Acts Enumeration and Revision Act 1958

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Acts Enumeration and Revision Act 1958

Version No. 013 Acts Enumeration and Revision Act 1958 No. 6188 of 1958 Version incorporating amendments as at 14 June 2012


1 Version No. 013 Acts Enumeration and Revision Act 1958 No. 6188 of 1958 Version incorporating amendments as at 14 June 2012

An Act to enumerate the Consolidating Acts of the Legislature of Victoria passed in the year One thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight and to state the Effect of and Rules of Construction applicable to such Acts and to provide that certain Enactments of the Legislature of New South Wales and of the Legislature of Victoria passed before the first of September One thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight shall be repealed and to enumerate the Unrepealed and Unconsolidated Enactments of such Legislatures.

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of Victoria in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as follows (that is to say):

1 Short title, commencement and division This Act may be cited as the Acts Enumeration and Revision Act 1958, and shall come into operation on a day to be fixed by proclamation of the Governor in Council published in the Government Gazette, and is divided into Parts as follows: Part I—Consolidating Acts ss 2–5 Part II—Unrepealed and Unconsolidated Enactments ss 6–10. ______


Comp. No. 2 Acts in Schedule 1 are consolidating Acts 3629 (as amended by The Acts enumerated in the First Schedule to this No. 3943 s. 2). Act are and are hereby for the purposes of this Part declared to be Acts consolidating public Acts in force in Victoria on the first day of September One thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight. Subject to the said consolidating Acts all persons things and circumstances appointed or created by or under and existing or continuing under the said public Acts shall continue, unless and until other s. 2 provision is made by and in accordance with law, to have under the said consolidating Acts the same status operation and effect as they respectively would have had if the said public Acts had not been repealed by the said consolidating Acts. Comp. No. 3 Convictions and offences under repealed Acts 3717 s. 235. (1) Where any provision of any of the said consolidating Acts makes any reference to any previous conviction or previous offence, or to any second, or any third, or any subsequent conviction or offence, or makes any reference of a similar kind, such reference shall be deemed to extend and have regard to any conviction or offence under the corresponding provisions of any Act repealed by such consolidating Act and re-enacted therein with or without amendment. (2) Where under any of the said consolidating Acts any such previous conviction or offence may be proved, or it is necessary in proof of any such second or third or subsequent conviction or offence to prove any previous or other conviction or offence, then any previous or other conviction or offence under any such corresponding provisions as aforesaid may be proved or received in evidence, and for the purposes of this section

3 any such conviction or offence as last aforesaid shall have the same force and effect as a conviction or offence under the corresponding provisions of such consolidating Act. (3) Nothing in this section contained shall limit the generality or effect of section two of this Act or any provision of the Acts Interpretation Act 1958. Comp. No. 4 Repeal by implication 3629 s. 4. When any provision of any Act in force in Victoria on the first day of September One thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight has been wholly or in part repealed by implication by any provisions of another Act also in force in Victoria on the day aforesaid, the like effect shall in the absence of express provision negativing limiting or varying such effect continue and be given to the provisions (if any) of the Acts in the First s. 4 Schedule to this Act corresponding with the provisions respectively of the Acts hereinbefore first mentioned. Save as aforesaid there shall be no repeal by implication of any provision of any of the Acts enumerated in the First Schedule to this Act by any provisions of any other Act or Acts enumerated in the said Schedule. Comp. No. 5 Effect of repeal by Acts in Schedule 1 3629 s. 5. When any Act in the First Schedule to this Act wholly or in part repeals any Act, the repeal shall not affect any appointment made commission issued warrant or other authority given by the Governor in Council or by any person or body under the authority of any such repealed Act for the exercise or performance of powers and duties of any office or employment, but every such appointment commission warrant and other authority shall continue in force in all respects as though such appointment commission warrant or

4 other authority had been made issued or given under or by virtue of such repealing Act. Nothing in this section or in section seven of the Acts Interpretation Act 1958 shall limit control or abridge the effect of anything contained in the repealing section of any of the Acts enumerated in the First Schedule to this Act. Nor shall anything contained in the repealing section of any of such Acts limit control or abridge the effect or prejudice the generality of any of the provisions of this section or of the said section seven. ______

s. 5


Comp. No. 6 Definition 3629 s. 6. In this Part unless inconsistent with the context or subject-matter— enactment includes any Act or Law enacted by the Legislature of New South Wales before the twenty-fourth day of December 18511 and any Act or Law enacted by the Legislature of Victoria and also includes any part of any such Act or Law. Comp.s. 6 No. 7 Enactments not affected by repeal mentioned in 3629 s. 7. section 9 The enactments set out in chronological order in the Second Schedule to this Act shall continue to have in Victoria whether separately or in combination with any unrepealed enactment or statutory provision such force and effect (if any) as they had at the commencement of this Act. In construing any such enactment where portion only of any Act or Law is mentioned in the said Schedule regard may be had to the whole of such Act or Law. The words under the title "subject- matter" in the said Schedule shall be read as descriptive merely. Comp. No. 8 Further saving from repeal 3629 s. 8. Nothing in the next succeeding section shall in any way affect or be construed as in any way affecting— (a) "The Constitution Act" or any repeal or amendment of any part thereof; or (b) the effect by way of revivor or otherwise of any enactment of the Legislature of Victoria

6 passed after the first day of September One thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight. Comp. No. 9 General repeal of enactments 3629 s. 9. Save as aforesaid every enactment enacted before the first day of September in the year One thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight by the Legislature of New South Wales or by the Legislature of Victoria so far as such enactment is at the commencement of this Act in force in Victoria shall be hereby repealed in and for Victoria:

s. 9 Provided that where any enactment not repealed by this section has been repealed confirmed revived or perpetuated by any enactment hereby repealed such repeal confirmation revivor or perpetuation shall not be affected by the repeal effected by this section. And the repeal by this section of any enactment shall save as hereinafter provided not affect any enactment in which such enactment has been applied incorporated or referred to. And the repeal by this section of any enactment shall not affect the construction of any enactment not so repealed whether as regards the past or the future. And this section shall not affect the validity invalidity effect or consequences of any thing already effected done or suffered—or any existing status or capacity—or any right title obligation or liability already acquired accrued or incurred or any remedy or proceeding in respect thereof—or any release or discharge of or from any debt penalty obligation liability claim or demand or any indemnity—or the proof of any past act or thing.

7 Nor shall this section affect the validity of any marriage heretofore or hereafter celebrated or any established principle or rule of law or equity or established jurisdiction form or course of pleading practice or procedure or any existing usage franchise liberty custom privilege restriction exemption office appointment payment allowance emolument or benefit notwithstanding that the same respectively may have been in any manner affirmed recognized or derived by in or from any enactment hereby repealed. Nor shall this section revive or restore any jurisdiction office duty drawback fee payment franchise liberty custom right title privilege restriction exemption usage practice procedure or other matter or thing not now existing or in force: Provided also and without limiting the generality of the foregoing provisos that the repeal effected by this section shall not prevent the recognition in Victoria of any status right title or other matter or thing elsewhere acquired under any of the enactments repealed by this section in the same circumstances and to the same extent as such recognition would have been granted or given prior to the commencement of this Act. Nothing in the repeal effected by this section shall affect any saving contained in any repealing or other section of any of the Acts enumerated in the First Schedule to this Act or shall affect the generality or effect of anything contained in Part I of this Act. Comp. No. 10 Powers of the Governor in Council 3629 s. 10. The Governor in Council may at any time and from time to time by proclamation published in the Government Gazette indicate any enactment or enactments as an enactment or enactments which is or are to be added to those mentioned in

8 the Second Schedule to this Act, and thereupon such enactment or enactments shall be deemed to have been mentioned at the appropriate place or places in the said Schedule and the effect shall be s. 10 the same as if the said Schedule had at the time of the passing of this Act included such added enactment or enactments and sections seven and nine of this Act shall be construed accordingly. ______

s. 10


Ss 2-5.

FIRST SCHEDULE 1. Acts Interpretation Act 1958 2. Aborigines Act 1958 3. Administration and Probate Act 1958 4. Adoption of Children Act 1958 5. Agent-General's Act 1958 6. Agricultural Colleges Act 1958 7. Agricultural Education Act 1958 8. Agricultural Lime Act 1958 9. Air Navigation Act 1958 10. Anzac Day Act 1958 11. Apprenticeship Act 1958 12. Arbitration Act 1958 13. Architects Act 1958 14. Auction Sales Act 1958 15. Audit Act 1958 16. Bakers and Millers Act 1958 17. Bank Holidays Act 1958 18. Barley Marketing Act 1958 19. Bees Act 1958 20. Benefit Associations Act 1958 21. Boilers Inspection Act 1958 22. Building Societies Act 1958

10 23. Business Investigations Act 1958 24. Business Names Act 1958 25. Cancer Act 1958 26. Carriers and Innkeepers Act 1958 27. Cattle Breeding Act 1958 28. Cattle Compensation Act 1958 29. Cemeteries Act 1958 30. Children's Court Act 1958 31. Children's Welfare Act 1958 32. Clean Air Act 1958 33. Coal Mines Act 1958 34. Commercial Goods Vehicles Act 1958 35. Commonwealth Arrangements Act 1958 36. The Constitution Act Amendment Act 1958 37. Co-operation Act 1958

Sch. 1 38. Co-operative Housing Societies Act 1958 39. Coroners Act 1958 40. Country Fire Authority Act 1958 41. Country Roads Act 1958 42. County Court Act 1958 43. Crimes Act 1958 44. Crown Proceedings Act 1958 45. Dairy Products Act 1958 46. Developmental Railways Act 1958 47. Dietitians Registration Act 1958 48. Dog Act 1958 49. Drainage Areas Act 1958

11 50. Drainage of Land Act 1958 51. Dried Fruits Act 1958 52. Education Act 1958 53. Electric Light and Power Act 1958 54. Employers and Employés Act 1958 55. Entertainments Tax Act 1958 56. Essential Services Act 1958 57. Estate Agents Act 1958 58. Evidence Act 1958 59. Explosives Act 1958 60. Farm Produce Agents Act 1958 61. Fences Act 1958 62. Fertilizers Act 1958 63. Firearms Act 1958 64. Fisheries Act 1958 65. Footwear Regulation Act 1958 66. Forests Act 1958 67. Friendly Societies Act 1958 68. Fruit and Vegetables Act 1958

Sch. 1 69. Fungicides Act 1958 70. Game Act 1958 71. Gaols Act 1958 72. Gas and Fuel Corporation Act 1958 73. Gas Regulation Act 1958 74. Geelong Harbor Trust Act 1958 75. Geelong Waterworks and Sewerage Act 1958 76. Gold Buyers Act 1958

12 77. Goods Act 1958 78. Grain Elevators Act 1958 79. Hairdressers Registration Act 1958 80. Harbor Boards Act 1958 81. Hawkers and Pedlers Act 1958 82. Health Act 1958 83. Home Finance Act 1958 84. Horse Breeding Act 1958 85. Hospital Benefits Act 1958 86. Hospitals and Charities Act 1958 87. Housing Act 1958 88. Imprisonment of Fraudulent Debtors Act 1958 89. Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1958 90. Inebriates Act 1958 91. Instruments Act 1958 92. Judicial Proceedings Reports Act 1958 93. Juries Act 1958 94. Justices Act 1958 95. Labour and Industry Act 1958 96. Land Act 1958 97. Landlord and Tenant Act 1958 98. Lands Compensation Act 1958

Sch. 1 99. Land Settlement Act 1958 100. Land Surveyors Act 1958 101. Land Tax Act 1958 102. Latrobe Valley Act 1958 103. Legal Profession Practice Act 1958

13 104. Libraries Act 1958 105. Licensing Act 1958 106. Lifts Regulation Act 1958 107. Limitation of Actions Act 1958 108. Liquified Petroleum Gas Act 1958 109. Livery and Agistment Act 1958 110. Local Authorities Superannuation Act 1958 111. Local Government Act 1958 112. Maintenance Act 1958 113. Margarine Act 1958 114. Marine Act 1958 115. Marine Stores and Old Metals Act 1958 116. Marketing of Primary Products Act 1958 117. Markets Act 1958 118. Marriage Act 1958 119. Masseurs Act 1958 120. Master and Apprentice Act 1958 121. Medical Act 1958 122. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1958 123. Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Act 1958 124. Melbourne Harbor Trust Act 1958 125. Mental Deficiency Act 1958 126. Mental Hygiene Act 1958 127. Metropolitan Fire Brigades Act 1958 128. Mildura Irrigation and Water Trusts Act 1958

Sch. 1 129. Milk and Dairy Supervision Act 1958 130. Milk Board Act 1958

14 131. Milk Pasteurization Act 1958 132. Mines Act 1958 133. Mining Development Act 1958 134. Ministry of Transport Act 1958 135. Mint Act 1958 136. Money Lenders Act 1958 137. Motor Car Act 1958 138. National Parks Act 1958 139. Newmarket Sheep Sales Act 1958 140. Nurses Act 1958 141. Opticians Registration Act 1958 142. Partnership Act 1958 143. Patriotic Funds Act 1958 144. Pawnbrokers Act 1958 145. Penalties Act 1958 146. Petroleum Act 1958 147. Petrol Pumps Act 1958 148. Poisons Act 1958

Sch. 1 149. Police Offences Act 1958 150. Police Regulation Act 1958 151. Poor Persons Legal Assistance Act 1958 152. Portland Harbor Trust Act 1958 153. Pounds Act 1958 154. Printers and Newspapers Act 1958 155. Process Servers and Inquiry Agents Act 1958 156. Property Law Act 1958 157. Public Account Act 1958

15 158. Public Authorities Marks Act 1958 159. Public Contracts Act 1958 160. Public Safety Preservation Act 1958 161. Public Service Act 1958 162. Public Trustee Act 1958 163. Public Works Act 1958 164. Public Works Committee Act 1958 165. Racing Act 1958 166. Railway Lands Acquisition Act 1958 167. Railways Act 1958 168. Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act 1958 169. Religious Successory and Charitable Trusts Act 1958 170. River Improvement Act 1958 171. Road Traffic Act 1958 172. Rural Finance Corporation Act 1958 173. Sale of Allotments of Land Act 1958 174. Seamen's Act 1958 175. Secondhand Dealers Act 1958 176. Seeds Act 1958 177. Senate Elections Act 1958 178. Servants' Registry Offices Act 1958 179. Settled Land Act 1958 180. Sewerage Districts Act 1958 181. Shearers Accommodation Act 1958 182. Sheep Dipping Act 1958

16 183. Sheep Owners Protection Act 1958 184. Soil Conservation and Land Utilization Act 1958 185. Soldier Settlement Act 1958 186. Solicitor-General Act 1958 Sch. 1 187. Stamps Act 1958 188. State Development Act 1958 189. State Electricity Commission Act 1958 190. State Relief Committee Act 1958 191. State Savings Bank Act 1958 192. Statistics Act 1958 193. Stock and Share Brokers Act 1958 194. Stock Diseases Act 1958 195. Stock Foods Act 1958 196. Stock Medicines Act 1958 197. Street Trading Act 1958 198. Superannuation Act 1958 199. Supreme Court Act 1958 200. Survey Co-ordination Act 1958 201. Swine Act 1958 202. Tattersall Consultations Act 1958 203. Teaching Service Act 1958 204. Temperance Halls Act 1958

17 Sch. 1 205. Theatres Act 1958 206. Tobacco Sellers Act 1958 207. Tourist Act 1958 208. Town and Country Planning Act 1958 209. Trade Unions Act 1958 210. Tramways Act 1958 211. Transfer of Land Act 1958 212. Transport Regulation Act 1958 213. Trustee Act 1958 214. Trustee Companies Act 1958 215. Unauthorized Documents Act 1958 216. Unclaimed Moneys Act 1958 217. University Act 1958 218. Unlawful Assembles and Processions Act 1958 219. Vegetation and Vine Diseases Act 1958 220. Venereal Diseases Act 1958 221. Vermin and Noxious Weeds Act 1958 222. Veterinary Surgeons Act 1958 223. Victorian Inland Meat Authority Act 1958 224. Warehousemen's Liens Act 1958 225. Water Act 1958 226. Weights and Measures Act 1958 227. Wild Flowers and Native Plants Protection Act 1958 228. Wills Act 1958 229. Wire Netting Act 1958 230. Women's Qualification Act 1958 231. Workers Compensation Act 1958

18 232. Wrongs Act 1958 233. Youth Organizations Assistance Act 1958 ______

Ss 7, 10. Sch. 2 SECOND SCHEDULE amended by GGs 4.9.59 GENERAL ENUMERATION OF ENACTMENTS IN p. 2699, 16.12.59 CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER p. 3639 and 2.6.65 p. 1740. Enactment and Year of Enactment2 Subject-matter Sch. 1 1830 10 Geo. IV. No. 9 Roman Catholic Relief 1837

Sch. 2 8 Wm. IV. No. 7 Presbyterian Churches 1838 2 Vict. No. 7 Wesleyan Methodists, &c. 1840 4 Vict. No. 18 Presbyterian Churches 1841 5 Vict. No. 14 Bank of Australasia (charter evidence) 1842 Amended by Melbourne Incorporation Nos 4279, 4574, 5914.

6 Vict. No. 7

1843 Amended by Melbourne Corporation No. 4574.

6 Vict. No. 18

1844 Amended by Melbourne Incorporation Act Amendment No. 4574.

19 8 Vict. No. 12

1847 Amended by Melbourne Corporation No. 4574.

11 Vict. No. 17

Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

1849 Amended by Melbourne Corporation (title of "city") No. 4574.

13 Vict. No. 14 Amended by Melbourne Buildings Nos 4574, 5914.

13 Vict. No. 39 Amended by Geelong Incorporation No. 4574.

13 Vict. No. 40

1850 Amended by Roads and Streets (Melbourne) No. 4574.

14 Vict. No. 20 Amended by Roads and Streets (Geelong) No. 4574.

14 Vict. No. 35


20 14 Vict. No. 49, Application of New South Wales Laws to sec. 2 Victoria 1853 16 Vict. No. 38 Melbourne Corporation (sewerage) 1854 17 Vict. No. 19 Presbyterian Synod of Victoria 1855 18 Vict. No. 45 United Church of England and Ireland (regulation of affairs) 18 Vict. Church of England Belfast Lands 1857 No. 11 Melbourne Corporation (exchange of lands) No. 23 Church of England Belfast Lands Amended by Ballaarat Gas Company (incorporation) Nos 3483, 5142, 5592, 5735, 5914, 6008.

No. 27

Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

1858 No. 54 Geelong Boundaries Amended by Geelong Gas Company (incorporation) Nos 3172, 3440, 5532, 5679, 5914, 5976. Sch. 2 No. 57 1859 No. 72 Melbourne Lands (Wesleyan Methodists) No. 82 Presbyterian Synod of Victoria No. 90 Australian Trust Company 1862

21 No. 157 United Church of England and Ireland 1863 Amended by Melbourne and Geelong (Corporation Acts Nos 4279, Amendment) 4574.

No. 178 1864 No. 214 Australian Mututal Provident Society 1867 No. 305 Australian Alliance Assurance Company No. 321 Presbyterian Synod of Victoria 1870 No. 381 Ararat Shire Hall 1871 No. 3913 State Aid to Religion Abolition Amended by Victoria Racing Club Nos 3875, 5960.

No. 398 1873 No. 454 United Church of England and Ireland (regulation of affairs)

Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

1875 No. 510 Melbourne Orphan Asylum Sale No. 511 Church of England (sale of land) 1876 No. 547 Emerald Hill (South Melbourne) Town Hall Sch. 2 No. 564, sec. 14 Geelong Wards No. 572 Melbourne General Market Site 1877

22 Amended by Metropolitan Gas Company's Nos 3102, 4935, 5194, 5428, 5914.

No. 586 1878 No. 632 Albert Park Land 1881 No. 706 Victoria Racing Club Annuities 1882 No. 725 Sandhurst Public Buildings Amended by Old Colonists Association No. 5901.

No. 730 1883 No. 785 Brighton Court House Site (sale of land) 1884 No. 797 Church of England (trusts) 1885 No. 835 Melbourne Public Buildings (Titles Office) Protection (Fire) No. 838 Hotham (North Melbourne) Leases No. 8435 Federal Council (operation in Victoria)

Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

1886 No. 884 City of Ballaarat Leases No. 897 Melbourne Morgue Site 1887

Sch. 2 No. 931 Wesleyan Church No. 935 Elsternwick Land (Education Purchase) No. 937 City of Ballaarat Leases

23 No. 9446 Melbourne Hydraulic Power Company No. 948 Hastie Bequest 1888 No. 973 Hotham (North Melbourne) Leases No. 1003 Melbourne Lands Exchange (Railways) 1889 No. 1022 Colonial Ammunition Company (Lease) No. 1048 Port Melbourne Lagoon Lands No. 10517 Federal Council Referring (Victoria) No. 1052 Collingwood Lands Amended by Local Government (Melbourne and adjoining No. 4574. Municpalities) No. 1055 1890 Amended by Local Government No. 4574.

No. 1112 so far as it relates to the City of Melbourne and the City of Geelong No. 1169 Portland Shire Hall No. 1172 Church of England Land Enabling No. 1175 Presbyterian Church Trust Property No. 11798 Melbourne Hydraulic Power Company

24 Sch. 2 Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

1891 No. 1209 St. James Church Lands No. 1211 Portland Town Hall No. 1214 Scots Church Properties No. 1227 Bendigo Art Gallery Site Amended by Local Government Nos 4279, 4574, 5914.

No. 1243, sec. 149 and generally so far as it relates to the City of Melbourne and the City of Geelong 1892 No. 1262 Oakleigh Shire Offices (Land) No. 1267 Dandenong Lands (Market Reserve) No. 1271 Tower Hill National Park No. 1272 City of Melbourne Borrowing Powers (Police Court Site) No. 1277 Wyndham Shire Hall 1893 No. 128410 Federal Council Referring (Victoria) No. 1322, sec. 5,11 so Municipal Overdrafts Indemnity far as it relates to the City of Melbourne and the City of Geelong No. 134712 Crown Lands Reserve No. 1356 Reconstructed Companies 1894 No. 1365, so far as it Municipal Valuations (Appeals) relates to the City of Melbourne and the

25 City of Geelong

Sch. 2

26 Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

No. 1366, sec. 5,13 so Municipal Overdrafts Indemnity far as it relates to the City of Melbourne and the City of Geelong 1895 No. 1397 Goldsbrough, Mort, & Company Ltd. Arrangement No. 1402 Marong Reserve Mining 1896 No. 1411 Moolap Salt Works (Land) No. 1431, so far as it Width of Tires relates to the City of Melbourne and the City of Geelong No. 1435 Nunawading Lands Exchange No. 144714 Yarra Improvement No. 1456 Truganina Powder Magazines No. 1460, sec. 5,15 so Relief from Certain Actions far as it relates to the City of Melbourne and the City of Geelong No. 146416 Federal Council Referring (Victoria) No. 146817 Victorian Government Stock 1897 No. 1486 Local Government (Melbourne and Geelong) No. 1509 Sale Land Resumption No. 1517 Yarra Park Road No. 1528 Dunolly Cemetery No. 1529, sec. 918 Dookie and Katamatite Tramway No. 1533 Port Melbourne Public Park and Garden No. 1536 Colonial Ammunition Company

27 Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

1898 No. 1560 Victorian Government Consolidated Inscribed Stock No. 1561 Victorian Government Consolidated Inscribed Stock Redemption Fund No. 1564 Victorian Government Three per cent Stock Sch. 2 No. 1565 Victorian Loans Redemption Fund No. 156719 Municipalities' Advances No. 1569 Pilots' Advance Repayment No. 1576 Mildura Crown Grants No. 1577 Melbourne Electric Lighting Loan 1899 No. 1608 Geelong Reformed Presbyterian Church No. 1610 Ararat General Market Land No. 1617 Prahran Mechanics' Institute No. 1618 Romsey Public Park No. 1623 Victorian Government Three per cent Stock 1900 No. 1636 Congregational College No. 1639 Wando Vale Estate Purchase No. 1665 Walmer Estate Purchase No. 1674 Geelong Market Site Amended by City of Melbourne Loan No. 4574.

No. 1676 No. 1681 Prince's Bridge Approach No. 1685 Whitfield Estate Purchase No. 1688 Brunswick Lands Purchase No. 1693, so far as it Traction Engines relates to the City of Melbourne and the

28 City of Gelong Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

No. 1703 Inscribed Stock Judgments No. 1707 Presybterian Church of Australia No. 1717 Pacific Cable Authorization 1901 No. 1735 Eurack Estate Purchase

Sch. 2 No. 1738 Wangaratta Town Hall Site No. 1739 Mooroopna Race-course Reserve No. 1759 Coleraine Race-course No. 1772 Melbourne Sailors' Home 1902 No. 1796 Victorian Loans Redemption Fund No. 1799 Methodist Church (Union, &c.) 1903 No. 1821 Church of England No. 1838 Benalla Fire Brigade Station Land No. 1854 Benalla Fire Brigade Station Land No. 1889 Fitzroy Loan No. 1890 Ballaarat Old Colonists Association 1904 No. 1912 Carrum Advances No. 1947 Church of England No. 1949 Melbourne Lands Exchange No. 1956 St. Kilda and Brighton Electric Street Railway 1905 No. 1973 St. Kilda and Brighton Electric Street Railway Extension No. 1995 Oakleigh Mechanics' Institute (land) No. 1996 Victorian Stock and Debentures Conversion

29 No. 1997 South African Contingents' Pensions

Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

No. 2001 Stock and Debentures Registers No. 2012, secs. 26, Geelong Show Grounds Race-course and Cost of 27, 29, and Ninth Harbor Dredging in 1905 Schedule No. 2015, except Talbot Colony for Epileptics (Incorporation) secs. 6 to 920 Sch. 2 1906 No. 2019 Talbot Colony for Epileptics (Amending) No. 2026 Victorian Loans Redemption and Conversion No. 2035 St. Kilda and Brighton Electric Street Railway Extension No. 2037 South African Contingents' Pensions No. 2057 South and East Melbourne Lands No. 2064 St. James Church Land (Alteration of Trusts) 1907 No. 2078 Tocumwal Railway Extension Amended by Municipal Association (Incorporation) Nos 4182, 4712.

No. 2080 No. 2096 The Collins Street Independent Church Lands No. 2097 Dandenong Lands No. 2100 Roman Catholic Trusts No. 2122 Old Colonists Association (Land Vesting) No. 213621 Tolmie Railway 1908 No. 2142 Castlemaine Municipal Site No. 2146 South Melbourne Mechanics' Institute (Land) 1909

30 No. 2161 Victorian Government Three per cent Stock No. 2173 Eumerella Drainage Area No. 2190 Northcote Railway Station Improvement

Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

No. 2191 Woodend Land Exchange No. 2201 Agricultural Show Grounds Entrance Improvement No. 2204 Bendigo Gaol Land No. 2205 Castlemaine Land Sch. 2 1910 No. 2263 Geelong Market Site Amended by Melbourne College of Divinity No. 5956.

No. 2275 1911 Amended by Special Funds Nos 3928, 4196, 4597, 4654, 5286, 5558.

No. 2297 No. 2302 Coleraine Land No. 2303 Yarrawonga Land Amended by Victorian Government Special Inscribed Stock No. 3937.

No. 2308 No. 2312 Healesville Fire Brigade Land No. 2313 Beaufort Fire Brigade Land No. 2316 Victorian Sanatoria for Consumptives No. 2339 Yarram Lands No. 2344 Methodist Church 1912

31 No. 2354 Millewa Land No. 2372 Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society No. 2375 Melbourne Lands Exchange No. 2393, except Prahran Mechanics' Institute secs. 4, 5, and 622 No. 2394 Melbourne (Harbor Trust) Land No. 2403 Victorian Government Stock Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

No. 2404 Victorian Government Debentures Regulation No. 2421 Alexandra Park 1913 No. 2467 Dunolly Land 1914

Sch. 2 No. 2483 South Melbourne Lands No. 2490 Mildura Crown Grants No. 2521 St. Kilda Land No. 2548 War Funds Contributions and Municipal Overdrafts during the War No. 255423 Prahran Mechanics' Institute 1915 No. 2591 Municipal Loans No. 259624 River Murray Waters Agreement No. 2606 Linton to Skipton Railway Land No. 2754, secs. 16 to Rushworth to Stanhope North Railway 2025 Construction No. 2756 Government Securities (Redemption) No. 2760 Royal Society Land No. 2800 Special Funds No. 280326 River Murray Waters Agreement (No. 2). No. 2806 Brunswick Mechanics' Institute 1916

32 No. 2837 Creswick Land No. 2838 Daylight Saving Amended by Mildura College Lands Nos 3522, 5830.

No. 2842 No. 2867 War Funds Contributions, &c. Amended by North Geelong to Fyansford Railway No. 4243. Construction No. 2879

Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

1917 Amended by Melbourne General Market Lands No. 4184.

No. 2913 1918 No. 2957 Metropolitan Fire Brigades Board Loan Sch. 2 No. 2964 Pilots' Advance Repayment No. 2970 Portland Shire Hall No. 2984, sec. 627 Murchison and Rushworth Railway Deviation 1919 No. 3020 Church-street Bridge No. 3022 Essendon Land Amended by Municipal Loans (Commonwealth) No. 4253.

No. 304228 1920 No. 3053 Victorian Government Stock No. 3054 Victorian Government Debentures Regulations No. 3067 Special Funds No. 3075 Anglo-Persian Oil Company No. 3079 Albert Park Land

33 Amended by Castlemaine Lands No. 5410.

No. 3080 No. 3081 Municipal Loans (Commonwealth) No. 3084 Morwell Brown Coal Railway Construction No. 3094 Great Ocean Road Lands Sale No. 3097 Anglo-Persian Oil Company (No. 2) No. 3102 Metropolitan Gas Company No. 3114 North Carlton Lands

Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

1921 No. 3143, so far as Geelong Land not repealed29 No. 3152, so far as Port Fairy to Yambuk and Won Wron to relates to Port Fairy Woodside Railways Construction 30 Sch. 2 to Yambuk No. 3158 Returned Sailors and Soldiers Imperial League of Australia No. 3172 Geelong Gas Company 1922 No. 3186 Brunswick Mechanics' Institute Amended by Border Railways (New South Wales and Victoria) Nos 4253, 5026.

No. 3194

No. 3197 Congregational Union Incorporation No. 3202 Special Funds No. 3212 Daylesford Land No. 3221 Jeparit Land

34 No. 3230 Alexandra Park No. 3236 South Melbourne Land (Street Closing) No. 3250 Great Ocean Road Lands Exchange No. 3258 Melbourne Harbor Trust (Land Exchange) No. 3267 Fire Escapes (Melbourne) 1923 Amended by Imperial Acts Application Nos 3632, 3660, 3664, 3673, 3674, 3707, 3708, 3715, 3726, 3749, 3754, 3765, 3783.

No. 3270, so far as not repealed No. 3277 Narre Worran Land

Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

Amended by River Murray Waters Agreement Nos 4268, 5369.

No. 328731 No. 3297 Victorian Government Stock Sch. 2 No. 3312 Goroke to Morea Railway Construction No. 3321, except Metropolitan Fire Brigades Board (Loan) sec. 732 No. 3325, so far as Moorpanyal Land not repealed33 No. 3327 Geelong Land 1924 Amended by Wheat Marketing (Winding-up) No. 5236.

No. 3338 No. 3354 Richmond Land

35 No. 3355 Yarram Yarram Mechanics' Institute (Land) No. 3358 North Carlton Lands No. 3371 Surplus Revenue No. 3382 Mildura Electricity Loan 1925 No. 3393 Great Ocean Road Lands No. 3396 The Act No. 391 Amendment No. 3412, so far as Geelong (Harbor Trust) Land not repealed34 No. 3430 Metropolitan Fire Brigades Board (Loan) No. 3440 Geelong Gas Company 1926 No. 3453 Bank of New South Wales No. 3454 Melbourne and Geelong Lighting Rate No. 3483 Ballaarat Gas Company's Act Amendment No. 3484 Ararat Land No. 3491 Sinking Funds and Redemption Funds

Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

1927 No. 3508 Footscray Land Amended by Fallowing Advances No. 4253.

No. 3510 No. 3512 Walpeup West Lands Sch. 2 No. 3513 Victorian Government Debentures Regulation Amended by Spencer-street Bridge No. 4253.

No. 351535 No. 3517 Altona Railway No. 3522 Mildura College Lands No. 3529 Trinity College

36 Amended by Victorian Government Stock No. 4191

No. 3544 Amended by Cultivation Advances No. 4253.

No. 3551 Amended by Commonwealth and States Financial Agreement No. 4496.

No. 355436 No. 3561 Nowingi to Millewa South Railway Construction No. 3567 Metropolitan Fire Brigades Board (Loan) No. 3574 Melbourne to Footscray Road 1928 No. 358537 Phillip Island Shire No. 3586 Williamstown Temperance Hall No. 3589 Dandenong Lands No. 3618 Malvern War Memorial Fund No. 3623 Great Ocean Road Lands No. 3646 Brands Amended by Insolvency No. 4602 s. 2.

No. 3705 as amended

Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

1929 No. 3819 Cultivation Advances No. 3827 Cultivation Advances 1930 Amended by Ballaarat Lands Sch. 2 No. 4177. No. 3859 No. 3860 Narre Worran Land

37 No. 3863 Wheat Advances Arrangements No. 3872 Brighton Town Relief Fund No. 3875 Victoria Racing Club No. 3878 Oakleigh Land (Mechanics Institute) No. 3885 Yarrawonga Land No. 3886 Wonthaggi Land No. 3887 Oddfellows Hall (Melbourne) Land No. 3896 Salvation Army (Victoria) Property Trust No. 3900 Victorian Congregational Building Association Incorporation No. 3903 Baptist Union Incorporation Amended by Lord Mayor's Fund No. 5300.

No. 3915 No. 3919 Queenscliffe Land No. 3924 Wangaratta Church of England Land No. 3928 Special Funds (Teachers' Residences) No. 3931 Cultivation Advances No. 3932 South Australian and Victorian Border Railways No. 3937 Victorian Government Special Inscribed Stock 1931 No. 3953 Debt Conversion Agreement No. 3965 Royal Agricultural Show-grounds

Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

No. 3983 Mildura Vineyards Protection Amended by Cultivation Advances Nos 4191, 4253.

No. 4004 No. 4009 Debt Conversion Agreement (No. 2) Sch. 2 1932

38 No. 4027 Unemployment Relief Works (Commonwealth and States) No. 4028 Moorabbin Loans No. 4030 State Coal Mine Industrial Tribunal Amended by Melbourne and Geelong Debentures and No. 4574. Inscribed Stock No. 4048 No. 4060, so far as Farmers Relief not repealed No. 4073 Cultivation Advances No. 4078 Albert Park Land Amended by Unemployment Relief (Administration) Nos 4135, 4288, 4455, 5771.

No. 4079 No. 4092 Boy Scouts Association Amended by Unemployment Relief (Loan and Application) Nos 4173, 4244, 4301, 4394, 4507, 4564, 4656, 4926, 4965.

No. 4097 1933 No. 4115 Director of Finance No. 4121 Wangaratta Lands No. 4127 Albert Park Land No. 4128 Centenary Celebrations Council Amended by Shrine of Remembrance Site Nos 5279, 5480, 5602.

No. 4130

39 Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

No. 4132 City of Sandringham (Rating Validation) No. 4135 Unemployment Relief (Administration) Sch. 2 No. 4139 Melbourne General Cemetery Land No. 4143 British Migrants Agreement No. 4147 Port Melbourne Lagoon Lands Amended by Melbourne Cricket Ground No. 6144.

No. 4149 No. 4153, so far as Local Government (Shire of Heidelberg) not repealed No. 4162 Cultivation Advances (Borrowing) No. 4165 Domain (Melbourne) Land No. 4173 Unemployment Relief Loan and Application No. 4177 Ballaarat Lands No. 4182 Municipal Association Amended by Melbourne Market and Park Lands No. 5913.

No. 4184 No. 4187 City of Kew (Thornton-street) No. 4190 Melbourne Lands Exchange No. 4193 Ararat Borough (Alexandra Sports Ground) Amended by Kew and Heidelberg Lands No. 4843.

No. 4194 Amended by Cultivation Advances Nos 4237, 4253, 4264, 4521.

No. 4195

Sch. 2

40 1934 Amended by Essendon Land No. 5709.

No. 4230 Amended by Cultivation Advances Nos 4326, 4521.

No. 4237

Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

No. 4243 North Geelong to Fyansford Railway Construction No. 4244 Unemployment Relief Loan and Application No. 4246 Commonwealth and States Financial Agreement No. 4253 Government Advances (Reduction of Interest) No. 426838 River Murray Waters No. 4279, so far as Local Government not repealed39 1935 No. 4301 Unemployment Relief Loan and Application No. 4306 South Melbourne and Port Melbourne Land Amended by Farmers' Advances Nos 4521, 4588, 5036, 5091, 5210.

No. 4338 Amended by Royal Melbourne Hospital No. 6142.

No. 4342 1936 No. 4365 Wodonga and Tallangatta Railway Deviation No. 4369 Warranook Railway (Dismantling) No. 4386 Melbourne Land No. 4394 Unemployment Relief Loan and Application

41 No. 4395 Great Ocean Road Lands Amended by Zoological Gardens No. 5602.

No. 4431 No. 4438 Miners' Phthisis Relief No. 4451 Wood Pulp Agreement

Sch. 2 No. 4455 Unemployment Relief (Administration) 1937 No. 4496, sec. 6 Financial Emergency (Grants and Funds) No. 4507 Unemployment Relief Loan and Application Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

No. 450840 Port Melbourne (Aircraft Agreement) Land No. 4518 Triholm and Strezlecki Railway (Dismantling) 1938 No. 4536 Royal Melbourne Hospital No. 4552 Echuca (High-street) Flood Protection District Abolition No. 4558, so far as Outer Circle Railway (Partial Dismantling) not repealed No. 4564 Unemployment Relief Loan and Application Amended by Miners' Phthisis (Treasury Allowances) Nos 4824, 4923, 5270, 5362, 5653, 5811.

No. 4567 Amended by Melbourne and Geelong Corporations Nos 4636, 4726, 4869, 5203, 6006, 6082.

No. 4574

42 No. 4588 Farmers Advances (Financial) No. 4589 Hepburn Springs Land No. 4590 Church of England (Port Fairy) Land Amended by Closer Settlement Nos 4636, 4726, 5281.

No. 4597 No. 4600 Ballaarat Free Library (Borrowing) No. 4602 as amended Companies No. 4606 Moorpanyal Land No. 4621 Investment Companies

Sch. 2 No. 4622 Melbourne (Hopetoun Ward) Streets Amended by Western Metropolitan Market No. 6176.

No. 4623 No. 4628 Carlton Land

Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

1939 No. 4656 Unemployment Relief Loan and Application No. 4665 Balaclava Methodist Church Land No. 4706 Castlemaine Hospital Lands No. 4716 Ballaarat Lands 1940 No. 4743 Melbourne Orphanage Amended by Melbourne (Widening of Streets) No. 4991.

No. 4760 No. 4764 Hawthorn Returned Sailors and Soldiers Trust

43 No. 4781 Bendigo Land No. 4782 Drought Relief No. 4790 Companies (Special Investigations) 1941 No. 4801 Nowingi to Millewa South Railway (Partial Dismantling) No. 4805 Melbourne Lands Exchange No. 4818 Churches of Christ in Victoria Property No. 4822 Lal Lal Racecourse Railway (Dismantling) No. 4843 Kew and Heidelberg Lands (Amendment) Amended by Melbourne (Subways) No. 5972.

No. 4852 No. 4864 Church of England (Ballarat East) Land No. 4871 Liquid Fuel 1942

Sch. 2 No. 4885 Limbless Soldiers Trust No. 489941 Milk and Dairy Supervision No. 4935 Metropolitan Gas Company No. 4936 Yannathan and Triholm Railway (Dismantling) Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

1943 No. 4954 State Schools (Bush Fire Relief) No. 4962 Railway Construction (Extensions) No. 4970 Partially Blinded Soldiers Fund No. 4989 Discharged Servicemen's Preference No. 4991 Melbourne (Widening of Streets) 1944

44 No. 5010 Outer Circle Railway (Partial Dismantling) Amended by No. 5174. Sch. 2 No. 5020 Farm Water Supplies Advances

No. 5026 Border Railways No. 5036 Farmers Advances Amended by Heatherton Sanatorium Nos 5300, 6024.

No. 5045 No. 5051 Commonwealth and States Financial Agreement Amended by Public Library National Gallery and Museums Nos 5447, 5602.

No. 5053 Amended by Drought Relief No. 5063.

No. 5054 1945 No. 5063 Drought Relief (Amendment) No. 5076 Lilydale Waterworks Trust Abolition No. 5077 East Melbourne Land Amended by Local Government (Emergency Housing No. 5113 Accommodation) s. 2.

No. 5079, as amended except sec. 3 No. 5081 Bendigo Land No. 5091 Farmers' Advances

Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter


45 No. 5112 Mornington Sewerage Authority (Validation) Amended by Drought Relief No. 5178.

No. 5122 Amended by Ballaarat Gas Company No. 5375.

No. 5142 No. 5154 Clifton Hill Land No. 5157 Moorpanyal Land No. 5174 Farm Water Supplies and Drainage Advances Amended by Melbourne South Land No. 5217.

No. 5176 No. 5178 Drought Relief (Amendment) No. 5188 Railway (Mont Park Siding) No. 5194 Metropolitan Gas Company No. 5199 Public Works Loan and Application (No. 2) 1947 No. 5210 Farmers Advances (Amendment) Amended by Old Colonists Association No. 5901.

No. 5214 Amended by Drought Relief No. 5235.

No. 5225 No. 5235 Drought Relief (Amendment) No. 5236 Wheat Marketing (Winding up) Amendment No. 5240 Public Works Loan and Application No. 5244 Ballaarat Land 1948

Sch. 2

46 No. 5268 Camberwell Lands No. 5274 Coranderrk Lands No. 5279 Shrine of Remembrance Trustees No. 5281 Closer Settlement (Disposal of Land) Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

No. 5292 Hepburn Springs Land No. 5319 Thornbury Land Amended by Gippsland Railway (Duplication and Regrading) Nos 5331, 5582.

No. 5323 No. 5343 Railways Standardization Agreement No. 5345 Alphington to East Preston Railway Construction Amended by Moe to Yallourn Railway Construction No. 5602.

No. 5352 No. 5355 Fern Tree Gully and Gembrook Railway (Reconstruction) 1949 No. 5364 Horsham Land No. 536942 River Murray Waters No. 5373 Forestry Pulp and Paper Company's Afforestation Contracts No. 5392 Williamstown Lands No. 5399 Lancefield and Kilmore Railway (Disposal of Land) No. 5428 Metropolitan Gas Company No. 5441 Croydon Fruit Cool Stores No. 5447 Public Library National Gallery and Museums 1950 No. 5461 Melbourne (Bowen-street) Land No. 5480 Shrine of Remembrance Site

47 No. 549743 Tallangatta Township (Removal)

Sch. 2 Amended by Gelliondale Land (Mineral Lease) No. 5602.

No. 5504 No. 5509 Railways Dismantling No. 5510 Geelong (Kardinia Park)

Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

No. 5515 Public Works Loan and Application (No. 2) No. 5524 McPherson's Limited Pension Fund 1951 No. 5532 Geelong Gas Company No. 5551 Bendigo (Rosalind Park) Lands No. 5552 Railways Dismantling No. 5557 Winchelsea Coal Mine No. 5558 Special Funds (Amendment) No. 5575 Grace Joel Scholarship No. 5582 Gippsland Railway (Duplication and Regrading) Extension No. 5591 Kerang and Koondrook Tramway No. 5592 Ballaarat Gas Company No. 5593 Revocation and Excision of Crown Reservations No. 5606 Local Government (Warrnambool) No. 5613 Lands (Charitable Trusts) No. 5614 Melbourne Cricket Ground No. 5618 Public Works Loan Application 1952 No. 5622 Lands (Charitable Trusts)

48 No. 5654 Girl Guides Association No. 5657 Public Works Loan Application 1953

Sch. 2 No. 5679 Geelong Gas Company No. 5691 Free Presbyterian Church Property No. 5709 Essendon Land (Amendment) No. 5717 Junior Legacy, Melbourne (Dureau Memorial) No. 5724 Oldham Trusts No. 5727 Hotham Heights Land Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

No. 5735 Ballaarat Gas Company No. 5743 Corio to Newport Pipeline No. 5757 section 12 Statutes Amendment No. 5763 Public Works Loan Application 1954 No. 5781 Melbourne Cricket Ground (Guarantee) No. 5803 Geelong and District Cultural Institute No. 5810 Swan Hill Lands Exchange No. 5811 Miners' Phthisis (Treasury Allowances) Amendment No. 5816 Wheat Industry Stabilization No. 5822 Napier-street Bridge No. 5830 Mildura College Lands (Amendment) No. 583344 River Murray Waters No. 5846 section 14 Statutes Amendment No. 5850 Public Works Loan Application 1955 No. 5862 Companies (Names)

49 No. 5872 Railway Deviations No. 5891 Wonthaggi Railway Land No. 5901 Old Colonists' Association

Sch. 2 No. 5905 Olympic Games No. 5913 Melbourne Market and Park Lands No. 5921 Public Works Loan Application No. 5926 Geelong Market Site No. 5933 (sections 3 Public Officers Salaries and 4(1)) Amended by Companies No. 6047.

No. 5935 No. 593945 Railways Dismantling Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

1956 No. 5942 Serviceton Public Hall No. 5948 Returned Servicemen's Badges No. 5951 North Carlton Land No. 5956 Melbourne College of Divinity (Amendment) No. 5960 Victoria Racing Club No. 5970 section 16 Public Officers Salaries and Allowances No. 5972 Melbourne Subways (Borrowing) No. 5976 Geelong Gas Company No. 5977 St. Kilda and Brighton Electric Street Railway (Partial Dismantling) No. 5990 Freedom of the City of Melbourne No. 5993 West Melbourne Market Land No. 6000 Melbourne Racing Club No. 6008 Ballaarat Gas Company

50 No. 6012 sections Registrar-General's Fees 2(2), 5 and Schedule No. 6025 National Art Gallery and Cultural Centre No. 6027 Appleton Dock Railway Construction No. 6033 Railways (Malvern Subways)

Sch. 2 No. 6046 Forests (Masonite Agreement) No. 6047 Companies (Unit Trusts) No. 6049 Public Works Loan Application No. 6052 Housing (Broadmeadows Land) 1957 No. 6057 Trinity College No. 6065 Rabbit (Biological Destruction) No. 6066 Public Works Loan Application No. 6071 Yinnar Lands

Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

No. 6072 Sandringham to Black Rock Electric Street Railway (Dismantling) No. 6077 Consolidated Revenue No. 6095 Transport (Westernport Bay) No. 6099 Consolidated Revenue No. 6102 Consolidated Revenue No. 6105 Port Melbourne Lagoon Lands No. 6120 Exhibition No. 6129 Revenue Deficit Funding No. 6131 Bendigo Land No. 6133 Swan Hill Railway Land No. 6142 Dental Hospital (Finance)

51 No. 6144 Melbourne Cricket Ground (Trustees) No. 6152 Water Supply Loan Application No. 6153 State Forests Loan Application No. 6156 King-street Bridge No. 6158 Railway Loan Application No. 6160, so far as Fraser National Park not repealed

Sch. 2 No. 6164 Shepparton Lands No. 6165 Elphinstone Lands Exchange No. 6169 Public Works Loan Application No. 6170 Appropriation of Revenue 1958 No. 6172 Consolidated Revenue No. 6173 Footscray (Lawson-street) Land No. 6176 Western Metropolitan Market (Amendment) No. 6177 Local Government (Portland) No. 6178 Melbourne (Flinders-street) Land No. 6180 Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Agreements Enactment and Year of Enactment Subject-matter

No. 6184 Monash University No. 6187 Consolidated Revenue ═══════════════

52 Sch. 2


. General Information The Acts Enumeration and Revision Act 1958 was assented to on 30 September 1958 and came into operation on 1 April 1959: Government Gazette 18 March 1959 page 892.


54 . Table of Amendments This Version incorporates amendments made to the Acts Enumeration and Revision Act 1958 by Government Gazettes 4 September 1959 page 2699, 16 December 1959 page 3639 and 2 June 1965 page 1740.


55 . Explanatory Details Endnotes

56 1 S. 6 def. of enactment: This was the date of the first Act of the Legislature of Victoria.

2 Sch. 2: The enactments mentioned in this Schedule from 10 Geo. IV No. 9 to 14 Vict. No. 49 inclusive were passed by the Governor and Legislative Council of New South Wales, those from 16 Vict. No. 38 to 18 Vict. (Church of England Belfast Lands) by the Governor and Legislative Council of Victoria, and the subsequent enactments appearing in the Schedule are Acts of the Victorian Parliament, and are numbered in consecutive order irrespective of the years in which they were passed. 3 Sch. 2 No. 391: See The Act No. 391 Amendment Act 1925, No. 3396/1925. 4 Sch. 2 No. 564 s. 1: The remaining provisions of this Act were repealed by the Local Government Act 1890, No. 1112/1890. 5 Sch. 2 No. 843: See the Federal Council Referring (Victoria) Act 1889, No. 1051/1889, the Federal Council Referring (Victoria) Act 1893, No. 1284/1893 and the Federal Council Referring (Victoria) Act 1896, No. 1464/1896. 6 Sch. 2 No. 944: The undertaking of this company has been taken over by the City of Melbourne. 7 Sch. 2 No. 1051: See the Federal Council Act 1885, No. 843/1885, the Federal Council Referring (Victoria) Act 1893, No. 1284/1893 and the Federal Council Referring (Victoria) Act 1896, No. 1464/1896. 8 Sch. 2 No. 1179: See note 6. 9 Sch. 2 No. 1243 s. 14: These sections were repealed by the Local Government Act 1903, No. 1893/1903 except as to Melbourne and Geelong. 10 Sch. 2 No. 1284: See the Federal Council Act 1885, No. 843/1885, the Federal Council Referring (Victoria) Act 1889, No. 1051/1889 and the Federal Council Referring (Victoria) Act 1896, No. 1464/1896. 11 Sch. 2 No. 1322 s. 5: See note 9. 12 Sch. 2 No. 1347: This Act refers to land in various parts of Victoria. 13 Sch. 2 No. 1366 s. 5: See note 9. 14 Sch. 2 No. 1447: See section 271(2) of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1958, No. 6310/1958. 15 Sch. 2 No. 1460 s. 5: This section was repealed by the Local Government Act 1903, No. 1893/1903 except as to Melbourne and Geelong. 16 Sch. 2 No. 1464: See the Federal Council Act 1885, No. 843/1885, the Federal Council Referring (Victoria) Act 1889, No. 1051/1889 and the Federal Council Referring (Victoria) Act 1893, No. 1284/1893. 17 Sch. 2 No. 1468: This Act provides for the erection of Victorian Government 3 per cent stock. 18 Sch. 2 No. 1529 s. 9: This section refers to Parliament, in certain circumstances, making loss good. 19 Sch. 2 No. 1567: This Act makes provision, inter alia, for advances to assist in the construction of Mallee tanks. 20 Sch. 2 No. 2015 (except ss 6-9): Sections 6-9 were repealed by the Hospitals and Charities Act 1922, No. 3260/1922. 21 Sch. 2 No. 2136: The authority given by this Act has not been fully exercised. 22 Sch. 2 No. 2393 (except ss 4-6): Sections 4-6 were repealed by the Prahran Mechanics' Institute Act 1914, No. 2554/1914. 23 Sch. 2 No. 2554: See the Prahran Mechanics' Institute Act 1899, No. 1617/1899. 24 Sch. 2 No. 2596: See the River Murray Waters Agreement (No. 2) Act 1915, No. 2803/1915, the River Murray Waters Agreement Act 1923, No. 3287/1923, the River Murray Waters Act 1934, No. 4268/1934, the River Murray Waters Act 1949, No. 5369/1949, the Tallangatta Township (Removal) Act 1950, 5497/1950 and the River Murray Waters Act 1954, No. 5833/1954. 25 Sch. 2 No. 2754 ss 16-20: These sections refer to the Shire Councils making land purchase rates to meet annual payments. 26 Sch. 2 No. 2803: See note 24. 27 Sch. 2 No. 2984 s. 6: This section relates to the vesting of certain lands in the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission. 28 Sch. 2 No. 3042: This Act, though entitled Act of 1919, was assented to by the Governor in January 1920. 29 Sch. 2 No. 3143: This Act, so far as it divests land out of the Commissioners of the Geelong Harbor Trust, was repealed by the Geelong (Harbor Trust) Act 1928, No. 3624/1928. 30 Sch. 2 No. 3152: The construction of the Port Fairy to Yambuk Railway has not been commenced. 31 Sch. 2 No. 3287: See note 24. 32 Sch. 2 No. 3321 (except s. 7): Section 7 was repealed by the Fire Brigades Act 1928, No. 3682/1928. 33 Sch. 2 No. 3325: See note 29. 34 Sch. 2 No. 3412: Section 3 of this Act was repealed by the Geelong (Harbor Trust) Act 1928, No. 3624/1928. 35 Sch. 2 No. 3515: In part a Finance Act. 36 Sch. 2 No. 3554: By section 6 of this Act, all Acts and enactments of the Parliament of Victoria, so far as they relate to matters dealt with by this Act or the agreement, are to be read as subject to this Act and the agreement. And any payment required to be made under any such Act or enactment into sinking funds etc. is to be discontinued during the operation of the agreement. This Act was proclaimed on the third day of September 1928. See also the Commonwealth and States Financial Agreements Acts, No. 4246/1934 and 5051/1944. 37 Sch. 2 No. 3585: Portion of this Act is still unexhausted. 38 Sch. 2 No. 4268: See note 24. 39 Sch. 2 No. 4279: Sections 25(4)(b), 94(2), 96 relate to Melbourne and Geelong. 40 Sch. 2 No. 4508: See section 2(1) of the Port of Melbourne Authority Act 1958, No. 6312/1958. 41 Sch. 2 No. 4899: This Act was never proclaimed, repealed by section 8 of the Milk and Dairy Supervision (Amendment) Act 1971, No. 8236/1971. 42 Sch. 2 No. 5369: See note 24. 43 Sch. 2 No. 5497: See note 24. 44 Sch. 2 No. 5833: See note 24. 45 Sch. 2 No. 5939: See note 30.

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