Hawksworth Wood Primary School

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Hawksworth Wood Primary School

Parklands Primary School

Headteacher’s Report to Governors Autumn Term 2015

Dates of the Term: Wednesday 2nd September 2015 to Friday 23rd October 2015 Monday 2nd November 2015 to Friday 18th December 2015

Training Days: Wednesday 2nd September – Setting the non – negotiables for all staff; expectations for 2015 16 Thursday 3rd September – Ofsted Maths Training by Peter Marsh (Ofsted Inspector; SIA; Focus Education) Friday 4th September – Team Building at the Farm (Sheep herding; pig herding; egg catching; assault course; welly wanging) Monday 14th September – INSPIRE Maths training Friday 27th May - TBC

Personal feelings: It is great to be back for year 2 of my headship here at Parklands. I was so pleased with the impact of the first year with the relations with parents and children being outstanding. The results in the statutory testing was very pleasing in EY’s and KS2 with both significantly improving significantly. Although attainment went down in KS1; the progress in Y2 was the best in school; Y1 Phonics was a disappointment but that was down to our hands being tied by staffing issues. Intense training already this term has shown our determination to build on the success last year as we aim for Year 2 to be even more of a success than last year.

Staffing. Laura D was successful in her application to be Acting Assistant Head Teacher. She will be part classed base delivering all Literacy and Numeracy in Y6. Jean Hirst will work for x1 day a week from October to assist in the role vacated by Alex W commencing her maternity leave. Ian Stokes will provide data assistance and will be available to attend our upcoming Ofsted. Human Resources – Yvonne Reynolds will work (free) x1 day a month to work on Stage 1 and Stage 2 sickness meetings. We welcome a highly skilled and a proven teacher with high standards to lead Computing in Year 5. He will offer additional training to all staff on the Thursday evening to maximise and enhance the teaching of computing at Parklands. We also welcome x3 NQTs. Two will work in EY’s and both really impressed during the rigorous interview process; one was a former student who gained an excellent reputation during her placement here at Parklands. One NQT will work in Y3, the references for this candidate described her as the ‘best NQT of the course’ at Liverpool St John’s University.

Exciting Things In School. Next Generation will continue to provide high quality PE lessons this year – all planning and assessments are in line with the AWL / New Curriculum. Next Generation will provide Lunchtime and Afterschool Clubs for KS2 children. Two coaches will be present at all time. Northern Ballet – Our wonderful children and myself have been involved with the appointment of the new NBT dance teacher. This is a real honour for the school. I am honoured to say that the 2nd largest ballet company in the UK will be conducting a second successive project with all the children in Y5 and Y6. This will include watching two Christmas productions at the Grand Theatre in Leeds and having a three week ‘conditioning’ programme in school. Year four will have the luxury of having a full tour of the excellent Quarry Hill headquarters of Northern Ballet (Oct) Frances Ellerby I am honoured to announce has agreed to return to Parklands to continue her outstanding work with the school choir. The children, staff and myself have thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful singing that is still ringing around the corridors and we can’t wait for the shows she has planned for us this year. STAR of the WEEK – on Thursday the Star of the Weeks parent / carer will be sent a text informing them of their child’s success and to invite you to attend the special Star of the Week assembly at 2.15pm Friday afternoons. It would be special for your child and us as a school to celebrate their success. The lucky children will have their picture displayed on the new entrance Parklands TV (in the entrance hall) and on the website. Note the assembly has changed to Friday 2.15pm Early Years – wow the old room was converted into a room that will hold x3 classes; it looks amazing. The outdoor provision has been completed at a very high spec; this along with the new toilets makes our EY’s a happy place to visit. The School Council will began its meetings 24.9.15 - after a week of democratic elections in Key Stage 2. They will produce an action plan; created a talking wall explaining their vision and revisit the school rules with all classes. They will consult with parents this term re Internet Safety. After School Clubs / Lunchtime Clubs began wc 21st September; to date they included activities for ALL Year Groups: Y3/4 Football Academy; a Y5/6 Football Academy; a Y2 Football Club; an ICT club; a Sewing Club; a Maths Club; a Dance Club; an Art club; In the summer term – 165 children were involved. Behaviour in the classrooms is at the very least ‘good’ – ‘outstanding’ in most cases our priority this year is moving from A to B with the school council setting up a corridor rota. Residentials – after the success with the children’s writing these will be continued this year. Year 6 will be spending a week at a Winmarleigh Hall (January); Y5 in March will visit Whitby again for 3 days; and Y4’s will have a 2 day residential at Nell Bank. Exciting times indeed. Leeds Grammar School work in partnership with our Y6 children; weekly on a variety of projects; from public speaking to creative art. This is an excellent opportunity to reinforce positive role models and to raise the children’s expectations of life. They can with hard work achieve anything. Leeds Physical Education and School Sports Offer School has signed up to this partnership at a cost of £1100. Emma Alderson will co ordinate a wide range of different sports coaches to enhance our children’s learning. Leeds Rhinos will begin coaching Y2 in additional PE sessions and Active Schools are providing 2 hours support with additional PE for 34 weeks this year. We have signed up Y5 and Y6 to the World of Work Day – an excellent day working with inspirational businesses from the Business in the Community team. Seacroft Colts A very successful partnership with our community football club will continue with the youngsters having free use of our fields to encourage more children play the sport. My lettings with Pudsey Juniors costs over £5000 a year in pitch fees; we are glad to support and keep their costs down so more people can afford to play. Seacroft Colts will continue to deliver a Y2 after school football club. Eureka I have just been successful in gaining three free trips to this excellent venue through the ‘Vulnerable School Project.’ Year 4 will visit on November 13th. BITC (Business in the Community) have adopted us as their school of choice to assist. Last term saw 3 visits where they firstly ‘gutted’ the 4 rooms at the back of the Gymnasium. These are now used as storage areas whilst we await a new team to re plaster and decorate. The second team painted the fencing on the KS1 playground. Thirdly they redesigned and re landscaped all the pond area making it into a nature reserve. Many thanks to Yorkshire and Lloyds Bank for all their staff. This year they are giving us even more; BITC have arranged for 15 reading volunteers to come into school x2 a week to boost the reading levels. Cadbury’s are coming in to do a chocolate programme with x2 YG’s and a team of bankers will redesign and create an environmental study centre on the top part of the quad. We are very grateful. Windows – wow they really lift the school. Thank you.

INSPIRE MATHS – we have invested around £10 000 in training and resourcing this new initiative. It is Ofsted recommended. Lot’s of staff training is booked. Assembly times will change to reflect our new teaching techniques. Maths will be taught 9 – 940 where the children declare themselves Red, Orange , Green. The teacher will mark the red and orange groups whilst the children are in assembly with me and the TA’s. 10 – 1030; they return to the maths lesson where the SDI is implemented (Same Day Intervention).

Performance Management Performance Management reviews and target setting will take place on the 14th October. All classroom observations were completed in the summer term and this year’s process will be completed in a robust way following the criteria set out in October 2014 and reiterated in March 2015. Headteacher performance management will take place on 29th September. PUPILS Current Status EY’s total – RR RT and RG = 43*** (8th Sept 2015) 1H 23 1I 21 2M 22 2MS 21 3T 19 3N 21 4C 20 4B 17 5W 16 5C 19 6D 16 6R 15 RP 11 ***We have been informed that we will gain another 17 in the coming weeks

TOTAL IN SCHOOL 284 ( 301 predicted)

Special Educational Needs Status of the SEN Register

4 EHC Plans 9 Statements. (11 of these children are in RP. One new child is transitioning into RP in Autumn 1- dates for transition to be arranged. 1 child with a statement in is a mainstream class in Year 3. Another child is currently on dual reg at the Pupil Support Centre)

35 Children are School Action 26 Children are SEN Support 7 Children are School Action Plus

81 Total on SEN register

Reception children have not been included in this number as yet.

The status SEN Support replaces school action or school action plus in the new Code of Practice. We are currently in the process of transferring children over to SEN Support. This process should be complete by the end of this half term ready for the census in October 2015. The process has started so that OFSTED can see we are taking on board the new legislation. This process not started last year as there was uncertainty as to whether Raise Online would recognise the status. The status of SEN Support puts the pupil at the heart of the provision, and encourages schools to respond more flexibly to pupils’ needs. Unlike the old system, this new approach will focus the system on the impact of the support provided to that individual child, rather than how children access support according to the category they fit into.

The Code of Practice outlines a four part cycle of assessment, planning, implementing and reviewing for a child receiving SEN Support. This is known as the graduated approach. The new system will not reduce the funding to support children with SEND. Funding is not based on the number of pupils within current categories.

Ethnicity There are currently 57 (24% ….. up from 15% last year) children from black and minority ethnic backgrounds (BME).

Refugees and Asylum Seekers 0 on roll.

English as an Additional Language There are 24 (10% up from 7.6%) pupils that speak English as an additional language

Looked After Children There are currently 4 (1.7%) Looked After Children on roll

SATS Results and other Published Date See hand out summary and the Stokes Report.

Attendance The target attendance for the Academic Year 2013-2014 was 95% The actual attendance was 94.4% (down from 94.5% 2013 14) The target that governors have set for 2015-2016 is 95%. Persistent Absences fell from 9% in 2013 14 to 4.7% in 2014 15.

Parents have been informed that children under 90% attendance this year will be contacted daily and Learning Mentors will visit. Exclusions and Behaviour (see report)

New Behaviour Policy implemented in  Improvements in behaviour in the September is adhered to class dropped from 12.5% to 9.7% during am sessions and 12% to 2.8% in pm sessions Half termly monitoring of the  Reduction in the number of incidents implementation of the policy of negative behaviour  Reduction in the number of exclusions from 150 sessions in 2013/14 to 29 in 2014/15 Created a tracking system that enables  More focussed target setting school to link behaviour and attainment meetings identifying hot spots and triggers Next Steps * Eliminate low level disruption *Improving behaviour outside the classroom i.e. Corridors and playground

PARENTS Meet the Head To explain New Assessing Without Levels. All parents have been given a simple sheet explaining what Age Related Expectations are for their YG under this new system of AWL. Peter Marsh upon his visit described what we have in place as being, “by far the best system that I have seen in any school.” High praise from a very senior educationalist and one which the school appreciates.

A meeting will be held for parents before the end of September to explain it to the parents.

Questionnaire will be provided for parents after the success of last year

Open Day - An Open Day for prospective parents will take place on Wednesday 12th November. We have a meeting (today) to discuss having a second year of increased numbers.

Parents Consultation - The first Parents’ Consultation meetings will take place on Wednesday 2nd December – the BREAKFAST CLUB Taster session will take place at the same time for the parents to taste. The parents will be able to complete a Questionnaire to gather their views. Early Years Parent Training This will be provided by Julia Thubron our EY Leader in Autumn term after she has been on her training. Christmas Performances th Key Stage 1 Concerts: during the morning and afternoon of Monday 14 December th Key Stage 2 Concerts: during the morning and afternoon of Wednesday 16 December Carol Service: this will take place on Tuesday 15th December at 1.30pm. (We 3 Kings….)

Dress the tree (whole staff to trim and add lights) Christmas Songs (Jingle Bells…..) Tuesday 21stDecember 9.15am. Governors please try and attend 1 please Harvest TBA .

Learning Mentors Brooke and Kirsten have worked tirelessly dealing with a variety of Multi Agencies; they have: Parenting group every Friday morning for 7wks. Guidance and support, cluster, every other wk. Seacroft Advisory Board, every 3 months. Anti-social behaviour team every 2 wks. Attendance meetings with attendance team and parents. LAC meetings Caf's – we have 7 at present down from 14 Child Protection Plan – 8 families involved Children in Need – 5 families invoved Supervision order – 3 families

Continuous Professional Development Maths Training 2 senior staff will visit the Wakefield Maths Hub school to gain an insight into how best to implement the new INSPIRE maths scheme 2 senior staff plus 2 additional members of staff will work alongside the outstanding Beechwood Primary school in creating a portfolio of work to compliment the new new AWL Grimes Dyke will host an INSPIRE maths morning where a further 7 members of staff will visit for inspiration. 2 senior staff will attend the 2 day INSPIRE maths training in Manchester in October.

Subject Leaders: All subject leaders will have a half day out of class to drive forward their subjects. This is a double edged sword as their class will be covered by James Haddock to teach high order Computer programming skills. All subject leaders will attend a course this academic year.

Additional Training: *NQT Networking x3 days

*EYFS profile statutory moderation briefings and agreement trialling - early years practitioners - *Grammar for NQTs

*Early Years Foundation Stage Leadership Forum Supporting Children with Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties. *Science Autumn Network *Marvellous Maths! Developing quality maths provison in early years foundation stage. *Leading Science *Autumn Deputy Development Meeting *An Introduction to Every Child a Talker (ECAT) *Child Protection Training for New Staff working in Education (Safe-1015-T001)

*Established Designated Staff in Child Protection 1 day *Fundamentals of phonics (011-0915-T002) *Child Protection - Supervision skills *Developing the new RE curriculum

PUPIL PARTICIPATION School Council The School Council has now been officially voted in and continue to have regular meetings. The children all had a democratic election; delivering a speech to the class (and myself) before the voting began. A display to show their importance has been created. To date the children have achieved all they set out to do on their 2014 15 Action Plan. The main focus will be tackling racism this year; and improving the behaviour of moving around school.

Chris Dyson Sept 9th 2015.

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