2100 Wescott Drive Flemington, NJ 08822 Phone 908-788-6600 Fax 908-788-6651

Dear Friend,

As you pack away the Halloween jack-o-lanterns for another year, you know that there is no turning back. The holiday season is upon you – that time of year for those special family get- togethers. It will never be quite the same because that special someone will be missing. In fact, you may find yourself actually feeling angry or resentful as you see other families preparing for the days ahead.

Let us suggest that you begin by examining your expectations of what is to come, then start your holiday planning by forcing yourself to set expectations that are realistic. Recognize that as a recently bereaved person, you may not be able to function at your usual level. Consider which activities are truly meaningful and enjoyable for you. Try to reduce holiday pressure by eliminating or reassigning activities that are not that important to you. Consider family traditions – the predictability of tradition may offer a comforting structure for your holiday routine.

Above all, remember that your situation is unique. What worked for someone else may not feel right for you, just as your ideas for coping may seem unusual to someone else. Trust yourself. If it makes the holidays more bearable for you, then do it. If you think we can be of help, please call.

We have enclosed some helpful thoughts, which other bereaved persons have shared, in the hope of making your holidays easier to handle.

Our warmest regards for a meaningful holiday season.


Joy Stump Beth Williams, LCSW Volunteer Coordinator Social Work Coordinator


BrvMailings/Ltr16 (holidays)