SCRPA Board Meeting

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SCRPA Board Meeting

April 22, 2010 SCRPA Board Meeting Lexington – SCRPA Office

MINUTES In attendance: Phil Macchia, Jim Headley, Ron Koch, Pam Zanowski, Jeff Metz, Paul McCulloch, Rachel Ebaugh, Patrick Jonas, Jan Cox, Kevin Walsh, Emily Randell, Hal Hiott, Joe Ross, Kathy Anderson, David Caldwell and James Davis

Meeting called to order 11:00 am

I. Welcome by President Phil Macchia II. Approval of Minutes: January 21, 2010 Ron Koch made a motion to approve the minutes from January, Jeff Metz seconded the motion.

III. Branch/District/Committee Reports Districts Southern – District meeting is Friday, April 23 followed by a bocce tournament fundraiser with lunch provided by a St Andrews Playground staff chili cook off. 20 teams of 4 already registered. Eastern – RAP branch had a great turnout at the Eastern district meeting. Central – Golf tournament scheduled for May 10. Registration has been slow. Western – Phil thanked all the districts for planning a meeting and getting their districts going. He asked that everyone keep the energy going and continue to meet.7 Branches Aquatics – May is National Aquatics month. 6/3 is the world’s largest swim lesson. 6/25 SCRPA annual lifeguard competition in Mt Pleasant. Ron is working on developing a list of pools in the state and who is running them. Ron also mentioned the DHEC regulation that there needs to be 1 lifeguard on duty for every 2000 sq feet of pool space. Looking at changing legislation to make it the number of bathers rather than the square footage of the pool. Ron will be surveying agencies, please be on the look out. AFOCPO certified pool variance. You can have an AFO aquatics facility operator on deck rather than a CPO. Charleston County is creating a web site and an awareness campaign of what is out there and available in terms of aquatics. Area departments are combining forces. TR – SCAP – Next meeting is 10:30am on May 19 in Lexington. They will discuss the problems with the basketball tournament. All went well aside from a couple of eligibility issues. They have some rule changes for next year and they need to have those in by 11/1. There was a major problem with the awards for this year. Company’s machinery was down and they were supposed to offer a comparable product and did not. Trophies they provided were not of good quality. Phil suggested getting them to offer us product in the amount we feel they owe us. Don’t let them off the hook. They are also finalizing plans for institute in Dec in the Columbia area. Student – Trying to work out something with recreation professionals and the students from Clemson and Benedict on Aug 26 or Sept 23. Clemson students are heading this up and working with faculty and Benedict Wellness – Tennis tournament scheduled for May 13 in Lexington is going to be rescheduled and moved to the Charleston area, closer to Rachel. Planning district games for the conference. PRM – Planning for their workshop, Tour on Wheels for conference RAP – Kathy reported they are working on a session for the conference on encouraging people to submit applications for awards. Planning a Putt putt golf tournament as a fundraiser. RAP and EMB are looking to work together to offer an awards luncheon at conference. ELM – Executive level management had a conference call to discuss ELM. Main objective is it is designed for upper level directors and management. They are tasked with taking over TRENDS. JohnTaylor and Ann Cunningham taking it over for 2011. They want to offer training for staff and came up with 4 areas: Customer Service for front line staff, Marketing in public parks and recreation, HR – continued training, and Advocacy. Hope to have something together by mid June. Next meeting is scheduled for July. EMB – Would like to get on web site with by-laws. They would like to focus on community recreation. They are planning on getting together to meet 5/6 and they will be meeting with the SC Afterschool Alliance. They would like to elect officers. Aug 19 they will be having a board retreat to talk about fundraising, conference and working together with RAP and possibly doing a training institute in Feb.

Committees Marketing – Spring issue of magazine has been distributed . They still need reps from Eastern and Western districts on the committee if you know of anyone. Things are going well and they actually had too many article submissions for the magazine. Awards – Everything is good to go and letters of intent for nominations are due June 4th. District award- each district will nominate a candidate and on July 14th committee will pick a district merit award winner. Conference – Educational sessions are full and they are working on the schedule. Jim mentioned that there should not be a $16 a night resort fee on your room charge. If there is, please let him know. Professional Development –We have been put up to the task of creating a new member presentation that will be offered at the state conference this year. Frank discussed with the state conference committee the possibility of getting presenters to allow us to load their presentations onto the SCRPA website after the conference so that people can refer back to them, or others, who were not able to attend a specific session for on reason or another, will be able to get the notes. Golf Tournament – Scheduled for Thursday, October 7. Will be communicating with district VP’s to get hole sponsors. Would like each district to get 25, $100 hole sponsors Scholarship - $1500 scholarship was awarded to a student from Benedict

IV. President’s Report – Phil mentioned there were good ideas around the table, everyone is working together, but we need to keep the energy going. Think outside the box. Phil handed out the board’s job responsibilities that we filled out and asked board to see where they felt they were and what we need to improve or work on. V. Executive Director’s Report a. Budget overview – we are doing okay Kevin asked if an e-mail went out regarding the supplemental agency dues. Jim said it hadn’t and that they are working on a good way to word it and send it out and show agencies the benefit of the supplemental membership b. Legislative – Jim and Marshall attended the mid year meeting in DC c. National Accreditation – There are 4-8 departments that are looking at becoming accredited. There is a group that meets the first Wednesday of the month at Saluda Shoals Park d. Land/Water Conservation Fund – 24 grants submitted for grading, notifications will go out the first week in June . There are also some recreational trail grants through RTP. e. Web site – Linkedin is replacing forum board on the web site f. 401K for Jim and Melissa – Payroll company has not been contributing the 5% match into Jim and Melissa’s 401 K since July of 2007. Over $12,000 needs to go back into their 401K’s

VI. SC PRT – Cut budget by $10,000,000. Possible cuts include the Heritage Corridor program . All cigarette tax money will go towards Medicaid. Offshore drilling has come up again and DHEC is trying get all information together to drill offshore for natural gas Old Business –

VII. New Business Joint Conference agreement with NCRPA. Jan Cox made a motion to approve the agreement, Joe Ross seconded the motion. Proposed sponsorship changes – Levels stayed the same, but improved What they got in return. Phil was concerned about sponsorship logos being tastefully done on Snapshot web site. Phil recommended we all have the opportunity to view the sponsorship document on the web site and we would vote through e-mail in a couple of weeks Meeting Adjourned at 12:51pm

Next Board Meeting July 22, 10:30am

Submitted by: Pam Zanowski, CPRP .

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