“The NexGen members would like to thank you Geoff for your fantastic presentation…You kept us constantly attentive to your message through phenomenal scenery, inspirational stories, and respect for amazing accomplishments. You delivered your presentation through humour and imagery, and some NexGen members were so inspired that they are looking into the possibility of joining one of your expeditions! A big thank you goes to you for sharing your amazing story.” Bell NexGen, Bell Canada

“On behalf of our members, I would like to thank you for being our guest of honour at the 56th Annual Dinner of The Arctic Circle Club! We were fully absorbed by your talk, “Exploring Minds at Both Poles”, as you took us to both ends of the Earth.” President of The Arctic Circle Club

“Care, respect and interdependence of all living things on our planet were subtly intertwined in the awesome slide presentation which carried us to far off places most of which we could only dream of. Geoff mesmerized his audience ranging in age from 5 to 55. Each left with a greater awareness of our impact on the earth we share with all life. A truly outstanding environmental speaker!”

Crystal Beach Public School, Crystal Beach, Ontario

“Geoff’s presentation was nothing short of an inspirational tonic for the whole group. He took us far from the everyday grind of our demanding jobs. It was motivational and refreshing without being contrived or forced. Almost every team member wrote, called or stopped me later to express their appreciation for and enjoyment of Geoff’s speech.” Telus Mobility

“The Queen Elizabeth School Council would like to thank you for the exciting presentation you gave at our school. The positive feedback from teachers, students and parents has been overwhelming. The teachers saw many ways that ideas from your presentation could be used in their curriculum and several parents have commented that their children couldn’t stop talking about the presentation when they got home that evening!” Queen Elizabeth School Council

“Thank you so much for coming to our school. We had nothing to give you as a thanking gift, so our class decided to write a thank you letter to thank you for your presentation. Everyone learned a lot from your presentation. Especially me. You taught us so many things about the Arctic and Antarctic. I never knew that 98% of Antarctica was covered by ice! Everyone in my class wish you good luck on your next trip, and so do I.” Grade 6 student, Apsley Public School

“What an excellent, informative and inspirational talk you gave last night at the Royal Geographical Society. I have been to many good lectures there and yours was right up there with the very best!”

Royal Geographical Society, London, England “Thank you very much for your presentation on Saturday at the Great Canadian Challenge. It was a great break from the tension of competing and very 'geographical' at the same time. The students, and their parents, loved it. I heard many positive comments as the afternoon wore on. I was also impressed when you stayed for the semi-final round. You knew you had a drive ahead of you, yet you supported the competitors by staying. That kind of interest is certainly appreciated by me and by the students.” Lower Canada College

“Thanks again…(your talk) was fantastic and very inspirational. The feedback regarding your talk has been awesome.”

“Geoff's presentation was excellent - he was both down to earth and engaging - a rare mix - his speech was definitely the hi-light of our event.” Export Development Canada

““The Polar Regions have risen to the top of environmental concerns. Endowed especially in the high arctic, with unique and newly endangered life forms; holding a large fraction of Earth's fresh water; and subject to exceptionally rapid climate change, these remote parts of the world have a great importance for the generations immediately ahead. I'm glad that Geoff Green and Students on Ice are leading in the kind of environmental education most needed.”

Edward O. Wilson, University Research Professor Emeritus at Harvard University

“Geoff Green, who has led expeditions to both the Poles, sees young people as the future leaders and caretakers of our planet. His program makes opportunities for them and he has led close to 500 teenage students on polar expeditions”. Reader’s Digest, January 2006