Minutes of the Bilton in Ainsty with Bickerton Parish Council

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Minutes of the Bilton in Ainsty with Bickerton Parish Council

MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BILTON IN AINSTY WITH BICKERTON PARISH COUNCIL HELD IN TOCKWITH SCHOOL ON MONDAY 11 APRIL 2016 Present: Councillors: Mr S Mackouly (Chairman), Mr A J Pratt, Mr T Smithson, Mrs J A Davies, Mr K Talling Mr L T I Grant (Clerk/RFO) Prospective Conservative Candidate: Mr Tim Myatt

1. Apologies for Absence Cllrs Mrs D Podlewska, Mrs J Hanson

2. Minutes of the Meetings Held on 21.03.16 The minutes of the monthly meeting held on 21.03.16 were approved as a true record by all Councillors present without abstention.

3. Public Questions and Statements There was no member of the public present at the meeting. The Chairman had been asked two questions about the PC’s defibrillator in Bilton in Ainsty by local residents in the Village. 1. Could the defibrillator be relocated nearer to properties in Post Office Row? 2. Could the PC consider purchasing a second defibrillator for use in Bilton in Ainsty? Following a brief discussion, Cllrs agreed the existing location of the defibrillator in Bilton in Ainsty was the most central location for it and there was little benefit in re- locating the unit closer to Post Office Row, where a local resident suffered with a heart condition. The suggestion of using the Telephone Kiosk, could not be considered as the Kiosk is still owned by BT Openreach. The purchase of a second defibrillator could not be justified in a small rural community when the existing unit has never been used. The Clerk will however investigate the cost of second hand units, so that local residents can consider buying their own unit.

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting Held on 15.02.16 4.1 Highway Matters – Flooding to Post Office Row and B1224 Nothing to report. 4.2 Highway Verges 2016 The local contractor who has previously cut grass verges when requested, has stopped carrying out the work on health grounds. The only known local farmer with grass cutting equipment for a tractor, has been approached but is unable to help. He does not have the correct cutters nor adequate insurance. Cllrs will consider other alternative contractors.

5. Police Matters The Community Beat Manager was unable to attend. No crime statistics have been circulated.

6. Finance Matters 6.1 Funds Received.  £2700 Punch Taverns. The figure includes an overpayment of £450, which has been recorded. 6.2 Bank Balances at 31.03.16 were:  Business Money Management £11,188.12  Community Account £0.00 Cllrs checked the bank statements for March 2016 to confirm the figures. There were no comments or queries from Councillors about the PC’s Bank Accounts or financial statements circulated previously. 1 6.3 Invoices Received and to be paid Total payment of £2,165.12 was approved by all Cllrs present without abstention, with corresponding inter account transfer.  Tockwith School £25.20 Meeting Room Hire 11.04.16  YLCA £190.00 Annual Subscription  Vision ICT Ltd £258.00 (£215.00 + £43.00 VAT) Annual web hosting  Vision ICT Ltd £66.00 (£55.00 + £11.00 VAT) Renewal of internet name PC website.  Clerk’s quarterly Invoice £1625.96 (£1378.76 Salary & Expenses + £247.20 PAYE)

7. Planning and Related Matters 7.1 Planning Applications Received and to be Determined  None received 7.2 Planning Decision Notifications Received  None received 7.3 Planning Enforcement  Highfields Tom Cat Lane Bickerton. The response from the Enforcement Officer and Principle Solicitor had been received. Nothing appears to have changed and HBC will continue to monitor the situation. 8. PC Administration 8.1 Adoption of Annual Accounts and Approval of Annual Governance Statement The Accounts had been circulated and no queries received. All Cllrs present without abstention approved the adoption of the Accounts and confirmed their agreement to the Annual Governance Statement included in the Audit Document. The Chairman and Clerk signed the Audit Document on behalf of Cllrs. 8.2 Adoption of Updated Financial Rik Assessment The updated Financial Risk Assessment had been circulated and no queries received. All Cllrs present without abstention approved the adoption of the Updated Risk Assessment. 8.3 Adoption of Updated Asset Risk Assessment The updated Asset Risk Assessments had been circulated and no queries received. All Cllrs present without abstention approved the adoption of the Updated Asset Risk Assessments. 8.4 Adoption of an Updated Asset Register The updated Asset Register had been circulated and no queries received. All Cllrs present without abstention approved the adoption of the Updated Asset Register. 8.5 Replacement Notice Board Westlands Bilton in Ainsty Following a further detailed examination of the existing Notice Board construction, it has been concluded that no satisfactory modification is possible. The best solution appears to be the replacement of the Notice Board by a similar unit as used in Bickerton, with the bottom section from the existing unit being amended to advertise the Chequer’s Inn Car Park. 8.6 Neighbourhood Plans- Parish Design Statement Cllrs Mrs J Hanson and D Podlewska were not present. The Chairman and Clerk continue to attend meetings of the working group. Cll Mrs J Hanson is known to have raised a query with HBC Planning staff which has not received an adequate response.

2 8.7 Highway Signage The new signage showing that HGV’s should not travel through Bickerton from the B1224, were erected in March, six months later than anticipated. Within days an HGV tried to travel to Wetherby through Bickerton and had to reverse out of the Village from the unmade Bridleway. 8.8 Defibrillator Bilton in Ainsty update This item was discussed under ‘Public Statements and Questions’

9. Councillor’s Business items for the Next Meeting

10. Dates for Future Meetings 16 May (AGM), 20 June and 18 July 2016. All meetings to be held in Tockwith School at 7.30pm.

Clerk to the Parish Council: L T I Grant Tel: 01423 359961 Email: [email protected] Chairman: S Mackouly Tel: 01423 358092 Email: [email protected]

Parish Website: www.biltoninainstywithbickerton-pc.gov.uk Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/biltonwithbickertonparishcouncil


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