Advanced Beginner Spanish
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Advanced Beginner Spanish Syllabus and Student Responsibilities
Ms. Wiegner Room B205 Phone: 610-627-6252 E-mail: [email protected] Website: (click on – Penncrest/efaculty/Wiegner)
To students and parents: ¡Hola! Welcome to Spanish! Please read the following and sign at the end to indicate you have read, understand and adhere to the information provided.
Course: This course is a basic introduction to the Spanish language. Spanish I is a full year course that uses Realidades 1 (the 2nd half, chapters 5A-9B). There is an emphasis on the mastery of the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In addition, this course provides students with an insight into everyday life in Spanish-speaking countries.
Prerequisites: A grade of “D” or better in previous level. (Spanish I or 8th grade entry)
Materials: Students should bring the following materials to class everyday (unless I indicate otherwise the day before): . Realidades 1 e-text (bring your Ipad to class each day) and workbook . A NOTEBOOK (for my class, you are not using the Ipad for note-taking) . A folder . The “myhomework” app or a personal agenda/schedule book (to keep information pertaining to homework, tests and quizzes organized) . Pen or pencil
Expectations: In order to take full advantage of the time we have in class, I expect students to observe the following guidelines: . Be seated and prepared for class when the bell rings . Raise your hand to speak or leave your seat . Respect yourself, those around you and the teacher (and their possessions) . Follow directions and complete all assignments on time . Remain alert, awake and on task during the class period Note: remember to keep in mind these 3 words- Punctual, Polite, and Prepared.
Grades: The grade earned in this class will be based on the following: Class Participation: There is a lot of communication in the target language in the class and participation is essential. However, there is more to the grade than just raising your hand.
1 Proper participation includes arrival on time, preparedness for class, and focus during class. As high school students, you are well aware of what constitutes proper classroom behavior. Participation grades are not awarded based on right answers, but rather on the student’s willingness to try. Most of the communicative activities that require speaking will be held on the block days for your period. . Homework. Homework is a useful tool to review the material taught and is a building block for the next topic or grammar point. It will be given most nights and will be checked at the beginning of class each day. Each assignment is worth 5-10 points. Homework will be posted on the board, on my website and on the homework hotline everyday, make sure to check it and write it down! Late or incomplete homework assignments will not be accepted, except in the case of an excused absence. Homework will be due the day the student returns from his/her absence (check the website!). The student is responsible for showing me their homework after being absent. . Quizzes. Students will be quizzed on material about once per week. Most quizzes will be announced, but some may be of the “pop-quiz” type. (about 4-6 per chapter) . Chapter tests. At the end of each chapter students will be evaluated in all skills- speaking, reading, writing and listening. (about 2 per quarter) . Additional assessments. In addition to mid-term and final exams, projects may also be assigned. . Midterm and Final Exams. Each of these two exams will count for 10% of your final grade.
Make up work: Getting assignments and making up work after absence is YOUR responsibility. . Ask a friend for notes missed in class and pick up any worksheets from your class folder (on the dictionary bookshelf). . Check my website. . If you miss a test or quiz, it will be dated and placed in a folder on my desk. You will schedule a date/time to make it up. (No more than a week upon return.) . When you are absent from class but are in school (i.e. sectional, field trip, early dismissal, lateness)… o Check in with me before the class you are going to miss to let me know that you will not be in class that day. o Show me your homework that is due, take any quizzes/tests, and copy down the homework for that night If you were in school to get the homework, it is due the day you return. Unexcused absences will not be able to make up work. . A Note About Academic Integrity: As outlined in the Penncrest High School Student handbook, students are expected to approach their studies in a diligent and honest manner. Any student cheating (or aiding another student to cheat) on a test or quiz, copying homework from another, using a translator or otherwise behaving in a dishonest manner will earn a grade of zero for that particular assessment, and the student’s parents will be notified.
Suggestions for Success: . ASK ASK ASK!!! If you didn’t understand something in the lesson—ASK! Your classmates might just have the same question and need clarification as well! . I will be available after school on most afternoons until about 3 or 3:30pm for any extra help, just let me know ahead of time.
2 . If on a particular night homework is not given, use the time to review the days lesson, make flashcards to learn new vocabulary, revisit old vocabulary, or watch a segment of Spanish News on Univisión or Telemundo.
Respectful and cooperative attitudes will only enhance class time and make our year a positive and enjoyable one. I hope that you will find Spanish class an exciting and interesting class!
I encourage parents and students to contact me directly if you have any questions or concerns.
I look forward to having you in class!
Please print the last page of this syllabus, sign and return to Ms. Wiegner no later than Friday September 12, 2014. ______
I have read and understood the Advanced Beginner Spanish Syllabus and Student Responsibilities, and I agree to abide by the information contained herein.
Student name______Class Period______
Student signature______
Parent signature______