To: Members of the Council
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Woodville Parish Council (South Derbyshire District in the County of Derby)
Clerk- Andrea Robinson Woodville Parish Rooms High Street, Woodville Swadlincote Derbyshire DE11 7EA Tel.01283 551427
E-mail – [email protected]
5th April 2017
Dear Councillor,
The next meeting of the Parish Council, at which your attendance is requested, will be held at the Woodville Methodist Church School Room, High Street, Woodville on Tuesday 11th April 2017 at 7.00 pm.
Please note
6.45pm Allotment holders are invited to attend and renew tenancies.
8.00pm Mr Hardyal Dhindsa Police and Crime Commissioner will be attending to discuss local policing.
Yours faithfully
Andrea Robinson Clerk to the Parish Council
ORDINARY PARISH MEETING 1. Apologies To receive apologies for absence.
2. Declaration of Member’s Interests To receive declarations of Member’s Interests.
3. Public Participation At the start of the meeting a period will be made available for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments to Parish Councillors.
4. Casual Vacancies To consider applications and fill vacancies by co-option.
5. Police Matters To receive recent crime report and to consider any matters to report to the police. 5.1 To discuss local policing with Mr Hardyal Dhindsa Police and Crime Commissioner. (This item will take place at 8pm) 6. Minutes To confirm the Minutes of the Meetings held on 14th March 2017. (Appendix A)
7. County Council To receive County Councillor’s Report and to consider any matters to report to the county council.
8. District Council To receive District Councillor’s Report and to consider any matters to report to the district council.
9. Clerk’s Report To receive the Clerk’s Report advising members on the position of various matters. 9.1 To confirm Trustee nomination for Hartshorne Charities. 9.2 To consider councilor photographs for website.
10. Planning To consider any planning matters.
11. Grounds Maintenance 11.1 Grounds Inspection Forms To receive reports from councillors for their grounds inspection areas.
11.2 Recreation Ground To receive update and consider any items.
11.3 Occupation Lane To receive update and consider any items.
11.4 Cricket Ground To receive update and consider any items.
11.5 Allotments To receive update and consider any items. 11.5.1 To appoint additional tenant representative to Allotment Committee.
11.6 Memorial Garden/Mosaic To receive update and consider any items.
12. Finance 12.1 The Clerk to report on the Council’s current financial position.
12.2 To appoint Internal Auditor for 2017/2018.
12.2 To authorise April payments set out in the attached list. To consider any additional payments. Any additional payments received since the agenda went to print will be reported at the meeting.
13. Correspondence The Clerk to report on any items of correspondence received and not dealt with elsewhere on the agenda.
Date of Next Meeting – 7.00pm on Tuesday 9th May 2017 at the Woodville Methodist Church School Room, High Street, Woodville. This will comprise of the Annual Meeting, Annual Parish Meeting and Ordinary Meeting.