Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education

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Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education



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Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development

Szekszárd Campus

H-7100 Szekszárd, Rákóczi u. 1. Hungary

Pécs Campus

H-7633 Pécs, Szántó Kovács János Str. 1/B. Hungary


1 The Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development was established in 2015 with the integration of two faculties of the University of Pécs (Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development and the Illyés Gyula Faculty, Szekszárd). The newest faculty of the first university of Hungary preserves and transmits all the intellectual and cultural values and traditions created by its predecessors. The new faculty offers university courses (BA and MA programs, vocational training and specialized advanced training programs) in the fields of pedagogy, social politics, economics, humanities, social and agricultural science. As an important cultural, scientific, and training center of the region, with training locations in Pécs and Szekszárd, the faculty is permanently improving and developing its educational programs that meet the needs of students and the social and economic challenges. The faculty is also developing unique education programs (e- learning, Senior Academy), involving new target groups and contributes to the assistance of talented people, re-training of professionals, education of adults, and also plays an active role in local and international research activities. The degrees offered by the Faculty, which represent high labour market value and ensure up- to-date knowledge, and the services that meet adults’ requirements live up to the expectations of employees and the market.


Course title: Literature Language of instruction: English Location: Szekszárd Campus Form of teaching: seminar/consultation Form of assessment: assessment is based on participation, home assignments, essays and presentation Course description: The course is designed to study a variety of expressive forms through representative literary texts as applied to the process of learning and teaching English. The activities offer opportunities for genuine communication while relating the text to the students’ own lives and experiences. This class is centred almost entirely around discussion. Minimum number of students: - Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Semester: autumn term Lecturer: Mária BAJNER PhD; [email protected]

Course title: Language Development: Changing Roles for Women Language of instruction: English

2 Location: Szekszárd Campus Class hours per week: 2 Form of teaching: consultation Form of assessment: assessment is based on participation, home assignments, tests and presentation Course description: The aim of the course is to introduce students to some less-known theoretical issues in socio-historical context, such as the European feminist movements, history of feminism and the changing roles of men and women. The course is not only concerned with the political, intellectual and personal development of men and women, but it also attempts to form a positive social attitude to women’s issues Minimum number of students: - Credits (ECTS): 4 Semester: autumn term Lecturer: Mária BAJNER PhD, [email protected] During their studies at the Faculty, students are offered consultancy and guidance for writing any types of academic assignments (e.g. essay, thesis etc.).

Course title: From Learning to Teaching Language of instruction: English Location: Szekszárd Campus Form of teaching: consultation Form of assessment: completion of assignments, end of term essay Course description: The subtitle of the course is to learn online to teach online. Its aim is to put education i. e. the teaching/learning experience into a different, global perspective, where tailored information is forwarded to students with the help of the Internet based technology (e.g.mobile computing, cloud computing, networking technologies, business-intelligence applications, web applications, video technologies, virtual desktop technologies, LMS, e- Books). Online teaching/learning strategies will be discussed together with the exploration of the most debated issues of the 21st century cost/benefit education highlighting the advantages and pitfalls of both the traditional and the digital classroom. Minimum number of students: - Class hours per week: 2/week Semester: autumn term Credits (ECTS): 4

3 Lecturer: Maria BAJNER PhD, [email protected]

Course title: Developing Listening and Speaking Skills in English Language of instruction: English Location: Szekszárd Campus Form of teaching: consultation Form of assessment: essay Course description: The aim of the course is to foster and support students' confidence in using English to discuss different cultural issues and topics, to express opinions, to understand a wide variety of spoken and written texts, to develop both oral and written skills. The course focuses on key performance areas such as sharing ideas, exchanging information, and solving problems. The material is tailored to students’ practical needs: i.e. to communicate more effectively. The tasks are related to education so that they can draw on their own professional knowledge and experience obtained in that field. Minimum number of students: - Class hours per week: 2/week Semester: autumn term Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Maria BAJNER PhD, [email protected]

Course title: Einführung in die Geschichte Ungarns Language of instruction: Deutsch Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Referat Course description: Der Kurs bietet einen interessanten Einblick in die abwechslungsreiche Geschichte Ungarns. Die Teilnehmer des Kurses bekommen Informationen über die Jahrhunderten und Wendepukte der ungarischen Geschichte, legendenhaften Herrscher und Staatsmänner. Minimum number of students: 2 Class hours per week: 2, oder Blockseminar Semester: Winter (autumn term) Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Claudia K. FARKAS PhD, habil; [email protected]

4 Course title: Grosse Persönlichkeiten der ungarischen Geschichte Language of instruction: Deutsch Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Referat Course description: Der Kurs macht grosse Persönlichkeiten, Herrscher und Staatsmänner der ungarischen Geschichte bekannt. Die Teilnehmer des Kurses bekommen interessante Informationen über ihr Lebenslauf, Werke, und Wirkung. Minimum number of students: 2 Class hours per week: 2, oder Blockseminar Semester: Frühling (spring term) Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Claudia K. FARKAS PhD, habil; [email protected]

Course title: Personell and Personality Psychology Language of instruction: English Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: Lecture + Seminar Form of assessment: Written exam Course description: This subject is concerned with the personality. The course describes a range of viewpoints that are used by personality psychologists today. Each perspective on personality is presented introduced by a prologue that provides an overview of that perspective’s orienting assumptions and core themes. By starting with these orienting assumptions, you’ll be placed right inside the thought processes of the theorists, as you go into more detail. Each approach concludes with a discussion of current problems within that theoretical viewpoint and an analysis about its future prospects. The result is a course that is engaging and enjoyable as well as informative. Minimum number of students: 8 Class hours per week: 2 Semester: autumn term Credits (ECTS): 3 Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Andreas HEJJ, [email protected]

5 Course title: Social Psychology Language of instruction: English Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: Lecture + Seminar Form of assessment: PPS presentation Course description: Besides practising a number of communication exercises (contact, interview, active attention, feedback), presentation and practice related application of at least one of the following topics:  Where has the Good Samaritan gone?  Why some people get away with murder?  The dangers of obedience  Zimbardo’s hell  Who says who is mad?  Can criminals be cured?  The gentle art of conditioning  Can we trust our memories?  Privacy and intimacy  Justifying ourselves to ourselves Minimum number of students: 8 Class hours per week: 3 Semester: spring term Credits (ECTS): 3 Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Andreas HEJJ, [email protected]

Course title: Culture and Arts of Hungary Language of instruction: English Location: Szekszárd Campus Form of teaching: Lectures and discussions Form of assessment: presentation or written test Course description: The aim of the course is to give general information about the Culture and Arts of Hungary, including important historical events, historical buildings, representatives of Hungarian fine arts and music (Mihály Munkácsy, Tivadar Csontváry,

6 Ferenc Liszt, Béla Bartók). the world famous Zsolnay Factory (Pécs) and its ceramic products. Minimum number of students: - Class hours per week: 2, every second week Semester: autumn and spring term Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Béla HORVÁTH, [email protected]

Course title: De la socio-histoire de l'art contemporain hongrois (1960 - 2006) Language of instruction: Français Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: Conferance Form of assessment: 2 jours, cours intensive Course description: Ce terrain est en train des recherches qui contribute de l'auto-évaluation des acteurs de la vie de l'art hongrois. En deuxieme moitié de 20eme sciecle l'histoire hongroise était determine par la politique dépendante les politiques culturelles des parties communistes de l'Est. Le conference presente le developpement des différentes styles, tendences, et les plus importents artists, les functions de l'oeuvre, la structure de sisteme d'oeuvre de l'art, jusque a la situation des nos jours. Minimum number of students: 4 Semester: autumn and spring term Credits (ECTS): 4 Class hours per week: 2 Lecturer: Mária HUSZ PhD, habil; [email protected]

Course title: Integrationsexperiment im Donau –Becken. Die Rolle und die Bedeutung der Donau–Dampfschiffahrts–Gesellschaft (DDSG) in den 19–20-sten Jahrhunderten in Mittel– Europa Language of instruction: Deutsch Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Referat und Klausur Course description: In der Donauschifffahrt spielte die Erste k. k. priv. Donau– Dampfschiffahrts–Gesellschaft (DDSG) etwa ein Jahrhundert lang – in den 19–20-sten –

7 eine bestimmende Rolle. Ihre Geschichte und ihre Tätigkeit bestätigen die erfolgreiche Integrationsrolle, die sie grundsätzlich in der Donau Region unter den Nationen hatte. Sie hatte vor, die Gebiete unterschiedlichen Entwicklungsstandes, abweichender Traditionen, ethnischer und konfessioneller Vielfalt mittels des Personen- und Gütertransports, sowie des dazu notwendigen, bzw. sich daraus ergebenden Kommunikationssystems miteinander zu verbinden. Die Gesellschaft hatte eine gute soziale Versorgung, bzw. Schulwesen, Gesundheitswesen (Bruderlade), Wohnverhältnisse, Victualmagazine usw. Das Unternehmen entwickelte sich im Laufe ihrer Geschichte zur größten Binnenschifffahrts– Gesellschaft der Welt. Minimum number of students: 4 Credits (ECTS): 4 Semester: Winter und Frühling (autumn and spring term) Class hours per week: 2, oder Blockseminar Lecturer: Zoltán HUSZÁR PhD, habil; [email protected]

Course title: Die Museen und UNESCO–Weltkulturerbe in Pécs an der Jahrtausendwende Language of instruction: Deutsch Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: Seminar und Praktikum (Museums-, und Ausstellungsbesuch) Form of assessment: Referat und Klausur Course description: Das Museum ist in jeder Gesellschaft eine Einrichtung des enzyklopädischen Wissensaufbaus, der historischen Bewusstseinsprägung und der Vertiefung des nationalen Identitätsbewusstseins. Das Museum ist gleichzeitig eine universale und nationale Institution. Die erste museale Dauerausstellung wurde in der Stadt Pécs im Jahre 1904 eröffnet. Zur heutigen Museumsorganisation in Pécs gehörten naturwissenschaftliche, archeologische, historische, etnographische und kunsthistorische Sammlungen, bzw. Ausstellungen und seit 2000 UNESCO–Weltkulturerbe Ausstellungen auch. Heute sind cca. 20 museale Ausstellungen in Pécs. An dem Kurs können die Teilnehmer theoretische und praktische Informationen über die ungarischen Museumswesen und Museen/Ausstellungen in Pécs bekommen. Minimum number of students: 4 Credits (ECTS): 4 Semester: Winter und Frühling (autumn and spring term) Class hours per week: 2, oder Blockseminar

8 Lecturer: Zoltán HUSZÁR PhD, habil; [email protected]

Course title: Methodik des Fremdsprachenunterrichts Language of instruction: Deutsch Location: Szekszárd Campus Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Aktive Teilnahme am Seminar Course description: Die Studierenden sollten in die Lage gesetzt werden das fach Deutschvals Fremdsprache in den Klassen 1-6 unterrichten zu können Die Geschichte des Fremdsprachenunterrichts, Charakteristika des frühen Fremdsprachenunterrichts, Fertigkeiten und sparchlicher Inhalt in den Unterrichtsstunden, spielerische Sprachaneignung, Lehrplanentwicklung, Medien und Sozialformen, Leistungsmessung. Minimum number of students: - Class hours per week: 3 Stunden /Woche Credits (ECTS): 4 Semester: autumn term Lecturer: Ágnes KLEIN PhD, habil; [email protected]

Course title: Frühe Zweisprachigkeit Language of instruction: Deutsch Location: Szekszárd Campus Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Aktive Teilnahme am Seminar Course description: Einführung in die Theorie und Praxis der Zweisprachigkeit. Forschungsgeschichte, Zweitspracherwerb als interdisziplinarer Forschungsbereich, frühkindliche Zweisparchigkeit, Untersuchung Aneignungsprozesse in den Familien und in Institutionen. Credits (ECTS): 4 Semester: spring term Lecturer: Ágnes KLEIN PhD, habil; [email protected]

Course title: Literatur der Ungarndeutschen Minderheit Language of instruction: Deutsch

9 Location: Szekszárd Campus Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Aktive Teilnahme am Seminar Course description: Einführung in die Literatur der Ungarndeutschen Die Literatur des Karpatenbeckens, Literatur und Identitaet, Minderheitenschicksal im Spiegel der Literatur. Minimum number of students: - Class hours per week: 2 Stunden /Woche Credits (ECTS): 4 Semester: spring term Lecturer: Ágnes KLEIN PhD, habil; [email protected]

Course title: Sociocultural inequalities in Hungary Language of instruction: English Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: classroom teaching + field trip Course description: The course deals with the critical issue of the increasingly and continuously widening social and cultural inequalities both in the countries of „new democracies” and in the global world. Class sessions will be devoted to discussing the issues of the dual transition facing the Hungarian society moving away from socialism and at the same time seeking its new position in the globalizing processes. Learners are expected to analyze recent surveys’ data and comparative studies . The course offers a chance to learn about the Roma ethnic minority as one of the social groups that experiences deep levels of poverty, prejudice and discrimination. Topics will include: modernity and modernization , rising inequalities, social stratification and cultural consumption patterns, life-style groups , subjective well-being and social deviance , value-systems, mental maps and gender inequalities . Minimum number of students: 4 Class hours per week: 2 hours (in every second week: 4 hours) Semester: autumn and spring term Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Teréz KLEISZ PhD, [email protected]

Course title: Minorities of Pécs

10 Language of instruction: English Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Interview, presentation and essay Course description: This course intends to introduce national and ethnic minorities living in Pécs. Due to historical routes, Pécs is a multicultural city in the South-Western area of Hungary. Hopefully students from abroad will learn about their history connected to Pécs (those for example who came from Germany or Croatia), statistic data compared to national data rates, their minority aims and issues, finally their political interest enforcement frames and possibilities. In the framework of the course, taking into consideration national composition of the students, we will visit two or three minority associations. Students fulfil the course with their own site researches. Minimum number of students: 5 Class hours per week: 2 Semester: autumn term Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Inez Zsófia KOLLER PhD, [email protected] Course title: Sampling Public Life in Hungary Language of instruction: English Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Active contribution to lecture work and essay Course description: Let's get in touch with samples of Hungarian Public Life together! We will discuss what meaningful events happen in Hungary, who are main actors, which ideas, ideologies and theories direct and shape this country. Minimum number of students: 5 Class hours per week: 2 Semester: spring term Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Inez Zsófia KOLLER PhD, [email protected]

Course title: Lifelong Learning in Museums: The Theory and Practice of Museum Learning Language of instruction: English Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: Seminar

11 Form of assessment: attendance; active participation in class discussions; museum report (6- 7 pages); class presentation- museum report (20 min.); „museum education team-project” (7-8 pages) The class presentation and the museum report are based on individual museum visit. Students present and examine a museum from museum education perspectives. Museum education team project: Students work in groups. (3 student/ group) Students plan a museum education program for an optional museum in Pécs. Class presentation: 30%; Museum report: 40%; Museum education „team-project”: 30%; Course description: The course focuses on the new roles, functions and tasks of museums according to the needs of the postmodern, learning society. The course is a seminar, thus active participation of students is important. We will focus on the theory and practice of museum education and examine the connections between museums and adult education/lifelong learning. Course topics: 1.) Historical development of museums. Changing role of the collections/museums. The role of museums in culture and education; 2.) New tendencies in expanding functions of the museum. Museums and the postmodern/ learning society. Cultural and social roles of the museum nowadays; 3.) Great museums of Europe. Great museums in the USA; 4.) The educational role of the museum- theory. Learning theories/ strategies in the museum. 5.) Museums as places for lifelong learning. Museums and adult education. 6.) The educational role of the museum- practice, methods 7.) The museum and interpretation. Telling stories trough objects and images. 8.) The Museum as Exhibition. Creating exhibitions for learning. Kinds of Exhibits, Design, Techniques, Labels; 9.) Museums on the Internet; 10.) Museum marketing and management. Communication and Public Relations 11.) Museums and tourism 12.) Museums and the local community. 13.) Evaluation and visitor studies Minimum number of students: 4 Class hours per week: 2 Semester: autumn and spring term

12 Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Zsuzsa KOLTAI PhD; [email protected]

Course title : Cultural History of Europe (Middle Ages–Enlightenment) Language of instruction: English Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Essays and class presentations Course discription: The course examines medieval and early modern Europe from cultural perspective. Students will understand the role of the diverse ecclesiastical institutions, associations, schools, feasts and doctrines in forming medieval culture just as the determining new features of the Enlightenment regarding cultural changes in the end of the era. Beyond examining the ecclesiastical background of medieval culture the course focuses on the different aspects of the characteristics of medieval and early modern lifestyle. In order to examine the era from a holistic point of view the course provides an overview of the significant art styles of Europe from Romanesque Art to the Baroque. Course topics: - Definition of cultural history, origin of the term - Culture and society in the Middle Ages - Institutions of preserving culture in the Middle Ages - Monastic orders; Military orders - Sites of education in the Middle Ages - Romanesque Art - Gothic Art - Ideology, beliefs and religious life in the Middle Ages - Nourishment and epidemics in the Middle Ages - Lifestyle and family life in Medieval Europe - Life in the Medieval city - The Hanseatic League; Cultural effects of the expansion of the Hanseatic League - Renaissance - Cultural consequences of the explorations -The Protestant Reformation and its effect on cultural life and education - The reform of the Catholic Churc. The Counter reformation. - Baroque Art.

13 - The age of Enlightenment Minimum number of students: 4 Class hours per week: 2 Semester: spring term Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Zsuzsa KOLTAI PhD; [email protected]

Course title: Hungarian folk law and legal anthropology Language of instruction: English Location: Szekszárd Campus Form of teaching: seminar/consultation Form of assessment: active participation in the seminars/consultation, essay or presentation Course description: The course will familiarize students with Hungarian folk law (old Hungarian society, Hungarian folklor, traditional law, legal customs, legal traditions in the family, criminal law and customs) and legal anthropology (research and results). Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Semester: spring term Lecturer: Janka Teodóra NAGY PhD, habil; [email protected]

Course title: Global Education Language of instruction: English Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: Lectures, Group discussions Form of assessment: Presentations, Written test Course description: The evolution of global education programs started in the 1970s and 1980s when it became clear that social-economical activities both in industrialized and less industrialized societies could not be sustained in terms of the planet’s resources. This course summarizes the background of global education movement, the main points and tendencies of international attempts, actions, possibilities and effects of these processes. Minimum number of students: 5 Class hours per week: 2 Semester: autumn and spring term

14 Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Zsolt NEMESKÉRI PhD, habil; [email protected] and Iván ZÁDORI PhD; [email protected]

Course title: History of Modern Hungarian Adult Education from 1850 to 1950 Language of instruction: English Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: Face-to-face lecture using presentations and library visit for identifying some key literature based on handouts Form of assessment: Assessment of analytical paper written by students Course description: The main purpose of the course is to give an overview and a short analysis of the movements and institutional development of Hungarian adult education from 1850 to 1950. The lecture will point out some key factors of economic, political and societal changes which were reflected in the colourful life of adult and popular education. The course demonstrates how the institutional development of adult education signalled the emergence of a new, modern economy and society with backward symptoms and tensions, paradoxically, of anti- modernisation, anti-liberal and anti-democratic interests. Minimum number of students: 4 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Semester: autumn and spring term Lecturer: Balázs NÉMETH PhD, [email protected]

Course title: Fields and Trends in Adult Education Research Language of instruction: English Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: Face-to-face lecture using presentation and on-line links form practical examples of AE researches Form of assessment: Assessment of analytical paper of students Course description: The aim of this course is to analyse the theoretical and methodological background and the main European trends, research issues and key institutions/associations in adult education research and development. Also, the course will elaborate upon the priorities

15 of the EU Communication and the Action Plan on adult learning which promote research in national contexts with the participation of adult education organisations and institutions. Minimum number of students: 4 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Semester: autumn and spring term Lecturer: Balázs NÉMETH PhD, [email protected]

Course title: Learning Cities, Learning Regions and Learning Communities Language of instruction: English Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: face-to-face lecture using presentations and library visit for identifying some key literature based on handouts. Form of assessment: Assessment of analytical paper written by students Course description: As part of the course, students will be introduced to the theme, goals, and alternative models and scenarios of learning cities and regions which are strongly connected to the lifelong leaning initiave in Europe. The course will collect some examples of learning city – region projects, and students will also get acquainted with the mission and activities of PASCAL Observatory, UNESCO, the OECD and CEDEFOP in the context of the course theme. Minimum number of students: 4 Class hours per week: 2 Credits (ECTS): 4 Semester: autumn and spring term Lecturer: Balázs NÉMETH PhD, [email protected]

Course title: Deutsch in der Wirtschaft, Deutsch im Tourismus II Language of instruction: Deutsch Location: Szekszárd Campus Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Unterschrift (regelmäßige Teilnahme, zwei erfolgreiche Klausurarbeiten) Course description: Zielsetzung des Kurses ist, den berufsbezogenen Wortschatz der Studierenden im Bereich Wirtschaft und Tourismus zu erweitern. Sie sollen dazu fähig sein,

16 deutschsprachige Fachtexte zu verstehen, Geschäftsbriefe, Werbetexte zu schreiben, über Sehenswürdigkeiten in Ungarn und im deutschsprachigen Raum Informationen zu geben. Minimum number of students: 10 Class hours per week: 4 Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Ágnes SZABÓNÉ KEDVES, [email protected]

Course title: Deutsch in der Wirtschaft, Deutsch im Tourismus IV Language of instruction: Deutsch Location: Szekszárd Campus Form of teaching: Seminar Form of assessment: Unterschrift (regelmäßige Teilnahme, zwei erfolgreiche Klausurarbeiten) Course description: Die Studierenden sollen dazu fähig sein, komplexe Fachtexte global zu verstehen, Angebote in Reisekatalogen und die Bedingungen von Reiseverträgen auch detailliert zu verstehen. Sie sollen aus deutschsprachigen Texten selbstständig Informationen sammeln und sich auf verschiedenen Webseiten auskennen. Sie sollen dazu fähig sein, in ihrem Fachgebiet Auskunft zu geben, Verhandlungen zu führen, Vorschläge zu machen, Programme zusamennzustellen und zu empfehlen. Sie sollen die touristischen Angebote der deutschsprachigen Länder kennen. Sie sollen erlernen, wie man Bewerbungen, Verträge, Werbetexte schreiben soll. Minimum number of students: 10 Class hours per week: 4 Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer: Ágnes SZABÓNÉ KEDVES, [email protected]

Course title: Socio-economic processes – community – regional development Language of instruction: English Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: practice, field trip Form of assessment: written summary Course description: A significant aspect of the inequalities emerging in the 90s is the escalation of regional differences. The West Transdanubian region and the one around the capital are in a more favourable situation in terms of unemployment and wage standards, than the other regions. Investment of working capital is expected to keep concentrating in the regions around Budapest and in West Transdanubia – which will probably result in a faster

17 development of these regions, at the same time it will “drain” the capital away from the less developed regions. The determinant factors in the socio-economic space are the flow of working capital, change, growth (both in quality and quantity) and structural change of economic space, as well as economic development bringing about social welfare and modernization. Hungary has to rely even more intensively on its own resources in the global competition, and the quality and quantity of skilled labour plays a major role in achieving this. The subject overwiews the main socio-economic and labour market processes that result a strong center-periphery relationship in Hungary. The main goals in the governmental role, employment policy, and how Hungary plans the renewal through the „new” national strategies and European Union funds. Minimum number of students: 2 (maximum 4!) Class hours per week: 3 times, 8 hours each time Credits (ECTS): 4 Lecturer:. Tamás VÁMOSI PhD, habil; [email protected]

Course title: Introduction to Hungarian Law Language of instruction: English Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: Lectures and discussions Form of assessment: presentation or written test Course description: The aim of the course is to give general information about Hungarian law. Although Hungary is still in the period of transition and the legal rules are changing constantly, the course would like to give a guide to the Hungarian legal system. Minimum number of students: 3-4 Class hours per week: 2, every second week Credits (ECTS): 4 Semester: autumn term Lecturer: Péter VÁRNAGY PhD, habil; [email protected]

Course title: The Legal Regulation of Education Language of instruction: English Location: Pécs Campus

18 Form of teaching: Lectures and discussions Form of assessment: presentation or written test Course description: The aim of the course is gaining knowledge about the legal regulation of education and to give some information about the legislative framework of education in Hungary. Minimum number of students: 3-4 Class hours per week: 2, every second week Credits (ECTS): 4 Semester: autumn term Lecturer: Péter VÁRNAGY PhD, habil; [email protected]

Course title: The Legal Environment of Human Resource Development Language of instruction: English Location: Pécs Campus Form of teaching: Lectures and discussions Form of assessment: presentation or written test Course description: The human being is body, soul and spirit. Legal regulation is a necessary tool of developing and protecting human resources. The aim of the course is to give general information about the legal environment of human resources. Minimum number of students: 3-4 Class hours per week: 2, every second week Credits (ECTS): 4 Semester: spring term Lecturer: Péter VÁRNAGY PhD, habil; [email protected]


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