The Outsiders Daily Journal Entries
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The Outsiders - The Outsider Journal
The Outsiders Daily Journal Entries
Throughout our unit on The Outsiders you will be expected to write for ten to fifteen minutes each day in a journal. By writing ten to fifteen minutes each day you should be able to write at least two five sentence paragraphs that respond to each of the questions below. Although most days, you will be required to complete a journal entry, some days there will not be an entry. There will be journal checks each Friday during the unit. All twelve journal entries will be due on Friday, April 4. Entries can be hand-written or typed. However, all entries must be legible. If an entry cannot be read due to bad handwriting, the student will receive a “0” for that entry. Each journal entry is worth 10 points and the cumulative compilation is worth 120 points. Each day that the final compilation of the journal entries is late will result in a deduction of 10 points. No Sarudi Bucks will be accepted.
Week 1 Monday, March 17 Have you ever felt like an “outsider?” Write down your experience. Please make sure that you keep all your Outsider Journal entries for this unit.
Tuesday, March 18 Are you the same on the inside as you are on the outside or do you project a “public” identity and maintain a “private” identity to yourself and your family? Explain.
Wednesday, March 19 Who are you? (provide a definition of identity) What makes you unique? What factors influence who you are?
Thursday, March 20 Write about an event or person that has impacted your life and helped form your character.
First Journal Check—Friday, March 21—Be sure to have all four entries in class.
Week 2 Sunday, March 23 Write about a moment in your childhood that you remember vividly. It can be happy, sad, scary, exciting, or anything else you remember it to be. Try to be as detailed as possible! (10 min.)
Monday, March 24 Read Robert Frost’s poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” and write a personal response to it. Do you like it or not? What do you think it means?
Tuesday, March 25 What does the term “Hero” mean to you? What’s the difference between a “super hero” and a “real- life hero”? Who’s your hero and why?
Wednesday, March 26 Discuss your family. How is each member, including yourself, different and unique? Finish the following statements: The best thing about my family is… The worst thing about my family is…. My family is important to me because… (10 min.)
Due to our field trip to MSI, our second journal check will be Thursday, March 27. Be sure to have all four entries from this week in class on Thursday. The Outsiders - The Outsider Journal
Week 3 Monday, March 31 Have you ever had a premonition about something? Detail what you thought would happen. Did it happen or not?
Tuesday, April 1 Which of the characters from the novel to you connect with the most? Why? Is this the character you like? If not, why are they not the same as the one you connect with?
Wednesday, April 2 Think back to a difficult situation that has affected your life. How did you handle the situation? What sort of emotions were you feeling? Explain how you dealt with those emotions.
Thursday, April 3 How do the themes of friends, family, and heroism effect Ponyboy’s personal identity in The Outsiders? How do friends and family shape your personal identity? (This response consist of three, five sentence paragraphs.)
Final Journal Check—Friday, April 4—Be sure to have all of your entries from week three.
In order to submit journal entries each week you can bring in copies each Friday or you can email all four copies to Mr. Schulte at [email protected].