Anaconda-Deer Lodge County

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Anaconda-Deer Lodge County

Anaconda-Deer Lodge County Work Session 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Courthouse Courtroom

Present: Commission Chair Warner, Commissioner Nyman, Commissioner Sweeney, and Commissioner Lorello. Absent: Commissioner Pierce and CEO Becky Guay (attending MACo Conference).

Update – Forest Service – Charlene Bucha-Gentry.

Charlene Bucha-Gentry introduced Chuck Mark, Deputy Forest Supervisor under the direction of Dave Myer, Forest Supervisor.

First item discussed was the Pintler District area. The Anaconda Job Corps has their fuel reduction. Sun Mountain Lumber was the purchaser of their stewardship. They have started the stewardship portion of the work which was along Foster Creek Road and removing some bridge abutment and some stream survey work in Foster creek because this is bull trout habitat and there are some conservation issues that need to be dealt with. The plan is to start harvest of this project this winter. Travel management has always been a big issue. The Forest Service intended to start on the district back in 2009 and has been moved to 2012. Beetle mortality has been an issue for everyone. For the Beaverhead Deer Lodge National Forest, dealing with hazard trees in high use areas is a high priority for the Forest Service. They have been removing the hazard trees in their developed sites such as campgrounds and along primary roads and will be doing hazard tree removal at Discovery Ski area. The Tri-County RAC meeting was held last week. The Forest Service has proposed another $30,000 grant request from RAC. They have obtained $90,000 in grant funding so far for the Stuckey Ridge area. This will help with weed treatment. The goal is for 6,000 acres of treatment. They have treated approximately 3,600 acres. There has been a significant decrease in the knapweed. The Forest Service is still working on the East Deer Lodge project. The Forest Service Impact Statement is in the public comment period. They are developing a new alternative to the Impact Statement and they are hoping to put out a decision statement at the end of March or early April.

Commissioner Sweeney asked about authority to land helicopters in the wilderness areas for example Mount Haggin. Charlene stated that the Forest Service travel plan does not address aerial transport. This would mainly be administered by FAA and they would have to follow safety regulations. It was stated that this could actually cause some real issues with landing a helicopter in a roadless area if something tragic should occur. Connie Ternes-Daniels followed up by stating that Mount Haggin is in private ownership.

Connie Ternes-Daniels stated that there was an article regarding the new research of beetle kill trees in Wisconsin and asked for the Forest Service’s take on it. Chuck stated that he had not heard of this research or the person doing the research.

Charlene asked if Anaconda-Deer Lodge County was going to update their Community Work Session September 28, 2010/Page Two

1 Wildland Fire Protection Plan. Granite and Powell County are in the process of re-defining and updating theirs. Chairman Warner stated that he talked with someone and they are going to get a meeting set up in 2 weeks to discuss this.

The Storm Lake Dam issue is still being discussed with Butte-Silver Bow. This is not going to be pursued until they are in the Travel Management Plan.

Commissioner Sweeney welcomed Chuck Mark to the Anaconda-Deer Lodge County area.

Discussion – Big Sky Grant Application for Montana Timber Products.

Jim Davison addressed the Commission. This item is a request for Anaconda-Deer Lodge County to put in a grant to expand a business by locating another office in Anaconda. The Big Sky Grant uses the interest off principal for economic development projects. One of the few grant projects out there that gives grants to businesses. There are two forms…category 2 is the Planning Grants and category 1 is implementation grants. Category 1 has to be applied for by local governments, very similar to the CDBG grants. Category 1 grant funds are used to help businesses do the soft projects that are hard to finance. This grant request from Montana Timber Products is for $75,000. Because of Anaconda-Deer Lodge County’s economic development standings, they can apply for $7,500 per potential employee. The sub-recipient would be Headwaters RC&D to manage the project and then the money would be forwarded to the company to do the work. This would be assistance for Montana Timber to hookup and move their equipment, not to purchase equipment. The money is reimbursed to Montana Timber as they hire employees. The match requirement is for every $2.00 in grant money received, Montana Timber is required to match $1.00. They will be coming up with $37,500. Mr. Davison asked the County to sponsor this grant application request to expand this business here in Anaconda.

Commissioner Sweeney stated that the jobs would be created and is there is a minimum salary that needs to be met? Mr. Davison stated that the jobs created are at a minimum of $13.73/hour base salary.

Commissioner Nyman stated that as she read the material she thought that Local Development would be the sub-recipient, but it is actually Headwaters? Mr. Davison stated that either Local Development or Headwaters could be the sub-recipients. Both LDC and Headwaters will monitor this grant. Commissioner Nyman asked who will draw the funding? The County will receive the funds and Headwaters will be doing the reports. Commissioner Nyman stated that what confused her was that the material states “Jim Davison, Executive Director of Headwaters”…is this correct? Mr. Davison said yes, it is correct, he is the Executive Director of Headwaters and Executive Director of Anaconda Local Development. Commissioner Nyman thanked Mr. Davison for clarifying this.

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Mrs. Ternes-Daniels stated this grant is for $75,000 and $3,250 is for Headwaters to

2 administer the grant. This money comes directly from the grant and she assumes the other $500.00 would come to the County for administration costs. It was confirmed that this would be the process.

Mrs. Ternes-Daniels expressed her concern with the risk regarding this grant. She is excited about this project but the risk is that if the jobs are not created, the County is on the hook for the grant. As she understands it now, the grant money is not issued unless the jobs are created. She asked if there has ever been a default? Mr. Davison stated that the process has changed and it is easier to reimburse the money once the jobs are created. Connie then suggested that the County Attorney review the grant application.

Commissioner Nyman asked if this business would be located in House District No. 86 or 85? The material shows that it is in House District 86, but she thinks it maybe in 85. Mr. Davison was not sure but he would find out.

The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for the October 5th meeting.

Discussion – Resolution No. 10-36, A Resolution of Support for the Upper Clark Fork River Basin Resolution for adoption of a long Range Restoration Priorities and Fund Allocation Guidance Plan.

Mike McLean addressed the Commission. He stated that he is a member of the Upper Clark Fork River Basin Citizen Advisory Council. They have spent the last several months working on a long range restoration plan. This is the first time the Advisory Council has voted a plan unanimously. It is very important to set forth the framework for the funds available that are going to be spent. There are some worries that this money maybe spent half-hazardly and this long range plan would give guidance to how these funds generated through the law suit would be spent for future projects. This plan has been a collaborative effort of the public. This plan makes sense for Anaconda-Deer Lodge County to make sure these funds are spent properly. This plan also sets forth priorities and goals. Another benefit of having a long range plan is that ADLC will not be required to ask for NRD funds every year, which has been a waste of County funds and this should be a considerable cost savings. The money allocated to Anaconda-Deer Lodge County will be sufficient to complete the water projects.

Another portion that deals with ADLC deals with Silver Bow Creek-Streamside Tailings. The remainder of the money allocated to Silver Bow Creek that have not been exhausted will go into a reserve into the General Fund for other areas such as Butte Area One, Anaconda Uplands, or the Dutchman project…areas that have been affected by pollution. These are the areas that have been severely damaged and if other funds are needed, these reserve funds will be allocated for future restoration projects.

Mr. McLean reported that there will be a Trustee Council meeting in Helena and this will Work Session September 28, 2010/Page Four be presented at that time. If this is approved by the Trustee Council, it will be placed out for public comment. Mr. McLean urged the County to support these efforts either by writing a letter of support for the idea of a long range plan OR to write a letter of support for this particular long

3 range plan, which is what Mr. McLean is mainly requesting.

Connie Ternes-Daniels stated that there was a meeting that included Mr. McLean, herself, CEO Guay, Paul Puccinelli, Jim Kuipers and Alden Beard. Mrs. Ternes-Daniels stated that CEO Guay requested that she go on record stating that she supports this plan and Resolution.

Commissioner Sweeney thanked Mr. McLean for his hard work on this for our County. He then asked if the 10 million is adequate for ADLC and is the 25/75 % split based on population? Mr. McLean stated that these percentage were part of the original factors set in the lawsuit. Mr. McLean stated that he will do everything he can to get the two grant requests presently before the council funded. Mr. McLean reported that Alden Beard’s presentation was faced with many difficult questions. Mr. Beard did an outstanding job answering questions beyond satisfactorily. Mr. McLean stated that it will be difficult for the Advisory Council, after putting Mr. Beard through the questioning, to say no to the grant requests. He is optimistic that the grants will be funded.

Commissioner Sweeney thanked Alden Beard for carrying the County’s needs forward and getting our grants funded.

Alden Beard addressed Commissioner Sweeney’s earlier asked question. Based on the projects from the water master plan, 10 million should see the County through. One thing to keep an eye on is that the County has $6.2 million dollars in requests pending. Provided those are funded, 10 million will do it. If they are not fully funded, it will be tight.

Mr. McLean strongly advised ADLC, when it comes down to the vote of the Advisory Council, members and public needs to be in full force to publically support the projects. There needs to be letters and bodies in evidence of support. The amount of NRD funds remaining is shrinking and Anaconda needs to be aggressive in going after our fair share. The other thing he wants to emphasize, from now on it will be difficult to get some projects funded. The shift is going towards terrestrial and aquatic projects. ADLC needs to aggressively go after these grants. Worse thing to be right now is passive.

Commissioner Sweeney asked an approximate dollar figure of left over Silver Bow Creek-Streamside Tailings funds. Mr. McLean stated that the figure presented is $35 million. Commissioner Sweeney asked how this money would be allocated towards other projects. Mr. McLean explained that no groundwater projects will be funded. They will go towards terrestrial and aquatic projects. Any entity wanting to put in for these leftover funds will have to spend their own pots of money first before they can go after the reserve funds.

Work Session September 28, 2010/Page Five

Commissioner Sweeney stated that there are 2 project development grants, one for Washoe Park and one for Hafner’s Dam. [We] are doing a master plan with the park and he knows there will be things in the master plan that will not qualify but people would like to see them done in the park. In the two, there is a lot of habitat, water and things and he would like to urge Mr. McLean to look at these projects. Commissioner Sweeney thinks these two sites meet

4 the intent in the design of the lawsuit for recreation plus fish and wildlife habitat. He knows the money is getting tighter and the president was that Butte was funded Thompson Park for about a million dollars and he thinks those days are probably gone. Commissioner Sweeney encouraged Mr. McLean to look at this when it comes forward, after the planning is done and see what kind of money it qualifies for.

Mr. McLean stated that with everything happening this year and with the allocation of funding for the Spotted Dog, this is the first time there is spending of corpus funds rather than interest. We are at a point where things are going to be getting very competitive and very tight. Mr. McLean stated that he has never seen a bad project in being on the Advisory Council. Unfortunately, the Council will have to start being very conscientious on what projects will be funded and that they really want to see project that are a restorative benefit to the Upper Clark Fork River Basin. There will be many worthwhile projects that will not be funded because of the outlook on available funds. Mr. McLean again urged for overwhelming support by our community. There is a good amount of remediation that needs to be completed.

Commissioner Sweeney stated that “[we] just went through a big replacement project with Spotted Dog”. He asked what Mr. McLean thought on replacement projects? Mr. McLean stated that he cannot say that all replacement projects are bad because that would mean our waterline projects are bad, but, he was at a meeting in the spring where CEO Guay had mentioned that it is replacement but it is replacement because we can’t restore our water. Mr. McLean stated that Spotted Dog was just as much of a surprise to the council as it was to the rest of the state. Mr. McLean stated that he voted for the project because this project does have a certain amount of benefit to it, but it was very controversial. By getting the framework in place with this long range plan we will, at least at the council’s level, do their very best to avoid having anymore issues come up. There will be guidelines set for how requests meet with the goals set forth in the long range plan.

Commissioner Sweeney again thanked Mr. McLean for all of his effort and time put in for this. He stated that Mr. McLean, as well as Alden Beard, are serving the County well.

Chairman Warner asked if there are any thoughts on how the 25% funding could be put into a County fund to build interest. Mr. McLean stated that the county will not be able to keep interest on this money, it will sit in a fund and will be able to drawn down through a process as it occurs now. ADLC will have the funds available, we won’t have to apply for grants any longer to obtain those funds but we will not be able to collect interest on the $10 million.

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Alden Beard added that the mechanics of how the money will be disbursed will be on a reimbursement basis. Two things to notice is that the $10 million could only be used if they meet two criteria; 1) the project will have to conform to the Water Master Plan and 2) NRDP is proposing that Anaconda file what could be considered a “spending plan”, identifying what the money will be spent on.

Chairman Warner asked what percentage of the waterlines are completed right now. Mr.

5 Beard stated that approximately 60% is complete with $11 million spent. The remaining projects are approximately $7 - $8 million. It was noted that these projects are outside the $10 million. Mr. Beard reported that there is currently a $7 ½ million cap on this years’ funds that was set by the Advisory Council last year. There are $18 million in projects on the table right now. Mr. McLean stated that this is why public support is critical.

Chairman Warner stated that he has reviewed the material provided and he does like this long range plan. Mr. McLean stated that the 2008 plan provided less funding to ADLC, the allocation figure was about $6 million. Chairman Warner stated that as long as the experts feel that the County can support the plan and there is plenty of funding, then he supports this plan. Chairman Warner then thanked Mr. McLean for all of his work on this.

The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for the October 5th meeting.

Discussion – Request from Copper Village Museum and Art Center to purchase the building known as the Copper Village Museum and Art Center.

Susan Lanes addressed the Commission. She stated that there has been a good long working relationship between Copper Village and the county. The Copper Village is now ready to take on the building because they have discovered that they are able to receive more non-profit funding if they own the building. This would give them equity to obtain loans if they choose. They are unable to do this with a lease agreement. The Copper Village is very interested in the renovation project and this will eventually happen. The Copper Village has done the upkeep as well as the insurance requirement for the past 20 years. At this time Jim Davison gave an explanation of how the building was purchased 24 years ago.

Commissioner Nyman asked Mrs. Lanes if the Copper Village contributed money towards the heating system. Mrs. Lanes said that they did. Commissioner Nyman asked how much money the Copper Village pays in PILT? Mrs. Lanes did not know the amount off hand. Commissioner Nyman stated she would check with the Treasurer’s Office. Commissioner Nyman stated that for many years she has expressed her concern about the historical museum. She recently read somewhere where the Job Corps hauled five truckloads of stuff from the museum. Mrs. Lanes stated that the Job Corps helped hauled five truckloads of stored items. Jerry Hansen has four storage facilities and he had to remove items from one of those facilities. The items then were moved to another storage facility but nothing was removed from the Copper Village. Mrs. Lanes stated that the museum will be coming in under the Copper Village’s Work Session September 28, 2010/Page Seven

501 (c) 3 because they lost theirs. She is working on getting grants for the museum. There is a lot of grant money available for museums but they must be a non-profit organization. This building needs plenty of work and they need to have conditions improved and stability of documents and more room to store them. This is the reason for the renovation project. Then, if the railroad museum locates to this building, there will be a great marriage of three historic museums located on the main highway for people to stop and look. Plus, this is located right across from the Chamber of Commerce where tourists could get additional information on our town and browse through the downtown business district.

6 Commissioner Nyman stated that she has had complaints from tourists, locals and schools that they are not able to access and visit the museum. She asked if there is any plan in place to make this accessible to the public? Mrs. Lanes stated that yes there is. They have had a lady helping with the museum hours and museum cleaning and more people are coming forward to help. Mrs. Lanes stated that if someone from the Copper Village was available, they would walk individuals through the museum, but they do not have the rich archaic knowledge that Jerry Hansen has. Another project for the Copper Village to do is videotaping of Jerry Hansen on his knowledge of the history of Anaconda. Mrs. Lanes stated that Mr. Hansen, along with the Historical Board (once it is re-activated), will have control over the archives.

Commissioner Nyman stated she is hearing from the Copper Village that within the year, the Copper Village Museum hours will match the Art Center hours and it will be open to the public. Mrs. Lanes stated that this is what they are shooting for, they are trying real hard. Commissioner Nyman stated that she will continue to express her concerns with regard to the museum.

Commissioner Sweeney thanked the Copper Village but shares Commission Nyman’s concerns on the museum hours. He stated that Anaconda has such a story to tell.

Chairman Warner took this opportunity to also thank the Copper Village on the maintenance and upkeep of the building that they have done for the past 20 years and stated that they have done a fabulous job!

The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for the October 5th meeting.

Discussion – Request by Pat Dunne to use a surplus Ambulance owned by ADLC to use in housing communications equipment.

Bill Converse addressed the Commission. He stated that the Commission received a letter from Pat Dunne, President of the Anaconda Amateur Radio Club, requesting the County to deed over the old Ford ambulance in the Road/Shop bone yard. This ambulance is slated for a Sheriff’s Sale and there is no known value of this vehicle and this vehicle is not able to be used as an ambulance any longer. The Anaconda Amateur Radio Club wishes to take this vehicle and turn it into a mobile communications vehicle. They want to mount a generator and their radios in Work Session September 28, 2010/Page Eight it. The Anaconda Amateur Radio Club is part of the Emergency Operation Plan for ADLC and Bill is able to activate them and use them for communications. Their operations do not interfere with 9-1-1 and these volunteers are an asset to DES.

The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for the October 5th meeting.

Discussion – State-Local Disaster Assistance Agreement for the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant.

Bill Converse addressed the Commission. He explained that the County has been awarded a Pre-Disaster Mitigation grant through FEMA. This grant was applied for in

7 November 2009 and it took this long to get the paper work done. This grant is for Anaconda- Deer Lodge County and for Granite County for a total of $23,115.84. Anaconda-Deer Lodge County is the lead grantee. The matching funds required for this grant is for a total of $5,778.00 and this amount will be split between Anaconda-Deer Lodge County and Granite County. 25% of the matching funds can be performed by in-kind match. All requests for reimbursement will be done through the State DES.

The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for the October 5th meeting.

Discussion – Request to Call for Bids for the purchase of a used Motor Grader for the Road/Shop Department.

Larry Sturm addressed the Commission. He explained that his existing Motor Grader is a 1991 with 12,000 hours on it. There is some major work that needs to be done to the piece of equipment. The best use of County funds would be to go out for bid for a newer model Motor Grader. The Road Departments Motor Grader would need to be appraised by each bidder and used as a trade in towards the newer Grader. The Road Department also has a 2004 Motor Grader with 5,000 hours on it and the machine we are renting is a 2003 with 4,800 hours on it.

The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for the October 5th meeting.

Discussion – Introduction of Ordinance No. 205 (C), adopting various building, fire and energy conservation codes AND calling for a Public Hearing.

Dusty McKenney, Building Inspector, addressed the Commission. He explained that the State of Montana has adopted the 2009 IBC, the 2009 IECC codes and this Ordinance addressed these adopted codes by the state plus the Fire Codes are back in this Ordinance. Basically, since the state adopted the codes, the County abides by those in our Ordinance.

Connie Ternes-Daniels stated that Mr. McKenney has been doing an outstanding job. He had an accident and actually broke three vertebra in his back and only missed four days of work.

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The Commission set the Public Hearing date of October 19, 2010 for this Ordinance.

Discussion – Final Plat approval of the Nichols Subdivision.

Debbie DeLong, Planner II, addressed the Commission. Mrs. DeLong introduce Ken Jenkins who is a consultant for Mr. Nichols and who has recently opened an office here in Anaconda. Mrs. DeLong went through the staff report provided to the Commission and explained all the conditions that have all been met along with the covenants. Mrs. DeLong stated that the developer and consultant have done a great job and this is a very attractive subdivision.

Connie Ternes-Daniels thanked her Planning staff. Mrs. DeLong added that Mr. Jenkins is the consultant on the Anderson subdivision and will be returning in a couple of weeks to discuss the Final Plat. Mrs. DeLong stated that Mr. Jenkins does such an awesome job that it

8 makes her job a lot easier.

The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for the October 5th meeting.

Discussion – Proclamation for “Officers’ Appreciation Day”.

Commissioner Nyman explained that Officers’ Appreciation Day is being hosted by the DUI Task Force Board and is to honor local Law Enforcement Officers, local Fire Department members and the Montana State Highway Patrol. The DUI Task Force decided to host this on a Wednesday, not thinking about Court day. It has been decided that the reception will be hosted in the Courthouse on the 1st floor from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Hopefully there will be some activity with the schools. The Law Enforcement Department has offered to go into the schools and fingerprint the school children and we are hoping the community will support this. Part of the reason for hosting this day of appreciation is to build respect among young children for Law Enforcement. The day set for Officers’ Appreciation Day is October 27th, 2010.

The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for the October 5th meeting.

MISCELLANEOUS: Medical Marijuana Task Force

Commissioner Lorello addressed the members of the Commission. He reported that the Medical Marijuana Task Force has been meeting since June 10th. There have been about seven work sessions. The Task Force has come up with some ideas that they are comfortable with proposing to the Board of Commission. Commissioner Lorello then went through the staff report provided by Bob Horne. [clerk’s note: a copy of this staff report is made part of these minutes.]

Chairman Warner thanked the Task Force and stated that they have done a tremendous job. Chairman Warner wanted to especially thank Commissioner Lorello for taking the lead on this situation. Work Session September 28, 2010/Page Ten

Commissioner Nyman asked which budget would be affected by developing and printing brochures. Commissioner Lorello said that it would probably come from the Planning’s budget. Commissioner Nyman also added her thanks to the entire Medical Marijuana Task Force and stated that they put a lot of thought and energy into this and it does look good.

Commissioner Lorello announced that there will be a Public Hearing on October 12th at 7:00 p.m. at the Metcalf Center with the Planning Board regarding the changes to the DPS - Development Permit System. It will then come before this Commission again.

Connie Ternes-Daniels stated that the major issue of this was the growing of the medical marijuana. She expressed her appreciation to the Task Force and to the leadership of Commissioner Lorello. She stated that our county is cutting edge on some of this and may even be looked to as a model. It will be interesting to see how the legislature deals with some of this. The next time we have a state wide initiative on something like this we need to think about this a

9 bit more.

Commissioner Lorello stated that the Task Force had models on what not to do with areas such as Kalispell and Great Falls. The Task Force tried really hard to not infringe on anyone’s rights.

Commissioner Sweeney also thanked Commissioner Lorello for his leadership on this and again gave kudos to the Planning Department and Bob Horne’s lead. This is leadership on a state wide level.

Commissioner Lorello stated that this was due to the entire Task Force and Bob Horne was a great resource for our County to have.

Connie Ternes-Daniels stated that she has looked at a schedule of when this item should be discussed at the commission level. With November 2nd being election day and a holiday, there will probably not be a Commission meeting. If the Commission decides to have the Commission meeting on the 9th, the Commission could take action to adopt the changes suggested by the Task Force. This would mean the changes would not go into effect until December 9th. Urgency Ordinance No. 13 is due to expire on November 18th and the process will not be completed by then. By law, we can extend the Urgency Ordinance for up to six months however, the County would only need an extension for another 30 days

It was agreed by the Commission that Urgency Ordinance No. 13 would be placed on the next agenda to vote for an extension of 30 days.

Update on the Enhanced 9-1-1

Matt Pearce, with Mapping and Planning Specialists provided an update to the Commission on the Enhanced 9-1-1 and what has transpired since May. 2,700 change of address Work Session September 28, 2010/Page Eleven notifications letters were sent out. Dispatch is currently using the Enhanced 9-1-1 information. MAPs will finish out atlases and will produce an 8 ½ x 11 atlas book that will be able to be purchased through the Planning Department. Wall maps will be developed and there will need to be an audit on the phone service through Qwest. Dispatch software is being installed and there will be a tri-county training on this software.

Connie Ternes-Daniels asked about address changes for property listed with the State Historical Society with the State Historical designation. Mrs. Ternes-Daniels made a call to the state and they are requesting a database showing the old address and the new address.

Mr. Pearce stated that they do have a database and will provide that to the Planning Department. One major notation made by Mr. Pearce is that there are some properties that have been found that had not been on the County’s tax role. Mr. Pearce stated that the County really needs to look at placing intersection signs to help the emergency responders. He stated that there has been discussion with working with the Montana State Prison in developing these road signs.

10 Mr. Gene Vuckovich asked about cell phone calls to 9-1-1 vs. a landline. Mr. Pearce explained that most cell phones have a GSP and any call from a cell phone to the 9-1-1 will be able to be located on a screen in dispatch. MAPs will need to work with all of the wireless carriers to work with Qwest to provide locations via GPS.

Cobra Lights

Commissioner Sweeney stated that he has been receiving calls regarding the cobra head lights that are out along Park and Commercial streets.


Commissioner Nyman stated that the Commission received a memo regarding wildlife problems. Fish, Wildlife & Parks will not deal with wildlife and neither will the Animal Control. She stated that she attended the Health Board meeting where they discussed problems with fox. She also had a report of a dead skunk on the 300 block East Park Street. Who are these calls going to be directed to? Commissioner Lorello suggested a trapping enterprise.

Call for Bids for the Beaverdam Park and Trail Project

Connie Ternes-Daniels stated that the County received the okay from the Department of Transportation to go out for bids on the Beaverdam Park and Trail Project. Mrs. Ternes-Daniels is asking the Commission to place this item on their next meeting to vote on going out for bid. There are some pretty critical things that maybe difficult in going into winter. One major issue is that the building there needs to be secured. We should be able to start this project at the beginning of November.

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The Commission agreed to place this item on the next agenda.

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Trails Grant

Connie Ternes-Daniels stated that the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Trails Grant that was awarded to go out for the paving of the Old Works Lower Trail is ready to go out for bid. Mrs. Ternes-Daniels asked the Commission to place this item on their next meeting to vote on.

The Commission agreed to place this item on the next agenda.

Chairman Warner’s Absence

Chairman Warner announced that he will be absent for next week’s Commission Meeting. Commissioner Lorello will be chairing the next meeting.

DUI Task Force Plan

Chairman Warner stated that he has received a letter from the Department of

11 Transportation stating that the DUI Task Force Plan had been approved. Chairman Warner thanked everyone for the work they did to get this put together and approved.

Streetlight Project

Chairman Warner stated that the Streetlight Project is coming along pretty good. Some streetlights are on now and they look good.

Calendar of Events

Chairman Warner went through the upcoming meetings for the week.


Nothing was discussed under Public Discussion.


With nothing further being discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Heather J. Edwards Work Session September 28, 2010/Page Thirteen


______Neal Warner, Chairman Pete Lorello, Vice- Chairman


______Rose Nyman, Commissioner Mark Sweeney, Commissioner

______ABSENT______Robert Pierce, Commissioner


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