Ordinary Meeting of Great Moulton Parish Council
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The meeting started at 7.36pm.
PRESENT: Mrs Ludkin, Mrs Stannard, Messrs Scott, Peacock and Ludkin The Clerk. Mr Webster (Footpath Officer Mr and Mrs Milne, Mr Holden (Parishioners) Apologies: Mr Thrower, Mr Eastick, Mr Wilby (District Councillor), Mr Spratt (County Councillor)
In the absence of the Chairman, Mrs Ludkin chaired the meeting.
The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read and approved. P. Ludkin, S. Mr Scott
The new printer has been purchased. the Clerk is chasing the suppliers for a VAT invoice so that it may be reclaimed. The village litter pick was a success. The Parish Council thanked those who took part. The horses have been removed from the site adjoining the Fox and Hounds.
The Clerk read a letter from the Post Office about closure of the village post office. It appears a mobile unit may be provided in the future although this statement is suitably vague. More details on the Norfolk ALC pension has been received. This confirms that Parish Councils will not be liable. It was agreed to pay the subscription for Norfolk ALC as previously discussed in the sum of £161.59. P. Mrs Stannard, S. Mr Ludkin. It is now compulsory for the Parish Council to have a website. The main framework has been set up but the Clerk would like to attend a course on its use. The cost is £65, but this should be reclaimable under a Transparency Grant. This was agreed. P. Mrs Stannard, S. Mr Ludkin A request has been received from St John's Ambulance for repairs to the "Resusci Annie". It was agreed to send £50. P. Mr Peacock, S. Mr Ludkin. A donation of £50 was also agreed for Magpas. P. Mr Scott, S. Mr Ludkin. The Parish Council has received a payment of £1177.50 under the Community Infrastructure Levy. This may make it possible to afford a defibrillator as well as the proposed SAM-2 speed sign. The Clerk will circulate details such a scheme. The Clerk has had a meeting with the representative of SAM-2 manufacturers and has agreed provisional locations for the sign. This will require the agreement of Highways, and has been referred. Mrs Taylor, Chairman of Coronation Hall has suggested a poster to persuade dog owners to clear up after their dogs. The Parish Council decided not to proceed with this in view of the cost. Mr Peacock suggested that the dog bin on Hallowing Lane could be relocated further down the road now the post office was no longer there.
3 Station Rd. Erection of a cart lodge. No objection
Land west of White House Farm Bungalow. Reserved matters on planning consent already granted. No objection
Mr Webster reported that the bridge on FP3 near Wash Lane Forncett is unsafe. The responsibility is not clear. The Clerks map shows it is on the border. It suggested Mr Webster provide costings for repair for the Parish Council to consider.
This item was deferred.
Mr Holden raised the matter of maintenance of the Churchyard. The has been waiting for the Church to state what is needed. It was agreed that The Clerk would contact Mr Holden, within the next week or so to agree a solution.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.41pm. The next meeting will be on Wednesday 13 July 2016 at 8pm in the Chapel High Green.