N=Novel, R=10 Steps to Improving College Reading Skills, V=Improving Vocabulary Skills
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ENGLISH R – FALL 2005 – SECTION # 6008 (8 A.M.) Lab on Thursdays MRS. BURRUSS (310) 532-3670 ext. 4404 {N=Novel, R=10 Steps to Improving College Reading Skills, V=Improving Vocabulary Skills} This outline of the schedule and assignments is subject to changes depending on the needs of the class and the instructor. Please be sure to have the phone number of at least two classmates to follow-up on assignments. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for all changes, whether you are in class or not! If there are handouts, make sure that one of your study partners obtains the paperwork for you.
1. Contact name ______CITY______
Phone number______
E-mail address______
2. Contact name ______CITY______
Phone number______
E-mail address______Vocabulary Homework for each of the first 5 Chapters in each Unit, do: “10 Words in Context,” “Sentence Check 1,” and “Final Check.” Complete all sections for every sixth Chapter (the “Word Parts” Chapters – Chap 6, Chap 12, Chap 18… etc. )! Homework is WORTH 30 POINTS PER UNIT (6 CHPS)! Vocabulary pretest grades do not count. These are to help you study what you don’t know! Your pretest will be your “ticket” to take the Unit Test, so be sure to keep it! There will be five Unit Vocabulary Tests @ 50 points each!
The Personal Reflection Reading Log O A DAILY HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT ~ BEGINNING IMMEDIATELY The reading log has 7 places for entries each week and will be collected on Tuesdays. Each entry of 15 minutes of reading with 1 to 2 COMPLETE AND GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT sentences of PERSONAL REFLECTION/OPINION journaling is worth 4 points. It is important that you read daily AND THIS WILL AFFECT YOUR GRADE! This minimum of 15 minutes should be used for reading anything. Examples could be newspaper articles, literary works, textbooks for history, science, psychology, etc. The class novel, (N) Holes, is always a good choice! The reading log is worth 28 points per week. Extra Credit Opportunity: Each vocabulary word used properly in a reading log’s PERSONAL OPINION sentence or other class writings must be underlined and will count as 1/2 bonus point! For your growth in vocabulary skills: On the back of your reading log, write the words you had to look up in the dictionary, or words that gave you a hard time. Put a “D” next to the words you had to look up to understand their meanings.
*** EVERY DAY, BRING: A BRIGHT PEN, A #2 PENCIL, AND TEXTBOOKS!*** 8/30-9/1 WEEK 1 Day 1 o Introductions and registration adds/drops o Procedures, expectations, handouts o Explanation of syllabus, textbooks, journaling, lab portfolio, Scantrons o Suggestions to help during the reading of (N) Holes (Handout) o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Day 2 o Lab procedures, rules, and expectations (Handout, sign & return) o Lab packet check …2 bonus points! o Begin using Ultimate Speed Reader o Learning Resource Center (LRC) lab registration …1 bonus point o Study Buddies…10 points o Textbook Check…5 points Week 1 Homework: Due Day 3 o Reflective Journal/Reading Log: Week 1 o R: Read intro: pgs 3-18, AND UNDERLINE MAIN POINTS WHILE READING AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE ANSWER QUESTIONS ON PGS 5 –7, PARTS I & II ONLY o Print out & read: Academic Success Tips from the website: http://www.uwrf.edu/academic-success/Premajor/acad_success_tips.htm Write down the three ideas you think are most useful Due Day 4 o Read the first 5 Chapters of (N) Holes > Create Novel Notes for Open Book/Note Test o Begin working (H/W due Day 5) on Vocabulary, Unit 1, Chaps. 1-6 . Pretest Week 3 – Day 6 . Test Week 4 – Day 8 Due Tues 9/13 (Day 5) o Greek and Latin Roots: Write as many words as you can think of using the roots in your words *Greek & Latin roots printed from the website: http://www.kent.wednet.edu/KSD/MA/resources/greek_and_latin_roots/transition.html Try to come up with at least one or two words for each example. You may write them right on your print out (approximately 10 pgs.) This exercise will help you determine the meanings of words when reading, and also help you expand your vocabulary. It may even help you on your vocabulary tests in this class! Remember that participation is part of your grade!
Scantrons used in this class are: ParScore Form F-1712-PAR-L Pink form/200 answers/Mini Blue Book on back ($1 or 25¢) 9/6-9/8 WEEK 2 Day 3 o Imagine the future: in class exercise o Academic Success Tips … 10 points o Trade & Grade R: Intro …17 points o Syllabus - pop quiz & questions …10 points o Turn in Reading Log Week 1….28 points o Bring Scantron: RFU level testing (grade doesn’t count) o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Day 4 o Check Holes Chapters 1-5 notes …5 points o R: 10 Steps: Chapter 1 – Vocabulary in Context Lesson o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Week 2 Homework: Due Day 5 o Reflective Journal/Reading Log: Week 2 . Read Chapters 6-10 of Holes, MAKE NOTES o V: Vocabulary, Unit 1 Homework – Chaps. 1-6 o R: Chapter 1 – Vocabulary in Context o Pg 23-24 Practice 1 (# 6-10) o Pg 25-26 Practice 2 (# 6-10) o Pg 27-28 Practice 3 (# 6-10) o Pg 30-31 Practice 4 (# 6-10) o Pg 41-42 Mastery Test 1 Due Day 6 o Greek & Latin roots worksheets o Scavenger Hunt o Print out of Initial Testing from the LRC (Learning Resource Center)
Notes: 9/13-9/15 WEEK 3 – LRC 1 hour of Credit/Diagnostic Test Day 5 o Collect Reading Log Week 2 …28 points o T & G R: Chapter 1 homework …20 points o T & G Vocabulary Unit 1 Chps 1-6…30 points Day 6 o Vocabulary: Unit 1 pretest & correct o Check Holes, Chapters 6-10 Notes …5 points o Greek & Latin roots worksheets (number found)…20 points o Play a game in class with this! o Scavenger Hunt…10 points o Diagnostic Printout from the LRC (Learning Resource Center)…10 points RFU/SRA Lab time Attendance… …5 points o Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Week 3 Homework: Due Day 7 o Week 3 Reflective Journal/Reading Log o Continue Greek & Latin worksheets ~ without a dictionary ~Throughout the semester for 5 BPs! o Study for Vocabulary Test, Unit 1 . Test next Tuesday! . Bring Pretest for your ticket and a Scantron! o Look ahead at R: Chapter 2 – Main Ideas Due Day 8 o Read Chapters 11-15 of Holes, MAKE NOTES ON WHAT OCCURS IN EACH CHAPTER FOR AN OPEN BOOK TEST LATER IN THE SEMESTER! . Chapter Titling or notating . Underlining key concepts, interesting lines, etc. o Look ahead at R: Chapter 3 – Supporting Details Notes:
9/20-9/22 WEEK 4 – LRC 2 hours Day 7 o Collect Reading Log/Journal, Week 3 …28 points o R: Chapter 2: Main Ideas Lesson o Vocabulary Test, Unit 1 (bring pretest as Ticket & Scantron)…50 points o RFU Lab Box time? o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Day 8 o R: Chapter 3: Supporting Details Lesson o Check Holes, Chapters 11-15 notes …5 points o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Week 4 Homework: Due Day 9 o Week 4 Reflective Journal/Reading Log o R: CHP 2: Main Ideas o Pg 55-56, Practice 1 (# 6-10) o Pg 56-57, Practice 2 (# 1-5) o Pg 57, Practice 3 (# 3-5) o Pg 58, Practice 4 (# 3-4) o Pg 59, Practice 5 (# 4-5) o Pg 62-63, Practice 6 (Groups 3-5) o Pg 63-66, Practice 7 (Paragraphs 3 & 5) o Pg 72, Practice 8 (# 2-3) o Pg 83-84, Mastery Test 1 (A: # 1-2, and B: Group 1) o Pg 85-86, Mastery Test 2 (A: #1-2, and B: Group 1) o Pg 87, Mastery Test 3 (# 2-3) o R: CHP 3: Supporting Details o Pg 112, Review Test 2 (A: # 1-7) o Pg 114-115, Review Test 3 (B: # 6-9 & C: # 10) o Pg 121-122, Mastery Test 1 (# 1-10) o R: Look at Chapter 4 Due Day 10 o Read Chapters 16-20 of Holes, MAKE NOTES! Due Day 11 Begin working on Vocabulary, Unit 2 o Pretest on Day 12 o (Homework Due Day 11) Notes: 9/27-9/29 WEEK 5 – LRC 3 hours Day 9 o Collect Week 4 Reflective Journal/Reading Log … 28 points o T & G R: Chapter 2…27 points o T & G R: Chapter 3…22 points o R: Chapter 4: Implied Main Ideas and the Central Point Lesson . In Class Group Activity o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Day 10 o Check Holes, Chapters 16-20 notes …5 points o 1rst Standardized Reading Test: Nelson-Denney Test (timed) . Assess reading speed & comprehension! o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Week 5 Homework: Due Day 11 o R: Chapter 4 o Pg 136-137, Practice 1 (Paragraph 4) o Pg 138 & 140, Practice 2 (Paragraph 3) o Pg 142-143, Practice 3 (# 4) o Pg 146-147, Practice 4 o Pg 149, Review Test 2 (# 1) o Pg 153, Review Test 3, C o Pg 154-159, Review Test 4 (# 1-10) o Pg 165-166, Mastery Test 3 o Reflective Journal/Reading Log Week 5 o Vocabulary, Unit 2 homework Due Day 12
o Read Chapters 21-25 of Holes, MAKE NOTES FOR UPCOMING TEST o Vocabulary, Unit 2 pretest o Review concepts of R: Chapters 1 through 4 . Get questions together for Midterm!!!! Notes:
10/4-10/6 WEEK 6 – LRC 4 hours Day 11 o Trade & Grade V: Unit 2 Homework – Chaps. 7-12…30 points o Trade & Grade R: Chapter 4 Homework …19 points o Collect Reflective Journal/Reading Log Week 5…28 points o Dictionary Skills Handout… 5 points of Extra Credit o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Day 12 o V: Unit 2 pretest & correct o Check Holes notes, Chapters 21-25 …5 points o Midterm Review: R: Chapters 1-4 (in class & lab) o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Week 6 Homework: Due Day 13 o Reflective Journal/Reading Log Week 6 o Bring Scantron for DRP! o Study for Tests!!!! o Review R: Chapters 1-4 for Midterm (try more Mastery Tests to practice) o Study for Vocabulary Test: Unit 2 (Thurs ~ Day 14) Due Day 14 o Read Chapters 26-30 of Holes, MAKE NOTES FOR UPCOMING TEST o Study for Vocabulary Test: Unit 2 o Check Homework for Midterm Questions you might have Due Week 9 Begin Vocabulary Unit 3, H/W Due Day 17 Pretest Day 18
Notes: 10/11-10/13 WEEK 7 – LRC 5 hours Day 13 o Collect Reflective Journal/Reading Log Week 6…28 points o ****Standardized Reading Test: DRP Test ~Bring Scantron! o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Day 14 o V: Test: Unit 2 (Bring Scantron & turn in pretest Ticket)…50 points o Check Holes, Chapters 26-30 notes …5 points o Midterm Test Questions (Lab R: Chaps. 1-4) o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Week 7 Homework: Due Day 15 o Reflective Journal/Reading Log: Week 7 o Study for Midterm/R: Chapters 1-4 (Bring Scantron) Due Day 16 o Read Chapters 31-35 of Holes, MAKE NOTES FOR UPCOMING TEST o Look at R: Chps 5 & 6 Due Day 17 o Vocabulary Unit 3 Homework – Chaps 13-18 o Test on Day 20!
10/18-10/20 WEEK 8 – LRC 6 hours Day 15 o R: Chapters 1-4 Midterm Bring Scantron!…51 points . Bring 10 Steps to Reading book! . Start Lesson for Chapter 5? o Collect Reading Log, Week 7…28 points Day 16 *** 1/2 Way There! *** o Check Holes notes, Chapters 31-35…5 points o Begin R: Chapters 5 & 6: Relationships I and II Lessons o Midterm results and review (return) o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Week 8 Homework: Due Day 17 Vocab Unit 3 Homework – Chaps. 13-18 Reflective Journal/Reading Log Week 8 Due Day 18 Read Chapters 36-40 of Holes, MAKE NOTES FOR UPCOMING TEST Vocabulary Pretest ~ Unit 3
Due Day 19 R: Chapter 5: Relationships I o Pg 175, Practice 1 (# 1-5) o Pg 187-188, Practice 7 (# 6-10) o Pg 193-197, Review Test 4 (# 1-10) o Pg 199-202, Mastery Tests 1 and 2 (# 1-10 on both) Due Day 21 R: Chapter 6: Relationships II o Pg 212, Practice 1 (# 3-5) o Pg 215-216, Practice 2 B o Pg 217, Practice 3 (# 3-5) o Pg 218, Practice 4 (# 2-3) Hint: Read aloud for a smooth flow o Pg 220-221, Practice 5 A o Pg 225-226, Practice 7 B o Pg 227-228, Practice 8 (# 6-10) o Pg 231, Review Test 2, B (# 6-10) o Pg 232, Review Test 3, A & B o Pg 240, Mastery Test 1, B (# 6-10) Notes:
10/25-10/27 WEEK 9 – LRC 7 hours Day 17 o T & G ~ V: Unit 3 Homework …30 points o Collect Reading Log, Week 8…28 points o R: Finish Lessons on Chapters 5 & 6 & answer R: questions so far o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Day 18 o Check Holes notes, Chapters 36-40…5 points o V: Unit 3 pretest and correct o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Week 9 Homework:
Due Day 19 R: Chapter 5: Relationships I o Pg 175, Practice 1 (# 1-5) o Pg 187-188, Practice 7 (# 6-10) o Pg 193-197, Review Test 4 (# 1-10) o Pg 199-202, Mastery Tests 1 and 2 (# 1-10 on both) Reflective Journal/Reading Log Week 9
Due Day 20 o Vocabulary Test, Unit 3 Bring pretest ticket and Scantron! o Read Chapters 41-45 of Holes o Test on Day 25! Due Day 21
R: Chapter 6: Relationships II o Pg 212, Practice 1 (# 3-5) o Pg 215-216, Practice 2 B o Pg 217, Practice 3 (# 3-5) o Pg 218, Practice 4 (# 2-3) Hint: Read aloud for a smooth flow o Pg 220-221, Practice 5 A o Pg 225-226, Practice 7 B o Pg 227-228, Practice 8 (# 6-10) o Pg 231, Review Test 2, B (# 6-10) o Pg 232, Review Test 3, A & B o Pg 240, Mastery Test 1, B (# 6-10)
11/1-11/3 WEEK 10 – LRC 8 hours Day 19 o T & G R: Chapter 5 homework…60 points o Collect Reading Log, Week 9…28 points o Explain Book Outline Project ~ Due Day 25 . Topic due/Day 22, Mapping due/Day 23, Outline Due/Day 25 o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Day 20 o Vocabulary Test, Unit 3 Bring pretest ticket and Scantron o Check Holes, Chapters 41-45 Notes…5 points o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Week 10 Homework: Due Day 21 R: Chapter 6: Relationships II o Pg 212, Practice 1 (# 3-5) o Pg 215-216, Practice 2 B o Pg 217, Practice 3 (# 3-5) o Pg 218, Practice 4 (# 2-3) Hint: Read aloud for a smooth flow o Pg 220-221, Practice 5 A o Pg 225-226, Practice 7 B o Pg 227-228, Practice 8 (# 6-10) o Pg 231, Review Test 2, B (# 6-10) o Pg 232, Review Test 3, A & B o Pg 240, Mastery Test 1, B (# 6-10) V: Unit 4 Homework ~ Chaps. 19-24 Reflective Journal/Reading Log ~ Week 10 Start thinking about the topic for the Book Outline R: Look at Chp 7 – Fact & Opinion Due Day 22 o Check Novel Notes ~ Chaps 46-50! FINISH the book! o Turn in Topics for Book Outline! o Review for Vocabulary, Unit 4 pretest Due Day 23 . Review extra credit dictionary skills . DRP Test – Bring Scantron!
11/8-11/10 WEEK 11 – LRC 9 hours Day 21 o T & G R: Chapter 6 homework…36 points o R: Chapter 7: Fact & Opinion Lesson . *** Homework Due This Thursday! *** o T& G Vocabulary Unit 4 Homework…30 points o Possibly Start R: Chp 8/Inferences Lesson? o Reminder: Due Day 22 ~ Turn in Topic for Book Outline! o Collect Reading Log Week 10…28 points o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Day 22 o Check Novel Notes ~ Chaps 46-50! End of the book!…5 points o Turn in Topics for Book Outline!…5 points o T & G Chapter 7 homework…17 points o V: Unit 4 Pretest & Correct o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Week 11 Homework: **** DUE THIS THURSDAY! **** R: Chapter 7 – Fact & Opinion o Pg. 263-264, Practice 1 (#6-10) o Pg. 266-267, Practice 3 (#8-10) o Pg. 267, Practice 4, A (#4-5) o Pg. 268, Practice 4, B (#9-10) o Pg. 269, Practice 5, A (#1-5) Due Day 23 o Reflective Journal/Reading Log, Week 11 o Book Outline Mapping o Bring a Scantron for the DRP! Due Day 24 o Vocabulary Test – Unit 4 – STUDY
11/15-11/17 WEEK 12 – LRC 10 hours Day 23 o DRP TEST ~ (Bring Scantron!) o Collect Reading Logs/Journals, Week 11 …28 points o Collect Book Outline Mapping …20 points o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Day 24 o V: Unit 4 TEST (Bring Scantron & pretest ticket!)…50 points o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Week 12 Homework:
Due Day 25 o Reflective Journal/LAST Reading Log ~ Week 12! o Book Outlines (80 point project) Due o HOLES ~ OPEN BOOK/OPEN NOTE TEST o Bring notes, book, and Scantron!
Due Day 26 o Thanksgiving ~ Nothing due this day!
11/22- Thanksgiving Holiday WEEK 13 – Continue LRC over 10 hrs if you can! Day 25 o Book Outlines Due…80 points o Collect Last Reading Log, Week 12 … 28 points o N: Holes Open Book/Open Note T/F Test! ...40 points o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Day 26 *** NO SCHOOL *** HAPPY THANKSGIVING! *** o Attendance… …5 points – Automatically Given Bonus! . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Week 13 Homework:
Due Day 27 o Vocabulary: Unit 5 Homework Due o Pre-read concepts for R: Chapters 8 & 9 Due Day 28 Pre-read concepts for R: Chapter 10
11/29-12/1 WEEK 14 Day 27 o T & G Vocabulary: Homework, Unit 5 … 30 points o R: Chapter 8 – Inferences Lesson o R: Start Chapter 9 – Purpose & Tone Lesson? o Attendance… …5 points . Absent (-5), Tardy (-2), Late (-3), Leave Early (-2) Day 28 o R: Finish Chapter 9 – Purpose & Tone Lesson if necessary o R: Chapter 10 ~ Begin Argument Lesson & Classroom Activity Week 14 Homework Due Day 29 o R: Chapter 8: Inferences o Pg 301, Practice 2-A (# 1-4) o Pg 309, Practice 4 (# 1-5) o Pg 317-318, Review Test 2 (all sections) o Pg 329-330, Mastery Test 2 (all sections) o R: Chapter 9: Purpose & Tone o Pg 342, Practice 1 (# 6-10) o Pg 343, Practice 2 (# 1) o Pg 344-345, Practice 3 (# 1-5) o Pg 350-351, Practice 5 (# 2) – Also, write down the purpose of this paragraph! o Pg 359-365, Review Test 4 (# 1-10) o Pg 369-370, Mastery Test 2 (# 1-10) o Questions for Final Exam o R: Chapter 10: Argument homework – o Pg 381-382, Practice 1 (# 7-9) o Pg 384-385, Practice 2 (# 5) o Pg 387, Practice 3 (# 2) o Pg 389, Practice 4 (Group 2) o Pg 390, Practice 5 (# 1) o Pg 393-394, Review Test 2, (# 1-10) o Pg 397-401, Review Test 4 (# 1-10) o Pg 407-408, Mastery Test 3 (# 1-5) Due Day 30: o Final Exam Review (Class & Lab) o Assemble Some Notes/Info for Peer Grading Activity o Mini-research!
12/6-12/8 WEEK 15 DAY 29 o T & G R: Chapter 8: Inferences homework…38 points o T & G R: Chapter 9: Purpose & Tone homework…33 points o T & G R: Chapter 10 homework…34 points o R: Chapter 10 – Argument Classroom Activity (TBA) o R: Chps 1-10 ~ Final Exam Review & Questions o Collect Make-up Test Requests – Vocabulary Tests Only! o R: Chapter 10 – Begin Argument/Peer Grading …15 points DAY 30 o Assemble and finish Lab Portfolios ~ Due Day 32! o Lab: R: Lessons 1-10 ~ At Least 80% scores ~ ask Questions! o R: Chapter 10 Finish Activity– Argument/Peer Grading …15 points WEEK 15 HOMEWORK Due Day 31 o Study for Final Exam ~ R: Chapters 1-10 o Study for Make-up Tests Due Day 32 o Lab Portfolios Due ~ Including LRC Print Out! o Dictionary Skills Extra Credit …Optional 5 Bonus Points NOTES:
12/13-12/15 WEEK 16 DAY 31 o TP Final Exam (Bring Scantron!)…40 points . To use this as a standardized test, you must get a score of 80%!
o Last Chance Nelson/Denney Test (No Scantron Needed) o Make-up Tests (Bring Scantron) DAY 32 *** LAST DAY OF CLASS *** o Lab Portfolios Due ~ Including LRC Print Out!…200 points! o Dictionary Skills Extra Credit … 5 Bonus Points o Last chance DRP (Bring Scantron!) o WEEK 16 HOMEWORK: NONE o Read for pleasure ~ It can change your life! o No Homework! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!