Certificate: Business Data Mining
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School/College: Spears School of Business Certificate: Business Data Mining Certificate Level: GRADUATE CERTIFICATE Stand-Alone Certificate Assessment Plan
Date plan was approved by department: 6/7/2017 Please note: Assessment plans must be reviewed/updated and reapproved every five (5) years. Name of Person Submitting Plan: Pistol Pete
A. Program Information: Assessment Coordinator’s Name: Pistol Pete Assessment Coordinator’s Email Address: [email protected]
B. Program Mission Statement In the box below, provide the mission statement for the program. The mission statement, educational objectives, and goals for program should guide the assessment process. The mission statement should align with department, college, and institutional mission statements. This online program is designed to help working professionals who do not want to pursue a full master’s degree yet want to acquire data mining or predictive analytics or data science skills by taking a series of courses online. Working professionals admitted in this program can complete coursework in 12-24 months by taking courses online. Those enrolled in the graduate certificate in business data mining may be able transfer the credit hours to the MS in Business Analytics if they choose to apply for admission into the MS degree at a later date. Along with the graduate certificate in business data mining, students in this program may also receive all of the following three certificates (depending on courses taken, credentials achieved, etc.):
C. Student Learning Outcomes On the pages that follow, list the Student Learning Outcomes associated with the stand-alone certificate identified in this assessment form.
1 C1) Student Learning Outcome #1: Technical Competence (Data Mining): Student demonstrate clear understanding of following data preparation, data visualization and predictive modeling techniques: Data preparation and visualization; handling missing values, handling transformation/recoding/binning of variables to improve variable distribution and/or variable’s predictive power, creating data visualizations to better understand relationships between inputs and targets; predictive modeling techniques; data splitting/balancing/oversampling, decision trees, artificial neural networks (MLP), model assessment metrics, model comparison metrics and scoring new data. Identify opportunities for students to learn this outcome during the 2016-2017 academic year: For example, include a curriculum map that lists the courses or other learning experiences in which the student learning outcome is taught. Another example is a written narrative that describes how the learning outcome is integrated into the program. Students must complete 6 credit-hours in required core courses MBAN5733 (or, MKTG5983) and MBAN5743 (or,MKTG5963); and 6 credit-hours in elective courses MKTG5243, MKTG5253, MKTG5500, MSIS5633, MSIS5643 (or, IEM5723).
How will students be selected to participate in the assessment of this outcome? All students enrolled in the SAS and OSU Data Mining certificate program that take the SAS Certified Base Programmer certification test will be assessed.
Assessment Methods Identify the method(s) used to assess this learning outcome. Check all that apply.
☐Survey ☐Satisfaction Survey ☐Interviews
☐Rating of skills (e.g., rubrics) ☐Benchmarking ☐Performance or jury
☐Analysis of written artifacts ☐Measuring effectiveness ☐Visual collection (photos, videos, relative to professional standards etc.) ☒Comprehensive, certification, or professional exam(s) ☐Review of thesis/dissertation/ ☐Review of student research creative component ☐Oral presentation ☐Other (please specify): ☐Capstone project ☐Course project Click here to specify. ☐Internship
Describe the how the assessment method will be implemented, administered, and/or conducted. All students in the SAS® and OSU Data Mining Certificate program are required to take the SAS Certified Base programmer test in the Spring of the year in which they complete the certificate. Students take this exam outside of class time in a proctored setting. A passing score on this exam is required for the SAS® and OSU Data Mining Certificate.
Does your department/program faculty have a goal set for this learning outcome? ☒Yes ☐No For example, “80% of students included in the assessment will receive a 4 on the rubric” or “80% of students included in the assessment will achieve a passing score on the certification exam.” If yes, please describe the goal below. The exam itself requires a score of 70% for a candidate to pass the exam and gain certification; for the assessment of this learning outcome, the program would like to see students obtain an 80% on the exam. Timeline for Planned Assessment
2 Indicate the timeline for the assessment of this learning outcome. While outcomes assessment must be conducted every year, not all student learning outcomes for a given program must be assessed every year. If the assessment of a particular learning outcome occurs on cycle or rotation, please describe and provide the rationale for the cycle/rotation below.
☐Each Semester ☒Yearly ☐Every other year
☐Other (please specify): If the assessment of Learning Outcome 1 occurs on a cycle or rotation, click here to describe and provide the rationale.