Vice-Chairman: Prof. Lew Schnurr

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Vice-Chairman: Prof. Lew Schnurr

Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on THURSDAY 19th FEBRUARY 2015 in the Main Hall, Plantation Hall, Colchester Road, Heybridge.


Chairman: Michael Edwards

Vice-Chairman: Prof. Lew Schnurr

Councillors: John Harrison Stephen Jennings Dr. Michael Blyth Ian Dobson Keith Lawson

Officers: Laurie Wiebe

Members of Public: 4 District Councillors: Bryan Harker Police: None Other Representatives: Don Benson (Heybridge Residents Association)

In the Chair: Michael Edwards

14/388 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Councillors Burmby, Perry, Davies, District Councillor Alan Cheshire.

RESOLVED that the apologies be accepted.

14/389 Chairman’s Announcements The Chairman attended the Maldon Town Council Civic Service on 25th January 2015.

The Chairman attended all but one day of the LDP Examination in Public sessions. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Prof Schnurr and Cllr. Lawson for representing the Parish Council over the three week period.

The Chairman and Vice-Chairman attended the EALC Larger Local Council Forum on 12th February 2015 at Queens Hall, Halstead.

The Chairman welcomed Denise Kemp as the new Evening/Weekend Caretaker.

164 The Chairman announced that Nicky Percy and Amanda Hilton passed First Aid at Work Course.

The Chairman invoked Standing Order Number 24 to change the order of business so that a report from Dist. Cllr. Bryan Harker could be received.

14/390 District Councillors’ and Emergency Services Report Cllr. Bryan Harker reported that:-  The Parish Council may wish to approach Stephensons Bus Service to have the bus service 95 re-routed to include Holloway Road and Heybridge Approach.  The District Council has agreed to match fund £50,000 with Essex County Council for clearance work on Wagtail Ditch. Further money may be available in the new Financial Year to create an underground attenuation pond East of the top end of Wagtail Drive.  The Heybridge Post Office will be temporarily closing in March 2015. Should the Parish Council wish to become involved, then Cllr. Harker would fully support the initiative.  Much of the advertising fly posting throughout the District has been removed by the District Council’s enforcement team following the launch of the National Fraud reporting scheme.

Cllr. Harrison enquired as to the highway works being carried out by Jacob’s Farm on Goldhanger Road. Cllr. Harker believed that the works were associated with Wagtail Ditch, however he would clarify and report back to the Clerk.

Cllr. Prof. Schnurr reported that he had been asked by Dist. Cllr. Miriam Lewis to note that the District Council was actively engaged in the initiative to devolve powers from central government to District and other tiers. The Parish Council may want to ask for professional development discussions in the future.

14/391 Minutes The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 22nd January 2015 were received. It was noted that 14/305 be amended to include bus service 90 for travel with the Tesco clubcard.

The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 5th February 2015 were received.

The minutes of the Personnel Committee meeting held on 30th January 2015 were received.

The minutes of the Events Committee meeting held on 12th February 2015 were not available.

165 It was RESOLVED that the:- i) Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 22nd January 2015 be approved and confirmed as amended.

14/392 Declarations of Discloseable Pecuniary Interests, Other Registerable Pecuniary Interests, Registerable Non-Pecuniary Interests None.

14/393 Public Participation Session Don Benson acknowledged that the Parish Council was working alongside the Residents Association and thanked the Clerk and others for their cooperation.

14/394 Co-option Members considered co-opting onto the Council to fill one of the two vacancies. Gary Young continued to express his interest in co-option.

A vote was held and the results were: 6 Yes 0 No

It was RESOLVED that Gary Young be co-opted as Member of the Parish Council.

Mr. Young signed the Declaration of Acceptance as Member of the Parish Council.

Cllr. Gary Young joined the meeting.

Cllr. Jennings joined the meeting at 7:27pm.

14/395 Planning (a) Planning applications It was RESOLVED that the District Council be informed of the comments as set out below the following applications:-

i) Application No: HOUSE/MAL/14/01264 Proposal: Proposed two storey side extension, single storey rear extension & front porch. Minor internal changes to existing dwelling, new boundary treatments, drop kerb & driveway works. Location: 37 Colchester Road, Heybridge SUPPORT

Application No: HOUSE/MAL/15/00104 Proposal: Single storey rear extension. Location: 16 Coopers Avenue, Heybridge SUPPORT

166 Application No: FUL/MAL/14/01289 Proposal: Variation of condition 37 of approved planning application FUL/MAL/10/00004. Vary condition to allow an updated Habitat Management Plan and mitigation works to be undertaken. Location: Land between Middlewick Farm and Wraywick Farm, The Marshes, Southminster. NO COMMENT - NOTED

Application No: OUT/MAL/14/01106 PP-03721599 Proposal: Outline planning application for mixed use development comprising residential development of up to 340 dwellings, community health facilities, care home, Class A1 retail, community land, public open space, landscaping, highway works and associated works at Maldon Hall Farm. Location: Land North of Maldon Hall Farm, Spital Road, Maldon NO COMMENT - NOTED

(b) LDP Update Cllr. Lawson noted that the report from the Inspector would be delayed by one week, possibly due to the upcoming elections.

Cllr. Dobson reported that he would be attending the Flood Alleviation Executive Meeting on 26th February 2015.

(c) Draft Common Statement Members received a draft common statement to be submitted to Planning Inspector. It was noted that the Inspector had accepted the request to submit a statement of common ground.

Members considered submitting the common statement to the Planning Inspector.

It was RESOLVED to submit the statement of common ground to the Planning Inspector.

(d) Proposed redevelopment of Leigh Industrial Estate Members considered submitting comments to the developer on the proposed redevelopment of Leigh Industrial Estate.

Members were grateful for the opportunity to submit comments.

167 It was RESOLVED to note the proposal and that Cllr. Dobson would complete the online survey on behalf of the Parish Council to submit ‘no comment.’

Cllr. Dr. Blyth noted that works had taken place at Bridge House, Hall Road, and that the building looks good.

14/396 Report from the Clerk A report was received by Members.

Members noted that the Parish Council has applied to register for VAT. It was anticipated that VAT would take effect from 1st April 2015.

Members considered:- a) Quotations to supply and install air conditioning in the Main Hall. A general discussion took place if air conditioning should be installed or not;

Cllr. Dobson left the meeting at 7:53pm. Cllr. Dobson returned to the meeting at 7:54pm.

b) The quotation to reupholster or replace the burgundy folding chairs that are used in the Main Hall. It was noted that the old chairs should be donated to either the local school or other local group; c) Suggesting agenda items and refreshments for the Annual Parish Meeting; d) Entering the RCCE Village of the Year awards; e) The quotation to paint the Main Hall, Meeting Room, Toilets and Internal doors.

It was RESOLVED that:- i) Clarification was needed on two of the quotations to install air conditioning. Members agreed in principle that air conditioning should be installed; ii) 80 new folding chairs be purchased for £3041.50 + VAT and that the old chairs be donated to local groups; iii) Any suggestions for agenda items for the Annual Parish Meeting be submitted to the Clerk. Refreshments will be provided during the Annual Parish Meeting; iv) The Parish Council would not be entering the Village of the Year awards; v) The quotation to paint the Main Hall, Meeting Room, Toilets and internal doors be agreed in principle. It was agreed that the painting should be carried out after the installation of the air conditioning.

14/397 Plantation Hall Scale of Hire Charges 2015-2016 Members considered the proposed Scale of Charges and refundable deposits for 2015-2016.

168 It was RESOLVED to agree the proposed Scale of Charges and refundable deposits for 2015- 2016.

14/398 Amenity Light – Green Lane Members considered the request from Cllr. Jennings to install a third amenity light at Green Lane. It was noted that it was very dark in the middle of Green Lane at night, especially near the dog bin.

The Clerk noted that since the land is owned by Highways it was necessary further to investigate.

It was RESOLVED that a third amenity light be installed in Green Lane in principle and that the Clerk would contact Highways.

14/399 Parish Council assets/events/publications/projects (a) Heybridge Herald – Leading Councillor – Cllr. Edwards Cllr. Edwards reported that the winter edition of the Herald was being delivered. Due to purdah, there will not be a spring edition of the Herald.

(b) Basin Matters–Leading Councillor – Prof Lew Schnurr Cllr. Prof Schnurr and Cllr. Lawson reported that the hedge located along the entrance to Daisy Meadow Car Park had been cut back. The height of the Laurel hedge still needed to be addressed.

It was noted that there continues to be a problem with the lack of public conveniences in the Basin. Cllr. Prof Schnurr informed Members of the background regarding the public conveniences. It was noted there was now a Health and Safety issue with human excrement regularly been found in the area. It was also noted that without public conveniences local tourism cannot be promoted.

It was RESOLVED that Cllr Prof Schnurr will draft a letter to Maldon District Council regarding the lack of public conveniences to be considered at the next Parish Council meeting.

(c) Projects (including 5 year project plan) and Grants Working Group – leading Councillor – Cllr. Dobson A second meeting of the working group had yet to be arranged. Cllr. Dobson noted that he would have a report at the next meeting.

(d) Doorstep Youth Club – leading Councillor – Cllr. Dobson Cllr. Dobson had recently attended a partnership meeting. The Doorstep Club would be re-launched on Sunday 12th April 2015 between 10am and 3pm at Plantation Hall. The Club will be promoted by MOAT and local schools.

169 (e) Neighbourhood Planning Working Group Members received a report from the working group.

Cllr. Dobson noted that Hatfield Peverel Parish Council are holding a Neighbourhood Planning Working Group meeting and he would like to attend.

It was noted that the RCCE will be holding a Neighbourhood Planning Guide training session on Saturday 21st March 2015.

Cllr. Dr. Blyth left the meeting at 8:25pm.

14/400 Financial Matters (a) Accounts for Payment

The Parish Council received the following accounts (inclusive of VAT) for payment as set out in the payments schedule circulated at the meeting –

Top up Clerk’s and Finance Officer’s Pet- Cash £128.82 ty Cash 4601 Reimbursement re expenses under M Edwards £66.25 Chairmans Allowance 4701 M Smy £50.00 Help with alarm at Plantation Hall 2401 PCC £100.00 Donation to Church Magazine 3301 B Hall £4.50 Reimbursement re Travel Expenses 4601 R Taylor £50.00 Hire deposit refund re 25/1/15 2301 R Fryer £50.00 Hire deposit refund re 8/2/15 2301 Blackwater Printing £510.00 Heybridge Herald Printing 1202 Maldon Cricket Club £105.00 Donation 3301 K Locke £84.47 Grounds Maintenance re mth Jan 2015 3001 Office Is Ltd £185.32 Stationery for Plantation Hall 4601 Stephensons of Essex Ltd. £598.00 Bus services re month Jan 2015 1375 The Window Window cleaning at Plantation Hall on Cleaner £45.00 9/2/15 2401 SLCC Enterprises Clerk attendance Practitioner Confer- Ltd £396.00 ence 4801 Essex & Suffolk Monthly payment re water supply at P Water £56.99 Hall 2201 Southern Electric £115.13 Monthly payment re Street Lightning 3601 Green Recycling Ltd £53.08 Waste collection month December 2014 2201

RESOLVED that the above accounts be approved for payment.

(b) Statement of Accounts Members received an updated statement of accounts.

(c) Bank Reconciliation

170 Members received the monthly bank reconciliation for January 2015.

Cllr. Dr. Blyth returned to the meeting at 8:26pm.

14/401 Highways and Environment Matters (a) Report from the Tree Warden This position is vacant.

(b) Public Rights of Way Warden This position is vacant.

(c) Emergency Parish Co-ordinator The Clerk reported that Heybridge was in a state of low risk for flooding over the next five days.

14/402 Reports from Committees a) Planning Committee i) Members received a report from the Chairman. ii) Members considered the recommendation to invite a representative from Heybridge Residents Association and Roger Lankester to join the Planning Committee as non- voting Committee Representatives.

It was RESOLVED that a representative from Heybridge Residents Association and Roger Lankester be invited to join the Planning Committee as non-voting representatives.

b) Events Committee i) Members received a report from the Chairman of the Committee. It was noted that plans for the Community Festival were going well. Andy Potts and Lou Blackwell had attended the last meeting. There was a possibility for more stalls and more music. ii) Cllr. Dr. Blyth asked Members to confirm who would be attending the Quiz Night on the 21st March 2015. iii) Cllr. Edwards reported that a representative from Maldon Blackwater Rotary Club would be attending the next Events Committee meeting.

c) Budget Committee i) There was no report.

14/403 Reports from Outside Committees and Training a) (i) Transportation Representatives Meeting (Rep Cllr. Prof Schnurr).

The next Transport Meeting will be held on 10 March 2015.

171 The Bus Service 288 numbers for January 2015 were 105.

It was noted that there is currently a Essex County Council ‘Getting Around in Essex’ bus service review consultation.

(ii) Elms Farm Park Friends Group & Oak Tree Meadow (Rep Cllr. Dobson)

Cllr. Dobson had attended a meeting held on the 28th January 2015. There will be a morning bird watch on 9th May 2015 at 4am.

(iii) Health Matters (Rep Cllr. Dr. Blyth – substitute Cllr. Prof Schnurr)

Cllr. Dr. Blyth noted that the Clinical Commissioning Group were conducting a survey on management of personality disorders. It was noted that there was a lack of services for people suffering with mental health issues.

14/404 Training Notifications Members received training notifications from EALC.

Members received training notifications from RCCE.

It was RESOLVED that:- i) Cllr. Harrison will attend the Local Council Police Partnership Conference on 25 March 2015 at £20 per delegate.

14/405 Future meetings The next meeting of the Planning Committee of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 26th February 2015 at 7.00pm.

The next meeting of the Events Committee of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 12th February 2015 at 7.30pm.

The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Thursday 19th March 2015 at 7:00pm.

The meeting closed at 8:40pm.

Chairman 19 March 2015


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