Oak Harbor Garry Oak Society Meeting Minutes September 8, 2015

Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm by President Laura Renninger. Meeting held at the Whidbey Presbyterian Church.

Members present:

President Laura Renninger Duncan and Kathy Chalfant Brian and Ellen Giles Brad Gluth Rudy Knaack Kyle Renninger

Guest Speaker: Denise Crowe, Friends of the Forest

Reading of Agenda

● Presentation by Denise ● Election of OHGOS officers ● Smith Park ● Garry Oak Walking Tour ● OHGOS website status report ● Letter to NASWI Commanding Officer ● Sonobouys from Navy ● Centennial Grove discussion ● Fall acorn collection ● Determination of next meeting location and date

Approval of Minutes

● TBD at next meeting, along with meeting format/rules of order Business

● Presentation by Guest Speaker: Denise Crowe’s talk anticipated all the questions most members had about the inception and maturation of a sister organization, painting a vivid picture of how OHGOS can also anticipate and overcome similar obstacles, including: Creation of 501(c) status; Turning potential adversarial relationships into mutually beneficial relationships; Development of community resources and more. Thank you, Denise! ● Election of officers: President: Duncan Chalfant nominated Laura Renninger; seconded; passed unanimously. Vice President: Laura nominated Kathy Chalfant; seconded; passed unanimously. Secretary: Laura nominated Brian Giles; seconded; passed unanimously. Treasurer: By consent, this nomination will be held in abeyance until next meeting with more targets candidates… Technical Wizard: Kyle Renninger; volunteer. Thank you Kyle for all you do.

● Smith Park: Members discussed the evident need for signage, both interpretive within the park and directional for visitors. The former should be vandal resistant. Brad Gluth reports there are about 4 of the approximately 120 resident Garry Oaks that will need to be removed in the next 4 years or so. In addition, defunct signage from the old Whidbey Cleaners is present on public property and it would behoove OHGOS to champion/facilitate its removal. ● Garry Oak Walking Tour: Laura is in consultation with the Chamber of Commerce on this. ● OHGOS website status report: Website is up and running, and can be configured as the need presents itself. More content (pictures, links, discussion…) is welcome. ● Letter to NASWI Commanding Officer: This important step will be discussed when OHGOS member Matt Klope is in attendance. ● Surplus Sonobouys from Navy: Matt will inform us of availability. We are still researching optimal planting containers for Garry Oaks, which have very long taproots. ● Centennial Grove: Brad reports that this tract, adjacent to Highway 20 and Fakkema Road, presents an opportunity to create Garry Oak woodland on a large scale. Water is present for irrigation during the first years following planting. We will be seeking compost to enhance the growth of the trees, which, although drought and soil tolerant, benefit through optimization of soil tilth, nutrients and irrigation. Trees will need protection from varmints while they are young. Volunteers are available. ● Fall Acorn Collection: This is already happening following the recent high wind event. Brad brought viable acorns to the group with instructions on choosing and planting the acorns. Largest acorns seem to come from the skate park area near the pool. ● Date and Location of Next Meeting: October 3rd, 2015 at 0900. Brad Gluth’s residence, 961 Jensen Street, Oak Harbor. This is across the street from the oak grove at Smith Park. Please bring 1+ gallon pots for the potting party.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm