National Qualifications
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Years 11, 12 and 13
National Qualifications (including NCEA)
Student Handbook 2015
v p D:\Docs\2018-04-09\0fb7adfa3f59e5a4d5344a8bfae656cd.docx 2 Years 11, 12 and 13
All senior students will be working towards at least one of the three National Certificates of Educational Achievement (NCEA). Credits gained can also be used to work towards other National Certificates which are more subject specific. Subject teachers will have more detailed information, if the certificates are available.
National Certificate of Education Achievement - NCEA
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
80 credits 80 credits 80 credits 10 Level 1 literacy credits 60 must be at Level 2 or 3 60 must be at Level 3 and 10 Level 1 (the balance could be from the balance at Level 2 or 3 numeracy those achieved at Level 1) credits
Credits Credits can be accumulated over more than one year. If a unit and an achievement standard assess the same learning outcome, only the credits for ONE standard can be counted. In other words they are 'mutually exclusive'. A list of such exclusions is published each year.
Level 1 Numeracy and Literacy
The Level 1 literacy and numeracy requirements must be met to achieve NCEA Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. There is a minimum requirement of 10 literacy credits and 10 numeracy credits.
These literacy and numeracy credits can be gained in two ways, either:
From the literacy or numeracy Unit Standards (10 credits) or From a selection of approved Achievement Standards as listed on the NZQA website.
Note: it is not possible to get Level 1 literacy or numeracy from a combination of the two methods outlined above. v p D:\Docs\2018-04-09\0fb7adfa3f59e5a4d5344a8bfae656cd.docx A student’s Record of Achievement will indicate how the literacy and numeracy credits were gained.
More information at:
NZQA web link: Secondary Schools and Teachers >> Literacy and Numeracy for Level 1
University Entrance
Students will need all of the following to be awarded University Entrance:
Attain NCEA Level 3
Achieve 14 credits at Level 3 in each of three subjects from the list of approved subjects. The list of approved subjects will consist of subjects derived from the New Zealand Curriculum with achievement standards at Level 3
Achieve UE numeracy – 10 credits at Level 1 and above from specific achievement standards, or three specific numeracy unit standards
Achieve UE literacy – 10 credits (five in reading and five in writing) at Level 2 and above from specific standards.
Note: NZQA Website: “For Learners” section has a lot of useful information.
Certificate Endorsement
A certificate will be endorsed with Excellence where a student has 50 Excellence credits at the level of the NCEA certificate or above. Where the student has a combination of 50 credits of Merit or Excellence at the level of the certificate or above, they will be entitled to a Merit endorsement.
Course Endorsement Course endorsements provide recognition for a student who has performed exceptionally well in an individual course. Students will gain an endorsement for a course if, in a single school year, they achieve: 14 or more credits at Merit or Excellence, and at least 3 of these credits from externally assessed standards and 3 credits from internally assessed standards. Note, this does not apply to Physical Education and Level 3 Visual Arts. A course endorsement is not a qualification. A course endorsement can be gained independently of a qualification. For example, a student may achieve a Merit endorsement for their Level 2 Mathematics course, regardless of whether they achieve NCEA Level 2.
4 Course/Assessment Outlines and Assessment Policy
To help manage assessment all students will receive a course/assessment description and assessment details for each subject.
The course description shows which standards are assessed internally during the year, which are externally assessed in an exam at the end of the year and their credit value. It also gives estimates of assessment dates. Teachers may make changes to this information as the course progresses.
The summary of the College’s assessment policy as it applies to each subject needs to be read and followed carefully. Procedures will vary slightly from subject to subject.
All internal assessments must follow our Waimea College assessment policy. The policy is briefly outlined below.
v p D:\Docs\2018-04-09\0fb7adfa3f59e5a4d5344a8bfae656cd.docx Internal Assessment Policy
Authenticity of student work
Many of the assessments that are undertaken at Waimea College are of an assignment/research type. It is appropriate for students to learn from others at home and gather information from a variety of sources. However, the student needs to process and produce the assessment themselves.
If a standard is assessed by the student doing some, or all, of the work out of class time or unsupervised, then the student must sign an authenticity statement stating that the work is their own. Often, students will be required to show evidence of the progress of their work at ‘check points’ and this is part of the authenticity process. Any breach of these conditions will result in no credits being awarded for that standard. An appeal of any such decision is possible to Ms van Tiggele.
Consequences of misconduct
Students found to be using other people’s work without acknowledgment, not following the formal assessment conditions outlined or disrupting other students’ assessment opportunities will not be awarded credits for that standard. HODs will forward detailed information and the decision to the Principal’s Nominee, Ms van Tiggele. Parents/Caregivers will be informed. The decision may be appealed to the Principal’s Nominee (see the appeals section).
Extension of time
Extension of time may be granted to hand in assignments if something (beyond your control) prevents the deadline being met. You must see your teacher as soon as you are aware of the need for an extension. Supporting evidence may be required. It may not be possible in all cases to grant an extension. Approval will not be given for situations such as non-urgent medical appointments, dental, hair, driving and counselling appointments, family holidays or working.
Absence from an assessment will usually result in “Not Achieved” for that standard. If another assessment opportunity can be scheduled, the student will be able to do the assessment at that time, but this will not always be possible. The course outline sheet and department policy should be checked carefully as it will indicate whether another opportunity can be offered.
Further assessment opportunities
(For internally assessed Achievement Standards and Unit Standards only)
Where practicable, each student will have one further opportunity for achievement. This may, in some circumstances, be a resubmission of corrected or improved work. In some standards, due to the nature of the assessment, a further opportunity will not be available. The course outline sheet and department policy should be checked carefully as it will indicate whether another opportunity can be offered.
Approved trips
6 Where an approved school trip clashes with an assessment or a deadline to hand in work, the student may request approval for another assessment opportunity or extension. This request should be made at least five days before the trip. This may not be possible in all cases.
If no agreement is reached with the teacher or HOD regarding the extension of time given for assignments, further opportunities for achievement, the grade allocated or accusations of misconduct, you can formally appeal.
The student should complete the appropriate appeal form and see Ms van Tiggele as soon as possible after seeing the teacher and/or HOD to discuss the issue. If a student is unsure about the procedures, then they should talk to Ms van Tiggele.
The appeal forms are at the back of this booklet.
Special Assistance for National Qualifications Exams
Students with permanent disabilities or long-term learning difficulties which significantly impair their performance in exams may be eligible for reader and/or writer assistance, an extension of time or special sitting conditions. Students are identified during the first few years at Waimea College, and have been notified. If you have any concerns or questions regarding special assistance see Ms van Tiggele or Mrs Dungan.
Exams and Derived Grades
A school assessment week will occur in Term 3 and will involve assessments, including practice assessments for external assessments. The grades achieved in these practice assessments will provide evidence for a possible derived grade if an external assessment is missed.
If a student is unable to sit some NZQA external exams in November due to reasons such as sudden illness or injury or family bereavement they can apply for a derived grade to Ms van Tiggele. A derived grade will require the school to provide evidence of the standard a student has reached. This evidence needs to be gained from a formal assessment – either school exams or common tests.
In some circumstances other evidence may be considered. The Principal’s Nominee (Ms van Tiggele) is responsible for collecting evidence from subject teachers and making applications as outlined by NZQA. All enquiries should be made to Ms van Tiggele.
Homework v p D:\Docs\2018-04-09\0fb7adfa3f59e5a4d5344a8bfae656cd.docx It is essential that students complete some work at home – consolidating class work, revising for assessments, and completing assignments. Senior students can expect 10-12 hours homework per week (an average of 2 hours per subject per week).
Students wanting to withdraw from Qualifications
Withdrawal from a standard can be done through the subject teacher/HOD.
Withdrawal from a subject can only be done through the Tutor who must liaise with the subject teacher/parents/and student to formalise an agreed arrangement.
Fees 2015
The National Qualification Authority charges a single flat fee for all NCEA assessment.
. $76.70 for domestic students . $383.30 for international fee payers . $30.00 Scholarship fee per subject
Waimea College will collect this fee at the Finance Centre during Term 3.
Financial Assistance
Many families are eligible for financial assistance. The 2015 rules are outlined below:
Financial assistance is available to assist with the payment of entry fees to National Secondary Schools Qualifications. To be eligible to apply you must be the fee payer and meet at least one of the following criteria:
. Be receiving a Work and Income or Study Link benefit.
. Have a joint family income that would entitle the applicant to receive a Community Services Card.
. Have more than one child in the family undertaking these qualifications in the same year, irrespective of income, and the total fees to pay are higher than $200.
You cannot claim financial assistance for foreign fee paying students.
Forms and information will be sent out in Terms 2 and 3. 8 For information about fees please see the Finance Centre.
Approved University Entrance subjects offered at Waimea College in 2015:
Accounting History Agriculture and Horticulture Japanese Biology Materials Technology Business Studies Materials Technology with Textiles Calculus Mathematics Classical Studies Mechanical Engineering Technology Chemistry Media Studies Dance Music Design and Visual Communication Physical Education Digital Technologies Physics Drama Statistics Economics Visual Art - Design English Visual Art - Painting French Visual Art - Photography Geography Health Education
Remember: University Entrance gets you into University but universities publish details of entry criteria for particular courses and have their own ‘points’ requirements for automatic entry.
The teacher-in-charge of Scholarship is Ms Caroline Foster.
The NCEA flat fee of $76.70. It will cost $30.00 per subject for entry into a New Zealand Scholarship. Scholarship is a monetary award to recognise top students. It does not attract credits nor contribute towards a qualification, but the fact that a student has gained a Scholarship appears on the Record of Achievement. The Scholarship exams enable students to be assessed against challenging standards, and are demanding for the most able students in each subject. Scholarship students are expected to demonstrate high-level critical thinking, abstraction and generalisation, and to integrate, synthesise and apply knowledge, skills, understanding and ideas to complex situations.
Scholarship 2015 Subjects
The following subjects are available for Scholarship in 2014, but not all the courses are offered at Waimea College. It may be possible to enrol in a course through the Correspondence School to become eligible to enter for a Scholarship. v p D:\Docs\2018-04-09\0fb7adfa3f59e5a4d5344a8bfae656cd.docx NZ Scholarship Subject List for 2015 Accounting French Te Reo Maori Agricultural and Horticultural Science Geography Te Reo Rangatira Art History German Visual Arts – Design Biology History Visual Arts – Painting Calculus Japanese Visual Arts – Printmaking Chemistry Latin Visual Arts – Photography Chinese Media Studies Visual Arts – Sculpture Classical Studies Music Dance Physical Education Design and Visual Communication Physics Drama Samoan Earth and Space Science Spanish Economics Statistics English Technology
10 Scholarship Eligibility and Awards
Scholarship candidates need to be enrolled full-time at a New Zealand secondary school or wharekura in the year of examination, undertaking a course in the applicable areas of learning.
There are 5 classes or levels of monetary awards. These range in value from $500 per subject to $10,000 each year for three years.
There are conditions which govern these awards:
1. Where a candidate meets the criteria for more than one award, he or she will receive only the award of the highest monetary value in most circumstances. However, if a candidate receives a Top Subject Scholar Award, and also gets Scholarship in other subjects he or she will also receive one $500 Single Subject Award.
2. Eligible candidates can defer taking up the monetary awards for one year.
3. Scholarship Awards cannot be aggregated over a period of time. A candidate needs to attain Scholarship Awards in the same year to be eligible for the top three monetary awards (Scholarship Award, Outstanding Scholar Award and Premier Award).
4. To be eligible for a monetary award a candidate must:
be either a New Zealand citizen or a permanent resident be enrolled in tertiary study in New Zealand in the years they receive monetary awards maintain a 'B' grade average during their tertiary study in order for them to receive one of the monetary awards over a three year period.
5. International fee paying candidates are not eligible for the Scholarship monetary awards. However, they will have their Scholarship success recorded on their Record of Achievement.
6. All Scholarship Awards will be recorded on the candidate's Record of Achievement.
v p D:\Docs\2018-04-09\0fb7adfa3f59e5a4d5344a8bfae656cd.docx Scholarship Monetary Awards
Premier Awards $10,000 each year for three years (for the very At least five or more Scholarships with at top 5-10 students) as long as they maintain at least three at "Outstanding" level and who had least a "B" grade average in tertiary studies a top ten performance in at least one subject.
Outstanding Scholar Awards $5,000 each year for three years (for the top At least two Scholarships at "Outstanding" 40-60 students) as long as they maintain at level plus at least one at "Scholarship" level, least a "B" grade average in tertiary studies or one Scholarship at "Outstanding" level plus four or more at "Scholarship" level
Top Subject Scholarship Awards $2,000 each year for three years as long as Top of Subject students maintain at least a "B" grade in tertiary studies
Scholarship Award $2,000 each year for three years as long as 3 or more Scholarships students maintain at least a "B" grade average in tertiary studies
Single Subject Awards A "one-off" award of $500 per subject (maximum payment is $1,000)
Fill in the top section, and hand in to Ms van Tiggele as soon as possible after the assessment has been returned to you and you have seen the teacher and HOD.
Name: Date of Application:
Subject: Name of Teacher:
Standard number and title: Level:
Date of assessment or due date:
Reason for appeal: (please tick one)
I have discussed the situation with my subject teacher and HOD in the first instance
I would like Ms van Tiggele to reconsider the decision to not award credits due to misconduct. 12 My reasons for this request are: (please explain, using an extra sheet if needed)
Decision NZQA Liaison:
The grade awarded by the teacher stands.
The grade awarded has been changed to: ______
The reason for this decision has been explained to me and I accept the decision.
Signed: ______Date: ______(Student)
Signed: ______Date: ______(NZQA Liaison)
Fill in the top section, and hand in to Ms van Tiggele as soon as possible after the assessment has been returned to you and you have seen the teacher and HOD.
Name: Date of Application:
Subject: Name of Teacher:
Standard number and title: Level:
Grade awarded:
Date of assessment or due date: v p D:\Docs\2018-04-09\0fb7adfa3f59e5a4d5344a8bfae656cd.docx Reason for appeal: (please tick one)
I have discussed my grade with my subject teacher and HOD in the first instance.
I would like Ms van Tiggele to reconsider my grade.
My reasons for this request are: (please explain, using an extra sheet if needed)
Decision NZQA Liaison:
The grade awarded by the teacher stands.
The grade awarded has been changed to: ______
The reason for this decision has been explained to me and I accept the decision.
Signed: ______Date: ______(Student)
Signed: ______Date: ______(NZQA Liaison)
APPEAL APPLICATION FORM - Time Extension - Further assessment opportunity
Fill in the top section, and hand in to Ms van Tiggele as soon as possible after the assessment has been returned to you and you have seen the teacher and HOD.
Name: Date of Application:
Subject: Name of Teacher:
Standard number and title: Level:
14 Type of assessment (practical, assignment, test, etc)
Date of assessment or due date:
Reason for missing assessment: (please tick one)
Illness: medical certificate or letter from caregiver must be attached
Family/personal trauma: documentation must be attached (eg letter from parent, counsellor, or tutor group teacher)
School sporting/cultural activity: ______
Signature of teacher-in-charge of activity: ______
Reason for not allowing extension/resit (Teacher and/or HOD complete)
Decision NZQA Liaison:
Extension granted. New due date: ______
New assessment date granted. New date: ______
Application denied.
Comment: ______The reason for this decision has been explained to me and I accept the decision.
Signed: ______Date: ______(Student)
Signed: ______Date: ______(NZQA Liaison)
2015 Examination Timetable Date / Time NCEA Level 1 NCEA Level 2 NCEA Level 3 Scholarship 9.30am Drama Fri 6 Nov 2.00pm WEEKEND 9.30am Mathematics Te Reo Maori Mon 9 Nov 2.00pm English 9.30am Science Earth & Space Science Making Music Biology Tues 10 Nov 2.00pm Mathematics 9.30am Music English Wed 11 Nov 2.00pm Te Reo Maori Home Economics Chemistry Samoan 9.30am Geography Te Reo Maori Home Economics Statistics Thurs 12 Nov 2.00pm Social Studies Economics English v p D:\Docs\2018-04-09\0fb7adfa3f59e5a4d5344a8bfae656cd.docx Canterbury Anniversary Day - WEEKEND 9.30am English Biology Health Physics Mon 16 Nov 2.00pm Media Studies Music Studies 9.30am Japanese Physics Classical Studies Tues 17 Nov 2.00pm Media Studies Drama Calculus 9.30am French Dance French Media Studies Wed 18 Nov 2.00pm Spanish Economics Spanish 9.30am Physics Samoan Geography Thurs 19 Nov 2.00pm Health French Statistics Te Reo Rangatira 9.30am Dance History Physics French Fri 20 Nov 2.00pm Biology Accounting History WEEKEND 9.30am Chemistry Te Reo Rangatira Classical Studies Mon 23 Nov 2.00pm Home Economics Ag and Hort Science Biology Accounting 9.30am Chemistry Classical Studies Earth & Space Science Music Tues 24 Nov 2.00pm History Business Studies History 9.30am Drama Japanese Geography Wed 25 Nov 2.00pm Economics Drama Calculus 9.30am Geography Japanese Economics Thurs 26 Nov 2.00pm German Latin Art History 9.30am Business Studies Media Studies Chemistry Fri 27 Nov 2.00pm Art History Chinese Latin WEEKEND 9.30am Ag and Hort Science Music Ag and Hort Science Chinese Mon 30 Nov 2.00pm Chinese Health Accounting Art History 9.30am Accounting German Japanese Tues 1 Dec 2.00pm Classical Studies Business Studies Te Reo Maori Earth & Space Science Wed 2 Dec 9.30am Chinese Spanish 2.00pm Spanish Education for Dance Ag and Hort Science Sustainability 9.30am Samoan Te Reo Rangatira Thurs 3 Dec 2.00pm Te Reo Rangatira Social Studies Samoan German 9.30am Latin Social Studies Fri 4 Dec 2.00pm Art History German Latin