Selection of Artificial Lift Systems for Deliquifying Gas Wells Page 2

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Selection of Artificial Lift Systems for Deliquifying Gas Wells Page 2

Guidelines & Recommended Practices Selection of Artificial Lift Systems for Deliquifying Gas Wells Prepared by Artificial Lift R&D Council Status  A 1st draft has been written.  Chair: Dan Casey, [email protected]  Team: Jose Macias, Dan Sweatt  Comments: Dan Casey will contact the team to organize a 2nd draft.

5.1 Soap Sticks

This section discusses the practical limits of soap sticks in terms of liquid production rate, gas production rate, depth, pressure, temperature, etc. It presents rough guidelines on the relative costs of soap sticks. Obviously precise costs can not be given as they depend on many factors. It presents rough guidelines on the relative life expectancy of soap sticks. Clearly, pre- cise expectations can not be given as they depend on many factors.

 Introduction

The purpose of introducing solid surfactants into the well bore is to im- prove the Turner-Coleman rate inexpensively. Soap sticks accomplish this but the benefit can be temporary. The surfactant mixes with the pro- duced water down-hole and changes the surface tension of the water molecule. This reduction of surface tension between molecules allows the water droplets to break-up into ever-finer droplets. Water, in a mist condition, will migrate to the surface with the up-flowing gas stream more easily than larger, heavier droplets.

A falling soap stick will encounter and mix with the water that is nearest the top of the water column. Typically the upper portion of the water col- umn is a burst of activity as gas bubbles churn through to the surface. This stirring effect, combined with the increased temperature down-hole, promotes the dissolution of the solid surfactant. One soap stick will ef- fectively treat one barrel of water, although the tubing can contain much more water than that.

The weight of the standing water column in a gas well reflects the pres- sure of the near well-bore formation. Removing a portion of this water from the top of the water column by the use of solid surfactants means that the available pressure down-hole can, alone, burp-up an additional amount of water. At this point, some wells will begin logging-off again whereas other wells will continue to un-load. One soap stick therefore Selection of Artificial Lift Systems for Deliquifying Gas Wells Page 2

can unload from 1 to 5 barrels depending on the well’s bottom-hole pres- sure and inflow characteristics.

 Practical Limits

- Depth limits

There is not a finite depth limitation with the use of soap sticks oth- er than maximum temperature. This fact makes solid surfactants an attractive option for deeper completions.

- Size limits

Soap sticks are made as small as 5/8” diameter by 10” long (16mm/25cm) for use in velocity strings. The largest soap sticks are 2” (50mm) in diameter for use in casing-only completions to delay the requirement for tubing installation. The most common soap sticks are 1.25” diameter by 16” long (32mm/40cm).

- Pressure limits

Soap sticks are immune to increases in pressure and may be used in high pressure applications. The exception is the less popular gel stick, as produced by a few manufacturers. If the gel jacket con- tains an air pocket, the stick can distort under pressure causing the stick to hang-up in the tree.

- Temperature limits

Soap sticks may be purchased for higher temperature dissolution or alternately for low temperature dissolution. Using surfactants at extreme temperatures, however, can cause a degeneration of the chemical components used in the manufacture of the surfactant. The variables involved in the decision to employ soap sticks are; a) produced water volume, and b) water column surface temperature, not bottom-hole temperature. This is because a solid surfactant, used correctly, does not need to migrate deeply into the water col- umn (see introductory paragraphs). Consult with reputable surfac- tant manufacturers for definitive temperature limitations.

- Packaging and handling

A typical soap stick is a liquid surfactant in a chemical binder. This binder gives the soap stick a hard wax-like texture. A ‘gel-stick’ is a near-liquid surfactant in a gelatin sleeve giving the stick a higher ra- tio of active ingredients. The latest type of stick is known as the pa- Selection of Artificial Lift Systems for Deliquifying Gas Wells Page 3

per-shell stick. This surfactant is contained in a water soluble paper shell. The paper shell remains clean and prevents losses due to breakage.

- Rate limits

Concerning low flow rate wells; solid surfactants will lower by 5% to 20% the Turner-Coleman rates necessary to produce the well after other variables are met. A weaker well or a loaded well can be shut-in for an extended period to increase the flow rate for unload- ing liquid from the tubing. For higher producers, the maximum flow rate at which a soap stick will fall is approximately 400 MCFD in 2- 3/8 tubing and approximately 600 MCFD in 2-7/8 tubing. When a well flows above these rates, the well should be shut-in for 5 to 10 minutes to allow the stick to fall into the water column.

- Produced water and hydrocarbons

Foamer formulations are specific for the presence of fresh water or water with high chloride count. Another variable is the presence of oil or condensate. The Operator should inform the surfactant sup- plier about the water test report for the best result. Typically the oil cut can be as high as 50% for the extended, continuous use of sur- factants. The maximum amount of condensate is 30% when using surfactants on a daily basis such as with an automated launcher. These upper limits do not apply for the occasional use of surfac- tants.

- User guidelines for vertical completions

For least cost and best results, vertically completed wells should be treated with one soap stick at a time and re-charged with another stick when the flow rate trends downwardly toward critical (at ap- proximately 1.2 times the Turner critical velocity). The exception to the minimum stick rule is larger tubing diameters and greater water volumes. The Operator should review the production records to de- termine when the effectiveness of a stick drop has expired (typically 6 to 12 hours later, frequently longer). Another stick drop should be scheduled prior to that time to maintain a more uniform flow rate. Shutting-in the well during stick fall time is the exception, not the rule, in a vertical completion.

- User guidelines for horizontal completions

Horizontal completions differ from vertical completions. A horizontal completion should be treated with 2 to 4 sticks and then shut-in for Selection of Artificial Lift Systems for Deliquifying Gas Wells Page 4

an extended period. Once the flow time begins, it should be suffi- ciently long to re-charge the tubing with water.

- Other chemical sticks

The ‘foamer’ stick is the most common chemical stick for de-water- ing gas wells. Other sticks are manufactured for controlling corro- sion, paraffin, scale, H2S, and salt bridges. An acetylene stick is available to create a gas release for thoroughly liquid-loaded wells. Research is ongoing to create an effective foamer for oil laden for- mations

- Limits with sand, corrosion, erosion, H2S, CO2, etc.

- Power requirements

- Operating requirements

- Maintenance requirements

 Cost Guidelines - CAPEX

The easiest method of introducing soap sticks into the well bore is by a submarine hatch arrangement of ball valves, i.e. two ball valves above the tree cap separated by 18”of pipe at a cost of about $600 in 2007 dollars. A more expensive method is to employ an automatic soap stick launcher at about ten times the expense of the homemade launcher. The extra expense can be justified if a production increase is the result.


The on-going cost of de-watering a gas well with solid surfactants is the expense of the soap stick. Soap sticks are purchased at supply stores from $5 to $10 depending on formulations. Volume purchas- es reduce the cost per stick. An additional reduction in operating expense can be realized by introducing the minimum number of sticks into the well at a time. See User Guidelines.

- R&M Selection of Artificial Lift Systems for Deliquifying Gas Wells Page 5

 Life Expectancy Guidelines - Infant mortality (early time failure)

- Normal operating life

The failure of soap sticks in the de-watering process falls into two categories. The first is an incorrect formulation for the liquids being produced, for example an excess of liquid hydrocarbons or exces- sive chlorides. The second cause of failure is insufficient flow rate. Surfactants will reduce the Turner-Coleman rate required by a limit- ed percentage only. See Rate Limits.

 Soap Sticks vs. Competing Methods of Artificial Lift

- Soap sticks

Use of soap sticks is the least expensive artificial lift technique re- quiring minimal Capex. The disadvantage is that the total amount of fluid removable by this method peaks at about 50 to 100 BPD. Another disadvantage is the Opex for the personnel required to de- liver soap sticks into the well bore.

- Plunger lift

The cost of plunger lift is on par with the use of automatic soap stick launchers and plunger lift is a preferred method when liquid hydrocarbons vs. water exceed the limitation outlined above. Plunger lift is equal to solid surfactants in removing a maximum amount of fluid, i.e. 50 to 100 BPD. Plunger lift requires a more skilled operator, however.

- Capillary string

Capillary strings are approximately 30 times more expensive than a homemade stick launcher and three times the expense of plunger lift or automatic stick launching. The surfactant from a capillary sys- tem is discharged at the perfs, where temperature issues might ex- ist. The advantage to the cap string is the duration between re- charge cycles. The Opex disadvantage is the cost of the liquid sur- factant per MCF increase.

- PCP, ESP, Rod pump Selection of Artificial Lift Systems for Deliquifying Gas Wells Page 6

Although more expensive, the advantage of a PCP or a rod pump is in the total volume of fluid removed. Each technique will exceed the volume of fluid remove by surfactants by one order of magni- tude. The disadvantage is the CAPEX and OPEX.

 Recommended Practices for Installation, Operation, and Mainte- nance of Soap Stick Systems

 Recommended Practices for Automation, Surveillance, and Opti- mization of Soap Stick Systems


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