Agistment Contract 2017

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Agistment Contract 2017

Sunnybrae Pony Club Inc. Agistment Contract 2017

This agistment Contract is between ______and the Sunnybrae Pony Club Incorporated and covers the period from 1 s t February 2017 to 31 s t January 2018. It incorporates current agistment practices at the Sunnybrae Pony Club facility at 25 Magazine Road, Dry Creek. Your signature on the final page of this contract indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined in the 5 pages of this document.

Payment The cost of agistment is to be paid 4 weeks in advance. Payments must be in advance at all times. Preferred payment is by direct bank transfer – bank account details available from the Club Treasurer. If payments are made in cash, they are to be handed to The Treasurer in an envelope with your name clearly marked. A receipt will be returned to you stating dates the payment covers.

Payments start as soon as a member is allocated an agistment position, whether the horse has arrived or not. Members have 8 weeks to move their horse onto the grounds after a position has been granted.

Agisters will receive one reminder if they fall behind in agistment. If outstanding agistment is not paid in full within 2 weeks of falling due, notice will be given in writing of the possibility of eviction unless payment is made within 24 hours of receipt of the notice. If no payments are made, notice in writing will be send via registered mail to the agister giving them 14 days from receipt of the letter to remove all possessions from the grounds and a fee of $20 per day levied until the horse or horses are removed from the property. All eviction costs to be borne by the evicted agistee.

It is up to agisters to ensure payments are made regularly and on time. The dates covered by each payment are on your receipt and the Treasurer. Receipts will be put into your pigeon hole.

If a member does not pay their agistment rates after being given a final notice by the Treasurer, and if they do not remove their animals and/or equipment from the grounds by the required date, the Sunnybrae Pony Club reserves the right to, after 30 days notice, sell the horse and any other remaining equipment and to subtract monies owing from the proceeds of the sale. Remaining monies will be forwarded to the owner. Should the sale realise less than the amount owned, Sunnybrae Pony Club reserves the right to claim the shortfall through legal channels.

Spelling your horse Agisters are required to notify the Secretary in writing when horses will be removed from the agistment for spelling. This notification should include the date the horse leaves and the date the horse will return to the agistment. When spelling, agisted members are required to pay for the entire duration of spelling, in advance. If payments lapse during spelling, the agistment contract will be terminated and the agister notified in writing.

After 3 months of continuous agistment, agisters can apply for a spelling discount. The weekly agistment cost is reduced by 50% for the first 4 weeks of spelling and returned to the full

______January 2017 agistment fee for any additional time. This discount is available only once during any 12 month period and is dependant upon agistment being fully paid in advance for the duration of spelling.

Conditions of agistment Agisted members must be financial riding members of the Sunnybrae Pony Club. The Club provides agistment for 18 horses. These positions are not a right of membership and are not automatically available as part of membership. Application for agistment must be made in writing and presented to the Committee along with an interview to ensure your agreement and acceptance of the Contract conditions.

Agisting members must participate actively in club activities. In order to renew an existing agistment contract for the following year, agistees must participate in at least 60% of club activities. These consist of rallies, working bees, club events, Zone competitions and other Pony Club activities that may arise throughout the year. Participation for agisted riders in rallies and competitions should be mounted wherever possible, but if unmounted, the agister must ensure their participation has been recorded both on the rally points and sign in sheet or by the submission of a Zone Points sheet to the Points manager. If members are unable to participate, they must provide a Medical Certificate or Veterinary Certificate to an Executive Committee member.

Unmounted participation in a rally involves at minimum of 2 hours in attendance actively involved in the rally either by running the canteen from 11.30 to 1.30 or by assisting the instructor, being available to set up equipment and/or pack up equipment. Your attendance is shown by the appearance of your name and signature on the sign in sheet – please note on here the time you arrived and left if you are participating unmounted.

Agisted members must do their share of rostered duties including cleaning of clubrooms, toilet facilities and distributing hay in the horse paddock. Agisters are also expected to attend working bees when scheduled as part of their agistment conditions.

A Pony Club member can agist up to two horses on the grounds conditional upon additional ground support being available to help the Club and upon approval by the Committee.

No stallions or pregnant mares beyond third trimester may be agisted on the grounds.

The level of agistee participation is monitored by the Committee on a 6 monthly basis. If there is a trend towards poor participation, that is less than 60% of the activities held in the first 6 months have not been attended by the agister, then the agisting member will receive written advice and be asked to notify the Committee in writing of their commitment to improve their participation.

If the level of participation remains below the club requirement in the following 6 months, the agistment contract may be terminated and the member given 2 weeks to remove their horse and equipment from the grounds.

No member is to interfere with another members’ horse and/or equipment without the express permission of the owner. The removal of feed without permission is forbidden and anyone found doing this will receive disciplinary warning from the Committee.

Stables and Grounds All agistees must ensure the grounds are maintained according to the Site Management Plan. At no times is a member permitted to undertake construction, improvements, additions or any other work on any buildings or facilities on the grounds without written approval by the Club Committee.

______January 2017 Horses with known VICES are not allowed. These include vices such as wind sucking, cribbing or dangerous behaviours.

Members are responsible for maintaining the shell grit and/or sawdust or rice hulls in their stable at an acceptable level. Committee reserves the right to advise on unacceptable levels.

All members must be familiar with the requirements of the Site Management Plan and liaise with the grounds manager on ANY ISSUE relating to the grounds or stables.

Every member is to keep their stable, tack shed, club facilities and common areas clean and free of litter, rubbish and obstacles at all times. Committee members reserve the right to remove and dispose of any obstacles, articles, equipment or gear left unattended without notification.

Horse care and management Horses must be wormed and vaccinated immediately upon entering the Sunnybrae grounds for the first time. Alternatively, a faecal egg count conducted within 7 days prior to the horse coming to the grounds can be provided. If this count produces minimal detectable eggs, worming may not be necessary. Following this, all horses are wormed on the same designated Worming day using a commercial worming paste approved by the Committee. Horses are vaccinated annually on the same day. Members must authorise the worming book as evidence they have wormed and have the worming process witnessed by another member. The Management Committee of the Sunnybrae Pony Club may alter, amend or change the worming procedure at any time by notifying all agisted members in writing distributed to their pigeon holes.

Around the 30th June each year, all agisted horses must be vaccinated with the 2 in 1 vaccination. This is done on the same day by all agisted horses.

Agisting members are responsible for maintaining their stable and yard. Yards are to be thoroughly cleaned daily, with all manure removed and placed in the manure pit. Water is to be filled daily and water buckets maintained in a clean and hygienic manner.

Horses that remain in stables must be exercised or released from their yard for at least 45 minutes per day. It is preferred that horses are placed in the day paddock to assist in socialisation and well being.

Agisting members must care for their horses adequately, provide sufficient feed, contribute to the cost of additional hay as required and groom regularly. Care includes:  Regular checking of condition and worming the horse on worming day  Checking and maintaining feet and teeth  Engaging a vet as required* (see Veterinary attention and Horse Health)  Checking your horse every day.

In the interest of your horses’ health, excessive riding is unacceptable particularly in hot weather. After riding, all horses must be properly groomed to ensure all sweat and dirt is removed. Your horses’ comfort is paramount.

Veterinary attention and Horse Health The Club reserves the right to engage a vet at any time if considered necessary by at least two members of the Club Committee. Every effort will be made to contact the member if this situation arises, however, any costs relating to the vet attendance will be borne by the agisting member.

______January 2017 If two Committee members agree that an agisted horse is exhibiting symptoms that may require veterinary attendance, the owner will be notified and asked to seek veterinary attention within 48 hours of the notification. If the member does not report back with veterinary advice within that time, the club reserves the right to call the vet and the costs be borne by the owner.

In the event of a horse dying while agisted, every effort will be made to contact the member. If the member cannot be contacted, the Club reserves the right to have the carcass removed at the members’ expense. In the event of a horse breaking a leg, every effort will be made to contact the member. In most cases, the horse will be destroyed and the carcass removed by the knackery at the members expense.

If an agisting member suffers injury or illness whilst on the grounds, first aid, medical treatment and possible evacuation to a health care facility will be arranged at the members’ expense.

Rules for Riding When riding on Sunnybrae grounds, safety helmets and approved riding boots must be worn at all times. While engaged in pony Club activities, all members are covered by Pony Club Association insurance. At all other times, you ride at your own risk.

Non-members are not permitted to ride on the grounds unless written permission is sought in advance from the Committee and that person signs an Insurance Waiver indemnifying the club from any liability.

Boots or enclosed shoes are to be worn at all times when handling horses and when around horses. This applies to non-members, volunteers and family members who are around the stable block and/or paddocks and riding areas. Horses are to be led with halter and lead rope or appropriate bridle.

Members are encouraged not to ride if on the grounds alone, however, if adult members choose to do so, they ride at their own risk. Sunnybrae Pony Club, its servants and agents accept no liability or responsibility for any illness, damage or injury suffered by members, friends or visitors to the grounds. Please refer to the Riding Alone policy for further information. Agistment Guidelines will be available for every agisting member – please read them thoroughly. The Guidelines are also available, along with all policies, on the Sunnybrae Pony Club website at

General Conditions of Agistment and Club grounds Children under the age of 16 are not to be left on the grounds unsupervised or unaccompanied at any time. Young children must be carefully supervised at all times. Policies relating to Riding safety, Harassment, Alcohol, Snake Safety and Smoking must be followed at all times. Smoking and alcohol are prohibited on the grounds at all times, even when you are on the grounds alone. Alcohol cannot be brought onto the property or consumed on the property unless in circumstances relating to treatment of colic in horses when beer can be used to relieve equine symptoms.

Child Protection and Harassment & Discrimination training All members, volunteers, instructors and, in the case of those under the age of 18, at least one caregiver and/or parent, must complete the Play by the Rules online training program in Child Protection and Harassment & Discrimination training and give or send a copy of their Certificate of Completion to the Secretary. All agisters must undertake additional training programs as directed by the Management Committee, within the designated timelines to retain agistment rights.


______January 2017 All policy documents are available on the club Members website at in the Members Only area, as well as hard copies in the blue marked folder in the book shelf in the clubrooms. Your signature to THIS document acknowledges that you have made yourself aware and that you understand the Policies of the Pony Club and the agistment facility.

______January 2017 Problems? If you have any problems relating to anything on the agistment, please approach a member of the Committee or put your concerns in writing.

All members are required to treat other agisting members with respect and courtesy at all times. If members experience personal problems, they are expected to attempt to resolve those problems in a mature manner. The Committee will intervene if these situations negatively impact upon the agisting community.

The Committee of the Sunnybrae Pony Club Incorporated reserve the right to amend, alter, remove or include new policies, procedures and guidelines relating to the agistment as it sees fit. All agisters will be notified of changes in writing.

Agistment Agreement

I have thoroughly read and fully understand the Agistment Contract and agree to abide by the rules and conditions outlined in the Contract. I understand that this Contract applies for 12 months from 1st February 2017 to the 31st January 2018. I agree to meet the participation levels and understand the actions that will follow if I do not meet these levels as outlined in this document. agree to follow Agistment Guidelines, policies and procedures as directed by the Management Committee.

I have inspected the agistment and found it to be satisfactory and I agree to maintain regular agistment payments 4 weeks in advance at all times. I understand that if I do not maintain regular agistment payments, this agistment contract will be terminated. I will provide 4 weeks notice of termination of this agreement or forfeit 4 weeks agistment payment is less than 4 weeks notice is provided.



Contact Numbers


Horse name

Horse details

Signed: ______If agistee under 18, signature of parent/guardian required.

Date: ______

On behalf of the Sunnybrae Pony Club Inc.

Signed: ______

______January 2017 Name: ______Date:

______January 2017

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