Salsa Dance (COM 503)
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Step Aerobics is a motivational course in which LCC Music Classes the student, through active participation, will develop skills to provide enjoyment for cardio offered for Credit… respiratory activities. Step training consists of stepping up and down on a platform while performing creative choreographic movements to Basic Mariachi (MUS 117) music. 1 credit. Jeanette Nolan Sec 20 Jun 7-July 29 T/R 7am-8:40am Location: LCC Springer, Forrester 112 Instructor: Shay Jesperson Beginning Guitar (MUS 125) John Arellanes Classes return for Fall Semester 2011 Cardio Weight Training (PE 121)
This physical education class is designed to promote wellness and exercise combining weight training and cardiovascular training. Instructor will encourage the use of stationary bike, stair stepper, treadmill and weight training machines or free weights. 1 credit. Class returns in Fall Location: Wellness Center Instructor: Antonio Siqueiros
Kickboxing & Step Combo (PE 117)
The class will consist of Cardio Kickboxing and Step-training. Cardio Kickboxing is one of the biggest exercise activities to hit the gyms. Cardio Kickboxing varies from gym to gym, but the format is generally the same--a series of drills set to music including: shadow boxing, various types of kicks, shuffling, jump rope, jumping jacks, weaving, jabbing, punching/kicking combinations that include jabs, hooks, front, back, and side kicks. Step training, also known Yoga (PE 135) as step aerobics, will also be included which consists of stepping up and down on a platform Yoga is an active physical practice performing a while performing creative choreographic sequence of poses, better known as movements to music. It is predominantly a low asanas. Basic poses will be chosen to impact, high intensity athletic activity that has increase both attracted both men and women of all ages flexibility & strength. Breath work will also be interested in a simple yet challenging aerobic addressed, which helps the body to workout. 1 credit release tension and to do more with less Sec 01 Jun 6-July 29 M/T/W 12-1:10 pm effort. 1 credit. Location: Main Campus, Wellness Center Instructor: Louella Marr-Montoya Sec 30 Jun 6-July 29 M/W/F 9am-10:10am Location: LCC Santa Rosa, Room 104 Instructor: Jean Digerness
ZUMBA FITNESS –see page 3 1
Physical Fitness (PE 112) Self Defense Karate for Youth Log in 32 hours at LCC Wellness Center during (COM 620) the Summer semester. Workout using the latest in modern exercise equipment including stair This class is for students under the age of 15 steppers, stationary bikes, treadmills, exercise years. Instructor incorporates the basic machines, resistance training equipment. Log in techniques, movements and skills of self defense and log out required. Registration is open karate with disciplined instruction. Safety is throughout the semester. 1 credit emphasized $38 Jun 6-July 29 M/W 5:30-7:30pm Sec 01 May 16 MTWRF 7am-7pm Location: Wellness Center Instructor: Jeff Ortzow Sec 40 Jun 7-July 29 TWR 5-6:10pm Payment for this class made at Community Sec 41 Jun 7-July 29 TWR 3:30-4:40pm Education Office, Room 119, Student Services Location: LCC Mora Center Instructor: Jeannie Abeyta
Weight Training (PE 113) Mountain Hiking (COM 559) In this class, log in 32 hours of weight training at the LCC Wellness Center within the 2-month Go take a hike! Absolutely. In this nature-lovers semester. Workout at your convenience using the course, students accompany an experienced team latest in weight training machines and free of hikers through developed trails in one of many weights. Log in and log out required. backcountry, pristine sites in the Santa Fe and Registration is open throughout the semester. Carson National Forests, and select state 1 credit wilderness areas. All hikes are day hike; pack a Sec 01 May 16-July 29 MTWRF 7am-7pm lunch, plenty of water, and comfortable clothes Location: Wellness Center and shoes. Don’t forget the rain gear. Hikes are Instructor: Dawnette Garcia easy to moderate, with very few difficult sections of climbing. Transportation is available to trailhead. Departure time on all hikes is 8am. $20 Self Defense Karate (PE 138) All sections are 8am to 6pm, Saturdays Sec 01 April 16 destination TBA This class will teach the basic movements and Sec 03 May 21 destination TBA skills of karate with hands on training. Minimal Sec 03 Jun 18 destination TBA sparring is used during class sessions, yet safety Sec 04 July 9 destination TBA is emphasized. Students learn effective Instructor: Tom Herrera/Lawrence Martinez techniques of self defense, including disciplined tactics and movements through quality instruction. 1 credit Sec 01 Jun 6-July 29 M/W 5:30-7:30pm Sec 02 Jun 6-July 29 T/R 5:30-7:30pm Location: Wellness Center Instructor: Jeff Ortzow
SEC O1-M/W 12-1 pm * SEC 02-M/W 5:30- 6:30p
Instructors: Evan Gutierrez & Elitta Chavez $38
An Introduction to Voice Overs. Could you be the voice for…. Audio Books, Animation and Gaming, Documentaries, Movie Trailers, TV & Radio commercials, and more? With advances in recording technology, growth of the internet, and increasing demand for training and educational material, the voice over field is expanding rapidly. Learn how ordinary people with good communication skills are finding tremendous success and enjoyment in this growing field! You’ll learn: what a voice over is, which voice types are hired the most, why there’s increased demand for new voices, how to create a winning demo, where to begin. We’ll also discuss professional voice opportunities in and around your community.
July 12, 2011 Tuesday 6:30 pm-9 pm Location: LRC Lecture Hall Call 454-5311 for more information $20 ($10 for NMHU, LCC, UWC, & high school students)
Hear samples and learn more about voice acting at 3 Luna Community College encourages exercise and wellness throughout the communities of the service area. Wellness classes offered in Las Vegas, Santa Rosa, Springer and Mora.
Gerald P. Ortega Wellness Center 425-8767
COMMUNITY EDUCATION Student Services Bldg., Room # 119 505-454-5311 800-588-7232, Ext. 1204 505-454-2588 -- fax
To register for Community To register for credit Education courses (COM courses (CSA, PE, HPS , prefix) visit the LCC Office QUIL prefix), an individual of Recruitment & that has never attended Admissions, Room 119, LCC must complete an Student Services Admissions Application and Center, and complete a registration card. Community Education Individuals that have registration form. You may previously attended LCC , make payment for the complete only the courses in this office as well. registration card.
We cannot emphasize the Students should register importance of early prior to the first class registration for guaranteed session. We cannot placement in a course. emphasize the importance of Courses are subject to early registration for cancellation if minimum guaranteed placement in a enrollment is not met. Ten is course. Courses are subject the minimum for credit to cancellation if minimum bearing courses. enrollment is not met. Seven is the minimum for Community Education courses. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in the LCC Community Education Schedule of Classes. However, all classes, instructors, designations, locations and fees described herein are subject to change or deletion without notice. GED/ESL OFFERINGS It is understood the contents of this publication are subject to change Adult Basic Education Program –Fall 2010 Sec 01-9am-12noon MTWR
5 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) Location: Main GED Campus, STUPREP 206 Mon/Wed Sec 02-1pm-3pm MTWR 5pm-8pm SecLocation: 01- 9am-12noon Main Campus, MTWR STU Main 206 Campus, STU, Rm Location: 206Sec 03-5pm-8pm Tue/Thurs Main Campus SecLocation: 02 - 1pm-3pm Main Campus, MTWR STU Main 206 Campus, STU, Rm 206 STU 206 Sec 03 - 5pm-8pm MW Main Campus, STU, Rm 206 SecSec 04 -04 5:15-8:15pm – 4pm-7pm TR Tue/Wed LCC Santa Rosa, Room 103 SecLocation: 05 - 2pm-5pm LCC Santa WR Rosa, LCC Rm 103 Springer, Forr., Rm 108 Sec 06 - 5:30-8:30pm MW LCC Mora, D. Cargo Library Sec 05 – 1pm-4pm Tue/Thurs Sec 07 – 5pm-8pm TR Raton, Alternative School Location: LCC Springer, Rm 108
Sec 06 – 5:30pm-8:30pm Mon/Wed Location: LCC Classes Mora, David begin Cargo June Library 7 Sec 07 – 5pm-8pm Tue/Thur Location: Raton, Alternative School
Sec 08 – 4:30pm-5:30pm Tue/Thur Location: Wagon MoundADULT High School BASIC EDUCATION Sec 09 – 5pm-8pm Tue/Thur At minimum, students should attend 12 hours that are inclusive of orientation, Location: Las Vegas Detention Center enrollment, assessment and placement. Depending upon individual assessment, every student will be placed in an academically appropriate level of instruction. Once the student is ready to take the official GED, the student will be given a post- English as a Second Language (ESL)test. Sec 01-5pm-8pm Tue/Thur StudentsLocation: register Main at Campus, the Adult STU Basic 206 Education Department located in the Student Services Center on the LCC Campus, or at the supplemental off-site location with Sec 02-5:30-8:30pm Tue/Thurs the instructor during the specified class time. Dependent upon funding, all Location: LCC Santa Rosa, Rm 101 classes and hours are subject to change. For additional information, Sec 03-3pm-6pm Mon/Wed please call: Location: Pecos High School 505-454-2531 or 1-800-588-7232, extension 1238 or 1239. For Summer 2011, all ABE classes begin June 7. 6
Luna Community College Community Education Non-credit Registration Form
Course number ______Course Title ______Course number ______Course Title ______Course number ______Course Title ______
1. Social Security Number: ______(optional)
2. Name______Last First Middle
3. Mailing Address: ______Street/PO Box
______City State Zip Code
4. Home Telephone Number:______Work TelephoneNumber:______
The following voluntary information is needed to aid in establishing and maintaining educational programs with equal opportunity for all groups. All information will be kept confidential.
5. Gender: _____Female _____Male 6. Date of Birth: ______
7. Check Appropriate Ethnic Origin:
___(1) American Indian/Alaska Native ___(5) Non-Resident Alien ___(2) Asian American/Pacific Islander ___(6) Unknown/No response ___(3) Black, Non-Hispanic ___(7) White, Non-Hispanic ___(4) Hispanic
STATEMENT OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICIES Luna Community College is in compliance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendment of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Luna Community College does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, or gender in its policies, practices, or procedures. This provision includes, but is not limited to admissions, employment, financial aid and educational services.
STATEMENT OF APPLICANT I certify that the information furnished on this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree that once I am admitted to Luna Community College, for purposes of attending Community Education courses, I will become familiar with and will observe the school’s policies and regulations.
Circle form of payment: Cash / Check / Credit Card -- Visa / Master Card / Discover
Credit Card # ______Expiration ______Signature______Date ______7