Rock The Vote Camp a great success!! Thank you to Duxbury voters exiting the polling booth for sharing their insights on the four ballot questions with Rock The Vote campers last Tuesday. These "roving reporters" enjoyed learning the pros and cons of each question and they used their findings to help formulate their own opinions. Rock The Vote campers voted the same way as most Massachusetts residents except on Question 4, Marijuana commercialization and legislation. They heard about the concerns for edibles getting in the wrong hands of pets and children, the inability to test for drugged driving, the poor tax incentives that were negotiated and the "social costs" to our community. They were very surprised to find out on Wednesday morning the legalization and commercialization of marijuana had been approved. It's a great opportunity to reinforce your family values and expectations when children may be confused about the benefits to Massachusetts.

Halloween Giveback continues this week. Drop off at DSU or Kingsbury Club through November 18th. DSU is open 12noon-6pm Monday through Friday.

Our Brownie Throwdown starts this week. The Duxbury Interfaith Council needs over 120 desserts for Thanksgiving baskets. Start a tradition with your children and bake a dozen brownies. Drop off at DSU anytime this week or at Holy Family Church next Monday.

Cape Cod Cares for Troops Care Packing event Always on the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend, DSU takes volunteers and 500+ pounds of candy to Bourne MA to distribute in over 1500 care packages for troops abroad. It is a remarkable event, meeting volunteers, veterans and family members of troops deployed. If you want to start a sweet family tradition and give back to the troops, email us at [email protected]. It is usually a 3 hour commitment but can be flexible to meet family schedules. Children must be accompanied by one parent.

Duxbury FACTS news The marijuana ballot question passed. Now what happens? Come to the Duxbury FACTS meeting, Tuesday November 15th at 7:00pm in Alden Room 104. The guest speaker is Duxbury resident, Julie Johnson, who is a marijuana policy and youth health researcher at Brandeis University and Boston Children's Hospital Center for Adolescent Substance Abuse Research. Julie will talk about the science of marijuana use on the teen brain and effects of policy in Massachusetts.