“Implementing training activities for teachers and instructors at the school level”

in the context of the ETF support Project

“Establish and pilot the functions of Units for CPD for teachers and instructors at the level of VET provider”

Dates: July 07 – 08, 2016

“Beqir Çela” School, Shkozet, Durrës

Training Objective: To introduce participants with the types and forms of training activities for teachers and instructors, and to develop their skills for planing, organising and implementing training activities on the school/center level.

Training participants: Representatives of 4 schools, identified as the member of CPD units at the school/center level.

Duration of the training (Block 2): 2 days (12 hours)

Trainers: Mirela Andoni; Alqi Mustafai


Training agenda:

Day 1 Date 07.07.2016

Time Topics/activities Trainers 09:00 – 09:30 Introduction M. Andoni  Welcome remarks F.Mërkuri A. Mustafai  Presentation of the program, aim and objectives of the training  Presentation of organizational and logistic aspects of the training  Review on main objectives, activities of the project and the role and duties of the participants in the project  Short report from participants for the process of training needs analysis on the VET provider level 09:30 – 11:00 Session I: Types and selection criteria of training activities A. Mustafai at the VET provider level M. Andoni  Brainstorming on personal experiences of participants in regards to the training activities  Presentation: The most typical training activities applied at the VET provider level, and the respective criteria for selection  Questions – responses and open discussions 11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break 11:30 – 13:00 Session II: The main characteristics of grouped training activities (seminars) M. Andoni  Presentation: The specifics of training seminar planning process: A. Mustafai The main factors considered for preparing and implementing the training seminar The training seminar agenda The elements of the training agenda (objectives, contents, methods, time alocation)  Group work: Preparation of the training seminar agenda  Presentation of the group work and open discussions.

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch 14:00 – 16:00 Session III: Organisation and implementation of grouped training (seminar).  Presentation: The measures taken for implementation of the training A. Mustafai seminar: M. Andoni Analysis of the training seminar program Preparation of presentations and supporting materials. Preparation of the training seminar environment and media The logistic aspects of the training seminar  Group work for planning and implementing the training seminar.  Presentation of the group work and open discussions.


16:00 – 16:30 Closure of the first day  Summary of the key issues of the first day M. Andoni  Questions – responses and open discussions

Day 2 Date 08.07.2016

Time Topics/activities Trainers 09:00 – 09:30 Opening of the second day  Review of the key issues covered in the first training day A. Mustafai  Question – responses and open discussions  Presentation of the agenda for the second day 09:30 – 11:00 Session I: Other types of training activities at the school/center level M. Andoni  Presentation: Main characteristics of some training activities at the A. Mustafai school/centre level: Exchange of experiences (open lesson, fairs, practical competitions, visits on other schools, focused discussions, social networks, dedicated networks etc.). Exchange experienc in the business Individual study (books, materials from the internet, education videos) Individual / group work on case studies and projects. Group work for curricula development at the school level  Questions – responses and open discussions 11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break 11:30 – 13:00 Session II: Other training activities at the school/center level (continuation) M. Andoni  Presentation: Main characteristics of training activities at the A. Mustafai school/centre level (continuation) Participation in symposiums, conferences, video-conferences Participation in interactive portals Attendance of on-line courses (webinar) Mentoring and coaching Development and exchange of teacher portfolios Visits and exchange with businesses  Questions – responses and open discussions 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break 14:00 – 16:00 Session III: Planing and organising of training activities at the school/center level.  Presentation: Characteristics of planning training activities at the A. Mustafai school/center: M. Andoni Factors considered to plan training activities The template and main rubrics for developing an annual plan for training teachers/instructors 3

The cost calculation for training events The main ways for raising funds for training activities Measures for implementing training activities at the school/center level • Group work: Design of the annual plan for training of teachers and instructors  Presentation of the group work and open discussions. 16:00 – 16:30 Closure of the training  Summary of the key issues of the second day M. Andoni  Questions – responses and open discussions  Next steps and tasks for the participants  Closure of the training