Kendriya Vidyalayano. 1, Salt Lake
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ककेननन्द्रीय वविदयद्यालय ननं१सद्याल ल्टलकेक ` KENDRIYA VIDYALAYANO. 1, SALT LAKE ई. बब. ब लसद्याक, लद्याविवोनब, सकेक ल्टर १ EB BLOCK, LABONI, SECTOR 1 कवोलकद्यातद्या – ७०००६४पशशश्चिम बनंगद्याल KOLKATA-700 064 West-Bengal (मद्यानवि सनंसद्याधन वविकद्यास मनंतद्यालय, भद्यारत सरकद्यार कके अधबनस स)स (Under the MinistryofHRD,Govt. of India) KVS Region Code: 06, School Code: 1272, CBSE School No. 08417, CBSE Affiliation No. 2400002 E-Mail:[email protected] Phone O33-23212767/ 23212767 (Fax)
No.F.25049/Ceramic Board/2015-16/KVSL-I/ Date : 09.06.2015
Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed authorized dealer/supplier for supply of 30 nos of ALKOSIGN CERAMIC (MAGNETIC & NON-MAGNETIC)WHITE BOARD MEASURING 10 ft X 04 ft to this Vidyalaya.
The authorized dealers/suppliers are requested to submit their rate quotation alongwith requisite supporting documents and credentials in sealed envelope to the undersigned by 24.06.2015 (upto 1500 hrs.).
The tenders received will be opened on 25.06.2015 at 1100 hrs. in the chamber of the undersigned interested bidder may attend the same.
The terms and conditions for supply of the items are as per KVS Rules.
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
. No.F.250114/Construction/2015-16/KVSL-I/ Date: 06.06.2015
Sub: Intimation about nomination as Member of Monitoring Committee for construction works and 1st meeting of the same – regarding
With reference to subject cited above I am to inform you that KVS(HQ), New Delhi vide letter No.F.110114/02/2013/KVS/WK-I/538 dated 16.04.2015 has sanctioned an amount of (1)Rs.374.17 lakh for construction of Multipurpose Hall, (2) Rs.80.63 Lakh for Ramps and (3)Rs.64.69 Lakh for Rectification and Renovation of School Building.
In order to have proper monitoring of the above mentioned works it is mandatory to constitute a Monitoring Committee by designated Officers as per KVS norms.
It gives me immense pleasure that the VMC, KV No.,I Salt Lake has approved your name as one of the Member of Monitoring Committee, so that the above mentioned works can be monitored as per AA & EE.
The first meeting of the Monitoring Committee is scheduled to take place on 08.06.2015 at 11.00 hrs. in the Chamber of the Undersigned and your presence in the said meeting is solicited.
A line in confirmation of your presence will be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Salt Lake, Kolkata -64
Sub: Providing photograph & Monitoring Committee report along with progress report of all works – reg.
I am to refer to your letter No.F.25118/10/2015-16/KVS(Admn.)/2273-2318 dated 21/28.05.2015 on the subject supra and to inform you that we have received sanction order fo construction of Multipurpose Hall, Ramps (G+3) and rectification and renovation of depressed floor and face lifting/retrofitting etc. for Rs. 374.17 lakhs, Rs.80.63 Lakhs and Rs. 64.69 Lakhs respectively.
It is also informed that we have already constituted the Monitoring Committee with the approval of the Chairman, VMC to look after the above mentioned major construction works.
It is pertinent to mention here that the construction works have not yet been started and hence a NIL report is submitted about the progress of work. However, monthly progress report would be submitted as soon as the works starts.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal No.F,25036/2013-14/KVSL-I/ Date : 20.05.2015
Mr. V.S.R. Ananthnag, IPS Deputy Commissioner of Police (Airport Division), Bidhannagar & Nominee Chairman, VMC KV No.I Salt Lake, Kol-64
Sub: Felling and disposal of dead and dried Trees belongs to KV No.I Salt Lake – Plantation of 10 trees -reg. Ref : Permit No.34/FUD/15 dated 04.05.2015 issued by the Divisional Forest Officer, Forest Utilisation Department. Sir, I am to refer to subject cited above and to inform you that 05 Old Siris Trees have been dried and needs to fell down immediately as the same may fall any time and stands as danger to students, staff as well as to all passers by . In order to follow the procedure we approached Bidhannagar Municipality who advised us to contact the Forest Department and after personal efforts the Forest Department was kind enough to permit us vide above referred letter to fell down the dried trees within one month i.e. 03.06.2015 and accordingly we started the work of cutting these trees through a contractor recommended by the Forest Office. The work of cutting trees started but when we asked for authorization letter of the said Contractor which he failed to submit and left the work half done. Then we again approached the Bidhannagar Minicipality vide this office letter of even number dated 19.05.2015 seeking their help in removing those dried trees but the authorities of Bidhannagar Municipality instead of guidance rather threatened our teacher representative that they may lodge FIR against the undersigned if they finds any trees are cut without their green signals and at the same time they have not issued us any permission or further guidance as per rules of the land. Lastly I would like to submit that an e-mail in this regard have already been forwarded to the Forest Department and for the time being the work of cutting and disposal of these dried trees have been stopped keeping in view the threatening of the Bidhannagar Municipal Authorities. You are requested kindly to intervene and take up the issue with the concerned heads so that dangerously standing dried trees are removed within the time schedule i.e. 03rd June 2015. Kindly do the needful at the earliest as the earmarked trees has to be cut within one month from the date of issue of the permission order as stipulated in its terms and condition.
Thanking you in anticipation. Yours faithfully, Encl : Copy of Permit under reference above. Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
No.F,25036/2013-14/KVSL-I/ Date : 19.05.2015
Executive Officer Bidhannagar Municipality Poura Bhawan, FD-415A, Sector III Kolkata – 700 106
Sub: Felling and disposal of dead and dried Trees belongs to KV No.I Salt Lake – Plantation of 10 trees -reg.
Ref : Permit No.34/FUD/15 dated 04.05.2015 issued by the Divisional Forest Officer, Forest Utilisation Department.
I am to refer to this office letter of even number dated 19.05.2015 and your endorsement on the face of the said letter and to inform you that we have already planted 10 (Ten) trees in our Vidyalaya as per direction given by the Forest Department in above referred permission letter, which may be inspected at the earliest so that further action in this regard can be initiated.
Kindly do the needful at the earliest as the earmarked trees has to be cut within one month from the date of issue of the permission order as stipulated in its terms and condition. Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
No.F,25036/2013-14/KVSL-I/ Date : 18.05.2015
Shri Pawan Kadyan, IAS Executive Officer Bidhannagar Municipality Poura Bhawan, FD-415A, Sector III Kolkata – 700 106
Sub: Implementation of “Grid connected Rooftop Solar Policy” at Bidhannagar Municipal Area.
Ref : Your letter No.BN/GS/2015/569/46 dated 30.04.2015 received on 17.05.2015
At the outset I would like to thank you for selecting our Vidyalaya for installation of Rooftop Photo Voltaics (RTPV) in the premises of KV No. I Salt Lake which is a three-storied building catering the need of education for approximately 2200 students. In the endeavour to promote non-renewable energy and environmental consciousness I hereby submit an acceptance for the active participation in the endeavour.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
Copy to :
1. The Chairman, VMC, KV No.I Salt Lake 2. The Deputy Commissioner, KVS, Regional Office, EB Block, Salt Lake, Kolkata.
No.F,25036/2013-14/KVSL-I/ Date : 16.05.2015
Shri Arnab Roy, IAS Secretary (Education) Govt. of West Bengal & Chairman, VMC KV No.I Salt Lake Kolkata - 64
Sub: Request for Exemption of Employees of KV No.I Salt Lake from Election Duty as a Special Case – reg.
I am to refer to the subject cited above and convey thanks on behalf of all the staff members of this Vidyalaya for exempting their duties as Presiding Officers & Polling Officers during last Municipal Election. In this context I would like to inform you that almost all the staff members (both ladies and gents) are being assigned election duty every time even though the Vidyalaya becomes Polling station. Further this Vidyalaya, being nearest to Regional Office, remains packed up with different programmes apart from examination and requires active presence of all the staff members throughout the year and as such it becomes difficult to carry out day to day work and activity assigned if staff strength is decreased. Further the majority of employees of this Vidyalaya are Lady Members and most of the gents as well as lady members are above 50 years of age suffering from one or the other ailments.
I take this opportunity to request you kindly to take up the issue with the appropriate authority so that the staff members of this Vidyalaya are not deputed in forthcoming Election duties. It would also be pertinent to mention here that our all out efforts in this regard were in vein and we believe that you can only help us in this regard.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
No.F,25036/2013-14/KVSL-I/ Date : 29.04.2014
Speed Post/e-mail The District Magistrate & District Election Officer Barasat, North 24 Parganas West Bengal.
Sub: Request for Exemption of Sh. S. Chakraborty, Assistant from Election Duty as a Special Case – reg.
I am to refer to your (i) Memo No.SDO/BDN/Elec./68(300) dated 02.07.2013 and (ii) Memo No 4/P.P(Parliament) dated 24.02.2014 & Memo No.33/PP/(Parliament) dated 26.04.2013 on the subject cited above and to say that Shri S. Chakraborty, Office Asstt. Is head of the Office staff and Key holder and responsible for most of the activities of this Vidyalaya.
This School has also been selected as one of the Polling Station as well as lodging of LADIES POLLING OFFICERS for Salt Lake are also to be arranged here which cannot be done without involvement of Shri Chakraborty.
I have been deputed to Guwahati on Official duty and during my absence decision on all Office & Establishment issues have to be taken by Shri Chakraborty, being in-charge of office.
All the office staff including Sub-staff of the School including Shri Chakraborty, have been appointed on Election duty.
In the absence of Shri S. Chaakraborty, Asstt. it would be difficult on my part to carry out all the Office works as well as arrangements for smooth conduction of Election and stay arrangement of Ladies polling personal in this School. I have already requested you to exempt Shri S. Chakraborty from Election duty vide my letters dated 10.07.2013 and 01.03.2014 which yielded no result and Shri S. Chakraborty, Assistant has been appointed as Presiding Officer (PIN 090500066)at 14 Bangaon(SC) Parliamentary Cosntituency
I, therefore, once again request you to kindly exempt Shri S. Chakraborty, Office Asstt. from Election duty as per extant rule for smooth functioning of the Office of this Vidyalaya.
Encl : As stated above
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal Copy to : The Sub-Divisional Officer, Bidhannagar, Administrative Building, DJ-4/Sector –II, Salt Lake, Kolkata -700 091 – for information and necessary action please. Principal
No.F.25331/KVSL-I/2015-16/ Date : 11.05.2015
Mr. Siddhartha Boral, Qr. No. 30 Type II AF Block,Bhavishya Nidhi Abasan, Salt Lake, Sector I Kolkata – 700 064
Sub: Admission of Mast. Sijartha Boral, in Class IX, in KV No.I Salt Lake – reg.
I am to refer to your letter dated 07th May, 2015 on the subject cited above and to inform you that you have submitted your request for admission of your son named Mast. Sijartha Boral, in Class IX in this Vidyalaya on 24.02.2015 which was incomplete. You have submitted the complete information with supporting documents only during end of March 2015 which is evident from the record that TC from St.Pauls School, Jalpaiguri was issued on 28.03.2015 and your quarter at EPF Abasan, Salt Lake was allotted on 26.03.2015 and after which your request for admission of your son in KV became valid.
As such admission under Part B para D of KVS Admission guidelines are considered at Regional Level and hence your case was forwarded to KVS RO Kolkata on 08.04.2015 and the same was considered but could not be acceded to by the competent authority which was conveyed to this office on 21.04.2015 and in turn this office intimated you accordingly on vary next day i.e. on 22.04.2015.
From above it is clear that there was no delay on the part of this Vidyalaya in deciding your case as per rule and it is also re-iterated that no body from our part had given you any assurance regarding admission of your child.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
No.F.250114/Constuction/2015-16/KVSL-I Date : 11.05 2015
The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, Kolkata- 64
Sub: Proposal for engagement of teachers during Summer Vacation to monitor the upcoming Construction works – approval thereof.
Sir, I am to refer to subject cited above and to inform you that KVS (HQ) vide letter No.F.110114/02/2013/KVS/WK-I/538 dated 16.04.2015, 30.03.2015 and 11.12.2014 has sanctioned an amount of (1)Rs.374.17 Lakhs for construction of Multipurpose Hall ,(2) Rs. 80.63 Lakhs for Ramps and (3) Rs. 64.69 Lakhs for Rectification & Renovation of School Building of this Vidyalaya through the APPWD & CPWD (Construction Agency). The construction work is going to start shortly during Summer Vacation.
In order to have proper monitoring of the said works as per Blue print and approved AA & ES a monitoring committee has been formed with due approval of the Chairman, VMC (Copy enclosed).
The following teachers, who are also members of the Monitoring Committee, may be allowed to remain on duty during Summer Vacation to monitor the construction works and submit the progress report for onward transmission to KVS (HQ), through proper channel, as per time schedule. It may also be approved that the below named teachers, if engaged, would be entitled to proportionate Earned Leave as per rule :
1. Smt. P. Mondal , PGT (Maths) 2. Shri S. K. Mishra, PGT (Phy) 3. Dr. A.K. Paul, TGT (PH) 4. Shri M.K. Dhar, TGT (WE)
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
No.F. 25029/2015-16/KVSL-I/ Date : 08.05.2015
The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 064
Sub: Maintenance and proper updation of Service Books of KVS Employees – reg.
I am to refer to your letter No.F.25029(64)/2014-15/RO/Kol/ dated 07.05.2015 on the subject cited above and to inform you that desired information have already been forwarded to your good office vide this office letter of even number dated 28.04.2015 though the last date for submission was 30.04.2015. Your office letter No.F.25029(64)/2014-15/RO/Kol dated 05.05.2015 have acknowledged the receipt of the same by deleting the name of this Vidyalaya from the defaulters list (Copy enclosed). It is discouraging to note that vide your letter dated 07.05.2015 our name has again been reflected in the defaulters list though the desired information was already submitted on due time without waiting for any reminder.
However, a copy of this office letter of even number dated 28.04.2015 is again enclosed for your information and necessary action.
Further it is submitted that information in prescribed format as circulated vide above referred letter, are also being prepared and will be produced before the Inspection Team as directed.
Encl : As stated above. Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
No.F. 25072 / SOP/2014-15/KVSL-I/ Date : 07.05.2015 Priority/Urgent
Mr. Anantnag, IPS Deputy Commissioner of Police & Nominee chairman, VMC Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate Dum Dum Airport, Kolkata
Sub: Request for providing an ALARM for use in Emergency under S.O.P - reg
Ref : (I) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India letter dated 19th December & (ii) KVS (HQ) New Delhi letter No.F.11029/16/2014_KVS/Acad/Student Safety/AEO(P)/803 dated 05.05.2015
Sir, I am to refer to subject and letters under reference cited above and to inform you that in order to comply standard operating procedure (S.O.P) for dealing with any terrorist attack on school the Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate, Salt Lake was contacted and their representative visited this office on 12.02.2015 and suggested some preventive measures viz. Inatallation of Alarm System, Raising of Boundary wall, Provision of four New exit points, Relocation as well as installation of CCTV, Modification of Entry/Exit Gates etc. for immediate implementation for tightening the security of the Vidyalaya. As per the suggestion we have already taken up the issues with appropriate authority of KVS and accordingly the work has also been stated on all the points but installation of alarm system we are facing some problem as it is told that such system can only be provided by the Police Department and as such you are requested kindly to take necessary steps for providing us the Alarm System alongwith permission to install the same for use in any emergency.
Thanking you,
Encl : Copy of letters under reference. Yours faithfully
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
No,F. PF/IN/2015-16/KVSL-I/ Date: 01.05.2015
This is to certify that Ms. Indrani Nag, whose photograph is attested below is working as a regular PGT (Eco) in this organization and posted in this Vidyalaya since 15.05.2013.
Employee code No. of Ms. Indrani Nag, PGT is 37061
Issue of Departmental Identity Card is under process, Photograph of Ms. Indrani Nag
Attested Principal Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
No.F.25049/2015-16/KVSL-I/ Date : 29.04.2015
Shri M.K Dhar, TGT (WE), is hereby relieved in the afternoon of 29.04.2015 with a direction to visit CPWD, Nizam Palace, Kolkata on 30.04.2015 in order to collect a copy of structural building plan in r/o KV No.I Salt Lake which was constructed during the year 1985 by the CPWD.
Shri M.K. Dhar, TGT (WE) will report immediately as soon as the work is over by 30.04.2015.
Shri M.K. Dhar, TGT (WE) KV No.I Salt Lake
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal Copy to the Executive Engineer, CPWD, Nizam Palace, Kolkata – for information with a request to provide a copy of structural building plan in r/o KV No.I Salt Lake through Shri Dhar, TGT(WE).
Principal No.F.25049/2015-16/KVSL-I/ Date : 29.04.2015
The Executive Engineer CPWD, Nizam Palace Kolkata
Sub: Request for providing a copy of Structural Building plan in r/o KV No. I Salt Lake – reg.
With reference to subject cited above I would like to inform you that after recent earthquake of 25.04.2015 it has become necessary to obtain a safety certificate from a panel of Engineers and accordingly the Engineering Wing of Jadavpur University was contacted and they responded immediately. It is suggested by the representative of Jadavpur University that in order to assess the damage of structure it is necessary to consult the structural drawing of the building which was constructed by your Department during the year 1985.
As a copy of structural Building plan in r/o this Vidyalaya is not readily available and hence you are requested to provide us a copy of the same as you were the construction agency for the said building.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
No.F.25098/KVSL-I/2015-16/ Date : 30.04.2015 Registed/By hand To S.L. Printers 281, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road (Near Sorbadal School) Kolkata – 700 055
Sub: Cancellation of Supply Order dated 07.04.2015 for Printing and Supply of 2300 pcs of Students Dairy - regarding.
With reference to subject cited above I am to inform you that you were contacted over phone on march 20th 2015 and accordingly you visited this office and collected sample for print and supply of 2300 pcs. Of students dairy as per sample provided by us and rate quoted by you. You were supposed to give your consent as well as show the proof reading to the undersigned within 02 days which you failed to comply.
Vide this office letter of even number dated 07.04.2015 you were again directed to supply the said materials within 16.04.2015 and this time also you did not comply. Again vide this office letter of even number dated 27.04.2015 you were given another chance to supply the material by 29.04.2015 but no response from you side till date.
It has been noticed that since last year it has become your habit that you take part in limited/open tender but when the question of supply of materials comes you fail to supply the same on scheduled time on one pretext or the other resulting unnecessary disruption of whole process and sometimes zeopardising the vary purpose.
Your negligent act towards supply of materials in time is a breach of ethics and for your such unbecoming it has been decided that you will not be allowed to supply any items or take part in any limited or open tender in future in this institution as per rule.
The supply order referred to above may be treated as cancelled and withdrawn.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Pincipal
Copy to the Deputy Commissioner, KVS, Regional Office, EB Block, Salt Lake, Kolkata – for information with a request to take necessary action in this regard.
No.F.250114/Constuction/2015-16/KVSL-I Date : 25th February 2015
OFFICE ORDER KVS(HQ) vide letter No.F.110114/02/2013/KVS/WK-I/538 dated 16.04.2015 has sanctioned an amount of (1)Rs.374.17 Lakhs for construction of Multipurpose Hall ,(2) Rs. 80.63 Lakhs for Ramps and (3) Rs. 64.69 Lakhs for Rectification & Renovation of School Building of this Vidyalaya through the APPWD & CPWD (Construction Agency). The construction work is going to start shortly.
In order to have proper monitoring of the said works as per Blue print and approved AA & ES a monitoring committee consisting of following members is hereby constituted who will monitor the work from all angle and submit its report to the undersigned on monthly basis which will be forwarded to The Chief Engineer of concerned Construction Agency and The Deputy Commissioner, KVS RO Kolkata from time to time till the completion of construction :
5. Shri Arnab Roy, IAS, Chairman VMC : President 6. Representative of local construction agency : Member
7. Representative from CPWD : Member 8. Smt. Indrani Nag, PGT (Eco) & PTA Member : Member 9. Shri Bhattacharjee, PTA Member : Member 10. Shri S. K. Mishra, PGT (Phy) : Member 11. Smt. P. Mondal , PGT (Maths) : Member 12. Dr. A.K. Paul, TGT (PH) : Member 13. Shri M.K. Dhar, TGT (WE) : Member 14. Shri B. Banik, H.M. : Member 15. Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata, Principal : Member Secretary
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
No.F. 25029/2015-16/KVSL-I/ Date : 28.04.2015
The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 064
Sub: Maintenance and proper updation of Service Books of KVS Employees – reg.
I am to refer to your letter No.F.25029(64)/2014-15/RO/Kol/ dated 21.04.2015 on the subject cited above and to inform you that each and every entry of all the staff members (teaching and non- teaching) of this Vidyalaya are updated and maintained properly as per instructions/Rules contained in SR and GFR.
It is also certified all the staff members of this Vidyalaya has verified their Service Book during the Month of March 2015.
Further it is submitted that information in prescribed format as circulated vide above referred letter, are also being prepared and will be produced before the Inspection Team as directed.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal No.F.25035/Construction/2015-16/KVSL-I/ Date: 28.04.2015 Urgent The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Kolkata – 700 064
Sub: Intimation about steps taken by the Vidyalaya to assess the damage of School Building after recent earthquake – regarding.
With reference to subject cited above and in compliance to your telephonic instruction consequent upon your visit to this Vidyalaya to assess the damages done by recent earthquake, I am to submit the following facts for favour of your perusal and further necessary action :
The Municpal Commissioner of Bidhannagar Municipality was contacted and requested to take immediate steps for removal of 03 dead and dried trees which may fall anytime as there is prospect of more earthquakes as aftershock followed by rain. According to their advise the matter is being taken up with the Forest Department as per the laid down process of removal of trees.
The Chairman VMC was also contacted immediately in the morning of 26.04.2015 and was apprised of the damages of the Old school building and he has also taken up the issue with the Director (Works) , CPWD, Kolkata.
Simultaneously a team of Teachers of this Vidyalaya also visited and met the Executive Engineer, CPWD, Nizam Palace, Kolkata on 26.04.2015 and Shri VK Jain, Executive Engineer, CPWD alongwith Sh. D.K. Das, Asstt. Engineer visited this Vidyalaya at about 05 PM on 26.04.2015 and inspected the entire building. Although they did not give anything in writing but advised that some major cracks needs urgent attention and immediate repairing. As per their advise a portion of Admn Section which was declared unsafe has been barricaded and made out of bounds to the students and others. APPWD authorities were also contacted for a second opinion who in turn submitted that there are some major cracks on the column and ceilings which needs immediate inspection by a committee of engineers (Copy enclosed for ready reference) .
Submitted for further necessary directions as the issue involves safety and security of the children.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
No.F.250114/Constuction/2015-16/KVSL-I Date : 25th February 2015
KVS(HQ) vide letter No.F.110114/02/2013/KVS/WK-I/538 dated 16.04.2015 has sanctioned an amount of Rs.374.17 Lakh for construction of Multipurpose Hall of this Vidyalaya through the APPWD (Construction Agency). The construction work is going to start shortly.
In order to have proper monitoring of the said works as per Blue print and approved AA & ES a monitoring committee consisting of following members is hereby constituted who will monitor the work from all angle and submit its report to the undersigned on monthly basis which will be forwarded to The Chief Engineer of concerned Construction Agency and The Deputy Commissioner, KVS RO Kolkata from time to time till the completion of construction :
16. Shri Arnab Roy, IAS, Chairman VMC : President 17. Representative of local construction agency : Member
18. Representative from CPWD : Member 19. Smt. Indrani Nag, PGT (Eco) & PTA Member : Member 20. Shri Bhattacharjee, PTA Member : Member 21. Shri S. K. Mishra, PGT (Phy) : Member 22. Smt. P. Mondal , PGT (Maths) : Member 23. Dr. A.K. Paul, TGT (PH) : Member 24. Shri M.K. Dhar, TGT (WE) : Member 25. Shri B. Banik, H.M. : Member 26. Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata, Principal : Member Secretary
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
No.F. 2015-16/KVSL-I/ Date: 21.04.2015
The Principal Kendriya Vidyalaya Garden Reach, Kolkata.
Sub: Forwarding of Service Book and Personal File in r/o Ms. Sabita Hira, TGT (Science) –reg.
I am to forward herewith Service Book and Personal File (In original) in r/o Ms. Sabita Hira, TGT(Science), KV Garden Reach who was working as PRT and relieved in the Afternoon of 31.03.2015 from this Vidyalaya consequent upon her promotion through Limited Depatmental Examination 2012-13 vide KVS(HQ) letter No.F. 11055/TGT/LDE/2014-15/ KVS(HQ)/Estt.II dated 12.03.2015 as per details below :
1. Service Book (Vol.I and II) 2. Personal File containing pages 01 to 188
Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same.
Encl : 1. Service Book (Vol.I & II) 2. Personal File
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
Copy to Ms. Sabita Hira, TGT (Science), KV Garden Reach, Kolkata – for information.
Principal No.F.25049/2015-16/KVSL-I/Printing/ 07.04.2015
S.L. Printers 281,Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road Kolkata – 700 05
Sub: Printing and supply of Students Dairy – reg.
Sir, In response to this office advertisement published in “The Telegraph dated 23.11.2014” you have quoted lowest rate for printing and supply of Students Dairy and accordingly this office contacted you over phone on March 20th 2015 and you visited this office and collected Sample and assured that you would give your consent within 02 days but till date nothing has been heard from your side.
You were again contacted today over telephone but your response was not clear.
Considering the above fact you are hereby requested to supply 2300 pcs of Students Diary as per Sample provided at quoted rates within 16.04.2015.
Any delay in supply the material will not be entertained and it may also be noted that if you fail to supply the material in time appropriate action against you will be initiated as per KVS Rules.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal No.F. EPF/2014-15/KVSL-I Date : 06.04.2015
Speed post The Regional P.F. Commissioner-III (C&R) Employees Provident Fund Organisation D.K. Block, Sector-II, Salt Lake City Kolkata – 700 091
Sub: Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provision Act 1952- compliance in r/o employees engaged by or through contractor- information called for – reg.
I am to refer to your letter No.F.WB/RO/RPFC(C&R)/Contact worker/193 dated 06.01.2015 (Received in this office on 27.03.2015) on the subject cited above and to inform you that Vidyalaya has outsourced the Security, Conservancy and Gardening services through private agencies whose details are submitted as below in prescribed proforma for further necessary action :
S.No Nature of No. of employees engaged Name & PF Code . Work through contractor Address of the Number if Contractor covered (*) During During 2014 2013-14 -15 (upto Sept. 2014 1. Security 05 05 Smart Security ID : WBCAL005 of India, 4681000 Vivekananda TRRN : Pally, PO 4701503014171 Hatiara, PS : New Town (Rajarhat), Kolkata- 157 2. Conservancy 07 07 -do- -do- 3. Gardener 01 01 -do- -do-
Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
No.F. CBSE-JEE/2015-16/KVSL-I/ Date : 04.04.2015
I hereby authorize Ms. Indrani Nag, PGT (Eco), whose signature is attested below, to handover the CBSEJEE(Main) -2015 Answer scripts and other records to concerned authorized CBSE representative camped at APJ School, Kolkata on my behalf.
Specimen Signature of Ms. Indrani Nag
Dr. (Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal & Centre Supdt.
No.F.25096/W.P No 4920/KVSL-I/2014-15/ Date : 26.03.2015
The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Salt Lake, Kolkata - 64 Sub: W.P 4920(W) filled by Shri Dhrubajyoti Sarkar in Hon’ble High Court, Kolkata in connection with admission of his son on “Not Automatically Valid” TC – reg. Sir, With reference to subject cited above I am to inform you that the Advocate of Shri Dhrubajyoti Sarkar has forwarded a copy of Judgement Order dated 11.03.2015 which is received on 23.03.2015 wherein the Hon’ble Judge of Kolkata High Court while disposing of the writ petition with a direction upon the Principal, KV No.I Salt Lake to take a decision in the matter within two weeks from the date of communication of the Order “. In this regard the following facts are submitted for favour of your perusal and further necessary action : 1. The petitioner approached this Vidyalaya for admission of his son named Mast. Adiq Sarkar in Class I during August 2014 with a “Not Automatically Valid” TC issued by KV Balurghaton parents request . 2. On examination of supporting documents it was observed that petitioner was residing at Dum Dum, Kolkata when admission of his son was done at KV Balurghat on 24.03.2014. His residential status was same i.e. Dum Dum , Kolkata when he withdrew TC in r/o his son from KV Balurghat on personal grounds on 18.07.2014. 3. As pe KVS Guidelines TC to a student is issued generally at the event of transfer of his parents or other wise and as the case was not the same the Principal KV Balurghat issued Transfer Certificate superscribing the word “ NOT AUTOMITACALLY VALID “ as the same was obtained within a period of 06 months from the date of admission of the child as per KVS Admission Gudelines. 4. As per KVS Admission guidelines such “NOT AUTOMATICALLY VALID “ TC can only be considred by the competent authority i.e. The Deputy Commissioner of concerned Region and accordingly this case was forwarded to the D.C, KVS, Regional Ofice, Kolkata for consideration. 5. The competent authority at KVS Regional Office, Kolkata examined the case in the light of KVS Admission Guidelines and Vide letter No.F.25331/01/13-14/KVS(Kol)/Acad dated 18.09.2014 not granted permission to Admit Mast. Adiq Sarkar, S/O Sh. Dhrubajyoti Sarkar in Class I in KV No.I Salt Lake on the grounds that the parent was actually posted at Kolkata since the month of July 2008. 6. At present there is no vacancy and as such the case cannot be considered as it does not fulfill the criteria as stated above as per KVS Guidelines.
Submitted for favour of your perusal and necessary action so that the direction of Hon’ble Judge, Kolkata High Court is complied.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal No.F.25096/W.P No 4920/KVSL-I/2014-15/ Date : 26.03.2015
Shri Gaurav Das, Advocate Bar Association ,Room No. 16, Calcutta High Court Kolkata.
Sub: W.P 4920 (W) filled by Shri Dhrubajyoti Sarkar in Hon,ble High Court, Kolkata.
In continuation to this office letter of even number dated 23.03.2015 on the subject cited above I am to inform you as follows :
7. KVS is an Autonomous Body registered under the Societies Act of Govt. of India under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India catering the need of education of wards of Defence and Transferable Central Govt. Employees. 8. The admission in KV is done by following the KVS Admission Guidelines issued from time to time. 9. The petitioner was residing at Dum Dum, Kolkata when admission of his son was done at KV Balurghat on 24.03.2014. His residential status was same i.e. Dum Dum , Kolkata when he withdrew TC in r/o his son from KV Balurghat on personal grounds on 18.07.2014. 10. As pe KVS Guidelines TC to a student is issued generally at the even of transfer of his parents or other wise and as the case was not the same the Principal KV Balurghat issued Transfer Certificate superscribing the word “ NOT AUTOMITACALLY VALID “ as the same was obtained within a period of 06 months from the date of admission of the child as per KVS Admission Gudelines. 11. As per KVS Admission guidelines such “NOT AUTOMATICALLY VALID “ TC can only be considred by the competent authority i.e. The Deputy Commissioner of concerned Region and accordingly this case was forwarded to the D.C, KVS, Regional Ofice, Kolkata for consideration. 12. The competent authority at KVS Regional Office, Kolkata examined the case in the light of KVS Admission Guidelines and not granted permission to Admit Mast. Adiq Sarkar, S/O Sh. Dhrubajyoti Sarkar in Class I in KV No.I Salt Lake on the grounds that the parent was already joined services at Kolkata in the month of July 2008. 13. At present there is no vacancy and as such the case cannot be considered as it does not fulfill the criteria as stated above as per KVS Guidelines. Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
No.F. 25046/Privatisation/2014-15/KVSL-I/ Date : 25.03.2015
Speed Post
Mr. Khokan Singh Smart Security of India, Vivekananda Pally, Methopara PO Hatiara, PS : New Town (Rajarhat) Kolkata – 700 157.
Sub: Non-submission of Police verification in r/o Security, Conservance & Gardener staff engaged in KV No.I Salt Lake – regarding.
Sir, I am to refer to subject cited above and to inform you that as per your commitment and also Terms and Conditions accepted in Agreement executed on 01.02.2015 between Smart Security of India and the undersigned you were suppose to submit the detailed bio-data with photograph alongwith Police Verification from local police in respect of each and every personal engaged in this Vidyalaya against Security, Conservancy & Gardening Services, but till date you have not submitted the same violating the terms and conditions.
The above documents are very urgently needed for records keeping in view the current security norms as per Govt. of India direction from time to time.
You are, therefore, once again directed to submit detailed Bio-data with photograph & residential address alongwith police verification in r/o all the personnel engaged in this Vidyalaya latest by 31st March 2015 failing which necessary steps would be taken considering the issue as a breach of contract.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
No.F. Notice/2014-15/KVSL-I/ Date :24.03.2015 NOTICE The Additional Director CGHS, Kolkata-69 vide letter No.101-1/CGHS/Kol/PC(Vol.III)/2014/7492 dated 19..03.2015 desired to know about the details of CGHS beneficiaries of KV No.I Salt Lake as on 30.09.2014 and as such all the CGHS card holders of this Vidyalaya are hereby directed to furnish information as per proforma below to the undersigned by 27th March 2015 so that the consolidated report is forwarded at the earliest.
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata
Principal S.No. Name and designation VALID CARD NO & DATE RATE OF CGHS Signature OF ISSUE CONTRIBUTION 1. Mrs. N. Mannan, PGT (English) 1. 2. Mrs. P. Mondal, PGT (Maths) 2. 3. Mrs. Alka Singh, PGT (Chem.) 3. 4. Mr. T.K. Garain, PGT 4. 5. (Commerce) 5. 6. Mrs. Sumana Chatterjee, PGT 6. (Chem) Mrs. Rina Roy, PGT (Biology) 7. Mrs. M. Banerjee, PGT 7. 8. (English) 8. 9. Dr. Bimalendu, PGT (Hindi) 9. Mr. D. N. Saha, PGT (Maths) 10. Mr. A. T. Mishra, PGT (Hist) 10. 11. Mrs. Himani Mehta, PGT 11. 12. (Geog) 12. Mr. A.K. Jha, PGT (Computer Sc.) 13. Mrs. Indrani Nag, PGT (Eco) 13. 14. Mr. S.K. Mishra, PGT (Phy) 14. 15. Mrs. Deepashri, PGT (Bio- 15. Tech) 16. Mrs. S. Gaur, TGT (S.St) 16. 17. Mrs. Ila Saha, TGT (English) 17. 18. Mr. J.N. Dey, TGT(maths) 18. 19. Mrs. P. Tewari, TGT (Hindi) 19. 20. Mr. H. Ram, TGT (Hindi) 20. 21. Miss. N. Chatterjee, TGT 21. (English) 22. Mrs. B. Biswas, TGT(maths) 22. 23. Mrs. A. Choudhury, TGT (S.St) 23. 24. Mrs. Ranjana Basu, 24. TGT(English) 25. Mrs. Malabika Nag, 25. 26. TGT(Science) 26. 27. Mrs. Nita Patra, TGT(Maths) 27. Mrs. A. Chakraborty, TGT (English) 28. Mrs. Poonam Jha, TGT (Sans) 28. 29. Mr. K.K. Prabhakar, TGT (S.St.) 29. 30. Mr. Parasuram Rai, TGT (Sans) 30. 31. Mrs. Alpana Sarkar, TGT 31. 32. Mr. Gourhari Nandi, TGT 32. 33. Mrs. Saroj Pandey, TGT (Hindi) 33.
34. Dr, A.K. Paul, TGT (PE) 34. 35. Mr. P.N. Mishra, TGT (AE) 35. 36. Mrs. Kalpana Das, TGT (Lib) 36. 37. Mr. M.K. Dhar, TGT (WE) 37. 38. Mrs. S. Kuila, TGT (Yoga) 38. 39. Mr. Biswajit Banik, H.M 39. 40. Mrs. Rekha Roy, PRT 40. 41. Mrs. Alka Dwivedi, PRT 41. 42. Mrs. Alpana De, PRT 42. 43. Mrs. Bula Biswas, PRT 43. 44. Mrs. S. Das Gupta, PRT 44. 45. Mrs. S. Bharadwaj 45. 46. Mrs. S. Chowdhury, PRT 46. 47. Mrs. G. Bhowmick, PRT 47. 48. Ms. K. Bhattacharya, PRT 48. 49. Mrs. Mala Das, PRT 49. 50. Mrs. Bandana Paul, PRT 50. 51. Mrs. Rita Sarkar, PRT 51. 52. Mrs. Sompa Saha, PRT 52. 53. Mrs. U. Mukherjee, PRT 53. 54. Mrs. R.R. Chatterjee, PRT 54. 55. Mrs. Sumita Sarkar, PRT 55. 56. Mrs. Sonali Chatterjee, PRT 56. 57. Mrs. Sabita Hira, PRT 57. 58. Mrs. Anima Das Mitra, PRT 58. 59. Mr. Ashesh Roy, PRT 59. 60. Ms. Shweta Tewari, PRT (Music) 60. 61. Mr. S.J. Chakraborty, Asstt 61. 62. Mr. B. Chakraborty, UDC 62 63. Ms. Priyanka S.P, LDC 63 64. Mr. Amit Kumar, LDC 64 65. Mr. T. Dutta Gupta, Sub-Staff 65 66. Mr. Monoj Mohali, Sub Staff 66 67. Mr. Subhash Hela, Sub Staff 67 68. Mr. Swapan Roy, Sub Staff 68 69. Mr. Suraj Oraon, Sub Staff 69.
PRINCIPAL No.F.25029/KVSL-I/2014-15/ Date: 24.03.2015
Speed Post The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan EB Block, Labony Salt Lake, Kolkata – 64
Sub: Forwarding of representation in r/o Ms. M. Banerjee, PGT (Eng) and Ms. I. Saha, TGT(Eng) requesting for review of date of grant of Selection scale retrospectively – reg.
Sir, I am to refer to subject cited above and to forward herewith representation in r/o following 02 teachers of this Vidyalaya requesting for review of date of grant of selection scale in their respective pay scales with retrospective date as they attended In-service course within preceding 06 years from the due date of selection scale as per rule : S.No. Name & Designation Date of Sel. Scale Selection scale Inservice course done granted due 1 Ms. Madhumita Banerjee, PGT 06.01.2013 03.10.2010 1. 10.05.2005 to (Eng) 30.05.2005 2. 17.05.2012 to 28.05.2012 & 27.12.2012 to 05.01.2013 2 Ms. Ila Saha, TGT (Eng) 02.01.2010 21.08.2008 1. 30.05.2003 to 19.06.2003 to 30.05.2009 & 23.12.2009 to 01.01.2010
The information regarding attending inservice course as sent earlier vide this office letter of even number dated 25.03.2014 was about the latest course attended which might have resulted their selection scale granted at a later date.
Yours faithfully
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal Copy to : Personal file of Ms. M. Banerjee, PGT (Eng) and Ms. Ila Saha, TGT (Eng.)
No.F.25058/PF-V.Singh/2014-15/KVSL-I Date : 23.03.2014 By Hand The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan EB Block, Labony Salt Lake, Kolkata – 64
Sub: Intimation about joining of Ms. Vineeta Singh, on selection as PRT – reg.
With reference to Memorandum No.F. 25053/PRT/2014-KVS(KOL)/Admn/24355 dated 12.03.2015 Ms. Vineeta Singh has joined this Vidyalaya as PRT in the forenoon of 23.03.2015.
Submitted for your information and necessary action please.
Yours faithfully
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal No.F.25058/PF-k.Nayak/2014-15/KVSL-I/ Date: 23.03.2015 Speed Post/By hand The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Salt Lake, Kolkata – 64
Sub: Grant of MACP – case of Late (Shri) K. Nayak, Sub staff – reg
I am to refer to your office order No.F. 25029/2013/KVS(KOL)/Admn/24275-24284 dated 11.03.2015 on the subject cited above and to inform you that Late (Shri) K. Nayak, Sub Staff joined this Vidyalaya on transfer from KV Santragachi on 05.09.2014 and expired on 19.12.2014 and as such his APARs for preceding years are available with KV Ranaghat w.e.f. 20.04.2007 to 11.08.2009 and KV Santragachi where he worked w.e.f. 12.08.2009 to 05.08.2014.
Service Book & Personal File in r/o Late (Sh) K. Nayak, ex-sub-staff has already been forwarded to RO Kolkata on 28.02.2015 for settlement of his death pension.
Submitted for favour of your information and necessary action. Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal Copy to :
1. The Principal, KV Ranaghat – for information and necessary action. 2. The Principal, KV Santagachi- for information and necessary action.
No.F.25058/PF-k.Nayak/2014-15/KVSL-I/ Date: 11.03.2015 Speed Post
Smt. Chabi Nayak, W/O Late Kawra Nayak 46/80,Manujendra Dutta Road, Horizon Basti, Dum Dum Cantt. Kolkata – 700 028
Sub: Death Pension in r/o Late Kawra Nayak, ex-Sub-Staff expired on 19.12.2014 – reg.
With reference to subject supra I am to inform you that Pension papers and all service documents in r/o Late Kawra Nayak, ex-Sub-Staff has been forwarded to KVS, RO, Kolkata vide this office letter of even number dated 28.02.2015 for release of pensionary benefits.
KVS, RO, Kolkata vide letter no.F.25230/2014-15/KVS(IA)(Kol)/24194 dated 10.03.2015 (Copy enclosed) has informed that details of Km. Priya Nayak who has been nominated for 25% share of accumulated PF amount is not available in family history as daughter and as such you are directed to clear the actual position for release of amount at the earliest.
Encl : As stated above
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal Copy to the Deputy Commissioner, KVS, RO, Kolkata – for information with reference to letter mentioned above. Duly filled in EWS Form for payment of the amount due under KVS Employees Welfare Scheme for settlement of death case is resubmitted for further necessary action at your end.
Principal No.F.25338/(28th NYPC)/2014-15/KVSL-I/ Date : 09.03.2015
The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 064
Sub: Request for exemption from attending 28th National Youth Parliament Competition- 2015 – regarding.
I am to refer to your letter No.F.25338(28th NYPC)/13-14/KVS(Kol)/Acad dated 26.02.2015 on the subject cited above and to request you kindly to exempt me from attending the Orientation Course in connection with 28th National Youth Parliament Competition 2015 on following grounds :
1. My son is going to promote in Class XII (Science) and I am residing alone with my son in the Principals quarter in the Vidyalaya and in my absence there is no one to look after my son in the huge campus. Further in my absence his studies/preparation for Class XIth examination will also be effected adversely.
2. I have already attended the Youth Parliament Competition during 2014.
3. In my place name Mrs. N. Mannan, PGT (English) may be recommended for consideration for participation in the said Orientation Programme.
I shall be highly oblized for a favorable and sympathetic consideration which will also help me to discharge my duties smoothly and oblize.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal No.F. Notice/2014-15/KVSL-I/ Date : 02.03.2015 NOTICE As discussed in the staff meeting held on 28.02.2015 the staff members of this Vidyalaya are hereby informed that they may inspect their Service Book from Office as per schedule given below in between 2.10 PM to 3.00 PM and discrepancies, if any, may be brought to the undersigned in writing for further necessary action.
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata
Principal S.No. Name and designation Date of Inspection Signature 1. Mrs. N. Mannan, PGT (English) 04.03.2015 1. 2. Mrs. P. Mondal, PGT (Maths) 2. 3. Mrs. Alka Singh, PGT (Chem.) 3. 4. Mr. T.K. Garain, PGT (Commerce) 07.03.2015 4. 5. Mrs. Sumana Chatterjee, PGT (Chem) 5. 6. Mrs. Rina Roy, PGT (Biology) 6. 7. Mrs. M. Banerjee, PGT (English) 09.03.2015 7. 8. Dr. Bimalendu, PGT (Hindi) 8. 9. Mr. D. N. Saha, PGT (Maths) 9. 10. Mr. A. T. Mishra, PGT (Hist) 10.03.2015 10. 11. Mrs. Himani Mehta, PGT (Geog) 11. 12. Mr. A.K. Jha, PGT (Computer Sc.) 12. 13. Mrs. Indrani Nag, PGT (Eco) 11.03.2015 13. 14. Mr. S.K. Mishra, PGT (Phy) 14. 15. Mrs. Deepashri, PGT (Bio-Tech) 15. 16. Mrs. S. Gaur, TGT (S.St) 12.03.2015 16. 17. Mrs. Ila Saha, TGT (English) 17. 18. Mr. J.N. Dey, TGT(maths) 18. 19. Mrs. P. Tewari, TGT (Hindi) 13.03.2015 19. 20. Mr. H. Ram, TGT (Hindi) 20. 21. Miss. N. Chatterjee, TGT (English) 21. 22. Mrs. B. Biswas, TGT(maths) 16.03.2015 22. 23. Mrs. A. Choudhury, TGT (S.St) 23. 24. Mrs. Ranjana Basu, TGT(English) 24. 25. Mrs. Malabika Nag, TGT(Science) 17.03.2015 25. 26. Mrs. Nita Patra, TGT(Maths) 26. 27. Mrs. A. Chakraborty, TGT (English) 27. 28. Mrs. Poonam Jha, TGT (Sanskrit) 18.03.2015 28. 29. Mr. K.K. Prabhakar, TGT (S.St.) 29. 30. Mr. Parasuram Rai, TGT (Sanskrti) 30. 31. Mrs. Alpana Sarkar, TGT (Science) 19.03.2015 31. 32. Mr. Gourhari Nandi, TGT(Science) 32. 33. Mrs. Saroj Pandey, TGT (Hindi) 33. 34. Dr, A.K. Paul, TGT (PE) 20.03.2015 34. 35. Mr. P.N. Mishra, TGT (AE) 35. 36. Mrs. Kalpana Das, TGT (Lib) 36. 37. Mr. M.K. Dhar, TGT (WE) 21.03.2015 37. 38. Mrs. S. Kuila, TGT (Yoga) 38. 39. Mr. Biswajit Banik, H.M 39. 40. Mrs. Rekha Roy, PRT 23.03.2015 40. 41. Mrs. Alka Dwivedi, PRT 41. 42. Mrs. Alpana De, PRT 42.
Contd…. Page No 2
Page no. 02
S.No. Name and designation Date of Inspection Signature 43. Mrs. Bula Biswas, PRT 24.03.2015 43. 44. Mrs. S. Das Gupta, PRT 44. 45. Mrs. S. Bharadwaj 45. 46. Mrs. S. Chowdhury, PRT 25.03.2015 46. 47. Mrs. G. Bhowmick, PRT 47. 48. Ms. K. Bhattacharya, PRT 48. 49. Mrs. Mala Das, PRT 26.03.2015 49. 50. Mrs. Bandana Paul, PRT 50. 51. Mrs. Rita Sarkar, PRT 51. 52. Mrs. Sompa Saha, PRT 27.03.2015 52. 53. Mrs. U. Mukherjee, PRT 53. 54. Mrs. R.R. Chatterjee, PRT 54. 55. Mrs. Sumita Sarkar, PRT 30.03.2015 55. 56. Mrs. Sonali Chatterjee, PRT 56. 57. Mrs. Sabita Hira, PRT 57. 58. Mrs. Anima Das Mitra, PRT 31,03.2015 58. 59. Mr. Ashesh Roy, PRT 59. 60. Ms. Shweta Tewari, PRT (Music) 60.
No.F.25058 /PF-K.Nayak/2014-15/KVSL-I/ Date : 28.02.2015
BY HAND/REGISTERED POST The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700 064
Sub: Forwarding of Service Book, Personal File and Pension Papers (In Triplicate) in r/o Late (Shri KAWRA NAIK, Sub –Staff (Expired On 19.12.2014) ) for release of Death Pension – reg.
With reference to subject cited above I am to inform you that Late(Shri) Kawra Naik, Sub Staff expired on 19.12.2014.
Service Book (Pages 01 to 48 ) Personal File- Vol I (pages 01 to 244 ) Personal File –Vol-2 (pages 245 to 388) and duly filled in Pension papers (in triplicate) , Original Death Certificate, Affidavit, Undertaking etc. are forwarded herewith for favour of your further necessary action.
Encl : 1. Service Book 2. Personal File (Vol-I & 2) 3. Death Certificate 4. Affidavit 5. Undertaking
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
Copy to Smt. Chabi Nayak, W/O Late (Sh) Kawra Naik, 46/80 Manujendra Dutta Road, Harizon Basti, Dum Dum Cantt. Kolkata – 700 028 - for information and necessary action.
Principal No.F.25058 /2014-15/KVSL-I/ Date : 24.02.2015
The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700 064
Sub: Forwarding of Service Book in r/o Smt. M. Banerjee, PGT (Eng), Shri T.K. Garain, PGT (Comm.) and Smt. I. Saha, TGT (English) for fixation of pay consequent upon grant of Selection Scale – reg.
I am to forward herewith Service Book in respect of following Teachers for fixation of their pay consequent upon grant of Selection Scale Vide KVS (HQ) Office Order No.F.11058(2)/PGT/2014/ KVS (Hqrs)RPS Section dated 30.12.2014 and No.F.11058(2)/TGT/2014/KVS(Hq)/RPS dated 02.02.2015 respectively :
1. Smt. M. Banerjee, PGT (Eng) 2. Shri T.K. Garain, PGT (Comm.) 3. Smt. I. Saha, TGT (Eng)
Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same.
Encl : 03 Service Books as Stated above.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal No.F.25049/Printing/2014-15/KVSL-I Date : 20.02.2015
The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Salt Lake, Kolkata – 64
Sub: Printing of Question papers for through Sristy Press – reg.
With reference to subject cited above I am to inform you that this KV has been directed for moderation and setting of of Question papers for Classes VI to X (SA-2) and Class XI Session ending examination 2015 and its formatting as per specification.
Accoridngly the Moderation and setting of question papers and its formatting has been done successfully and CD etc. have been handed over to representative of Sristy Press well in time for printing..
Now the Printer, i.e. Sristy press is asking for reformatting of the Question papers as per their specifications i.e. by increasing the margin as well as pages with the condition that the question papers should be spread over either to 4 or 8 pages in order to escalate the price/amount. Further reformatting of question papers at this juncture is also not appreciated due to paucity of time.
It is also pertinent to mention her that the Printer himself has reformatted some question papers in haphazard way causing great damage to the set up itself by deforming the lines etc. which is not acceptable.
You are requested to take up the matter and direct the Printer to desist himself from any such reformatting for his vested interest.
Submitted for favour of your perusal and further direction please.
Yours faithfully, Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
No.F. 25072 / SOP/2014-15/KVSL-I/ Date : 13.02.2015
The Deputy Commissioner Priority/Urgent Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Salt Lake, Kolkata – 64
Sub: Requisition of funds for construction of Emergency Gates, Relocation of CCTV Cameras, Installation of Alarm Clock and construction of Security Tower in compliance to S.O.P – reg.
Sir, I am to refer to your letter No.F.25072(6)/2014-15/RO (KOL) dated 16.01.2015 on the subject cited above and to inform you that the representative of Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate, Salt Lake visited this office on 12.02.2015 and suggested some preventive measures for immediate implementation for tightening the security of the Vidyalaya. In order to coupe up with direction of KVS (HQ) and suggestion of the Local Police it is essential that immediate steps on following aspects should be taken for which release of funds from your level is requested as the fund position of this Vidyalaya does not permit us to bear the expenditure :
1. Installation of alarm system : Rs. 25,000/- Approx
2. Raising of Boundary Wall with Concertina Wire: Rs. 1,50,000/ Approx
3. Provision for four New exit points in both the
Building Block with collapsible Gates ; Rs. 2,00,000/ Approx
4. Relocation and installation of New CCTV: Rs. 50,000/- Approx
5. Modifying Entry gate : Rs. 50,000/- Approx
6. Construction of security Watch Tower : Rs. 1,00,000/- Approx
Total Amount : Rs. 5,75,000/- Approx
The above shoen expenditures are approximate figures only as we have not obtained proper estimates due to shortage of time. Sanction of an amount of Rs.5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakhs) only is requested.
Yours faithfully
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
The Deputy Commissioner Date: 13.02.2015
KVS Regional Office
Sub: Request for urgent sanction of Rs ______in connection to SOP.
In a meeting conducted with In –Charge Bidhan nagar Police Station, Mr. Shantanu Koar and other officials, it was decided that following steps under SOP have to be taken on an urgent basis. The said items and their expected expenditure are given below for your kind approval.
7. Installation of alarm system : Rs______
8. Concertina Wire: Rs______
9. Building of four exit points: Rs______
10. Relocation of CCTV: Rs______
11. Modifying Entry gate :Rs______
12. Construction of Watch Tower : Rs______
Total Amoun : Rs______
As our VVN does not permit us to undertake additional expenditure, I would request you to sanction an amount of Rs______lakh. The above stated installation cum construction needs to be taken up urgently as advised by the police officials.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully
Dr. Mrs. Suman lata
(Principal) No.F.25096/KVSL-I/2014-15/ Date : 11.02.2015
The Inspector General of Police CRPF, Kolkata Zone
Sub: Request for issue of Gate Pass in r/o KVS Guests going to stay in CRPF Officers Mess from 11.02.2015 to 15.02.2015 – reg.
With due respect I would like to thank you for allowing accommodation in room no. 06, 10 & 11 in CRPF Officers Mess in r/o Joint Commissioner and Deputy Commissioners of KVS, HQ, New Delhi for the period from 11.02.2015 to 15.02.2015.
In this connection I would like to request you to issue necessary Gate Entry Pass for above personnel and their vehicles in CRPF Campus including Gate pass for Shri N.R. Murali, Deputy Commissioner, and Shri T. Brahmanandan, Assistant Commissioner of KVS Regional Office Kolkata during the said period and oblige.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal No.F.PF/K.Nayek/2014-15/KVSL-I/ Date : 11.02.2015
SPEED POST/URGENT Smt. Chabi Nayek W/O Late Kawra Nayek Manuchandra Dutta Road, Harijon Basti, Kolkata PIN : 700 028
Sub: Request for submission of pension papers in r/o Late Kawra Nayek, Sub-staff- reg.
This office in receipt of information that your husband late (Sh) Kawra Nayek, Sub Staff has expired on 19.12.2014. You have been advised to submit necessary documents alongwith pension papers etc. during your visit to this Vidyalaya, for early settlement of pensionary benefits, but till date nothing have been received from your end causing inordinate delay.
You are, once again, directed to furnish necessary documents alongwith duly filled in prescribed pension papers to this office at the earliest for necessary scrutiny and onward transmission to KVS, RO, Kolkata so that the case is settled. Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
Copy to the Deputy Commissioner, KVS, Regional Office, Kolkata – for information.
No.F.25035/2014-15/KVSL-I/ Date : 11.02.2015 Speed post The Executive Engineer URGENT/PRIORITY Arunachal Pradesh Public Works Department Naharlagun Division , Naharlagun – 791 110 Arunachal Pradesh
Sub: Settlement of Final Payment towards construction pertaining to Campus Development – reg. Sir,
I am to refer to KVS (HQ) New Delhi letter No.F.110112/12/76-KVS(L&B)/Vol.IV dated 18.08.2009 vide which sanction of funds amounting to Rs.56.33 lakhs was approved for cetain campus development facilities i.e. Provision of Road work, Development of Assembly area, Stage covering, Cycle stand, drain, Toewall and School Sign board etc. in r/o KV No.I Salt Lake was approved and funds released to an amount of Rs.55 Lakh so far from time to time as per progress of the works.
Now KVS (HQ) vide letter No.F.110118-1/2013-KVS/Works/A/Cs(BT)(TR-61) dated 21.07.2014 has released and amount of Rs.1.33 Lakhs as final instalment for the said works.
On examination of Final handing taking over note for the said works as forwarded vide your letter dated 04.03.2010 it has been observed that the said documents prepared at your level does not bears the signature of the Principal, KV No,.I Salt Lake and as such it has become difficult on our part whether the same is valid or not. Unfortunately no records in this regard could be traced either in this Vidyalaya or at KVS RO Kolkata despite our all out efforts. The representative of APPWD stationed at Kolkata were also intimated about the fact several time on their visit to this Vidyalaya which also did not yeild any fruitful result.
You are, therefore, once agains requested to furnish the signed copy of final handing taking over report and its account settlement by KVS (HQ) at the earliest so that Rs.1.33 lakhs can be released as final settlement.
An early action in this is solicited failing which we will have no other option but to refund the amount to KVS (HQ) New Delhi before 31.03.2015 as per rule.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
Copy to : 1. The Superintending Engineer, KVS (HQ), New Delhi – for information and necessary direction. 2. The Deputy Commissioner, KVS, RO, Kolkata – for information and necessary direction. 3. The Junior Engineer, APPWD, Block CE, No.109/110, Sector –I, Salt Lake, Kolkata-64 – for information and necessary action.
Principal No.F. 25058 /2014-15/KVSL-I/ Date : 05.01.2015
The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Salt Lake, Kolkata - 64
Sub: Grant of Selection Scale to Shri Arun Kumar Kundu, Ex-TGT(AE) – reg.
I am to refer to your letter No.F.25058/2013/KVS(KOL)/Admn./21232 dated 02.01.2015 on the subject supra and to inform that as per pay bill and other available records Shri Arun Kumar Kundu, Drawing Teacher now designated as TGT(AE) has retired from the services of Sangathan on 31.03.2003 and his Service Book and Personal File have been forwarded to KVS RO Kolkata along with other pension papers.
It is also submitted that there is no record available from which it can be concluded that Shri Kundu was ever discouraged for attending Inservice course preceding six years of his entitlement of Selection Scale.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal No.F.25230/2014-15/KVSL-I/ Date : 23.12.2014
The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Salt Lake, Kolkata – 64
Sub: Forwarding of representation in r/o Smt. Krishna Mallick, ex-PRT(Music) for grant of Selection scale- regarding.
With reference to subject cited above I am to forward herewith a representation dated 23.12.2014 in r/o Smt. Krishna Mallick, ex-PRT(Music) of this Vidyalaya in connection with grant of Selection scale to her.
In this connection it would be pertinent to mention here that Smt. Krishna Mallick, PRT (Music) has retired from her services on 31.08.2014 and all her service records, i.e. Service Book, Personal File etc. have already been forwarded to Regional Office, Kolkata alongwith pension papers.
Encl : As stated above. Yours faithfully
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal Copy to Smt. Krishna Mallick, ex-PRT(Music), C/O Bhupendranath Mandal, South Durga Nagar, Pather Bani Lane, Post: Rabindranagar, Kolkata – 65 – for information with a request to pursue such matter with KVS Regional Office, Kolkata directly in future being a retired employee. Principal
No,PF/SJC/Int.Audit/2014-15/KVSL-I/ Date : 16.12.2014
In compliance to KVS, Regional Office, Kolkata Office Order No.F.25228/2014-15/KVS(IA)/(Kol)/20109 dated 08/09-12-2014 Shri S.J. Chakraborty, Assistant is hereby relieved in the Afternoon of 16.12.2014 with the instruction to join Internal Audit Team for Internal audit of KV AFS Salua w.e.f. 18.12.2014 to 22.12.2014.
He is entitled for TA/DA as per rule.
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
Shri SJ Chakraborty, Assistant KV No.I Salt Lake No.F. Vidyalaya Website/AKJ/2014-15/KVSL-I Date : 15.12.2014
Shri Arvind Kumar Jha, PGT (Computer Sc.) has been made the In-charge of Committee to lookafter the timely up gradation of Vidyalaya Website with help of Shri Sujay Bhagat &Shri Chinmoy Banerjee, both Contractual Computer Teachers. Of late it has been observed that the assigned work of up gradation of Vidyalaya website has not been given due weightage resulting non-upgradation of the website after Junior Science Exhibition though many activities , viz. National Science Congress, Spic Mackay Programme, Induction Course for PGTs, Moderation, Workshop of Deputy Commissioner etc. etc., took place in the Vidyalaya.
Further it has also been observed that the report of Jr. Science Exhibition supported by photograph uploaded in the website is neither impressive nor reflecting the actual happenings especially the photographs are concerned. It is also not appreciated that the undersigned was not even consulted before uploading such irrelevant photograph.
Last but not the least it has also been observed that downloading of daily mails from different corners are also not being placed before the undersigned since long though the said work has been entrusted to both Contractual Teachers.
Shri Arvind Kumar Jha, PGT (Comp. Sc) is hereby advised to pay more attention to the works allotted to him and he should take immediate steps for uploading of following reports to vidyalaya website immediately within 1500 hrs. of today itself.
1. Report on National Science Congress. 2. Spic Mackay Programme. 3. Induction Course of PGTs 4. Report on Moderation. 5. Report regarding Workshop by Deputy Commissioner. 6. Other important events took place in the meantime.
A Compliance report should be submitted to the undersigned by 1500 hrs. of 15.12.2014.
Shri A.K. Jha, PGT (Comp. Sc.) KV No.I Salt Lake. Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal No.F. PF/BC/21014-15/KVSL-I/ Date : 09.12.2014
The undersigned has observed that Shri Bimal Chakraborty, UDC is not discharging his day to day duties in a proper way as per expectation.
Indifferent attitude of Shri Chakraborty, UDC, towards assigned works sometimes results to unnecessary embarrassment to the undersigned in particular and Vidyalaya as a whole.
His maintenance of Accounts and Cash Book is not up to date and as a result it becomes difficult on the part of the Vidyalaya to ascertain the accurate balance which leads to over expenditure or to postpone the purchases of emergent nature. During recent past we had to cancel the purchase of Air Conditioner Machine even after placing supply order due to non-availability of funds in the Account. Now also the Vidyalaya is not in a position to disburse TA/DA advance to Teachers deputed for different duties due to insufficient fund in the Account.
Last but not the least behavior of Shri Bimal Chakraborty, UDC towards his superior is also found not satisfactory.
Shri Bimal Chakraborty, UDC is hereby advised to improve his behavior to his superior and at the same time he is also advised to pay full attention to his official works as well as dealings failing which the undersigned would be constrain to initiate appropriate action against him.
Shri Bimal Chakraborty, UDC KV No.I Salt Lake
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal DATE ; 09.12.2014
No.F.25228/2014-15/KVSL-I/ Date : 04.12.2014
The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Salt Lake, Kolkata
Sub: Internal Audit of KV AFS Salua w.e.f. 15.12.2014 – reg.
I am to refer to Office Order No.F.25228/2014-15/KVS(IA)(Kol)/19721 dated 01.12.2014 on the subject supra and to say that Examination for recruitment of LDC in KVS is going to held on 13th&14th December and Annual Day celebration is on 16th December 2014.
In order to carry out the above works and other urgent works presence of Shri SJ Chakraborty, Asstt. is required and as such it is requested that he may be exempted from outstation Internal Audit Duty till 16.12.2014.
Shri SJ Chakraborty, Asstt. will join the Internal Audit Team at KV No.2 Kalaikunda as scheduled w.e.f. 18.12.2014 to 21.12.2014.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal Copy to Shri SJ Chakrabroty, Asstt. KV No.I Salt Lake – for information.
Date : 03.12.2014
ID NOTE In compliance to Govt. of India direction issued from time to time regarding cleanliness of Vidyalaya premises as well as its Toilets/Lavatories etc. the undersigned formed Supervisory Committee under the leadership of Sri G Nandi, TGT.
Off late it has been observed that the Conservancy staffs are not performing their duties as assigned to them properly. They do not Keep watch in r/o allotted toilets to them and at the same time the Supervisory Committee is also found not monitoring the works of the conservancy staff.
Shri G. Nandi, TGT and I/C supervisory Committee (Sanitation) is hereby directed to ensure that toilet/lavatories and premises of the Vidyalaya is maintained properly and the conservancy staff also seats in the corridor allotted to them in order to check the damages done to vidyalaya property by some indiscipline students.
B. Mahto Vice Principal
No.F.PF(B.Mahato)/2014-15/KVSL-I Date : 04.12.2014 Confidential
Shri N.R. Murali, Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Kolkata – 700 064
Sub: Report regarding claim of exorbitant Hotel Rent at Raiganj by Shri B. Mahto, VP during Temporary Deputation as I/C Principal, KV Raiganj. Sir, With reference to subject cited above I am to inform you that Shri B. Mahto, VP has been deputed as I/C Principal at KV Raiganj vide Office Order No.F.25043/13-14/KVS(KOL)/17863 dated 28.03.2014 and accordingly he was relieved on 08.04.2014(A/N). Shri B. Mahto, VP has preferred his TA/DA Claim in connection with his deputation duty at Raiganj which was forwarded to KVS RO Kolkata for Pre-audit but the same was returned with some observation without pre-audit. In this context it would be pertinent to mention here that while going through his claim it has been observed that Sh. Mahto has claimed Hotel rent at inflated rates i.e. @ Rs.1200/per day which does not prevails as has been confirmed by the undersigned over telephone from the Hotel Management. In order to have a concrete record the undersigned deputed a PGT who visited Raiganj and stayed in the same Hotel, i.e. Hotel Harshabardhan on 28.11.2014 against a rent of Rs.500/- and also submitted his report alongwith Printed Tariff rates prevailing in the Hotel which is enclosed herewith for your perusal and ready reference.It has also been confirmed by the Hotel management that they do not have any room/accommodation whose tariff is more than Rs.700/- per day and the same is reduced if AC service is not availed.
Submitted for your perusal and further action as per rule.
Encl : Copy of Report, Money Receipt & Printed Tariff rates. Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Princip No.F.25224(Pay Fixation)/2014-15/KVSL-I/ Date : 28.11.2014
The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Salt Lake, Kolkata-70064
Sub: Forwarding of Service Book in r/o Dr. AK Paul, TGT(P&HE), Shri P.N. Mishra, TGT (AE) and Ms. Kalpana Das, (Librarian) for fixation of their pay consequent upon grant of Selection Scale – reg.
I am to forward herewith Service Book alongwith option exercised in original supported by Office Order in r/o following teachers of this Vidyalaya for fixation of their pay consequent upon grant of Selection Scale :
1. Dr. A.K. Paul, TGT (P&HE) = 01 2. Sh. P.N. Mishra, TGT (AE) = 01 3. Ms. K. Das, Librarian = 01
Kindly return the Service Books after necessary action at your end.
Encl : 03 Service Books As mentioned above.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal No.F.25338/Temp.Dep./2014-15/KVSL-I Date : 27.11.2014
Confidential The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Salt Lake, Kolkata – 64 Sub: Intimation about joining of Shri B. Mahato, Vice Principal - reg.
Sir, With reference to subject cited above I am to inform you as follows for favour of your information and further necessary action :
1. Shri B. Mahato, V.P of this Vidyalaya was deputed as I/C Principal at KV Raiganj vide KVS Regional Office Order No.F.25043/13-14/KVS(KOL)/17860-17880 dated 28.03.2014 with a provision to report to KV No.I Salt Lake for 02 days during every month. 2. Initially his temporary deputation to KV Raiganj was for 03(three) months which was extended for another 03(three) months w.e.f. 01.07.2014 vide KVS RO Kolkata Office Order referred ibid dated 14.07.2014. 3. On 28.10.2014 Shri B. Mahato, V.P has reported to this Vidyalaya to I/C Principal, Shri T.K.Gorani, PGT (Comm) as I was on Earned Leave for 12 days. 4. On 22.11.2014 after discussion in the Activity Room with you on the issue, I asked Shri T.K. Gorain, PGT to produce the joining letter as well as permission order of RO vide which Shri B. Mahato was allowed to join. The report submitted by Shri T.K. Gorain, PGT(Comm) and the then Offg. Principal, is enclosed for ready reference. 5. I further enquired the matter from Shri B. Mahato, V.P who has replied that he has obtained due permission for his repatriation from you, however, no written order could be produced.
Submitted please. Encl : As stated above
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
No.F. Condemnation/2014-15/KVSL-I Date: 24.11.2014
OFFICE ORDER All the Department in-charges and store In-charges are hereby directed to do the needful and place their proposal for condemnation and write off of the condemned material, if any, at the earliest but latest by 29th November 2011 to the undersigned.
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal
No.F. CPPDPT/R.R.C/2014-15/KVSL-I/ Date : 22.11.2014
The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 064
Sub: Forwarding of application seeking exemption from attending CPPDT Course on humanitarian grounds in respect of Smt. R. R. Chatterjee, PRT - Reg.
With reference to subject cited above I am to forward herewith a self explanatory application seeking exemption from attending CPPDPT Course to be held at KV IIM Joka w.e.f. 23.11.2014 in respect of Smt. R.R. Chatterjee, PRT with a request to consider her case as an special one since the situation expressed is genuine and deserves sympathetic consideration on humanitarian grounds.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata
Principal No.F. PF (P.Arunkumar)/2014-15/KVSL-I Date : 20.11.2014
The Deputy Commissioner Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office, EB Block Salt Lake, Kolkata -64
Sub: Forwarding of Service Book and Personal File in r/o Shri P. Arun Kumar, PGT (Biotechnology) (now posted as Private Secretary to Hon,ble Chief Minister, Telengana (on deputation) – reg. Sir,
I am refer to KVS (HQ), New Delhi letter No.F.21043/4/2014/KVS(HQ)(Estt.II)110822-26 dated 03.11.2014 and to inform you that Shri P. Arun Kumar, PGT (Biotechnology) of this Vidyalaya have been relevied in the Forenoon of 13.11.2014, in compliance to letter referred ibid.
Original Service Book (01) containing pages from 01 to 32 and Personal File (01) containing pages 01 to 207 is forwarded herewith for further necessary action at your end.
Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same.
Encl 1. Service Book (original) pages 01 t0 32 2. Personal File (original) pages 01 to 207 Yours faithfully,
Dr.(Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal Copy to Shri P. Arun Kumar, Private Secretary to Hon,ble Chief Minister, Telengana, Hyderabad – for information.
No.F.PF /MB/2014-15/KVSL-I Date : 19.11..2014
Confidential MEMORANDUM
It has been reported that on 10.11.2014 some students of Class XI D were found indulged in some unwanted activities i.e. playing with Condom.
The period was allotted to Smt. M. Banerjee, PGT (English) and it is also reported that she herself was present in the class but she did not take any cognizance of the matter and not even took any action against the erring students.
Smt. M. Banerjee, PGT (English) is hereby directed to explain why such activities were taken by the students during her class and why no action was taken by her against the students and why she did not report the matter to the undersigned. Smt. M. Banerjee, PGT (English) should submit her explanation within 02 (Two) days from the receipt of this Memorandum failing which it would be assumed that she has nothing to say and appropriate against her would be initiated as per Codal provision.
Smt. M Banerjee PGT (English) KV No.I Salt Lake
Dr. (Mrs.) Suman Lata Principal