(Prof. Emad Ali ([email protected] 2017

Chemical Engineering Department King Saud University

CHE 414: Process Control


SISO Linear systems Analysis .3 Introduction .1 First order systems Control system examples Second order systems Control system elements Higher order systems Reasons for control Transfer function and Block diagram What does control engineer Control implementation PID controllers .4 SISO Linear system tools .2 Single loop feedback block diagram Basic Modeling Closed-loop transfer function Linearization PID control algorithm Laplace Transform Closed-Loop analysis Solution of linear ODEs using Stability analysis Laplace Transform Tuning methods Piping and Instrumentation Diagram .5 Basic symbols and tools used in P&ID Drawing control loops Control loop selections for a process unit Understanding P&ID for a complete flow sheet

Course learning Objectives Understand the importance of process control in chemical engineering industries, method of .1 applications, and its major components Able to apply the skills build in previous courses to develop dynamic models for simple .2 .chemical systems Able to examine and analyze the dynamics of simple chemical systems by solving the .3 .dynamic model analytically and numerically Understand the elements of the process control structure and to be able to choose the suitable .4 .elements of this structure .Able to design classical PID controller for single-input single-output systems .5 .Able to analyze the performance and stability of the controlled systems .6 Aware of the role of computer software to design control systems and recent developments in .7 .the field Able to develop a P&ID for an entire Process .8 Understand process dynamics and basic control analysis via lab experiments .9 Able to write and make professional presentation of course lab reports .10

Grading Policy 10% Homework assignments 10% Quizzes and attendance 11-6-2017 at 6:00pm 15% Midterm Exam 1 12-25-2017 at 6:00pm 10% Lab report & presentation 12-11-2017 at 6:00pm 15% Midterm Exam 2 40% Final Exam

:General guidelines about grading All absence is considered whether with or without excuse -1 All absence in lecture and tutorial will be accounted for -2 Missed quizzes cannot be compensated -3 Quizzes may include group assignments -4 The final homework grade will be penalized by the absence rate in the tutorial -5 sessions The homework grade is dived equally to homework submission and evaluation -6 of student performance during the tutorial session

:References Stephanopoulos, G., Chemical Process Control: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, .1 .Prentice Hall, 1984 Marlin, T., Process Control: Designing Processes and control systems for dynamic .2 .Performance, McGraw Hill, New York, 1995 Luyben, W., Process Modeling, Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineers, McGraw .3 .Hill, New York, 1990 Smith, C. and Corripio, A., Principles and Practice of Automatic Process Control, Wiley & .4 .sons, New York, 1997 Seborg, D., Edgar, T., and Mellichamp, D., Process Dynamics and Control, Wiley & sons, .5 .New York, 1989

:Course Web Page http://faculty.ksu.edu.sa/Emad.Ali/Pages/currentcourse323.aspx http://faculty.ksu.edu.sa/Emad.Ali/Pages/coursestaught.aspx