Organizational Assessment Example

Please see section ITIL Practitioner Guidance (page 137)

Assess your organization against the questions in the following example. Choose the answer most reflective of your organization. Mark your answer as either 1, 2 or 3. Add up the scores.


Question 1 2 3

How change resistant is Open to change Partially Highly resistant to the organization? change How much change is Large amount of Medium amount of No change currently taking place? change change Were past improvement Positive Partially Negative initiatives seen as positive or negative? How do management For embracing change Somewhere in Consistency and reward people? and risk-taking between maintaining the status quo Are adequate resources Yes Sometimes No available for improvement initiatives? Is there a clear vision for Yes Partially No the organization? Do we effectively Yes Partially No communicate the reason for improvement initiatives throughout the change? Do employees understand Yes Partially No the need for continual improvement and change? Are change agents (those Yes Partially No responsible for implementation of the change) highly respected with a successful track record? Are sponsors (managers Yes Partially No needed to be advocates for the change and authorize it) highly respected with a successful track record?

Copyright © AXELOS Limited 2016. AXELOS® and ITIL® are registered trade marks of AXELOS Limited. Used under permission and in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Sale. All rights reserved. Low 1-10 Indicates an organization open and embracing of improvements with an environment and capability to support a successful improvement initiative. The initiative is low in risk from an organizational change management perspective. The need for organizational change management resources and effort will be relatively small. Medium 11-20 Indicates an organization that is midway between being highly resistant to improvement and change and being open to change. There may be a mixture of capability and perception of past improvement initiatives. Work will need to be done to determine where the pockets of resistance are and OCM plans will be needed to address those pockets of resistance.

High 21-30 Indicates an organization that is highly resistant to change, with a poor history of improvement initiatives and a low organizational change management competency. The organizational change management plans will need to address resistance to change, and more effort and resources will be required from an organizational change management perspective.