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Town of Bowdoinham s1

MINUTES Town of Bowdoinham Select Board Meeting August 26, 2014 at 5:30 p.m.

1. Call the Meeting to Order & Establish a Quorum

The meeting was called to order and quorum established by Chair Brian Hobart at 5:30 p.m. Select Board members Brian Hobart, Kathy Gallant, M. Theresa Turgeon, Wendy Cunningham and Douglas Tourtelotte were present. Staff present included Town Manager William Post and Planning and Development Director Nicole Briand.

2. Amendments to the Agenda – Item 11.A removed

3. Approve Consent Calendar A. Meeting Minutes of August 5, 2014 B. Warrants & Financial Reports: 1. Treasurer’s Warrant #14 for $27,632.69 C. Reports & Communications 1. Fire Department July Incident Report 2. Sheriff’s Office July Incident Report

On motion of Turgeon/Tourtelotte, the Board voted 5 – 0 to approve the Consent Calendar as presented.

4. Action Items

A. Act on Celebrate Bowdoinham Budget and Schedule of Events

Planning and Development Director Nicole Briand presented a draft budget to the Board and a schedule of events. Briand stated that the only changes to the budget should be in the revenues with more vendors added and paying for space. For events, the chicken run has been moved to Friday night instead of Saturday and a variety show has been added for Friday night. The Variety show is free, but donations towards the event will be accepted. On Saturday, there are two new activities including a unicyclist group and skateboard demonstrations in the evening in hopes of keeping more people at the waterfront until the fireworks show.

Board member Turgeon stated that Briand had done a nice job on the brochure

Board member Tourtelotte asked about the variety show. Briand answered that the variety show is run by the Merrymeeting Arts Center and EMS will be present to sell refreshments.

Board member Gallant asked about the Best Thrifty Item contest. Briand stated that is also new this year and is for the best deal on an item purchased from a thrift store or reused.

1 The Manager stated that the Board is required to approve the budget and events schedule so that the event is covered by the Town’s insurance carrier and the funds for the event are appropriated from the Pipeline TIF budget.

On motion of Cunningham/Gallant, the Board voted 5 – 0 to approve the schedule of events and budget for Celebrate Bowdoinham with funding from the Pipeline TIF budget.

B. Act on Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2015

The Manager stated that the assessed valuation of the town increased more than was originally estimated. The assessors’ agent had estimated a valuation increase of $2,400,000 and the increase came in at $4,421,368. This is due in large part to an increase in personal property assessment of $400,000 thanks to Comcast and Five County Credit Union and CMP’s investment outside the TIF district of $1.2 million, as well as strong construction during the last year.

This results in a tax rate increase smaller than anticipated. The Manager referred to a handout detailing four different tax rates ranging from 16.20 to 16.35 and their effects on the overlay and the TIF budgets. Fiscal Year 2014’s tax rate was 15.40. The handout also detailed the effect of the different rates on a home with a valuation of $180,000.

The Manager recommended that the tax rate be set at 16.25 for FY15 which results in an overlay of $17,055. He noted that the maximum tax rate allowed by law is $16.99 and the minimum required is 16.18.

The Manager explained that the tax rate would not have increased if the amount needed from taxes for the school budget had not increased by $194,000. He expects an increase in the school budget again next year of about $100,000 for Bowdoinham. Representatives from the school district have said they would attend a meeting with the Board and the manager recommended the Board provide topics of conversation or questions that the Board may wish to discuss.

Board member Turgeon stated that she would like to know why the budget increases while enrollment decreases.

Board member Cunningham would like to know about the state mandates that affect the school budget and what the future plans are for the district. Is there a strategic plan in place?

On motion of Tourtelotte/Gallant, the Board voted 5 – 0 to set the tax rate for Fiscal Year 2015 at $16.25.

C. Act on Winter Maintenance Bid Award

The Manager stated that the Town received bids from two companies for winter maintenance on gravel roads. The previous three-year contract with MJF Enterprises expired in May 2014. MJF Enterprises is again the low bidder with prices at $14,000, $14,500 and $15,000 for the three years. The Manager recommended that the Board award the contract to MJF for another three years at the costs proposed. The Town budgeted $14,500 for this contract for Fiscal Year 2015. 2 On motion of Gallant/Cunningham, the Board voted 5 – 0 to contract with MJF Enterprises for three years for winter maintenance on gravel roads for a cost of $14,000 for the first year, $14,500 for the second year and $15,000 for the third year.

5. Discussion Items – None

6. Town Manager’s Report

The Manager stated that the winter sand is being hauled to the Public Works location this week. The cost is $7.89 per cubic yard, delivered. The next lowest price was $12.00 per cubic yard delivered. The Manager ordered 1,800 cubic yards of sand to replace the approximately 2,000 yards used last winter. 1,300 yards remain from previous years.

Patricia Oh began work as the Coordinator of Older Adult Services on August 19th.

The recently adopted Comprehensive Plan was found consistent and complete by the State of Maine.

The Manager and Deputy Treasurer received a banking proposal from the Bank of Maine recently and are reviewing the proposal to determine if the Town can receive better service and more interest on its general fund accounts. The service from the current bank, Androscoggin Bank, is not an issue, but it is beneficial to occasionally check with other banking institutions.

The Manager is researching shredding companies because the office has a great deal of material that has reached it’s destroy date. He is also determining if a community shred day is a possibility.

The Town of Richmond approached the Manager to ask if he would be willing to serve as an interim treasurer while they search for a new town manager. He expressed willingness to do so, with the Board’s approval, and gave some advice to the Town of Richmond. The Manager’s services are not needed, however, as Richmond has appointed an individual already employed by Richmond. The Manager stated that he anticipates Richmond hiring a manager soon and hopes that the new manager is open to coordinating services and exploring ways to save both towns money while providing better services.

7. Select Board Member’s Request for Agenda Items for Next Meeting – None

8. Announce Future Select Board Meetings A. September 9th – Regular Meeting B. September 23rd – Regular Meeting

9. Comments from Select Board Members – None

10. Comments from the Public – None

11. Executive Session A. Convene in Executive Session Pursuant to 31 MRS §405(6) for a Poverty Abatement Request 3 12. Adjourn

The meeting adjourned by acclamation at 6:00 p.m.

Select Board Town of Bowdoinham, Maine Brian Hobart, Chair

M. Theresa Turgeon, Vice-Chair

Wendy Cunningham

Kathleen Gallant

Douglas Tourtelotte

Respectfully Submitted,

William S. Post, Town Manager


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