
Materials: All you need is; spoons, playing cards, paper & pencil

Set up the game. The number of players minus one equals the number of spoons needed to be placed in the center of the table.

Select someone to be the dealer. Break up the cards into sets of four of a kind; for example, four jacks. Depending on the number of players, pull out an equal number of card sets for the game. Shuffle the cards and deal four cards to each player.

Begin the game. Each player continually passes one card from their hand to the player on their left until someone gets four of a kind. When a player achieves this, they must try and discreetly pick up a spoon from the center of the table and place it in front of them. After this, all other players must try and pick up a spoon. Whoever does not pick up the spoon loses the game and is considered out of play. more about "spoons"