and debug Java computer programs. Satisfies math/science requirement for AA and AS-Option 2 degrees.

Course Prerequisites: CIT 102 or Math &142 This course is not recommended for students who are at a remedial level in English or mathematics. General Course Objectives: By the end of the quarter the student will be able to:

1) PROGRAMMING GOAL: Design, implement, document, test and debug JAVA computer programs.  Homework assignments 2) DATA TYPES && VARIABLES: Understand and use variables, constants and various data types.  Homework assignments 2 && 3 3) STATIC METHODS && CLASSES: Use prewritten classes and methods that are both automatically and student imported.  Homework assignment 1 4) METHOD CREATION: Create methods with single and multiple arguments. 5) METHODS THAT RETURN A VALUE:  Homework assignment 4 CS &141 Course Syllabus and Requirements 5/29/2018 1 CS &141 Java 1 COURSE SYLLABUS –and- REQUIREMENTS

12401 SE 320th St. Auburn, WA 98002-3699

6) SELECTION STATEMENTS: Use IF... ELSE and nested IF statements to execute program logic.  Homework 5 7) LOGIC OPERATORS: Use AND, OR and NOT operators.  Homework assignment 5 8) ITERATION: Understand and use WHILE, FOR, DO... WHILE and nested loops to implement repetition logic.  Homework assignments 3, 4 9) FILE I/O: Read from a data file && output to a another file  Homework assignments 6 10) ARRAYS: Understand and use single and multidimensional arrays.  Homework 7 11) SCOPE: Understand the visibility of variables and objects within blocks, classes and methods. 12) ENCAPSULATION—CREATING CLASSES: Understand and use classes and objects.  CREATING CLASSES: Describe how the class mechanism supports encapsulation and information hiding.  INHERITANCE: Know how to extend classes and override super class methods.  Homework 8 13) COMPUTER SCIENCE IS MORE THAN COMPUTER PROGRAMMING: Justify the philosophy of object-oriented design and the concepts of encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism. 14) Understand that computer science is more than programming!!

Grading: Homework 45% Tests(4) 50% Participation 5%

Dates to remember: March 19 is STUDY DAY; February 14 is ADVISING DAY!!!

Tentative Test Dates are on Angel. Final Exam--9 a.m. section: Mar 21 9-11 a.m. 11 a.m. section: March 20 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Homework: Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date due. Late homework will not be accepted. You may drop your lowest homework grade. Homework which is only submitted electronically will not be accepted.

Please use office hours if you have questions or need some help. Feel free to come see me anytime you have trouble. GET HELP EARLY!

Make-Up Policy: Regular assignments: There are no make-up assignments. Tests: Tests may not be made up. One caveat: If you are sick, email me by 8 the day of the exam and we can schedule a time to take the test. (This can be done once a quarter.)

Attendance Policy: After all my years of teaching the best advice I can give you is “Come to class and do your homework.” Check with a classmate if you miss class; you are responsible for the material covered in class that day.

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12401 SE 320th St. Auburn, WA 98002-3699

If you do not automatically take notes during class, please acquire that habit now. Of course, I don’t want to tell you when you should and should not be taking notes. Just assume that you should. The topics we discuss will become clearer to you as you write notes.

Level of student commitment : This is a challenging, rewarding, and incredibly time-consuming class. Many students regularly spend 15 hours outside of class per week, after the third week of the quarter. YOU MUST SPEND TIME ON THIS MATERIAL TO LEARN IT AND GET A GOOD GRADE; THERE IS NO SHORTCUT.

Collaboration/Cheating Policy

Programming assignments must be completed individually or with an identified pair partner; all code you submit must be your own work. You may discuss general ideas of how to approach an assignment, but never specific details about the code to write. Instead of providing such help to someone who does not understand an assignment, point them to other class resources such as lecture examples, PracticeIt website, the textbook, our classroom tutor at noontime, or emailing me.

Here are the rules:  You may only work as a partner with another student on specific assignments that will be announced in class.  You may not show another student your solution to an assignment, nor look at his/her solution, for any reason.  You may not have another person "walk you through" an assignment, describe in detail how to solve it, or sit with you as you write it. You also may not provide such help to another student. This includes current or former students, friends, paid consultants, people on the Internet, or anyone else.  You may not post your homework solution code online to ask others for help. This includes public message boards, forums, file sharing sites and services, or any other online system.

Failure to understand and follow these rules will constitute cheating, and will be dealt with as per GRCC guidelines.

If your program is copied, your grade will be zero.

Special Accommodation If you need course adaptations or special accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information, or if you have special accommodations that need to be shared with me in the event that the building needs to be evacuated, please contact me. Disability Support Services is located in LSC 126 and may be contacted at: (253) 833-9111, x 2631 or TDD at (253) 288-3359. Course Methodology (Instructional Strategies): The teaching methods used to achieve the objectives of this course include lecture, interactive discussion, demonstrations, small group / large group activities, and practical experience assignments.

Campus-Wide Learning Outcomes: The following campus-wide learning outcomes are practiced in this course:

Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning encompasses abilities necessary for a student to become literate in today’s technological world. Quantitative reasoning begins with basic skills and extends to problem solving. This outcome is demonstrated by:

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12401 SE 320th St. Auburn, WA 98002-3699

QSR1. Evaluate and interpret quantitative and symbolic reasoning information/data QSR2. Recognize which quantitative or symbolic reasoning methods are appropriate for solving a given problem and correctly implement these methods. QSR4. Translate data into various formats such as symbolic language, equations, graphs and formulas. QSR5.Implement calculator/computer technology to solve problems.

Critical Thinking Critical Thinking is an overarching ability, which finds expression in all disciplines as well as in every situation in life where a person is trying to figure something out. In its most general form, critical thinking consists of disciplined, self- directed thinking which enables students to identify and solve problems, to evaluate arguments and sources of information, and to assess their own thinking – all with respect to explicit standards of good thinking. In addition to specific skills and abilities, critical thinking involves certain disposition, which must be developed if students are to use those abilities consistently and appropriately. Among these are intellectual perseverance, intellectual courage, intellectual fair- mindedness, intellectual integrity, and intellectual humility. This outcome is demonstrated by: CT2: Use appropriate reasoning to evaluate problems, make decisions and formulate solutions.

Grade Conversion Guide: Percentage to Grade Point Average (GPA) Percent Score GPA Percent Score GPA

100 – 94 4.0 82 3.2 93 3.9 81 3.1 92 3.8 80 3.0 91 3.7 75 2.5 88 3.6 70 2.0 87 3.5 65 1.5 84 3.4 60 1.0 83 3.3 59 0.7 58 and below 0.1

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