Premier Volleyball of Delaware

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Premier Volleyball of Delaware

2017-2018 Premier Volleyball of Delaware (PREMIER) Player/Parent Expectations

My daughter/son and I, her/his legal guardian, have read through the entire Premier Volleyball of Delaware Program Guidelines, Expectations and Travel policies together thoroughly. We feel we have a complete understanding of what is expected of us to remain in good standing with the program during the season. We agree to follow these guidelines and to make every effort to live up to these expectations. We will follow the PREMIER, USA volleyball and CHRVA Region rules and regulations as set forth by each organization.




Attendance: Players are expected to attend all practices and tournaments. Excused Absences:  School events and any other prearranged activities with the Club Director in which the player is directly involved. Notify your coach in advance, preferably by giving him/her a schedule of events that will cause the athlete to be absent.  Illness that results in the player missing school. Notify the coach prior to practice.

Consequences: Loss of playing time (1 set) per occurrence at the next tournament the player attends as long as it does not directly affect the team to compete at the tournament. For example, if only 6 players attend the tournament the coach would need to delay the 1 set infractions to the next tournament.

All other absences are considered unexcused.

Unexcused Absences Consequences: Loss of playing time (2 sets) per occurrence at the next tournament the player attends as long as it does not directly affect the team to compete at the tournament. For example, if a player would leave the tournament and only 6 players were left to compete in the tournament the coach would need to delay the 2 set infraction to the next tournament.

Excessive absences will result in a meeting between the player, parent, coaches and club director and may result in removal from the team. More than three unexcused absences are deemed to be excessive. Club Director may reduce consequences if this is an unusual circumstance and rare situation. Players are expected to be at practice on time (10 minutes prior to start time) Injured players unable to play are still expected to be at practice and tournaments unless excused by Coach. Injured players/parents are also required to pay ALL fees to Premier in full by February 1, 2018.

SAFETY: Please make coaches aware of allergies (EpiPen), inhalers or other medical conditions or devices that may be required. Please report injuries to coaches immediately.

SOCIAL MEDIA: 1. Please be considerate of others and use common sense

2. Please think clearly before you type

3. Please be aware of the facts

4. Please be aware of privacy issues

5. Please note its permanent and will never be deleted

6. Please only share positive stories and pictures

7. Please refrain from negative comments and complaints

8. Please post/text/email/tweet/blog, etc. only something you would want someone to post/text/email/tweet/blog, etc. about YOU, YOUR DAUGHTER /SON or PREMIER in a positive light.

9. Please be nice, kind and play fair

10. Please think twice or three times before using social media when you are upset, angry or annoyed, please give yourself 48 hours before you use social media when having these emotions. REMEMBER you CAN’T take it back!

Practice Expectations : Players are expected to: 1) Premier gear must be worn, except on a few dates designate by your coach for special events.

2) Put up and take down nets.

3) COUNT volleyballs before and after practice.

4) Be ready to begin practice at the appointed time.

5) Shag balls during all drills, and count balls after practice. 6) Support teammates when not directly involved in the drill.

7) Give 100% during all drills.

8) Respect and comply with decisions and directions of the coaching staff.

9) Maintain a positive and productive attitude throughout practice.

10) No cell phones during practice time.

11) Lack of commitment to your team will require a meeting with Club Director, coaches, player and parents. (No refund will be issued).

` Tournament Expectations: Players are expected to: 1) When players attend a tournament, players will ALWAYS be in Premier gear. We would like to see the parents and fans in Premier gear as well. Thank you.

2) NO player should drive to or from a tournament (unless local-coach decision).

3) If your team is in a “stay to play” tournament, you will be required to stay in the hotel arrangements booked by Premier.

4) Arrive at the meeting place on time.

5) Have all equipment and uniforms.

6) Help manage team equipment.

7) Stay as team in the designated area.

8) Travel in groups of 2 or more players or with an adult.

9) No cell phones on bench or during tournament play. Coaches may address excessive cell phone use if it is impacting the team.

10) Be ready to play before the start of the official warm-up time. Excessive lateness to tournaments may result in less playtime or other consequences.

11) Support teammates both on and off the court.

12) Display sportsmanlike conduct at all times.

13) Remember, players play, coaches coach, and referees referee.

Failure to comply with the above practice and tournament expectations will result in a reduction or loss of playing time. Fees must still be paid in full.

As a member of Premier Volleyball of Delaware, smoking and the consumption of alcohol or other illicit drugs is strictly prohibited. If you choose to participate in those activities, you are also choosing to NOT play volleyball for PREMIER. Players found violating this policy will be removed from the team.

Parents/Coaches: Please refrain from alcohol use if you plan on being court side. Remember, there is a time and place when alcohol consumption is appropriate, but not while your daughter/son is playing.

 If a player is removed from a team due to disciplinary reasons, the parent/guardian is still responsible for all club fees as well as any expenses incurred on behalf of the player (airfare, hotel, etc…)

Reminder: All fees are nonrefundable once you have accepted a position on a team with Premier.


1. My daughter/son wants to be part of this team, wants to receive instruction to improve her/his skills, aspires to become a more competitive player, and wants to be a contributing member of a team.

2. We understand the parents and players are expected to be supportive, cooperative, and considerate of the coaches, players, and parents throughout the entire season. Any behavior which is deemed to be inappropriate, disruptive, harmful, disrespectful, or undermining in any way will not be tolerated; especially excessive sideline coaching! A player’s good standing in this program and/or playing time could be affected should this occur.

3. Players are expected to make every effort to attend every practice and tournament on time. Concessions will only be made for school based activities which require an ongoing commitment, if the times overlap. Other reasons deemed legitimate by the coach may be considered excused such as; illness and family emergencies. The coaches do understand there can be extenuating circumstances; if so, please discuss your situation with the coach.

4. We know our daughter’s/son’s team will practice two times a week and possible extra sessions or a make-up practice. I understand I am responsible for making arrangements for transportation for my daughter/son to and from practices and tournaments. We understand when a player misses practices it will impact upon the efficiency and success of the entire team.

5. We understand the coaches will determine the amount of playing time each player will receive, equal playing time will NOT occur but players will play in each tournament (unless consequences were imposed). Several factors will determine which players will receive the most playing time; position, attitude, aggressiveness, leadership, and consistency of skill execution during practices and match play. Playing time and positions will be determined by the coaches through observations at practices and tournaments. Players must earn their playing time and position. Again equal playing time is NOT promised. Players will receive playing time during pool play but once the team is in medal contention the coach will play the players he/she feels will give the team the best chance to win.

6. If a player has any concerns, the player should approach the coach first to try and resolve any issues before a parent intervenes.

7. Parents may express their concerns to the coach only after their daughter/son has made an attempt to meet with the coach and if the player still has unresolved concerns. Please approach the coaches with respect at an appropriate time (not at a tournament). Your daughter/son will be present when a parent(s) request a meeting with a coach.

8. Please follow the 24 hour rule before approaching the coach if you have a concern – wait 24 hours before you speak with the coach, send an email or schedule a meeting time that does not interfere with practice time unless the coach approves that time.

9. I, as the guardian, will pay the club fee in FULL for this season, once the player accepts the position on a team at Premier Volleyball of Delaware. I, as the legal guardian, will make my payments on time. Payment structure is 50% due November 22, 2017, 50% due February 1, 2018, the actual amounts are located on the website based on the Division in which your daughter/son participants and the age or sometimes may pay more based on schedule adjustments requested by the coach and team. Until 50% of the fees are received the player will NOT receive any apparel from PREMIER Also, lack of payment will be a reason for loss of playing time.

10. When parents and players leave practices and tournament sites they are expected to take everything out with them that they brought in, including trash. We agree it is not the job of the coaches, custodians, or tournament hosts to clean up after us. It is our responsibility to keep the facilities free of mess.

11. Parents are welcome to remain and watch practices if you refrain from any “sideline coaching” or interrupting practice. 12. Every player needs to demonstrate their willingness to work hard to become the best athlete they can by making every effort to correct what they are doing incorrectly and to follow coaching advice during games and practices.

13. Players are encouraged to communicate with their coaches in a respectful manner at all times.

14. Every player should have lots of spirit and always display a positive attitude toward their teammates, their coaches, officials and opponents.

15. Players who arrive late to a tournament; depending upon the reason, may be penalized by loss of playing time.

16. The coaches respectfully ask the parents to please only offer positive comments from the stands and refrain from making any disparaging remarks. Any sideline coaching deemed to be disruptive to the player and/or team that interferes with the coach’s efforts to work with the team and individual players will not be tolerated. Constant interference from a parent can be grounds for removal of the parent from the gym or their daughter/son from the team. Fees are still due in FULL.

17. It is important that players eat healthy food and remain hydrated throughout tournament days.

18. The players will be given work assignments at each tournament. The players will be assigned to specific work teams. Each player is expected to complete their work assignments willingly and responsibly. Players and interested parents are encouraged to take the scorekeeping and official training to support the teams in their work assignments. We understand even though my daughter/son may not be working a match at the end of a tournament, she is expected to stay until the entire team is free to leave. All head coaches and assistant coaches directly involved with a team must be certified in scoring and refereeing.

19. Each team will need to select a “Team mom or dad” to help with communication between the team parents and coaches as well as help with administrative tasks.

20. Weather may be an issue during the season for practices and tournaments. Unfortunately, if weather is an issue for practices we may not make up the practice time. If a tournament(s) are canceled PREMIER will do its best to try to find another tournament, but does not promise as the season is scheduled to end April 2018.

21. Travel Policy will need to be signed in addition to this agreement, see Appendix A.

22. If a team qualifies for Nationals, the expense incurred to go to Nationals is NOT covered in the original fee provided. If a team qualifies for Nationals, the team MUST go.

23. PREMIER will have an advisory parent committee that will meet a couple of times during the year. Please understand this does not have anything to do with your daughter/son’s playing time or anything a coach handles, it is to help with the Administration of the Club as a whole. Thank you!

24. Please note that not every situation or circumstance can be listed in this agreement, I shall consult the Directors of PREMIER regarding any questions not answered in this agreement. PREMIER reserves the right to make changes to this agreement through emails addresses (provided by you) or information posted on the website.

Appendix A

Premier Volleyball of Delaware (PREMIER) Travel Policy

Premier Volleyball of Delaware has established policies to guide our travel to minimize one-on-one interactions and reduce the risk of abuse or misconduct. Adherence to these travel guidelines will increase player safety and improve the player’s experience while keeping travel a fun and enjoyable experience.

We distinguish between travel to training, practice and local tournaments (“local travel”) and team travel involving an overnight stay (“team travel”).

Local Travel

Local travel occurs when Premier does not sponsor, coordinate or arrange for travel.

 Players and/or their parents/guardian are responsible for making all arrangements for local travel. The team and its coaches, managers or administrators should avoid responsibility for arranging or coordinating local travel. It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to ensure the person transporting the minor player maintains the proper safety and legal requirements, including but not limited to: a valid driver’s license, automobile liability insurance, a vehicle in safe working order, and compliance with applicable state laws.

 The coaches, administration and/or volunteers of Premier or one of its teams, who are not also acting as a parent, should not drive alone with an unrelated minor player.

Team Travel

Team travel is overnight travel that occurs when Premier or one of its teams or designees sponsors, coordinates or arranges for travel so that the team can compete locally, regionally or nationally. Because of the greater distances, coaches, staff, volunteers and chaperones will often travel with the players.

 When possible, Premier will provide reasonable advance notice before team travel. Travel notice will also include designated team hotels for overnight stays as well as a contact person within Premier or the team. This individual will be the point of contact to confirm your intention to travel and to help with travel details. Stay to play tournaments requires the players, parents and coaches to stay in our block of rooms.

 Regardless of gender, a coach shall not share a hotel room or other sleeping arrangements with a minor player (unless the coach is the parent, guardian or sibling of the player).

 The coach or his/her designee may establish a curfew by when all players must be in their hotel rooms or in a supervised location. Regular monitoring and curfew checks may be made of each room by at least two properly background screened adults o Parents and guardians are responsible for making sure the curfews are followed. o Exceptions to curfews must be approved and communicated to the coach. . For those exceptions, the player must be with their parent or guardian after the curfew.

 After teams have completed competition for the day, they will be released to their parents or guardians who will become responsible for their supervision. o Parents and/or guardians need to be aware of where and whom their children are with during non-competition hours.

 Individual meetings between a coach and a player may NOT occur in hotel sleeping rooms and must be held in public settings or with additional adults present, with at least one of those adults being the same gender as the player.

 Every player must stay with a parent or guardian in the hotel. o If a player is not traveling with their parent or guardian, the player’s coach, as well as the club personnel must be informed in writing who they have appointed as their child’s guardian during the trip. o The parent or guardian of the child who will be staying with another parent should email Premier their authorization, as well as state Premier, its Coaches or Directors has NO direct responsibility.

 No coach shall at any time be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while performing their coaching and/or chaperoning duties.  In all cases involving travel, parents have the responsibility to transport their daughter/son.

 Prior to any travel, coaches will endeavor to make players and parents aware of all expectations and rules. Coaches will also support parents or guardians and/or participate in the monitoring of the players for adherence to curfew restrictions and other travel rules.

 If disciplinary action against a player is required while the player is traveling without his/her parents, then except where immediate action is necessary, parents will be notified before any action is taken, or immediately after.

 Players are not to leave the competition venue, the hotel, restaurant or any other place at which the team has gathered without the permission/knowledge of the coach o Parents or guardians are responsible for their child's supervision after official team activities are done (i.e. playing, dinners, etc.). If a parent leaves their child at the hotel for whatever reason (i.e. visiting relatives, business, etc.). They must inform the coach/club personnel who is supervising their child while they are away from the hotel.

 When visiting public places as a club/team such as shopping malls, movie theatres, etc., players will stay in groups of no less than three person unless they are with their parents… i.e. Parent takes kids to the drugstore and she does not need to be with three other kids. Athletes ages 14 and under will be accompanied by a parent, guardian or coaches.

 Safety Policies o Additional guidelines to be established as needed by the coaches; o Respect the privacy of each other;

 Behavior Policies o Be quiet and respect the rights of teammates and others in the hotel; o Be prompt and on time; o Respect travel vehicles; and o Use appropriate behavior in public facilities, including language;

Premier prohibits all types of physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, bullying, threats, harassment and hazing, all as described in the USA Volleyball SafeSport Handbook.

By signing this agreement, we agree to adhere to all of the guidelines and expectations. We also agree that it takes the commitment of the players and coaches with the support of the parents to contribute to the success of this team and to encourage the amount of growth my daughter will experience over the course of the season. 2017-2018 Premier Volleyball of Delaware (PREMIER) Player/Parent Expectations

By signing this agreement we agree to adhere to all of the guidelines and expectations. We also agree that it takes the commitment of the players and the support of the parents to contribute to the success of this team and to encourage the amount of growth my daughter/son will experience over the course of the season.

Please note you are required to pay club dues in full even if parent or player violates a PREMIER, Region or USA policy. All club fees must be paid by Feb 1, 2017. Please understand that if your fee is NOT paid your daughter/son will NOT participant in tournaments and practices.

Signature of the legal guardian: ______Date______

Printed name of the legal guardian: ______

Signature of the player: ______Date______

Printed name of the player: ______

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