Problems with Trinitarianism
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Problems with Trinitarianism
1. Term and Definition Are Not in the Bible - Most religious people’s minds have been trained to believe 3 persons their whole life yet it is not specifically stated one time in the Bible. People that have never been taught Trinitarianism througha church denomination usually have an easy time understanding that God is not 3 persons because the Bible never uses the word “trinity” nor does the Bible ever use the defininition of the trinity – “God exists in three, coequal, distrinct beings or persons”. So the very term of their doctrine and it’s definition are NOT in the Bible. This should throw up some major “red flags” for the sincere Bible reader. We are told to NOT add or take away (Rev. 22:18-19) from the Word of God, yet Trinitarian freely adds words to the Bible.
2. Inconsistency Within Trintarianism - Within Trinitarianism, there is not unity in the understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity. Some are more extreme about the separation of the “three persons”, dividing them in such a way that it almost becomes “polytheism” – three gods. Others are not so extreme. If trinitarianism is such a great explanation of the Godhead, why is paganism, or polytheism, so close to being a part of their teaching? One Trinitarian scholar wrote that trinitarians “rotate between modalism (one God Who changes appearance) and tritheism (three gods)”. Should truth have any mixture of error or rotation with error? We do not believe any truth from God contains any error.
4. The Trinity Doctrine Exalts Their Teaching Above the Bible Authors - A Catholic minister admitted to me one time that Paul never wrote or taught Trinity but that it was later developed by the early church fathers. Are Trinitarians saying that these “devout minds” of the early church fathers had a greater revelation or understanding on the Godhead than Paul and Peter? We teach what Paul and the rest of the apostles wrote because there was no division about the Godhead in their writings. The New Testament writers of the Bible had greater revelation about the Godhead than the later church leaders who created the Trinity doctrine because the Trinity doctrine is not found in the Bible.
3. Trinitarians See The Baby Jesus As Being Fully God - Trinitarians admit Christ was fully man and fully God, but they believe the baby Jesus was “fully God from the womb”, but this cannot be so according to the Word of God. We believe Jesus was fully the “Word” (John 1:14) at all times, but not yet “the anointed Christ” until His baptism at river Jordan, when the Spirit’s anointing came upon Him. He had the “Lamb nature” of God even as a child, not a sinful nature, and He was fully human and could learn, get sick, and die – things “God the Spirit” cannot do. Heb. 5:8 – Jesus learned obedience (His flesh); God the Spirit cannot learn anything Lk. 2:40 – grace upon boy Jesus, but the Spirit was not yet on Him until His baptism Lk. 2:52 – Jesus increased in wisdom, stature, favor with God and men Lk. 4:1,8 – Jesus now full of Holy Ghost; Spirit of Lord now upon Him James 1:13 – God cannot be tempted, yet Jesus was (Heb. 2:18, 4:15) Lk. 22:42 – the humanity of Jesus had a will different than the Spirit
Jesus, the human part of Him, had to receive the Holy Ghost: a. He said the “Father” was in Him (John 14:10) b. Acts 10:38, Jesus was “anointed” with Holy Ghost c. The Spirit “remained” and “abided” (John 1:32,33)
4. The Catholic Church Did Not Affirm That The Holy Spirit Was Divine Until 381 A.D. – This is another proof that the Bible writers had greater revelation on the Godhead than the Catholic writers of the Trinty doctrine. In Acts 5:3-4, the New Testament writer used the words “Holy Spirt” and “God” interchangeably, proving that the early apostles and Bible writers knew the Holy Spirit was God. The Catholic Church did not know this until 381 A.D. 8. Various Contradictions and Errors In The Trinity Doctrine – There are simple contradictions and errors that few Trinitarians have attempted to answer, such as: a. Who is Jesus’ father? The Athanasian creed says the Son is of the Father “alone” but Matthew 1:18- 20 says that Jesus was concevied of the Holy Ghost. Does Jesus have two fathers? The truth is that the Father and the Holy Ghost are the self-same Person. b. The Trinity doctrine over emphasizes the divinity of Jesus, making Him totally equal with the Father. If that is the case, how can God, the eternal Spirit, die? Can part of an eternal God die? The flesh of Jesus’ body was NOT equal to Father, for Jesus said the Father is greater than I (John 14:28). c. Which Person do we pray to in the Trinity? Jesus prayed to the Heavenly Father while Stephen prayed to Lord Jesus. The truth is that we pray to the Father through the name of Jesus and the name of the Lord Jesus is the name of God for there is no name above the name of Jesus Christ. d. Who’s blood saved us? Which person of the Trinity saved us with their blood? The Bible said God’s blood saved us (Acts 20:28) and it also said Jesus’ blood saved us (Heb. 9:12)? The truth is that the Spirit, God, created the blood of Jesus and so both the Creator and the Son Who lived off of the blood are recognized as giving the blood for our sins. e. The Trinity says God is three persons, yet one God. There are no Scriptures that say this. But the Bible says the Spirit and Jesus are “manifestations” of God and not separate persons (I Tim. 3:16, I Cor. 12:7). We believe it is wise to use specific Bible words rather than creating un-Biblical terms and definitions.